40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1182: Current affairs

"The following will broadcast the latest news of the peace talks between Tianyuan and the Blood Demon."

"Since the Federal Army and the Allied Forces of the Ten Thousand Demons have achieved a complete ceasefire on the front line of the Dark and Extremis, the special envoys of the two sides have finally determined the basic framework of the peace agreement after the 11-point negotiations.

"The contents of the agreement include: the Blood Demon Realm admits defeat; punishes war criminals; compensates for all material and spiritual losses caused by the war on the Tianyuan Realm; the scale of the All-Monster Alliance is reduced by 30% within one year, and reduced to half of the current level within three years; During the year, no super-heavy biochemical beasts and combat beasts with a body length of more than 100 meters shall be prepared and developed. Existing super-heavy biochemical beasts and combat beasts must wear positioning chips and control talisman arrays and transform them into Controllable'crystal beast'!"

"The Blood Demon Realm's Jiuyuan area, which corresponds to the Nether-Dark Territory, will be designated as a special military zone, which will be stationed and guarded by the Federal Army and the Meteor Fleet!"

"At the same time, the Pantheon Palace will open more than 150,000 key technologies, especially biochemical technologies, to the Tianyuan realm, and the two realms of Tianyuan and Feixing will also be used in more than 3,000 crystal stones and psychic technologies. The demon world opened its doors."

"The "Peace Supervision Group" composed of experts, soldiers and strong men from the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon and Fei Xing will spend three years to supervise the disarmament of the Allied Forces of All Demon, and will be responsible for finding new ones for the demons who have been eliminated. In the next few decades, the'Peace Supervision Group' will serve as a permanent organization of the Three Realms, responsible for solving all problems arising from the alliance of the Three Realms."

"On the other hand, in view of the current'monster virus' plague in the blood demon world is still raging, it has swept through most of the southern villages and towns, in line with the humanitarian spirit of'being a family 40,000 years ago,' a large-scale The Tianyuan Realm medical team is also ready to go to the epidemic area to fight the plague!"

"Ms. Jin Xinyue, the new Nine Heaven Profound Girl of the Blood Demon Realm, will arrive in Tiandu soon and formally submit a letter of surrender to the Federal Government, offering the soil soaked in the blood of Jin Tuyi, the commander of the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Demons."

"In the tradition of the blood demon world, this represents complete surrender!"

"In the 515 years since the establishment of the Xingyao Federation, the dawn of peace has shone on this vast land for the first time. The war between the Federation and the Yaozu is finally coming to an end. What appears before us is a brand new one. Yes, the road to the sea of ​​stars!"


"The two governments have not formally signed the surrender agreement, but non-governmental exchanges are already in full swing."

"It is reported that the'Skyfire Organization' from the Blood Demon Realm, the'Yaoshi Group' from the Flying Star Realm, and the emerging sect "Shuangjiaohui" in the Tianyuan Realm have signed a tripartite cooperation agreement, and the Xinghai development is about to begin. Exploration."

"Gu Yuxing, located on the edge of the Jialan star field in the Flying Star Realm, is a resource planet containing tens of thousands of rare minerals. In the past, due to the extremely harsh environment and the ravages of star thief, it has not been effectively developed."

"At present, Yaoshi Group has obtained the right to mine the planet, and Yaoshi Group, Skyfire Organization and Shuangjiao will jointly develop Gu Yuxing."

"In the blood demon world, the low-level demon tribes who have been invaded by wars and plagues, have been displaced and have no livelihoods, and the officers and soldiers who have been eliminated from the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance will become the main force in the first phase of development.

"The development of Gu Yuxing is a great cosmic experiment. The three parties will discover and solve various problems during the development process, and explore a new model for the future development of Xinghai, laying a solid foundation!"


"Another piece of news about Xinghai. Recently, experts from the Federal Observatory observed that on the ninth satellite of Faris, the ninth satellite, "Faustau", extremely unusual and super-scale psionic fluctuations have erupted for several consecutive days, such as Like a volcanic eruption, extremely strong electromagnetic radiation, invisible light, and Huaweijiu's substance were ejected outwards, like a powerful meteorite rain for several days!"

"This rare astronomical spectacle has never been observed in the history of Huaweijiu and even the entire Tianyuan galaxy."

"According to the photos taken by the starry sky crystal eye cast on the synchronous orbit of Huaweijiu, dozens of craters with a diameter of several kilometers were found on the surface of Huaweijiu. Among them, the deepest one has a height difference of several hundred meters!"

"In addition, around several craters, more than ten rift valleys with radioactivity spreading to the surroundings were also discovered, which were unfathomable."

"From previous observations on Huaweijiu, these rift valleys, like craters, have been formed recently."

"According to the interpretation of experts from the Federal Astronomical Observatory, this kind of large-scale meteorite rain that hits a certain satellite for several consecutive days is an extremely rare and ultra-small probability event on the entire cosmic level."

"The reason for this alien phase is most likely to be related to the fusion of the two realms of Tianyuan and Blood Demon. This means that the fusion of the two realms has entered a whole new stage, which has expanded from Tianyuan Star and Blood Demon Star to two galaxies. All planets and satellites in the two single galaxy worlds may be affected and eventually become a closely connected double galaxy world."

"A joint expedition team composed of experts from the Federal Astronomical Observatory and the Department of Astronomy of the Deep Sea University is preparing. It will go to Huaweijiu in the near future to observe the crater and the rift at close range and collect relevant data to determine the true cause of this event. ."


In the huge light curtain floating above the sky city, the latest current political news is repeatedly broadcast.

A dark black extended executive shuttle car passed through the light curtain.

Separated from the driver's seat, in the fully enclosed rear compartment, Jin Xinyue looked at Li Yao with a smile.

That’s right, although the news said that the newly appointed "Pantheon Hall of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl" will not come to the Tianyuan realm in a few days, but considering the delicate situation of the two realms now, it is very likely that there will be some extremists again. , If at a critical moment, you do something like "Assassinating Jin Xinyue", that would be bad.

Therefore, the news is just a smoke bomb, but Jin Xinyue arrived in Tiandu a few days in advance, preparing for the final round of consultations with the top officials of Tianyuan and Feixing.

Li Yao received her as the "Xingyao Federation Special Envoy on the Yangtze River and Ocean Currents" and worked with Guo Chunfeng to ensure her personal safety.

For such a task, Li Yao is naturally the best candidate. With him here, even if he faces an entire army, he may not be able to hurt Jin Xinyue a single hair.

"Master, I haven't seen you for a few months. I didn't expect your old man to do such an earth-shattering thing in the Tianyuan Realm."

When the two were alone, Jin Xinyue would naturally no longer hold the frame of the "Nine Heavens Profound Girl", respectfully bowing to Li Yao, then carefully observed him, and said with concern, "However, you seem to be reduced. I'm still a little haggard, even...forgive my disciple to say it bluntly, it's a bit yellowish!

"is it?"

Li Yao touched his slightly sunken cheeks, and said in a low voice, "It's about daily battles with people. It consumes too much!"

"Who is so powerful, with the perseverance of the master's Taoism, the majesty of the soul, and the sparkle of the spiritual fire, they all strive to be like this?"

Jin Xinyue was taken aback and couldn't help saying, "Master, over the past year or so, you have moved to the blood demon and Tianyuan realms. It consumes a lot! Now that the overall situation is set, you should also take a good rest and consolidate your realm. Even if you are going to fight on the road, why should you rush for a while? It is better to avoid the edge for the time being, and wait until you are ready to fight!"

"...You are still young and don't understand. How can you avoid the brunt of things like the'Great Dao Controversy' only if you are brave and diligent, devastating, and completely suppressed?"

Li Yao squinted his eyes, the corners of his eyes twitched, as if thinking of some unbearable scenes, but he still gritted his teeth and cut the railway firmly, "As the saying goes, my brothers, what a fight! If you escape before battle, it's still a kind of cultivation. Whoever!"

Seeing Li Yao's slightly bleak and thin face, panting and shriveled chest, and the slightly weakened bottom plate, Jin Xinyue's beautiful eyes couldn't help being moistened.

She once again understood the true meaning of the three words "cultivator" from the master!

"Forget it, change the subject."

Li Yao asked, "How is your father?"

A few days ago, the news sent through the “Skyfire Organization” stated that Jin Tuyi’s situation was not optimistic. It seemed that the progress of “Cryogenic Brain Disease” was progressing very fast, far exceeding expectations. I don’t know if this Ten Thousand Demons coalition commander can persist. How long.

Fortunately, in the past few months, he has been vigorous and vigorous, even frantically eradicating dissidents. He has settled on the overall situation, and has reached a profit transfer deal with most of the demon kings, and the "Skyfire Organization" has also faintly become a huge and important force in the blood demon world. Jin Xinyue herself even used the help of fighting the plague and became the nine-day mysterious woman who rescued the suffering in the hearts of thousands of low-level monster races.

With the Federal Army and the Flying Star Fleet stationed in Jiuyuan and the establishment of a special military zone, the blood demon world's direct attack route to the Tianyuan world was almost cut off.

Even if there are still people with unpredictable intentions in the blood demon world, it will be difficult to find an opportunity to make waves.

Jin Xinyue looked dark and shook her head and said, "Father, he has... lost his normal thinking ability and memory, and can no longer take care of himself. The brain domain experts have hired more than a dozen brain experts. The result of the joint inspection is his current IQ. It is no different from a three-year-old child, and even inferior, and it will be further reduced in the future."

Li Yao was stunned: "So fast?"

Something is wrong, Jin Tuyi clearly said that he will insist on the day when the war court opens, and give an explanation to the two realms of Tian Yuan and the blood demon.

With his Demon Emperor's strength, even if he couldn't prevent the onset of cerebrospinal syndrome, it shouldn't be difficult to delay the onset a little bit, right?

How could this happen? Does he want to stand on the trial bench like an idiot and humiliate himself and the Blood Demon Realm?

Jin Xinyue said: "Father suddenly became ill one night while browsing the news with Jingbra. First he was silent for a long time, then he laughed, out of breath, and fell down from behind the chair, his head They were all knocked apart, and then it became like this."

"News? What news?"

Li Yao keenly smelled a trace of conspiracy.

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