40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1095: Top secret meeting!

At three o'clock in the afternoon, a top-secret meeting was held in the large conference room of the super battleship Liaoyuan.

Participating in the meeting were nearly a hundred top figures in the Tianyuan Realm, as well as the leaders of the Flying Star monks.

Ding Dang, Professor Mo Xuan, Wu Mayan and Xie An'an, who are closely related to Li Yao, are also among them.

Presiding over the meeting was the director of the secret sword Lu Zui.

Among the three most influential key roles in the Federation, Yi Yangtze River and Hailiu were seriously injured. Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao's injuries were also very serious. Fortunately, 70% of his body was psychedelic prosthetics, and he was replaced in time. There was no major problem, only Lu Zui was unscathed.

At this moment, hundreds of powerful cultivators gathered together, but the scene was as noisy as a vegetable market, and everyone was clacking the table and shouting.

"Director Lu, give us an explanation, why!"

"Three months ago, when the beast wave struck, the enemy directly smashed into the sky over the capital, but your intelligence work has serious errors, so forget it!"

"In three months, even the dignified Federal Speaker can be assassinated in the public. What is your intelligence and security work!"

"Your intelligence says that all of this is dominated by'Vulture Li Yao'. Is there any conclusive evidence?"

"The Secret Sword Bureau has obtained all the authorizations and used the highest authority, and even the friends of the friends have been monitored by you, and the result is still like this! We can no longer bear it! All of this must be explained clearly today!"

"Otherwise, we will impeach you in the parliament!"

Countless cultivators are furious.


The leader of Monk Fei Xing, who once fought alongside Li Yao in the "Cultivation of Immortal Cultivators", stood up in trouble, "Li Yao is not only Monk Tian Yuan, but also the largest habitable planet in our Fei Xing realm, especially the flying star realm. Everyone on the'Tieyuan Star' possesses great influence. For all his accusations, we must be cautious, cautious, and then cautious, otherwise, it is very likely that an irreparable rift will be created between the two worlds!"

"In the past few months, you have produced some evidence, but in our opinion, it is far from enough."

"For the cooperation between Tianyuan and Feixing, and for the smooth investigation of the whole matter, we have been vigorously cooperating with your work, but I didn't expect it to be like this!"

"Director Lu, there must be the most complete explanation today!"

"If there is conclusive evidence that Li Yao was really possessed by the blood demon, turned to the side of the monster race, and even killed his own compatriots in turn, then we Fei Xingren will naturally cooperate vigorously, otherwise--"

He closed the conversation, shook his sleeve coldly, and sat back.

Not far from him, Ding Lingdang, Professor Mo Xuan, Wu Mayan and Xie Anan were sitting together. They may be the most staunch supporters of the "Li Yao Group".

But at this moment, even they hesitate.

"Sister Ding, do you think the teacher will really betray the Federation and kill so many ordinary people?" Xie An'an twisted uncomfortably.

Ding Lingdang bit his lip, his head full of red hair, surrounded by icy flames.

Professor Mo Xuan sighed and said: "Of course the real Li Yao won't, but on Tieryuan Star, Yan Beibei, who has not yet been possessed by the blood demons, will not betray his own people."

"Perhaps, until the last moment, Yan Beibei didn't feel that he was betraying the tribe, but instead felt that he was saving the future of Tieyuan Star!"

In the face of many reproaches, criticisms, and even curses, Secret Sword Director Lu Zui calmly looked like an ice sculpture. He watched the crowd in silence for a long time, quite a bit of self-control, until the noise gradually subsided, and the light curtain was aroused. , Said calmly: "We all accept your opinions on the work of the Secret Sword Bureau, but in my opinion, it is not the time to pursue the responsibility, and we should find a way to solve the problem."

"Yes, in the past few months, we did not throw out all the key evidence. On the one hand, it was because the matter was too surreptitious, and the scope and depth of the matter was beyond ordinary people's imagination; on the other hand, we Also hesitating, will there be other possibilities?"

"As a result, it was this hesitation that harmed us and tens of thousands of compatriots!"

"You don't need to impeach me."

"I am here, first of all, I promise to all members and fellow daoists that I will be responsible for all the previous work mistakes of the Secret Sword Bureau. After this matter is completely resolved, I will take the blame and resign!"

The words "take the blame and resign" instantly silenced the large conference room.

Lu Zui has publicly stated that he is going to resign, what else can others say?

Lu Zui was still expressionless and said indifferently: "Okay, now let me disclose all the details of the work of the Falcon Squad in the past six months to everyone. After listening to everyone, you will know that our accusation against Li Yao is Does it make sense."

"Please note that every next word is top secret. After leaving this conference room, anyone who leaks half a word out of it may be punished as ‘treason’!"

Lu Zui took a deep breath and began to introduce.

"The so-called'Falcon Squad' is an elite intelligence force lurking in the blood demon world that I personally take charge of. Starting half a year ago, one of their tasks was to collect all the information about Li Yao in the blood demon world, and find ways to cooperate He gets in touch and helps him if necessary."

"However, everyone knows very well that our form is very different from the monster clan, and the monster clan has always been on the offensive, and we are passively beaten."

"Therefore, it is easy for the demon race to penetrate into the Tianyuan realm through the outbreak of the beast tide, but it is very difficult for us to penetrate into the blood demon realm."

"I have spent decades of hard work, and I only planted a few dark children in the blood demon world. In order to investigate the truth of the'Red Tide Project', I sacrificed countless people. I waited more than three months ago when the Red Tide Plan was launched. , Our intelligence network in the blood demon world has been destroyed to pieces."

"However, the remaining members of the'Falcon Squad' still sent back some key information. The most important one is that Li Yao destroyed the eye of the blood demon, prevented the invasion of the beast tide, and saved the city!"

Many cultivators didn't know this news, and there was an uproar immediately.

"Wait, didn't you mean Li Yao's rebellion? Why did he become the Eye of Destroying Blood Demon?"

"Is this news certain? What is going on!"

"It turns out that Li Yao interrupted the invasion of the beasts in Tiandu City? Then he is a well-deserved Super Federation hero. Why do you want to hunt him down again!"

"Director Lu, don't you contradict yourself with these words?"

Even Ding Lingdang and Professor Mo Xuan were slightly startled, not understanding what Lu Zui meant.


On the light curtain behind Lu Zui, there were several vague photos showing Li Yao's battle in the Eye of the Blood Demon!

Lu Zui said: "The news of the Saker Falcon team has been confirmed by multiple cross-channels. More than three months ago, Li Yao did destroy the Eye of the Blood Demon!"

"However,'Li Yao is a hero' and'Li Yao is a blood demon' are not inconsistent. Dear fellow flying stars, especially the little friend Wu Mayan from Tieyuan Star, you must be against a blood demon swallow. The Northwest is very impressive. The former Yanbei Northwest is also the great hero of Tiewon Star, who has saved the tribe people countless times?"

Wu Mayan was still young and was not eligible to participate in this meeting. However, he participated in the meeting as "Li Yao's first disciple". When asked by Lu Zui, he could not help but blush. I don't know whether to nod or shake his head.

Lu Zui didn't want to get the answer from him, and continued: "Based on the fragmented intelligence, the truth we analyzed is like this."

"At the beginning of entering the blood demon world, Li Yao was not completely swallowed by the blood demon. He was still in the midst of a see-saw, and even had a slight upper hand, still maintaining his spirit and will."

"Li Yao in that state, of course, is actively defending the interests of the Tianyuan Realm, and has tried every means to destroy the blood demon realm's aggressive plan!"

"So there is a battle for the Eye of the Blood Demon!"

"However, the blood demon is obviously extremely powerful, even Li Yao is deeply afraid of the existence of horror, otherwise he would not leave us such a letter."

"Li Yao in a normal state may be able to suppress the blood demon, but after the fierce battle of the blood demon eye?"

"You know, at the time, the Eye of the Blood Demon was crowded with demon, and Li Yao was most likely to face dozens of demon emperors!"

"If he was severely injured by the Demon Emperor, and when the Soul was greatly damaged, the blood demon would take advantage of the vacancy and invade his body?"

"In other words, when destroying the Eye of the Blood Demon, he was still the real Li Yao, a Federation hero upright!"

"However, this great hero burned everything for the motherland in that battle and died!"

"After that battle, the Gorefiend swallowed his soul, seized his body, and became another evil existence!"

Lu Zui's words caused an uproar once again. Wu Mayan was stunned. Professor Mo Xuan shook his head again and again. Xie An'an covered his face and cried, but Ding Lingdang gritted his teeth, and the flames seemed to be frozen!

"Director Lu, what evidence is there for you to say so?"

The leader of the Fei Xing monk was unmoved by the falling star, and asked coldly.

On the light curtain behind Lu Zui, dozens of photos were once again transformed. Some of them showed bone spurs and lenses growing on Li Yao's arm, which inspired the "cell annihilation cannon". Some were demons such as Li Yao and Jin Tuyi. There are still a few pictures of Huang talking and laughing, and there are pictures of Li Yao and Jin Xinyue together.

Li Yao and Jin Xinyue in the photo are quite close, maybe it's a matter of angle, they seem a little intimacy, especially Jin Xinyue's diligent and almost flattering posture, like a slave girl waiting for her master.

"The commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, Jin Tuyi, must be familiar to everyone."

"And his daughter, Jin Xinyue, the scariest demon girl in the Temple of All Demon, many people have also heard of it."

"Look at Li Yao's new fighting form, and their attitude towards Li Yao, what is it like?"

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