40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1183: Xinghai Development Era!

Jin Xinyue handed over a miniature crystal brain: "That's it."

Li Yao took the crystal brain and activated the light curtain, and discovered that it was an introduction to a cutting-edge new medical technology:

"Recently, the'Tiandu Medical College', one of the ninth universities of the Federation, and the Flying Star Realm'Xuanbing School' formed a joint research team, and successfully parsed a large amount of information about'Xuanbing' from a stone slab collected from a fragmented world in the Tianyuan Realm. Bing Jin's information and cultivation secrets."

"Xuanbingjin is a kind of ice-type psychic power handed down from the age of the Xinghai Empire to use supernatural powers. The Xuanbing School originally possessed a large number of classics on'Xuanbingjin'. Through this stone slab from the Tianyuan realm, it was finally completed. The most critical link is to crack all the mysteries of "Xuanbingjin", and with the help of experts from Tiandu Medical College, successfully explored the new practical technology of "Xuanbingjin"-super-instantaneous freezing of the human body. Also known as the'human hibernation technique'!"

"According to relevant experts from the joint research team, this technology can reduce the body temperature from normal body temperature to minus 50 degrees Celsius within 0.01 seconds. In a special freezing solution, both metabolism and cell activities are reduced to the lowest point. It does not damage the normal functions of the human body, nor does it affect the realm of the cultivator."

"For the ‘hibernator’, it’s like entering the ‘stationary state of time’, and the rate of cell aging becomes extremely slow, almost negligible."

"And after spending a few years or even decades in the'hibernation' state, after thawing, after a short recovery period, the cells can regain their original vitality and vitality!"

"Under the current situation, the application fields of this technology are very wide."

"In addition to conventional medical purposes, what's more important is that for some powerful people who are old and may not last for more than a hundred years and are eager to fight against the real human empire, the use of'human hibernation technology' will help It is a very viable choice to "sealing" yourself until the real human empire strikes in large numbers..."

Li Yao put down his brain and looked at the glimpse of the scenery outside the window. Jin Tuyi's unpredictable face appeared in his mind again, as if everything was in his grasp. After pondering for a long time, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Jin Tuyi, Jin Tuyi, it turns out that you were thinking like this, but you have discovered that there is still a possibility that you can compete with the strong of the real human empire, so you don't want to die?"

"So, should I follow your heart?"

Li Yao looked at the horizon lined with tall buildings in the distance, thinking deeply.


Ten days later, the Star Federation, the Far East China Sea, the sky over Magic Jiao Island, the War Museum, and the "Eternal Flagship of the Federation Forces" on the Liaoyuan.

Jin Xinyue, as the Nine Heavens Profound Girl of the Pantheon Palace, represented the entire blood demon world, and formally handed over the letter of descent and the box of soil soaked in her father's blood to the Starry Federation.

And it was not the Federal Speaker, but Li Yao, the "Special Envoy of the Speaker" that accepted the letter of submission and the blood soil on behalf of the Xingyao Federation.

On the one hand, because the "Nine Heavens Profound Girl" is not the highest leader of the Blood Demon Realm, it is theoretically a position similar to the "Special Envoy and Spokesperson of the Twelve Demon Emperors". When the chief of staff came out, they all belonged to their surrender status.

On the other hand, the Federation Army did not completely defeat the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Demons, and the Blood Demon Realm was also "conditional surrender", not really "unconditional surrender" after a complete defeat.

In fact, for the unruly demon emperors in the blood demon world, these cultivators who had not personally defeated them could not completely convince them.

Li Yao is different.

Li Yao really used his own power to cross the blood demon world, infiltrate hundreds of thousands of demon army, destroy the eye of the blood demon, and indirectly kill countless demon kings and demon elites!

In the blood demon world where the weak and the strong, the victor is king, even if he is an enemy, those demon kings have shown great respect and even fear to such a peerless fierce as Li Yao!

What's more, Li Yao's destruction of the Eye of the Blood Demon was certainly the "culprit" who killed countless monsters, and the enemy of the Blood Demon Realm.

However, he also blocked the "Spore Project", allowing more monsters to escape.

Otherwise, even if these monster races do not die from the destruction of the blood demon eye, they will be infected by the demon **** virus and become walking corpses and "out of control mutants"!

Now, the plague in the blood demon world has erupted on a large scale, and the horrors of the demon **** virus raged everywhere. Even the hardest demon race had to admit that after seeing such a terrible scene, Li Yao really saved countless demon races. , And even the future of the entire blood demon world!

In this sense, he is a great benefactor of the blood demon world again.

He not only has an awful and terrifying record, but also has great favors to the Blood Demon Realm, and has inextricably linked relations with the Blood Demon Realm and another important ally, the Flying Star Realm. Li Yao represents the Federation to accept this drop. Books are undoubtedly the best choice acceptable to all three parties.

Of course, the reason why he chose to accept the surrender on behalf of the Confederation was probably because the Speaker and most of the congressmen offered a small compensation for what they owed him.


When Li Yao took the wooden box filled with blood-colored soil from Jin Xinyue, hundreds of crystal eyes flashed at them at the same time. The epoch-making scene was turned into photos, videos and texts, accompanied by A series of spiritual waves passed through the turbulent ocean and spread to all directions of the Xingyao Federation!


Almost at the same time when Li Yao took over the book of surrender from Jin Xinyue, thousands of kilometers away from this highly anticipated surrender ceremony, the first trial against members of the "Patriot Organization" in Dongcheng District, Tiandu City , Also came to an end in a very low-key atmosphere.

A total of 20 criminals were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from 30 to 50 years for "treason", "crime of malfeasance" and "crime of endangering public safety".

In federal law, thirty to fifty years is a severe sentence second only to the death penalty and life imprisonment.

However, considering that this group of people who were sentenced were all deeply cultivated cultivators, and under the premise of not being madly overdrawn, their lives were longer than ordinary people, so the sentence was not too harsh.

What's more, the judge has stated that in a historical stage in the future, the federation will enter the era of rapid development of the "Star Sea Development", and various remote star regions will definitely require a lot of manpower.

These criminals can either choose to spend decades in the federal prisons honestly; they can also choose to cooperate with the federal government and join a series of experimental projects to go to remote and barren star regions to do what they have done in the past. All atonement can also shorten the sentence and get the opportunity of early release.

The first batch of twenty criminals to be tried was carefully selected. They were all people in the "Patriot Organization" who were deceived by Lu Zui and Zhou Hengdao. They did not know that everything they did was to "assassinate the Speaker." For this purpose, I didn't even know that such a tragic explosion would happen.

After learning the truth, they collapsed almost completely within one second, they told everything they knew, and even helped special operations teams such as Chunfeng to persuade more members of the organization to surrender.

After more than a month of observation, it was determined that they were really regretful, and they were able to be tried in the first batch.

Therefore, these twenty criminals, without exception, chose to cooperate with the federal government and rush to the front line of Xinghai's development!

When the sentence of the last person’s crime and sentence was completed, the twenty former criminals who were quite famous in the circle of cultivators all showed relief on their faces. They seemed to be reborn, and they couldn’t wait to plunge into the vigorous sea of ​​stars. Go under construction.

In the auditorium, their relatives also let out a long sigh of relief. Many people had tears in their eyes, and they were sincerely gratified by the verdict.

Among the more than 30 relatives of the criminals sitting on the left side of the gallery, although they were dressed in various styles, they all wore the same round badges on their chests.

On the badge, there is a slightly weird pattern. In the center is a double-edged sword covered with thorns and spikes. The strange thing is that it has only the blade but no hilt.

A big hand stretched out from the bottom right of the pattern and held the double-edged sword tightly.

Because there is no hilt, the blades on both sides of the double-edged sword and the thorns on the body of the sword pierced deeply into the palm of the palm, causing blood to flow from this big hand, dripping between the fingers and the back of the hand.

On the back of his hand, among the blood crisscrossing, he also opened a big eye, emitting a cold and sharp light, staring at everything.

Below the badge, there are five small letters painted with iron and silver hooks:

"Patriot Front!"

These people sat in the gallery for a long time, until all the criminals were taken away by the bailiffs one by one, they got up and left, but they regrouped outside the court.

Ding Lingdang stood out from the crowd, and also wore a Patriot Front's battle emblem on his towering chest.

Compared with a month ago, she seemed to have a bit of inexplicable power, not from her fists, but from the power that overflowed from her heart, making her more calm, firm, and unshakable.

Looking around, Ding Lingdang said: "The judgment of the Patriot Organization will end soon, and the battle belonging to our'Patriot Front' has just begun!"

"To be honest, I, like you, never thought about establishing such an organization. I have neither management experience nor long-term strategic vision. Until now, I don't know what the Patriot Front is going to do. event!"

"However, I believe that no matter how earth-shattering the big things are, we must start with the smallest things first."

"The war between Tianyuan and the Blood Demon is over. Next, Dahuang will be re-developed, as well as the various star regions in the Flying Star Realm, and even the farther star sea beyond the three realms of Tian Yuan, Flying Star, and Blood Demon! "

"These places are now in harsh environments, extremely desolate, and full of dangers."

"There is no doubt that the strong and adaptable monster race will be put into these places first."

"Our'Patriot Front' must not just watch them go, and we must devote ourselves to these places to work, develop, and build with the demon clan!"

"On the one hand, we have to stare at them to see if they really surrender and cooperate with us sincerely."

"More importantly, we have to prove that what the monster race can do, we can do the same! Where the monster race can survive, we can also survive! Not only can we survive, but we can also save these barren land. Become a new paradise!"

"Patriot is a good word, but this good word is now stained. It doesn't matter, fellow daoists, dear ‘Patriots’, we have a whole hundred years to slowly wash away these blemishes!"

"Let’s work hard together, everyone!"


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The fourth volume of the map, outline, and people are almost done. It is expected that the third volume will be over before this weekend. When you enter the fourth volume, the speed will slowly rise. Please stay calm and prepare. Usher in a new impact!

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