40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1078: Frighten the snake!


Thousands of electric arcs condensed on the five armor masters' battle knives, and they smashed into Li Yao's body. Duan Muming's ice cone and double fists were also just right to his chest!

The ice flower burst, forming a crystal clear ice wall around Li Yao!

However, in the next instant, the arc was swallowed by strong psychic energy, rotated, and bounced back to the five armor masters, causing their crystal armor to stagnate for an instant!

The carapace around Li Yao burst along with the ice wall, and the acid sac hidden under the carapace burst into a puff of acid mist that could corrode crystal lines, spreading rapidly in all directions!

The spear-like bone tail whizzed out, lightning also seemed to pierce Duanmuming's eyebrows, the tip of the bone had not penetrated, and a bone-thinning chill had penetrated Duanmuming's brain!

Duanmuming's liver and guts were broken, and he did not expect that the strength of "Han Tuhu" suddenly skyrocketed. Even the five lightning sabers did not even realize it. This is definitely not something that the golden core powerhouse can do!

"you are not--"

The three words "Han Tuhu" have not yet been exported, the bone tail is in the middle of the brow of the visor!

Duan Muming's cervical vertebrae seemed to be instantly invisible, and his head leaned back deeply, almost folded, trying to let the bone tail slide over the visor.

The bone tail exploded in front of him with a "boom", and the strong arc and flash made all the crystal eyes on Duanmu Ming's visor instantly invalidate, making him blind for a second!


Li Yao took the opportunity to skim behind Duan Muming, his figure shrank into a ball the size of a ball, relying on a huge crystal armor to cover himself!

The five dead men trained by Duan Muming, who were not the general ones, broke free from the arc interference in an instant, and locked Li Yao one after another. All kinds of flying swords and explosive bullets were trying to ****, but they were lost. the goal.

Duan Muming stood in between them and Li Yao. The "Identification Friend or Foe System" locked all their magic weapons. It was impossible to penetrate Duan Muming and attack Li Yao.

This cave is very narrow, and it is impossible to bypass Duanmuming to attack.


There was a loud noise behind Duan Muming, as if he had been kicked hard by Li Yao, a strong tail flame spurted from behind his buttocks, and he flew towards the five dead men happily, and the six smashed into a ball.

In such a narrow cave, the heavy crystal armor turned into a burden. Li Yao did not wear half of the armor around his body, and his figure was as strong as a civet. Drilled through the gap between!

"Huh! Huh!"

Li Yao's ten-fingered micro bombs blew dozens of miniature spar bombs into the gaps in the crystal armors of the two armor masters. There were a number of "pops", and the two of them were suddenly entangled by thousands of electric arcs, and the crystal wires were broken. , The crystal armor lost control, and it trembled violently as if it had gone mad.

Li Yao held one hand, and after putting on the heavy crystal armor, the armor master, who weighed several tons, was as light as nothing in his hand, and directly swung out toward the entrance of the cave!

Unsurprisingly, when the first armor master was thrown out, dozens of flying swords and mysterious lights shot out from the entrance of the cave, piercing him fiercely and screaming endlessly.

The second armor master was swiped out again, but Li Yao turned into a stream of light and hid under this armor master!

The first attack missed his own person, and the dead soldier ambushing outside was a little hesitant. When the second armor master was thrown out, he could not help but spend half a second to scan. After the scan found that he was still his own, even more so. Will start.

It took them another half a second to scan for Li Yao's existence through thermal induction, it was too late!

Li Yao severely kicked the second armor master, kicking the man towards the seven or eight dead soldiers who were ambushing at the entrance of the cave.

With a "boom", the spar bomb he installed behind the armor master exploded severely.

This spar bomb was installed by Li Yao around the ultra-high compression crystal element reactor cauldron behind the armor master. The explosion caused a chain reaction, just like the armor master exploded directly, a huge fireball. Completely swallow the entire hole.

Li Yao sneered and snapped his fingers softly. In the airspace around 20 to 30 meters, the air was distorted, and it seemed as if an unfathomable vortex appeared. From each vortex, a triptych appeared. Six-tube rotating Vulcan cannon!

A total of 36 Vulcan cannons and 108 barrels, like a mobile battle fort, burst into flames frantically!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

Almost half of the entire stone forest has to be cut off, and the dust rises like hundreds of yellow dragons, entrenched in a radius of four to five kilometers!

Before the dust and smoke completely occupied the sky, Li Yao scanned the surrounding situation.

There were not too many Federal forces stationed around, and even the four spar battleships engraved with the word "Dragon Xiang" were parked dozens of miles away.

This proves his judgment-even if Duan Muming is the commander of the Dragon Xiang battle group, it is impossible to drag many ordinary soldiers into the water, and they will die until they die, and they will be tied to a chariot with Youquan ancestors. Yes, after all, it is a very small number.

However, it is impossible for Li Yao to go directly to the ordinary soldiers and

Because in the perception of most people, the vulture Li Yao is dead; in the perception of a small group of people, the "Vulture Li Yao" has become the "Blood Demon Li Yao"!

Without conclusive evidence, how can others believe his words?

Duan Muming must have colluded with Guo Chunfeng, and spread a huge net in the Federal Army and the Secret Sword Bureau, which was not so easy to break through.

"Will you need proof? Easy!"

Facing the sinister situation, Li Yao did not feel frustrated or panic at all, but was full of eager excitement. Every pore in his body was relaxed, and his fighting spirit was sprayed outward!

He seemed to have returned to the days when he was in the tomb of the magic treasure 20 years ago, with a thin body of a young man, and hundreds of fierce and strong men!

In the next second, he retracted the Vulcan Cannon, but released the Xiaolong and the Blackwing Sword, making the Xiaolong into a concealed form, and flew to an altitude of more than a thousand meters to monitor the situation, but the Blackwing Sword was at the highest speed. Go south!

Afterwards, Li Yao locked all pores, secretly operated the psychic energy, and reduced the heartbeat, breathing and pulse to the limit, and even his body temperature was adjusted to the same temperature as the outside world!

Under the cover of the dust in the sky, Li Yao wore a camouflage cloth in optical camouflage, like a chameleon, quietly hovering in the depths of the shattered stone forest ruins.

There is only a few tens of meters between him and Duanmuming.


Duan Muming rushed out from the ground, drew his sword and looked around, only to see the toppling stone forest and the dust floating in the sky.

Jing Brain detected a strong wave of psychic energy and rushed towards the south, thinking that the target had already escaped.


Duan Muming, annoyed into anger, cut off a trembling stone pillar with a sword, completely exploded the stone pillar, and then opened a secret communication channel.

"Leader Liao, the target flew towards your defense zone, pay attention, he is not Han Tuhu, his strength is at least three times that of Han Tuhu, at least!"

"In the name of'searching for the infiltration of the monster race,' blockade the entire defense area, and not a lizard can be let go!"

"Zhang, this is Duanmu, we are in trouble..."

Duan Muming sent out seven consecutive communications and got in touch with seven middle- and high-level officers of the Federal Army.

Some people called out their positions, while others matched them by surnames, or called their names directly.

Through these middle and high-ranking officers, he cast a net of heaven and earth on the great wilderness.

——It’s a pity that Duan Muming didn’t know that the person he gritted his teeth and wanted to catch was hiding beside him, and through the receiving symbolic array hidden deep in the cochlea, he listened to every word and word he said. It's clear.

Li Yao deliberately uttered the four words "son of the netherworld", which was to deliberately "raise the grass and startle the snake", causing Duan Muming to panic, realizing that something was wrong, and contacting his comrades.

Just now, Li Yao rushed towards Duanmuming and attacked his visor with the bone tail, not to destroy his crystal eyes, but to destroy the defensive array of his visor, so that when he dodges behind him, God does not know. Unconsciously, the ghost stuck a Lingbo interceptor made by Li Yao himself on the outside of his crystal brain.

This Lingbo interceptor integrates the functions of eavesdropping, positioning, infiltration and tracking of the Lingnet. It can not only record all the sound information sent and received by Duan Muming, but also follow the transmission of the Lingbo, trace the source, and follow the vine. , To locate the coordinates of the other end of the communication channel.


Deep in the dust, Li Yao whistled softly in his heart.

The seven communications sent by Duan Muming helped him locate seven coordinates. The voiceprint information of three of them was consistent with the three suspects of the "Nether Sons" that they analyzed and could be confirmed.

The other four are not sure who they are, but their voiceprint information and coordinates have been recorded by Li Yao. In the near future, these are irrefutable evidence!

"Drip! Dip! Dip!"

Duan Muming sent out the eighth communication again. This time the transmission speed of Lingbo was extremely long, as if he was trying to connect to a very far away place.

In Li Yao's eyes, a strange brilliance flashed. In the ultra-thin chip embedded above the iris, countless data fell like a waterfall, all the way to the south of the Great Blade Pass, somewhere in the interior of the Xingyao Federation.

It's... Heavenly City!

Duan Muming talked with someone far away in the capital through a secret channel!

"We are in trouble!"

After waiting for five seconds, the conversation was finally connected, but the other party did not speak, just a faint breathing sound.

Duanmu Ming said anxiously, "That person is not Han Tuhu. His strength is at least three times stronger than Han Tuhu. He is very likely to reach the Yuan Ying level. Now he has escaped my encirclement and is fleeing to the south!"

Li Yao concentrated on analyzing that due to the size of the tracker, he could not embed too many functions after all. It would take longer to accurately locate the opponent's coordinates.

"Quickly, say something more!"

Li Yao secretly said, "I still need... thirty seconds!"

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