40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1083: The duel begins!

Li Yao was very busy all day.

After slipping away from the back door of the fast food restaurant, he first stayed in a game room with a fully enclosed somatosensory game room for an hour like a real middle school student. In the game room, he calmly thought about how he should go to Tiandu. .

From the small border town to the capital, the most convenient way is naturally to put on the battle armor of profound bones and fly directly.

With his current cultivation base, he would stop and adjust his breath at most twice in the middle, and he would definitely be able to arrive in one day and night.

However, the inland is no better than the Great Wilderness. It is densely populated and has many denominations. Everywhere is the eyes and ears of the Federal Army's air defense formation and the secret sword bureau.

The current profound bone battle armor uses a large amount of biochemical materials, which will release a steady stream of demon energy when it is in operation. When he wears the profound bone battle armor, he looks like a big demon in every way, and the air defense battle does not beat him. In the end, I am simply sorry that taxpayers have paid so much "special war tax" every year.

Moreover, Li Yao believed that the minions who had passed the spring breeze must be looking for clues behind his ass. Once they were overtaken by these people, the two sides fought fiercely, and he didn't even have a chance to explain.

Since Tiandu City is going to hold a large-scale gathering of millions of people, the Speaker, the Chief of General Staff, and the heads of major sects will all show up. The defense must be unprecedentedly strong. Under the premise of "not hurting the innocent", I want to force a breakthrough to see The speaker is an almost impossible task.

"So, as an ordinary person, how about taking civilian transportation to go to Tiandu City through legal means?"

In 30 minutes, Li Yao initially sorted out the overall plan and left the game room.

Before leaving, he and a young man who had just walked into the game room knocked lightly and touched each other's wallet.

Gently pinched with two fingers, he stole the youth's ID card very concealedly, but the cash and Gold Link Card in it were not moved, and he left his wallet at the door of the game room.

Soon, he heard the game room owner yell: "Whose wallet?"

After confirming that the young man had retrieved his wallet and would not make things worse, he found a public toilet, changed his face, and roughly disguised himself as a young man.

He bought two paper copies of the federal civil transport ship route map and the crystal rail train traffic map at the newsstand. Then he found a dilapidated small hotel and opened a room with the youth ID card. To study it.

An hour later, Li Yao determined the route to Tiandu.

At half past one in the afternoon, banks of all sizes in the city were open for business. Li Yao hung in front of a business branch of the "Federal Commercial Bank", waiting patiently.

The reason for choosing a bank is that people who go to the bank to handle business will bring their own ID cards.

In half an hour, Li Yao selected two prey, their figures and appearances are almost the same as his. One is a middle-aged man in his 70s or 80s, and the other is a young man in his 20s or 30s.

Both of them are quite fashionable, looking like people who can afford to travel long distances.

With crystal eyes, Li Yao recorded the facial expressions and walking postures of the two of them, brushed past them, glued an eavesdropping chip to their collars, and collected their voiceprint information.

Later, he stole their ID cards.

He first made up as a middle-aged person, came to "Beining City Jinggui Train West Station", through the ticket window, using the middle-aged person's ID card, in cash to buy a ticket to go to Tiandu early tomorrow morning .

The 100-day commemorative ceremony and the launch of the Liaoyuan was an exciting federal event. Many citizens of Beining wanted to attend. The ticket hall was bustling with excitement.

Fortunately, the authorities have long anticipated this situation, and a lot of transport ships and express trains have been temporarily added to major cities and towns throughout the Federation.

That's the case. Li Yao still didn't buy a seat ticket in a haste, but only bought a standing ticket without a seat.

Li Yao didn’t care. He held the ticket in his arms and avoided the surveillance eyes. He changed his face again in the toilet of an express hotel outside the station. He returned to the ticket hall and purchased another young man’s ID card I got another ticket for the Crystal Rail train, which was a little later.

It took forty-five minutes to complete all this.

He returned to the bank where the two prey had done business just now, and threw their ID cards into the corner.

When the two prey found that their ID cards were missing, they would definitely go back to the bank to look for them, because their wallets were easy to carry with them. where is it?

As long as they find the ID, there will be no suspicion.

Even if suspicion arises, it has nothing to do with the overall situation. They are not Li Yao's focus.

After that, Li Yao traveled around the city and went to another branch of the "Bei Ning Development Bank" to find the third prey.

This is his real goal, a woman in her thirties and forties with heavy makeup and a stout figure.

When she was handling the business, Li Yao glanced at her ID card secretly. The photo on the ID card did not look like her at all.

Li Yao did the same. After stealing the woman's ID card, he went to the ticket hall of the "Beining City Crystal Rail Train East Station" and bought a ticket for 11:30 noon the next day with cash.

Not to go to Tiandu, but to another big city "Qingyuan City" which is 230 kilometers away from Tiandu.

Next, instead of throwing the woman's ID directly back to the bank, he returned to the hotel.

When leaving the East Station, he randomly touched a wallet from a passenger, emptied the money, Gold Link Card and ID card inside, and left his empty wallet in the bushes outside the East Station.

This is just a very common station theft case, which happens dozens of times every day, and it hardly arouses any suspicion.

Back at the hotel, Li Yao took out the two ID cards and the magic weapon for refining, and began to transform.

In theory, the "Xingyao Federal Citizen ID Card" is also a very sophisticated magic weapon. The surface is engraved with hundreds of interlocking spiritual patterns, and the inside is embedded with a chip that stores a large amount of personal information.

With Li Yao's refining strength, using the "super-micro engraving" technique of "two-handed supersonic speed", forging the shell of an ID card is not a problem.

The problem is that the information in the internal chip is networked across the federation. Without the help of a crystal brain expert, he could not forge it.

Therefore, his solution was to fake the ID of another stranger as the ID of the stout woman, and leave the real ID of the stout woman on him.

There was no internal core involved, but external tampering. Li Yao quickly completed the work and threw the forged ID card back before the bank got off work.

He knew that after the bank was off work, a comprehensive cleaning and inspection would be carried out. At that time, this forged ID would be discovered. According to the information left on the surface spirit pattern, the stout woman who lost the ID would be notified.

As for the internal chip, it will be scanned unless it is for important business, hotel accommodation, or long-distance transportation.

Li Yao believes that in just one day, the stout woman should not find that her ID card has been lost.

Even if it was discovered, the Beining city police could not track him down so quickly.

After two or three days, even if it is discovered, it doesn't matter.

In the small noodle restaurant next to the hotel, he enjoyed a large bowl of noodles and eggs. Li Yao once again appeared at the Jinggui Train West Station in Beining City.

This time, he came to the exit, waiting specifically for the arrival of the crystal rail train with the departure station "Tiandu", watching the passengers very patiently.

In the middle of the night, he once again locked three targets. By tapping the conversation and checking his belongings, he confirmed that they were all citizens of Tiandu, and they were on a short business trip to Beining, and they had already purchased a return ticket. Will go back in two days.

In other words, seven days later, when the Hundred Days Commemoration Ceremony is held, they should all be in Tiandu City.

Li Yao obtained the voiceprints, fingerprints, facial expressions and personal data of the three prey, and returned to the hotel, it was late at night.

Next, he took to the extreme the skills he learned from Star Pirate Feng Yuzhong and Saint Jin Xinyue to make a face change, and finally prepared six sets of voiceprints, fingerprints and identity information before sunrise.

Now, he can disguise as six ordinary people with different identities at will, three citizens of Beining and three citizens of Tiandu.

At 7:30 in the morning, Li Yao passed the ticket gate and used the first disguise to enter the platform of the first crystal rail train.

In accordance with the safety regulations for crystal rail trains of the Star Federation, an ID card is required when purchasing a ticket, and only the ticket is required when entering the station for ticket checking.

However, after the crystal rail train starts, it may encounter random inspections.

However, this train was overcrowded, and every carriage was so densely packed that even a needle could not be inserted into it. Li Yao doubted how the random inspection would be carried out.

It didn't matter how he proceeded, because he didn't plan to take this train at all.

After swaying for a while on the platform, he performed a ghostly posture, avoided all the monitoring eyes, and turned out of the station.

At nine o'clock in the morning, in a small supermarket far from the station, Li Yao used the supermarket's public sound transmission system to dial the service channel of a luxury hotel in Tiandu.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

A sweet voice came from the other side.

"Hello, I saw your wedding banquet advertisement on the Internet, which is the "Colorful and Exquisite Golden Shrimp Banquet" at a table of 18,881. I would like to ask whether this lobster is guaranteed to be fresh? My son I am preparing to get married on National Day, and my daughter-in-law is from the sea. You can eat something fresh or not."

Li Yao said gruffly.

"Sir, please rest assured that the all-seafood wedding banquet of our Sovereign Hotel uses fresh seafood that was frozen and delivered to the capital from'Dongougang' that morning to ensure that it will not be served from the sea to the table. More than twelve hours, and using the most advanced instant freezing technology to preserve. After thawing, all the seafood is alive and kicking. If you are interested, you might as well leave a contact information, and ask our catering manager to personally ask you later. Introduction?"

The voice on the other side became sweeter and sweeter.

"Oh, I'll look at it again."

Li Yao cut off the communication rudely, and scanned the time, at 9:05.

At 9:55, he used his second false identity to get on the second crystal track train, but he jumped out of the toilet window, left West Station for the second time, and went straight to East Station. .

At the East Station, he boarded the third train bound for Qingyuan City as a stout woman with heavy makeup.

He didn't get off the train until the train was slowly suspended under the drive of the anti-gravity rune array and ran forward along the rune crystal track. Instead, he drifted with the crowd in the crowded crowd.

Under the makeup stained by sweat, there is a smile of confidence and provocation.

Li Yao really wanted to know, what was going on at the moment when the chief of the Demon Slashing Division of the Secret Sword Bureau known as the "Demon Hunter", as the most terrifying dark child of Youquan ancestor, was going through the spring breeze?

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