40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1096: Perfectly clothed!

In the past few months, several of these vague photos were also shown to Luo Xingzi, Professor Mo Xuan and others.

However, with so many photos with such a clear picture, most people have seen it for the first time.

Suddenly above the uproar, a bit of uproar was added.

Ding Lingdang squinted her eyes and stared at Jin Xinyue in the picture, not knowing what she was thinking, but her hands firmly grasped her plump thighs, her fingers were deeply embedded in the flesh and blood, desperately suppressing something that must not be here. Outburst of emotions.

Luo Xingzi coldly snorted: "Photos can be forged. With the current crystal brain technology so advanced, what kind of photos can't be forged? Maybe it's the monster's anger that Li Yao destroyed the Eye of the Blood Demon and framed it. ?"

"Take a 10,000 steps back, even if the photos are real, what can they say?"

"You know, when we were still in the flying star realm, we and Li Yao repeatedly deduced it many times. If we want to resist the real human empire, we must concentrate the power of the flying star, the heavenly element and the blood demon, and even explore more worlds. Get help from more people!"

"Li Yao came back this time, the biggest purpose is to stop the war between the blood demon world and the Tianyuan world. He told us about this before he set off, and you guys know it too!"

"He and Jintu's half-father and daughter must be a renegade? Can't it be persuading the commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance to prevent the war?"

This is a powerful question.

Among the cultivators who attended this meeting, many were "cautious", nodding their heads now and then.

They are not Ding Lingdang, Li Yao's private life does not care about them, even if he is really Jin Tuyi's son-in-law, if it can promote the cooperation of the three realms, it seems... it is not a heinous thing, right?

Lu Zui said coldly: "It is indeed our common desire to end the war, promote the cooperation of the three realms, and fight the real human empire together. If the existence of the'Red Tide Project' is not confirmed, we even intend to send an exchange team!"

"But, look at how the Yaozu trampled on our hope for peace?"

"The red tide plan three months ago, if successful, the entire metropolitan area will definitely turn into a piece of scorched earth!"

"And today, this happened again!"

"Isn't all this enough to prove the evil nature of the monster race, and there is absolutely no possibility of peace?"

"If Li Yao hadn't been swallowed by the blood demons, why would he let such a thing happen, why would he sneak into the capital and lead the whole thing personally!"

This is the first time Lu Zui clearly stated that everything that happened today was led by Li Yao.

Everyone didn't even have the strength to "stun in shock".

Luo Xingzi frowned and said: "Evidence, we need evidence!"

Lu Zui said: "Please listen to me. After I finish speaking, you will naturally release irrefutable evidence."

"Before the eye of the blood demon was destroyed, the pattern of the blood demon world had always been dominated by the Lion Slaughter Kingdom and the Youquan Kingdom, and the blood-robed ancestors and the Youquan ancestors were respected."

"However, after the eye of the blood demon was destroyed, the main force of the blood demon world was damaged. Jin Tuyi, the commander of the Allied Demon Army, took the opportunity to cleanse, and conquered the power of the lion Tu and Youquan countries and became the real master of the blood demon world!"

"In this'big shuffle','Blood Demon Li Yao' also made a lot of effort and became Jin Tuyi's right-hand man."

"There is even reason to believe that he and Jin Tuyi have reached an exchange of benefits and become the inheritor of Jin Tuyi and the future master of the blood demon world!"

"and many more!"

Luo Xingzi interrupted him and asked another very important question, "Not to mention whether Li Yao is a blood demon, but why did Jin Tuyi pass all his power to Li Yao, an outsider?"

Lu Zui said lightly: "Because we have evidence, Jin Tuyi has a terminal illness that cannot be cured, and his life will not be long."

"The blood demon Li Yao needs power, and Jin Tuyi needs a strong man. After his death, to keep his family, descendants and influence, the two naturally hit it off."

This top-secret news made everyone stunned.

Jin Tuyi, the commander of the Allied Demons, actually got an incurable disease?

Their first reaction was that Lu Zui was joking, but think about it carefully, such a big thing can be verified very quickly, Lu Zui can't tell such a lie that can be broken with a single poke.

Lu Zui continued: "In short, after the blood demon Li Yao and Jin Tuyi reached an agreement, it took several months to gather power, and then secretly sneaked back to the Celestial Realm and infiltrated the capital. The entire process of infiltration and infiltration was left behind. A large amount of evidence can be proved by all the secret sword ambassadors at the Demon Slayer."

"If you are interested, I can ask the past director of the Demon Slayer in a while to carefully report the entire process of monitoring Li Yao's infiltration."

Ding Lingdang couldn't help standing up, and said loudly, "Director Lu, all the information you collected from the'Falcon Squad' is all their own words! Excuse me, what are the members of the'Falcon Squad'? Where? Can you come out and face it!"

Lu Zui shook his head and said: "How easy is it to monitor Li Yao? Most of the members of the'Falcon Squad' were killed by Li Yao and Jin Tuyi. Only a few of them are still hiding in the blood demon world. Tibet, it is extremely difficult to return news."

"I alone know their identities, but I can't say."

Ding Lingdang's eyes widened: "Can't say? Why!"

Lu Zui was silent for a long time, his cold eyes swept across the faces of all the cultivators, and he said every word: "Because, we absolutely have reason to suspect that in the Federation, even among you, there are some people who are sitting The blood demon spy known as the'Children of the Nether'!"

This sentence really set off a stormy sea, and many cultivators stood up one after another!

Lu Zui pressed his hands, motioned everyone to calm down, and said calmly: "The so-called'Nether Son' is a top-secret plan planned by the Blood Demon Realm for decades, and we have just found out a scale and a half."

"A few decades ago, the blood demon world had mastered a top-secret technology that could completely disguise the demon race into a human form without being scanned by any blood test."

"Using this method, the Blood Demon Realm has dispatched countless'Nether Sons' to infiltrate the Federation and secretly develop and grow. Until now, many'Nether Sons' have already occupied high positions!"

"The sons of the Nether discovered so far are just the tip of the iceberg. It is through their message that our intelligence network in the Blood Demon Realm will be severely damaged! Only the few members of the'Falcon Squad' I have personally managed to survive. difficult!"

"They are our last ‘eyes’ and ‘ears’ in the blood demon world. I must never say their identities, otherwise, within a few days, we will be deaf and blind!"

When Lu Zui said this, he paused and then threw a depth bomb unhurriedly, "Furthermore, Li Yao sneaked back into the Federation this time to lead these'children of the nether' to carry out a big action. !"

"and many more!"

Before everyone was surprised, Professor Mo Xuan stood up and said in Gu Jing Wubo's voice, "Director Lu, this doesn't make sense."

"Assuming everything you said is true, Li Yao has become the inheritor of Jin Tuyi and the future master of the blood demon world."

"So, how could such an important person take a huge risk and sneak back to the Federation and assassinate the Speaker?"

"The Federation is different from the Blood Demon Realm. There is no such thing as a lifetime system. The Speakers are held every five years. If you work for two terms, you will retreat. Assassinating a Speaker will cause any substantial blow to the Federation?"

"What's more, everyone knows that Speaker Jiang is a conservative, and he has always advocated cautiousness and assassinated him in public. Besides inciting public opinion and intensifying the war, what are the benefits?"

"Even if he becomes a blood demon, he still maintains the most basic rationality, even more treacherous and cunning.'Blood Demon Li Yao' will risk exposing himself and exposing the'Nether Son', so he will switch to another speaker? ', too uneconomical, right?"

Professor Mo Xuan reached the point in one sentence, and many cultivators nodded: "Yes, such an assassination is unreasonable. Chairperson Jiang was assassinated and replaced with a more stubborn Chairperson Wang and Chairperson Li. What are the benefits?"

Lu Zui smiled slightly and said, "Who said the purpose of the blood demon Li Yao was to assassinate the Speaker?"

"The assassination of the Speaker is just a means. His real purpose is-Liaoyuan Battleship!"


Professor Mo Xuan was completely shocked!

Lu Zui said coldly: "Assassin the Speaker, just find a few dead men to do it, even if it succeeds, it doesn't make much sense, but for the task of capturing the'Three Realms' Strongest Fantasy Battleship' Liaoyuan, I am afraid that only'Li Yao' will do it himself. Is there a chance?"

"Sneaking into the battleship and seizing control is what he is good at. Ten years ago, when he was a young boy, he did it once at the bidding meeting of the Profound Bone Battle Armor."

"In the Flying Star Realm, he even sneaked into enemy warships countless times to win victory."

"And the last, and most important time, seems to be with you Professor Mo Xuan, sneaking into the predecessor of the ‘Liaoyuan’, the ‘Sky Magic’, and successfully seizing it, right?"

Professor Mo Xuan was speechless.

"We are now in the Liaoyuan. Everyone has a very clear understanding of the power of this super warship. It can be said that this is the strongest warship in the Three Realms, and it is unique. It is impossible for the Flying Star Realm to refine another ship of the same level in a short period of time!"

"Capturing the Liaoyuan can to a large extent change the strength comparison between the three realms and allow the Blood Demon Realm to regain certain advantages. Do you think that such a task is worthy of the'Blood Demon Li Yao' personally?"

Lu Zui sneered, "He once penetrated into the core of this warship once, knows the structure of the warship well, and is wearing the skin of'Vulture Li Yao'. He may deceive the flying stars on the Liaoyuan without even using force. The trust of the monks! Think about it, is this the truth?"

Luo Xingzi suddenly realized: "That's why you want the Liaoyuan to raise the highest level of automatic defense sword formation, so that no one is close?"

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