40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1142: A tendon!

After the spring breeze, his body was shocked: "Little brother, why did you say this?"

Lu Zui, who was curled up in the corner as if he had entered Ding, also opened his eyes suddenly, letting out two incredible rays of light.

"Very simple, experience!"

Li Yao sneered, "Li has walked the stars for more than ten years. He has gone through countless **** battles, cracked countless treacherous conspiracies, and finally came up with an unbreakable law, that is--"

"No matter where I go, as long as I encounter a conspiracy, the last lord envoy must be the leader of the local righteous path, the eldest brother who takes the lead, the kind who is very upright and decent!"

"I went to Tieyuan Star, the patriarch was assassinated, and the six tribes of Cheorwon were inflicted. The last chief messenger was Tieyuan Star's former leader eldest brother'Yan Xibei'!"

"I went to the Tiansheng City, and the'Eternal Life Hall' and the'True Human Empire' coups took place. The chief messenger behind it was the leader of the Sixth Sect of Heavenly Sage, the first master of flying stars,'Xiao Xuance'!"

"I went to the blood demon world, and from the perspective of the demon clan, the'Red Tide Project' was blocked, and the destruction of the'Blood Demon Eye' was considered a conspiracy, and the planner of this conspiracy was also a nominal demon. Commander of the army, take the lead in the eldest brother'Jin Tu Yi'!"

"Then now, I have returned to the Tianyuan Realm, and the'Patriot Organization' incident has occurred again. Isn't it obvious that the biggest careerist behind the scenes? That is the leader of the Star Federation, the Speaker'Jiang Hailiu'!"

Spring breeze: "..."

Lu Zui: "..."

After the spring breeze wiped his sweat: "Little, little brother, I really have a brilliant plan, admire and admire it, but is there any evidence that it is a little harder?"

"Of course, I am not skeptical!"

Li Yao confidently said, "First of all, since this person can make Lu Zuidu willing to make sacrifices, his status must be higher than Lu Zui's, at least on an equal footing! Looking at the entire Federation, there are very few people with such qualifications. , Almost only two or three including the speaker!"

"Secondly, doesn't Big Brother Guo think that Speaker Jiang wakes up too strangely? He just woke up when Lu Zui was exposed and the dust settled. It is logical that he can deal with the mess left by Lu Zui!"

"Furthermore, Speaker Jiang’s political career started from the “small city mayor” in the depths of the Great Wilderness. The small town he had worked so hard to manage for more than ten years was completely wiped out in the outbreak of the beast! Therefore, Speaker Jiang did the same to the monsters. There is deep hatred and great motives for joining the'Patriot Organization'!"

"So, the'Assassination of the Speaker' incident was basically Jiang Hailiu's self-directed and self-acted performance. In this way, he completely washed away his suspicion! Lu Zui's plan went well, and it was very good! If Lu Zui was exposed, he could jump in time. Come out and continue to implement the plan!"

"Now, Lu Zui has thrown out a large number of extremely valuable patriot organization lairs, and transferred most of the experts of the Federation to the South and the East China Sea. The combat power in the capital area is unprecedentedly weak and weak. All the parliamentarians and the strong doubt each other's patriotism. The remnant party organized by the "Zheer" has made everyone at risk and chaos!"

"At this time, if Jiang Hailiu still has a magic weapon in his hand, he can naturally do whatever he wants!"

"You really deserve to be the speaker. He played such a big chess game, so he won't lose!"

After the spring breeze, he nodded again and again: "It makes sense, it makes sense, the little brother really deserves... Wait, there is a small question! Assuming that Speaker Jiang is really the leader of the ‘Patriot Organization’, why bother to do so?"

"He and Lu Zui are both the leaders of the Patriot Organization, and Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao is another zealous main warrior who shouts and screams all day long. That was three months ago, after Tiandu City encountered the beast tide. , You can go to war directly? Why do you still do so many things?"

"At that time, most of the legislators supported the war. It was only on the support of Speaker Jiang and a few other people who insisted on their opinions and gained the support of allies of the flying stars. The two sides were able to see now, forcing Lu Zui to make this move and assassinate the Speaker. !"

"this problem--"

Li Yao smiled and blinked quickly, his expression a little stiff, "Good question! How come I didn't expect such a big loophole!"

Spring breeze: "..."

Lu Zui: "..."

"and many more!"

Li Yao's nose shook, as if smelling an extremely weird breath in the air, his eyes were a little out of focus, his hands were scratching in the void, not knowing what clues he caught, his eyes flashed, and he said anxiously, "Big brother, you just mentioned There is a name... Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I finally know why I always feel that there is something weird!"

"Before returning to the Tianyuan Realm, Jin Tuyi told me that if you want to start peace talks, the Federation has three vital roles! Talking about the Yangtze River Current, the Secretary of the Secret Sword Lu Zui, and Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao!"

"But in this incident, Jiang Hailiu and Lu Zui both showed up one after another. Lu Zui was the villain. The Speaker was bombed as soon as he appeared. No wonder he, what about - Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao?"

"The sky is turned upside down in the city, why didn't you see this veteran on the battlefield come out to stabilize the overall situation? Isn't there a sense of existence?"

After the spring breeze, he thought for a while and said: "After the President was assassinated, the whole Federation was excited, and the Federal Army was even more ready to move. In order to stabilize the military, the Chief of Staff Zhou personally flew to the depths of the great wilderness that night, and the host was codenamed'Fist of Anger 'A large-scale joint military exercise."

Li Yao narrowed his eyes: "The Speaker was stabbed during the day, and Tie Shuai could go to the depths of the wilderness at night to instigate a large-scale military exercise? This is efficient enough!"

"It's not."

Guo Chunfeng explained, "This'Iron Fist of Rage' joint military exercise was planned more than three months ago after Tiandu was invaded by a tide of beasts. A total of four full crystal armor battle groups and twenty were involved. For this reason, the above-mentioned ordinary battle groups have built several war bases specially in the depths of the Great Wilderness."

"This exercise uses live ammunition. The preplan is to assume that a large-scale war breaks out. The Federal Army will pass through the dark and extinct realm in the first time and advance to the'Nine Abyss' area of ​​the blood demon world, and establish a forward base for follow-up. The influx of large forces has created the strongest foothold."

"Therefore, the exercise was prepared a long time ago, but it was launched a few days in advance in the event of the'President's Assassination'."

Li Yao swallowed his saliva, feeling the fire in his throat: "Four crystal armor battle groups and 20 ordinary battle groups? Real soldiers and live ammunition? And Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao himself led? In other words, this can be one time. A large-scale exercise, but it can also be transformed into... a real offense in minutes, right?"

"Not too possible."

Guo Chunfeng shook his head and said, "Although it is a live ammunition, the ammunition and spar base it carries is not as good as a real war, and more importantly, it is logistical supplies. There is no plan in this regard."

"Even if so many federal forces have all entered the blood demon world, there is absolutely no chance of winning without the support of the follow-up troops."

"How come there is no support from the follow-up troops?"

Li Yao glanced at Chunfeng with a gloomy look, "Suppose, the iron commander Zhou Hengdao, who had been the "one stick" in the mouth of my eldest brother, really desperately brought a dozen or twenty battle groups into the blood demon world, could it be? Can the rear sit and watch, watching them go to death?"

After the spring breeze, I was stunned and sweaty. I froze for a long time and stammered: "Although Zhou Hengdao is a military leader and has high prestige in the army, the Federal Army is not a private army. The Federal soldiers are loyal to it. The country, not someone! All soldiers know that this is an exercise. How can Zhou Hengdao's personal prestige be smashed into the blood demon world with fanfare? Isn't this a'mutiny'?"

Li Yao scratched his hair vigorously: "This is true, anyway, I still feel that something is wrong. By the way, you said this is a ‘joint military exercise’, who’s ‘joint’?"

"United Three Realms' strongest battleship'Liaoyuan'!"

Guo Chunfeng explained, "The main purpose of this'Fist of Fury' joint military exercise is to train the flying star warships and the Tianyuan Army's cooperative combat capabilities, and to quickly integrate 200,000 Taixu combat troops into the Federal Army. "

"Moreover, most of the warship soldiers on the'Liaoyuan' are recruits. The performance of the'Liaoyuan' itself is not stable. The crew and warships urgently need to be tempered in actual combat!"

The predecessor of "The Strongest Battleship of the Three Realms" Liaoyuan was a "Sky Fantasy" that was jointly refined by the Six Sects of Heaven and the Alliance of Battle Stars, and was controlled by the leader of the cultivator Xiao Xuance.

The Sky Magic is the capital of Xiao Xuance's launch of the "Cultivator's Rebellion", and he naturally spared no effort to infiltrate the Sky Magic.

When the "Cultivator Rebellion" broke out, most of the warships on the Tianhuan were immortal cultivators, and in key positions, the proportion of immortal cultivators reached 100%!

What's more terrible is that the "Star Brain", the main control crystal brain of the Sky Magic, is controlled by the "Star Child" from the real human empire!

Therefore, when the "Rebellion of the Cultivators" was suppressed, the Tianhuan left to the Flying Star Realm was riddled with holes, the bridge was in a mess, the master crystal brain was completely destroyed, and most of the warships were destroyed. Imprisonment, trial... such a terrible situation.

It took several years to reluctantly complete the repair of the "Sky Magic", repaint it, and rename it "Liaoyuan".

However, the repair of battleships is easy, and the training of battleship soldiers is not a matter of overnight. It is even more difficult to get a master crystal brain that can replace the "Star Child"!

In order to fight against the invasion of the true human empire a hundred years later, hundreds of factions in dozens of star regions in the Flying Star Realm have united to form a new armed force "Liaoyuan Fleet", preparing to start from scratch and train a group of the most elite fighters!

Liaoyuan, as the first-generation flagship of the Liaoyuan fleet, naturally shoulders the responsibility of cultivating new talents.

On the current Liaoyuan, half of the warships are veterans recruited from various star regions in the Flying Star Realm. Although they have rich experience, they are not well-versed in cooperation.

The other half of the warships are all young soldiers of the "Liaoyuan Fleet". They will accompany this super warship and grow together in the coming decades.

In order to replace the computing power of "Star Child", Liaoyuan uses the super crystal brain of the Xinghai Empire era in the "Thorn Star Studio" under the spider's nest star as its core, plus more than a dozen super crystal brains made by itself in the flying star realm. Form a super computing array.

Although its performance parameters have reached the level of the former "star child", the stability has dropped sharply, and problems occur at every turn.

Therefore, the combat effectiveness of today's Liaoyuan is actually much lower than when Xiao Xuance ruled, especially in terms of stability and control.

Precisely because of this awareness, Fei Xing talents will take the initiative to send the Liaoyuan to the Tianyuan Realm, hoping to be tempered here and form the strongest combat ability as soon as possible.

"Big brother, do you know, I have a feeling."

Li Yao slowly squatted down, pulled his hair hard, stared at the expressionless Lu Zui in the corner, and muttered, "This is a super warship whose performance is unstable and half of the crew are recruits. Shuai Zhou Hengdao'In this way, the veterans who have been killed step by step in countless **** battles for two hundred years are put together..."

"It's like a ignorant and ignorant newborn tiger, mixed with a scarred, old and cunning jackal, absolutely, it will be played by the latter!"

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