40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1082: Big news!

"Trouble now."

Li Yao was scratching his messy hair, feeling a bit of a cocoon. "With the help of the super giant "Liaoyuan" and 200,000 Taixu soldiers, the strength of the Union Army can be increased by at least 50%. It is indeed an expedition. The power of the blood demon world."

"At this time, the Blood Demon Realm first lost 14 Demon Emperors and more than 20 front-line main forces, and then fell into internal fighting!"

"Jin Tuyi is not a good man and believer, he started a big cleansing, killing people's heads and blood, but he didn't blink his eyelids!"

"Plus the outbreak of the demon **** virus, the plague is raging..."

"The strength of the Blood Demon Realm has indeed fallen to its lowest point in thousands of years."

"Under the circumstances, it's no wonder that those deep-scheming Nascent Soul bosses are tempted, and scream for an expedition!"

To be honest, if Li Yao didn't know the inside story of the Blood Demon Realm and let him and Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao move in a different place, he might agree to the expedition.

Naturally impossible now.

Even if you put aside all good and evil, considering the national interests of the Star Federation, there is no benefit in this war.

Not to mention whether the Tianyuan Realm can solve the blood demon realm cleanly and neatly under Jin Tuyi's strategy of "completely shrinking defense".

"Blood debt and blood compensation" are all nonsense. No country will expedition to another country purely for the word "hate". The biggest purpose of the expedition of the Tianyuan Realm is to capture a large number of monsters and send them to the Feixing Realm's resources. Go mining on the planet to obtain a lot of resources, expand your power, and deal with the invasion of the real human empire a hundred years later.

The problem is here, now the blood demon world is raging with plague, walking corpses crawling all over the floor!

If at this time, the Federal Army makes a big expedition and defeats all the Allied Demons that originally controlled the plague, the only result is that all the monster races will either become walking corpses, or become out-of-control mutants, or become the ancestors of Youquan. slave.

So, even if the Ancestor Youquan is killed in the end, who can you find to mine? Let the out-of-control variant with a life span of only ten and a half months go to dig?

Without a large number of demons to develop the Flying Star Realm with the highest efficiency, sufficient resources will not be collected. Without sufficient resources, the new federation cannot be built, let alone develop outward. Then, what is waiting for the federation is destined in a hundred years. The destruction!

From this perspective, to end the war as soon as possible, help the blood demon world control the plague, try to keep more demon races, and find ways to stimulate their enthusiasm, so that they are willing to work on the resource planet, this is the only way out for the Federation! "

"I am right."

Li Yao once again strengthened his Dao heart, "Even with the help of the Liaoyuan and Taixu Warriors, this war is not in the national interest of the Star Federation. I must stop this war. Let countless compatriots die in the blood demon world in vain, but pushed the Federation on a path of destruction!

But what should I do?

The complexity of the situation far exceeded his and Jin Tuyi's predictions.

No matter how Zhizhu Jin Tuyi holds, he is only a monster, not a god. When formulating the final version of the "Red Tide Plan", he could neither think of the existence of "Nether Son" and "Abyss." It is predicted that there will be powerful magic weapons such as "Liaoyuan" and "Taixu Fighting Soldiers" joining, making the war intent of the entire Federation crazy!

These two things made the originally very easy task suddenly arduous.

"I have the key evidence. The question is how to get the evidence into the hands of the target person!"

Li Yao rubbed his temples vigorously and analyzed the three target characters again.

"Secret Sword Director Lu Zui must have been deceived by the'Abyss' passing spring breeze, not to mention the fact that these intelligence agents come and go without a trace, I don't know where to find him at all."

"Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao is the most determined main battle faction. He is setting off a wave in the parliament to expedition to the blood demon world! He who was beaten by the Liaoyuan and Taixu soldiers is not easy to persuade, let alone I want to How to break through the encirclement of thousands of troops and face this big military leader?"

"Talking about the Yangtze River and Ocean Currents is the most suitable choice. Only he has not been dazzled by anger and ambition, but the question is the same. How can I approach him?"

With his ass, Li Yao knew that since the raid happened three months ago, the defense of the capital must have been unprecedentedly tight, not to mention the heart of the Speaker’s Residence or the Parliament Building!

To sneak into the Speaker’s Residence, I'm afraid it's more difficult to sneak into the headquarters of the Pantheon Hall!

The trickiest part is that when you sneak into the Pantheon Temple headquarters or the Eye of the Blood Demon, you are surrounded by enemies. Li Yao has no scruples. He can use spar bombs to create chaos at any time, and use war knives and Vulcan cannons to kill them. .

But now, regardless of whether the Federal Army, the Secret Sword Bureau, or the bodyguards next to the Speaker, 99% are his own people in the dark, how can he attack them?

In case of infiltrating, causing any damage, hurting good people who are dedicated to their duties, even innocent passers-by, not to mention their guilt, just say that the hat of "Blood Demon Li Yao" must be buckled to death, jump. I can't clean it even when I enter the Milky Way.

"Damn it!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth and suddenly realized that he had fallen into a game that was far more sinister than in the Flying Star Realm and the Blood Demon Realm!

"If I can't see the Speaker, how about I just expose my identity in the crowd?"

Li Yao shook his head vigorously, and instantly denied the idea.

He caused such a big mess in the Great Famine. Now, the Spring Breeze must bring a large number of secret swordsmen, looking for him like hungry hounds. No matter where he appears, the first one to rush to the scene must be past. Spring breeze and secret swordsman.

If he does not resist, he will be taken away by the spring breeze.

If he resists, he will definitely injure a large number of cultivators, the Federation Army and the secret sword ambassador, and he will further confirm his identity as a "Blood Demon"!

It's a dilemma!

"Otherwise, go to Ding Lingdang, Professor Mo Xuan, or the Flying Star Monk Lu Xingzi?"

After deliberation, only these old friends are the most reliable.

Even if they don’t believe in themselves, they won’t let themselves fall into the hands of the Secret Sword Bureau easily. The flying star monk with the "Liaoyuan" has enough power to fight the Secret Sword Bureau. The evidence they bring is passed through them. It can also be transferred to the speaker.

The body is not afraid of the shadow leaning, anyway, Li Yao didn't do anything wrong, just let them investigate!

While groaning, the Scarlet Heart Golem emerged from the depths of his mind like a small worm, and asked pitifully, "Then what should I do?"

Li Yao said with a stern face: "Of course it is to ask Ding Lingdang, Professor Mo Xuan and Senior Luo Xingzi to work together to find a way to get rid of you!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon screamed: "So cruel? Senior Jin has said that we want to live together in peace!"

Ignoring the roar of the Scarlet Inner Demon, Li Yao entered the word "Ding Lingdang" on the light screen and started searching.

In the past ten years, Ding Lingdang has been a brilliant figure in the Star Federation. Countless teenagers have been loyal to her. She has established thousands of websites and forums for her on the Internet. Among them, the largest website "Chi Yan" There are more than 50 million registered users!

"Blasting Flame Demon Dragon" is what the Blood Demon Realm calls Ding Lingdang. In the Heavenly Origin Realm, everyone calls this windy female warrior the "Queen of Scarlet Flames"!

Watching a segment of the fighting video, Ding Lingdang's brutal collision, brutal tearing, and crazy bombardment made Li Yao's eyes straightened, and his eyes glowed with obsessive light.

"I haven't seen her in ten years, she is getting stronger and stronger, I like it!"

Li Yao swallowed hard, looking up Ding Lingdang's latest developments.

He knows that many young people in the Star Federation will set up organizations such as "backup clubs" for the cultivators to follow and report on the latest situation of idols, and even organize members to meet with idols.

Sure enough, although Ding Lingdang's direct contact information was not found on the website, he found a call-up post.

Seven days later, Ding Lingdang will be in the capital, Tiandu, to attend the 100-day memorial ceremony for the victims of the "Tide of the Beast Strike" in the capital. This post is to summon the star chasers in the capital to meet Ding Lingdang.

"The Hundred Days Ceremony?"

Li Yao brightened his eyes and entered the keyword into the search box, and a large section of information quickly popped out.

Seven days later, the memorial ceremony will be of extremely high standards and great momentum. It will be personally hosted by the Federal Council on the Yangtze River and Hailiu. Senior officials from the political and revisionist circles will participate.

The number of ordinary people participating in the commemoration ceremony has reached millions!

In addition to commemorating the deaths of the beasts in the capital more than three months ago, the federal government will also officially open the super giant ship "Liaoyuan" from the flying star world, and park it over the capital!

At that time, not only the tens of millions of citizens in the capital will pay attention to this event, but the tens of billions of citizens of the entire Federation will pay attention to the legendary fantasy warship through the media!

Perhaps the federal government wants to eliminate the insecurities of the people and rebuild confidence in this way.

This news made Li Yao's eyes flicker, and an extremely crazy idea jumped out.

"Now, the most feared thing in the Spring Breeze of the'Nether Son' and the'Abyss' is that I will be exposed to the public, so they will do everything possible to obliterate my existence and slander me as a gorefiend!"

"If I find a small town at random and jump out and yell'I am Li Yao, the vulture,' I will definitely be regarded as a lunatic by ordinary people, and then be taken away by the spring breeze in the first place!"

"But, what if it's the capital?"

"What if in front of millions of citizens, under the lens of thousands of media, Yee Yangtze River Ocean Current, Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao, and Secretary of the Secret Sword Lu Zui, jumped out under the noses of the heads of hundreds of sects?"

"If I were in the liveliest period of the Hundred Days Memorial Ceremony, when the Liaoyuan slowly landed over the capital, when everyone's eyes were focused on it, I suddenly jumped out and passed the magic weapon on the hull of the Liaoyuan. Type eight characters on it!"

"I'm Li Yao, I'm still alive!"

"What will happen then?"

"Can the Secret Sword Bureau capture or kill me in full view? Even if I am captured, can the Spring Breeze hide everyone from it and conduct a secret interrogation?"


Li Yao snapped his fingers fiercely, his crescent-like eyes were full of smiles, "Nether Son and Abyss, do everything possible to obliterate my existence, I will go to Tiandu to make a big news and see how you can cover it up!"

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