40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1141: there is only one truth! (Fourth!)

Lu Zui was like betting on all his wealth. As a result, the gambler who lost everything was drained of all emotions except frustration and despair. Only an empty body was left here, and he answered mechanically. The issue of spring breeze.

However, behind the frustration and despair, Li Yao vaguely perceives a touch of peace.

It's not the calm of being discouraged and completely giving up.

But before the storm is about to come, waiting for some calm!

"has a problem."

"Lu Zui is too calm, too desperate, and too depressed. As a Nascent Soul Boss, his Dao Heart is so strong that he can give up so easily?"

"He just suffered a terrible defeat. In his eyes, the Federation should be hopeless. In the face of such a result, he didn't even struggle a bit? Just like this, I just confessed everything? Just watched the'Patriot Organization' completely. Annihilated?"

Li Yao and Guo Chunfeng looked at each other: "I want to see him."

When the two stepped into the cell, Lu Zui, who was locked up by the restraint, was sitting cross-legged in the corner, staring at a dim array of illuminated talisman on the ceiling.

On the illuminating talisman array, a few flying insects kept hitting, making a "pop" sound, bloodshed, and no regrets.

Lu Zui's interests were all concentrated on these little bugs, and he didn't even look at Li Yao and the Spring Breeze.

Now, the time has come to Lu Zui's side. Li Yao and the Spring Breeze can’t afford to spend it, and the Spring Breeze can’t help but ask: "Director, what are you looking at?"

"I'm looking at the future."

Lu Zui's voice was low and slow, as if floating from the depths of a swamp, every word was ticked with mud, "The future in a hundred years."

"In recent decades, the monsters have surrendered and the Humans have achieved a complete victory. The strength of the Federation has rapidly expanded in a short period of time. Everyone is indulging in the dream of peace and prosperity. Li Yao and the spring breeze, these two have personally contributed to it. All the cultivators have become the heroes that are highly anticipated!"

"The monster race at the beginning of the surrender, lurking minions, restraining fierce flames, disguised as pure lambs and hardworking mules and horses, mixed into the Federation with the lowest and docile attitude, and undertook the most hard and dirty work."

"With the joint efforts of each other, the federation is flourishing, and everything seems to be developing in the best direction."

"But the good times will not last long."

"Gradually, the number of monster races has increased. Taking advantage of their stronger survivability, the monster race has spread to the various resource planets of the Celestial Realm and the Flying Star Realm, and even the wider world."

"The Human Race, because of its weaker physique, is extremely difficult to penetrate into the Blood Demon Realm."

"The result is that the number of monster races is increasing, the world they occupy is wider and wider, and they have gradually climbed up to various key positions in the new federation."

"The wars of the past are gradually forgotten. The deeper the degree of integration between the two sides, the higher the call for various rights of the Yaozu. In order to stabilize the Federation and resist the empire, the Yaozu, as a weak race, has received various preferential policies. Countless rules, ethics and even laws that have been in use for hundreds of years, thousands of years, and tens of thousands of years will be nailed to the word'discrimination' and smashed to pieces. Even words like'monsters and ghosts' will be regarded as politically incorrect. 'For reasons, it was forbidden to speak out."

"Perhaps, the monster races at that time were not called monster races, but ‘supernormal stamina’, ‘blood demon federation’?”

"Even so, the demons will still not be satisfied. They will make every effort, replace our rules with their rules, infect our culture with their culture, and distort our history with their history! Sacrifice is in confrontation. Heroes on the battlefield of the demon race will no longer be regarded as real heroes, and various dramas and dazzling phantoms featuring the strong monsters as the protagonists will be staged grandiosely!"

"Until the end, every human child lost his vigilance against the monster race, forgot the martyrs who had fought for hundreds of years, and was even ashamed of his innate vigilance!"

"This kind of change will not happen overnight, but will happen slowly over a long period of decades, in a subtle and piecemeal manner, under the banner of'love, peace, and integration'."

"No one will realize that this is another kind of aggression. The stupid masses will only be brainwashed by the media and consortia, but shrewd politicians think they can use this power. Only a few sober people can see the danger in it, but They are hard to sing alone. Even if they sing, they will soon be labelled as the "Remnant Party of the Patriot Organization", and they will be degenerated into street rats that are spurned by everyone on the charge of "disrupting integration"."

"Finally, when the smelly monsters occupied our streets and alleys, took away our jobs, robbed our women, and tarnished our banner, some people might wake up like a dream. Regret endlessly."

"But at that time, everything was too late, like a patient whose cancer cells spread all over the body, and there is no power to reverse everything."

"At that time, maybe this patient would regret why he didn't follow the doctor's advice and cut off all the cancerous organs with a sharp scalpel-no matter how important these organs are!"

"This is everything I have seen, Director Guo, oh, no, you should be called'Director of the Secret Sword', the new Director of the Secret Sword Bureau, are you interested in coming over and watching with me?"

Li Yao and Guo Chunfeng looked at each other, and both felt a little tricky.

Guo Chunfeng sighed and said, "Director, do you know who this is?"

"of course."

Lu Zui didn't even look at Li Yao, and said lightly, "A fool who thinks he is smart, an idiot who thinks he is not infected by blood demons, but who has fallen into the devil's way long ago without knowing it."


After the spring breeze raised his voice, "At this time, don't you still have no regrets for what you have done? Li Yao saved the Federation again and again. He is a well-deserved hero of the Federation. In order to achieve your goals, But you can slander him in such a despicable and shameless way, and even implicate Ding Lingdang, Professor Mo Xuan, etc., more people!"

"I didn't slander him."

Lu Zui said calmly, "The past credits cannot be used to compensate for today's faults. Until this moment, I still retain my opinion. The real Li Yao has died in the blood demon world, and the one who is still alive now is just a top The demon with Li Yao's body, and this demon will eventually destroy the Federation!"

"I tried to stop this monster, but it was too cunning, too powerful, and too good at exploiting the weaknesses of human nature, so I finally failed."

"Sad? Of course!"

"But regret it? Haha, I have a clear conscience and never repent!"

Li Yao squinted his eyes and confronted Lu Zui for the first time: "You never repent, but you confessed to a large number of lairs of the Patriot organization, which caused the organization to fall apart and a large number of ‘patriots’ were arrested?"

"I said, the winner is the winner and the loser is willing to bet."

Lu Zui said lazily, "I have never killed Chunfeng on the Hidden Star, because our organization does not do all this for personal grievances, but for justice and the strength of the Federation!"

"Killing Chunfeng is just to vent your anger, but it will cost the country an excellent secret sword director. This is contrary to my Taoism, so I didn't do this."

"For the same reason, now that we have lost and there is no possibility of a comeback, what else is necessary to dying and consuming the national power of the Federation?"

"If you lose, you will lose more happily. It can be considered as giving yourself a little dignity!"

Li Yao scratched his scalp. He is not an expert in torture. Lu Zui's remarks were so impeccable that he could not hear any flaws.

It's just the doubts in my heart, why are they getting bigger and bigger?

"You didn't admit defeat!"

Li Yao's eyes suddenly widened, and his eyes shone brightly. A red glow and a black glow pierced Lu Zui's eyes, "You still have the possibility of turning over! What you are doing now is the same as the spring breeze in the hidden star. The same thing that I did on "No." is to delay time and create opportunities for... another person!"

Lu Zui's eyes were empty, and he could not perceive the slightest emotional fluctuation. He smiled and continued to look up to study moths fighting the fire.

"No! No! No! No!"

Li Yao's thoughts turned, his brain exploded, and once again extracted all the patriot organization lairs that Lu Zui had confessed, and finally found out where his anxiety came from.

"Lu Zui, in the past twelve hours, you have confessed a total of 37 nests, but 31 of them are located in the southern part of the Federation and the East China Sea!"

"Especially the most important demon and **** virus refining bases, the kind with expert guards, are at the southernmost tip of the Federation, and deep in the ocean!"

"What do you mean, your'Patriot Organization' still engages in regional discrimination, and non-Southerners won't accept it!"

Lu Zui closed his eyes and remained silent, but a sneer smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Guo Chunfeng is a superb torture expert. Yuan himself is in the mountains, unable to extricate himself from it. When Li Yao reminded him, he instantly reacted: "You mean, he is turning the tiger away from the mountain?"

"The thirty-seven lairs he confessed are all very important, and a large number of elite soldiers from the Patriot organization have gathered!"

"In order to destroy these lairs and wipe out the members of the organization, not only the local cultivators all acted, but even a large number of masters located in the northern and central parts of the Federation took the spar battleship and rushed to the south!"

"Now, the vast majority of the federation's strong Jindan and Nascent Soul bosses have concentrated in the southern rainforest and deep in the ocean to deal with the Patriot Organization. Within a moment and a half, it is impossible to be transferred back!"

"Li Yao, you don't mean to say that there is a person hidden behind Lu Zui, another at a higher level than him, at least the leader of the Patriot Organization, who is on the same level as him, and what Lu Zui has done is the same. Like everything I have done for you, I am helping him buy time and launch a'backup plan' right?"

Li Yao looked solemnly, and slowly nodded: "Don’t you think it’s weird that Big Brother? Think about it carefully, in order to frame me, Lu Zui used a lot of manpower and material resources from the military, political, and cultivation circles, as the'Secret Sword Director'. So, are there too many resources involved?"

"Moreover, this victory is too easy, right? The Patriot organization has meticulously planned for so long, and has calculated everything. Isn't it prepared for a "No. 2 plan" to jump over the wall? It's really like that. Poke and die?"

After the spring breeze, his hairs stood up, his eyes rounded: "Another leader of the Patriot Organization? You, who do you suspect?"

"Tear off all the illusions, there is only one truth!"

Li Yao pressed his temples, the deep light under his eyes seemed to be refracted by ice crystals that had been refracted for a hundred thousand years, unspeakably sharp and mysterious, and he said every word: "Federal Speaker, Jiang Hailiu!"

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