40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1077: See you in the picture!

"Secret Sword Bureau?"

Under the mimicry chip iris, Li Yao's real pupils shrank into two sharp pinpoints, like a poisonous lizard that saw its prey, curled up to a deeper depth in the darkness, and could erupt at any time. It was extremely violent and lethal. hit!

The Secret Sword Bureau is the largest and almost only intelligence agency in the Federation, providing vital intelligence support for the federal government, major factions, and the military.

According to Jin Xinyue's statement, only the Secret Sword Bureau could walk the very secret intelligence network in the Blood Demon Realm.

The news about the Blood Demon Realm that circulated from the Secret Sword Bureau was authoritative information. It would be really difficult for anyone to stand up if he was conclusively concluded by the Secret Sword Bureau.

If the Secret Sword Bureau had produced "unambiguous" evidence, it would indeed be possible for Ding Lingdang, Professor Mo Xuan, and Monk Fei Xing to believe it was true.

Coupled with this **** heart demon in his own body, it is really impossible to argue!

The Scarlet Heart Demon slowly poked his head out of the depths of his mind, with an innocent face: "Blam me?"

"Go away, I want to be quiet!"

Li Yao condensed a spirit, and forced the **** heart demon back into the depths of his brain, calmly thinking, "The key question is, who provided these'conclusive' false evidence?"

"There are two people who have the ability to forge false evidence and convince everyone of them, the secret sword director Lu Zui, or the first department, which is the head of the'Monster Slashing Division' that specializes in dealing with information related to the Monster Race. Spring breeze."

"Secret Sword Director Lu Zui is two hundred years old this year. When he was in the midst of the storm, the Ancestor Youquan was still eating milk! It can't be him."

"That's the spring breeze?"

Li Yao once again extracted from his brain the information that Jin Xinyue prepared for him, "Tianyuan's strongest golden pill" to pass the spring breeze.

The head of the Demon Slashing Division, who made all the saints in the Pantheon Palace tremble, is 62 years old this year, and is considered a young and middle-aged among the cultivators, and it is a good time to rise up.

According to the information collected over ten years in the Pantheon Palace, the life experience of Guochunfeng is very clear. He comes from a family of cultivators and is the son of the head of the "Red Pine Gate" of the native sect of the Great Wilderness.

However, when he was seventeen years old, there was an outbreak of the beast tide. The Hongsong Gate and its "Red Pine City" were swallowed up by the beast tide, and the whole family died from the beast tide. Only he was lucky enough to survive.

now it's right.

Perhaps the real "Crossing the Spring Breeze" had already died at the age of seventeen, and the massive beast tide erupted just to send a fake "Crossing the Spring Breeze" over!

Ever since the Red Pine Gate was destroyed, Guo Chunfeng was recruited by the Federal Army as an orphan. After five years in the army, he joined the Secret Sword Bureau.

As for the harsh training he received in the Secret Sword Bureau, it is not known. It is only known that when he was less than forty years old, he burst out four terrifying talents one after another, and cracked dozens of them in a row. The big case of the Yaozu infiltrating the Tianyuan Realm has captured several senior saints in the Pantheon.

For the Yaozu, he seemed to have a natural instinct, as long as he sniffed out his nose, he could smell the smell of the Yaozu.

It is precisely because of this that he, who is less than a hundred years old, has passed through all the way, defeated countless competitors, and became the hottest first director of the Secret Sword Bureau.

For five hundred years, the biggest enemy of the Star Federation has always been the Monster Race, and the intelligence work of the Monster Race is the top priority. As for the coming of the gods and the crimes of the practitioners, it is just a disease of scabies, and it is not to be feared.

Therefore, the first department responsible for the intelligence of the monster clan is two or three times the size of the second and third departments combined. The director of the first department will almost certainly become the future director of the secret sword bureau!

On the list of suspicions analyzed by Li Yao and Jin Xinyue, the possibility that the spring breeze will be an "episode" was originally great, so the suspicion has almost risen to over 95%!

"Lu Zui is a long-established Nascent Soul monk. He stepped onto the Nascent Soul realm a few decades ago and became an important figure in the Secret Sword Bureau. It is absolutely impossible for Youquan ancestor to drop him off!"

Li Yao once again confirmed, "Even if Ancestor Youquan could kill Lu Zui, where would he go to get a confidant with the same strength as Lu Zui?"

"Did he first recruit a Demon Emperor as a confidant, let the Demon Emperor consume too much Chaos Divine Blood, transform into a human form, disguised as Lu Zui, and then think of a way to Li Daitao Zheng, let this'fake Lu Zui' preside over the secret sword game" Didn’t reveal any flaws in his daily work for decades?"

"Just kidding! If Youquan Old Ancestor had such abilities, the Spore Project would have succeeded 18 years earlier!"

"So, it can only be a spring breeze, time, identity and position are all right!"

"He is the head of the Demon Slashing Division, who is directly responsible for the front-line intelligence collection and analysis work. If he provided false information at the beginning, he might have deceived everyone including Lu Zui!"

While he was pondering, he heard Duan Muming say: "Brother Han, understand now, the Li Yao you encountered in the Blood Demon Realm absolutely has a problem. No matter what he wants you to do, you must be concealed! So, tell his plan, Let's analyze it carefully, and then go to Tie Shuai to make it clear!"

Li Yao’s voice was full of deep suspicion: "Really, but I bring hope of peace! The blood demon world is willing to surrender conditionally. We have won this war. The next step is to be at the negotiating table. In order to seek more benefits for the Federation, without sacrificing a single soldier!"

Duan Muming raised his eyebrows: "Oh? What is the current situation in the Blood Demon Realm, and what are the specific conditions thrown by the Pantheon?"

Li Yao shook his head and said: "I have brought a lot of official documents and letters from the Pantheon Palace, but these details will wait until I see Tie Shuai. Now, please **** me to see Tie Shuai, Brother Duanmu!"

Duan Muming's face was uncertain: "Brother Han, I have said so much just now, can't you still believe me completely?"

Li Yao hesitated and said, "Of course I believe Brother Duanmu, but I don’t know if the people around you can believe it. Before leaving, Li Yao revealed to me a top-secret message. People of ancestors!"

Duan Muming was taken aback, took a deep breath and said, "I'm afraid this is the trick of the blood demon again, right?"

Li Yao said, "I don't know if it's a trick. Anyway, I brought back a lot of information and sent it to Tie Shuai. Tie Shuai decides that!"

Duan Muming squinted his eyes and nodded: "Okay, it's a big deal. Let's go back to the command center of the Longxiang regiment and talk to Tie Shuai directly, and then I will send a spar battleship to send you back to the general manager. Staff!"

He stepped forward again and stretched out the steel arm wrapped in crystal armor to Li Yao: "Brother Han, can I walk by myself?"

"no problem!"

Li Yao took Duan Muming's hand very naturally and was supported by him. After breathing for a while, he walked out with one foot high and one low.

He walked in front of Duanmuming and didn't seem to perceive Duanmuming's gloomy gaze at all.

The two of them trudged all the way out and soon saw a ray of light at the entrance of the cave.


Li Yao seemed to have his whole body bones removed, and his whole body instantly weakened, like a poisonous snake, but also like a dead leaf, fluttering from the ground.

Above him, where the head and chest were originally located, there were two "clicks", two magic weapons like traps popped out of the darkness, biting each other fiercely, igniting a dazzling electric arc, hundreds of runes The **** came out, and after spinning rapidly, it condensed into two indestructible prohibitions!

If Li Yao didn't squat or squat, he would be bitten by the iron teeth and steel teeth of the two magic weapons, and the internal organs and pipa bones would be locked by the prohibition!

Li Yao let out a low growl, just now he was still in the shape of a dead leaf, and it inflated like a balloon in an instant, flashing towards the entrance of the cave, but was forced back by the two crystal armors ambushing in the entrance of the cave.

Wow! Wow! Wow!

The surrounding rock walls were cracked, and Duan Muming, a total of six heavy crystal armors exuding powerful aura surrounded him, and the narrow caves were blocked by the wind!

"Brother Duanmu, what does this mean!"

Li Yao ran through the pupils and roared wildly.

Duan Muming did not expect that "Han Tuhu" would escape the capture of the two prohibited magic weapons, his face was a bit ugly, the translucent mask gradually turned into a silver color, and he sneered: "What do you mean? Very simple! Brother Han, you are. The comrades of'Blood Demon Li Yao', before going to see Tie Shuai, of course, they have to send you to the Secret Sword Bureau, to interrogate you, and thoroughly clear your suspicion!

"It turns out that you are the'Son of the Nether'!"

Li Yaoru woke up from the dream, with a strange cry, rushed towards Duanmuming, the bone tail turned into a lightning lance!

Duan Muming took a breath of air. He didn't expect that his opponent would even know the sensitive name "Nether Child", and his heart would be more murderous!

He and Han Tuhu are both commanders of the Federation Army, and they have fought against each other many times during military exercises, and their combat strength is almost the same.

However, he has crystal armor on his body, his combat power has been increased several times, and he was prepared long ago, ready to go. "Han Tuhu" was seriously injured. Apart from the carapace, he didn't even have half of the armor. How could it be his? opponent?

"Catch alive!"

Duanmuming gave a grinning grin. On the crystal armor's fists, two groups of frost instantly condensed. The bone tail that did not evade the ****, but slammed against Li Yao's chest, and the fists returned. In mid-air, the cone of ice on the fist is constantly extending, just like sharp fangs!

The other five armor masters also flew up amidst wild roars. The dazzling magic weapon released a storm-like wind blade and power grid!

They are all dead men trained by Duan Muming himself. When dealing with the strong Jin Dan, they have their own set of exquisite totaling methods. They do not want to defeat the enemy with one blow, but use their burly figure to firmly seal the target. Space, convenient for Duanmuming's main attack!

——If their target is really seriously injured Han Tuhu, there is absolutely no chance of escape.

Unfortunately, their opponent is Li Yao!

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