40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1084: Spring breeze!

"After the spring breeze, the Federal Weather Service, Storm Research Institute, Data Monitoring Center, Chief Researcher?"

The old policeman oversaw the information in the register several times, and then glanced at the middle-aged man in front of him with his scrutiny. He didn't understand why such a clear water yamen had weather conditions, so how could he get through the way above? They will be released soon.

The middle-aged man wore a wrinkled gray casual dress. The cuffs were extremely thin and exuded the smell of tobacco that is characteristic of people who often stay up late. His hair was greasy and seemed to have not been washed for a few days, and his appearance was extremely mediocre. He broomed his eyebrows and drooped his eyes. The red and swollen eyes, the appearance of lack of sleep and energy, reminded the old policeman of the old cat who was dozing off all day.

He didn't seem to be used to a place like the police station. He looked a little cramped. He kept rubbing the plastic bag in his hand. The plastic bag was printed with the name of a supermarket, and it contained a glass tea cup and an egg cake with two fried dough sticks.

"The Federal Weather Service, who is also a national civil servant, must be more sensitive to this kind of thing."

The old policeman frowned and said, "Your daughter has caused this incident, it can be big or small, just talk about the current situation in the country, right? Everyone understands that young people are bloody, marching on the streets, asking for expedition to the blood demon world. , This is all justifiable. Some young people in our bureau are still going to the streets after they get off work!"

"If it's a normal parade, I didn't say anything. Our police will maintain order, even if they serve tea and water, they are all patriotic youths! But the parade will be the parade, the assembly will be the assembly. Why do we throw rotten eggs on other professors? That’s it for the eggs, and rushed up to make the professor black eyes. Isn’t that inappropriate?"

"Yes Yes Yes."

After the spring breeze, he apologized pitifully, "You are right, we must apologize to Professor Xue, a good apology!"


The old policeman nodded, "Fortunately, Professor Xue is not badly injured, and he is also generous and will not be held accountable. Otherwise, this matter will not be so easy to end! Tell you, you are too old, after taking your daughter home, Parents should also educate more. This time there is no major incident. What about next time? A seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl did not take a serious shot. What if she really hurt someone? You said we should not be detained! "

"You are right, I must educate well, educate well!"

The spring breeze soon lowered his head into his crotch.

"Okay, let's sign it!"

With a wave of his hand, the old policeman walked aside, revealing a cold girl with a colorful shaved head, a nose ring on her nose, and a nine-star rising dragon emblem tattooed under her left eye.

After the spring breeze, I was dumbfounded and reached out to wipe the tattoo on my daughter's body: "You, what's the matter with your face!"

"Don't move, I just got it, it still hurts!"

Guo Xiaohe knocked off his father's hand and rushed out angrily.

After the spring breeze, he hurriedly apologized to the old policeman and hurriedly completed the formalities. When he arrived at the parking spot of the shuttle bus, he saw that his daughter was desperately pulling the door of her grocery shopping cart, and the door handle was almost pulled down by her.

Looking at her daughter's rebellious attitude, she won't be hit by the spring breeze, and after a long breath of breath, she didn't know what to say. It was enough to think that her daughter was kept in the police station for a whole night. Egg pancakes will be added. Tucked it into his daughter's arms, he uncovered his teacup and handed it over.


Guo Xiaohe pushed aside the tea cup covered with tea stains in disgust, but he was holding up the egg cake, taking left and right bites, just like a she-wolf.

After the spring breeze started the shuttle car, this grocery shopping car has been driving for many years, and the power talisman is a little worn out, and the "pump puff puff puff" sounded into the air, staggering and flying towards home.

Seeing that most of her daughter’s egg pancakes were being eaten, her face was a little bloody, and she felt relieved in the spring breeze. Then she frowned and said, “You don’t go to class all day, and you just run out to parade and rally with others. Run to beat the professor at Tunghai University?"

"That **** professor owes it to clean up!"

Guo Xiaohe sat on the seat with his legs crossed, and severely tore off half of the fried dough sticks, chewing as if venting, and said vaguely: "When is the time? The blood demon world has already entered our capital! This is five. An unprecedented shame in a century!"

"We want revenge! Let those **** monster races pay their debts! We must hit the blood demon world and razed the nests of snakes, insects, rats and ants to the ground!"

"As a result, there was Professor Xue's stubborn head who promoted nonsense such as'be careful and don't act rashly' in the media all day long. Even Speaker Jiang was bewitched by them!"

"These boneless things are simply traitors to the Federation. How can they miss it if they hit him? If you didn't beat him up, even if your grandmother was merciful!"

"How do you say it, young age, what grandma!"

Guo Chunfeng stared, "Whether it is to attack or slow down is a major national event. Even government officials like me don't know the inside story and dare not express opinions indiscriminately. What do you middle school students know? Don't fool around, today. I'll take a day off for you, go home and have a good rest, and then go back to school tomorrow!"

"Cut, you are just a researcher in the Meteorological Bureau. Of course, you don’t know the inside story. It is said on the forum. Now is our best opportunity to expedite the blood demon world. If we miss the opportunity, we will have to wait another ten or twenty years to completely conquer the blood. The demon world!"

Guo Xiaohe stalked his neck and said, "I'm not going to school, I want to join the army and participate in this glorious expedition!"

"What the hell?"

After the spring breeze was stunned, "You, you say it again!"

"Say it ten more times!"

Seeing Dad's dumbfounded appearance, he was proud of crossing Xiaohe and said with his head high, "The day before yesterday, Si Mao, Daming and I have already registered online and passed the preliminary screening. We will have an interview at the recruiting point in a few days. !"

"you dare!"

After the spring breeze was furious, "You are only eighteen years old and you haven't graduated from high school. What kind of soldier you are, I see who dares to let you be a soldier!"

"Eighteen years old, already an adult!"

Guo Xiaohe straightened up his chest and said loudly, "What's more, don't forget, I have awakened my spiritual roots and become a literary cultivator! In the past summer vacation, I have been practicing "Nine Rings". "I have reached the second level of training. Now, as long as I sing the Federal Army song, I can boost the morale of Federal Army soldiers within a radius of 100 meters and increase the shooting accuracy by more than 5%!"

"I have such supernatural powers, why shouldn't the Federal Army?"

"You, you don't even know what happened in the blood demon world. It's a mere refining period, and it's a ghost!"

After the spring breeze, Qiqiao was so angry, "I will not agree with you to join the army, unless you **** me to death first!"

"You don't need your consent, I'm an adult. Joining the army is my sacred and inviolable right as a citizen of the Star Federation. You understand it!"

Crossing the small river, I was so angry, "I don't want to be like you. I have become a cultivator at such a young age. I can go out to call the wind and rain, but I spend my whole life in a small weather station, studying what ghost storms, just like you! I see, you are not much better than Professor Xue, the cartilaginous head, you are a tortoise with a shrunken head!"

After the spring breeze, his lungs were about to burst, and he shivered and said: "You, you, you are getting more and more unruly, how did your mother teach you, how about your mother?"

Guo Xiaohe glanced at him with a very pitiful look, and sneered: "I don't know, probably in a law firm."

After the spring breeze was stunned: "What did she do in the law firm?"

Guo Xiaohe: "Go to a lawyer for consultation and prosecute divorce matters."

The spring breeze almost didn't drive the shuttle into the ditch: "What!"

He hurriedly dialed his wife's Linghe Biography, and saw his wife's expressionless face, but didn't know what to say. After a long pause, he said dryly: "You, why do you want a divorce all of a sudden?"

Yao Li looked at her husband very calmly, and said lightly: "I didn't want to divorce suddenly. Today, one year ago, I told you that there was a problem with our marriage, but you said that you were busy tracking a big Storm Regiment, wait until this burst is over."

"Six months ago, I told you that I can't stand it anymore. I really can't live this kind of life. If you say it is good, I will give you three more months to figure out the two tropical air masses. I have a good chat."

"Three months ago, I discussed with you about divorce, you said don’t don’t, everything will wait until you go home at night. As a result, from that night, you haven’t returned for three months and a hundred days. Home!"

"Today, if it hadn't been for your daughter, would you get out of that ghost place, would you? Would you!"

"My wife, I was wrong."

Guo Chunfeng said at a loss, "Yes, I am sorry for you, but you know the nature of my job, I, I can't do it, I can't do it..."

Yao Li took a deep breath, her eyes gradually reddened, and she shook her head and said, "No, you didn't sorry for me, it was me who was sorry for you."

"When I first married you, I knew what you did. Unfortunately, I was too young to know... what it means to be a hero's wife, I thought I could."

"Now I know that I was wrong. I was wrong. I really don’t have the qualifications, the ability, or the way to be your wife again! I can’t stand the days of being a widow year after year and having to worry about it all day long. Going down, I'm really going crazy! If I don't divorce you, I will only have one way to commit suicide!"

"Wife, don't!"

The spring breeze is rushing!


Guo Xiaohe didn't understand what "hero's wife" meant, but saw that her mother's mental state was very unstable, and she gave her father a vicious look.

"Wife, which law firm are you in, I'll come to you right away! I won't do anything today, so I will stay with you two mother and daughter!"

The spring breeze's throat is about to burst into flames.

Yao Li shook her head with a wry smile, and cut off the communication directly.

After the spring breeze smashed the steering wheel, he looked at his daughter pitifully.

Guo Xiaohe gritted his teeth and stared out the window angrily.

"Xiaohe, my dad was wrong. My dad was really busy some time ago. The wormholes that appeared in the sky above the city caused the climate in the small area to be extremely unstable. My dad had to monitor every day to see if there were new storms, so it didn’t last for three months. Come back home!"

"Daddy promises that after this incident, he will take a week off to spend time with your mother and daughter, okay?"

"Say it quickly, don't say it again, don't do anything stupid by your mother later!"

"Let’s discuss about joining the army, and it’s really impossible... Dad will help you find a way to arrange a better army, okay?"

Guo Xiaohe felt soft and muttered: "You are a member of the Meteorological Bureau, and have connections in the army? You don't want to brag and draft! Okay, my mom is at Rainbow Law Firm!


The grocery shopping car made a big turn at the super racing level. After the spring breeze, he quickly entered a new destination. In a flash, he changed his face and begged his daughter for mercy: "Help, help Dad later. Good words, my father's happiness for the rest of his life depends on—"

Before the words were finished, the car crystal brain of the grocery cart jumped out of a bunch of small red characters, bursting out an extremely dangerous light.

"Attention to the overall situation, the special atmosphere group'Vulture' has crossed the Great Blade Mountain Range and upgraded to a super storm. There is a high probability that it will develop in the direction of the sky city. All personnel outside will cancel their vacations and be on standby."

The pupils of the spring breeze shrank suddenly.


The grocery shopping cart abruptly came to a halt in the constant flow of cars.

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