40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1194: Butterflies dance (start!)

When the ice butterfly emerged from its cocoon, the world around it had undergone earth-shaking changes. It was no longer facing the warm and humid breeze in the southern part of the blood demon world of its hometown, but the cold and icy rain and bone-chilling chill in the early spring of the Tianyuan Realm.

The huge change caught this crystal clear little life a bit by surprise.

But the race it belongs to is originally known for its tenacious vitality. Even in the long cold winter, most of the insects are frozen to death in the snow and ice, the race it belongs to can still turn into an ice pupae to survive the cold winter. When the spring is cold, the cocoon will break into a butterfly and see the sun again.

The simple neural network has not yet responded. The power hidden in the deepest part of the gene has made it vibrate its wings and fly high.

It curiously looked at the world around it, trying to find a slightly warmer shelter, of course, it also looked for food, those sweet flower juices, after eating and drinking enough, it also looked for companions and removed it from its ancestors. The genes have been inherited for millions of years and continue to be passed on from generation to generation.

Bingdie’s neural network is so simple that it can’t bear too much hesitation, hesitation, and self-pity. Once it has determined its mission, it will no longer be confused or think about failure and death. It will dance with concentration in the cold rain.

What appeared before its eyes was a dizzying new world.

The vast wilderness, after months of hard work by millions of workers and the Federal Army, is no longer an empty and barren scene, but a lively and thriving construction scene!

Molten steel splashed, heavy magic weapons roared, hundreds of workers gathered together, roared majestic labor chants, and the military anthem of the nearby Federal Army Construction Corps, shattered the sky!

Based on abandoned starships and fixed arc-shaped tents, with underground buildings as the core, a brand new city took only a few months to take shape.

This city, named "Great Desolate City", will not only be the location of the Great Desolate War Yard, but will also become the exchange center of the latest technologies of the Three Realms, and even the intersection of the economy, politics, and culture of the Three Realms!

The ice butterfly was attracted by such a hot scene. Under the sweat of the workers and the construction corps, the temperature in Dahuang City was several degrees higher than that of its neighbors. These degrees are most likely to determine its life and death.

The ice butterfly danced lightly and flew to the wild city.

Countless buildings with gleaming silver light and strange shapes, which had never appeared in the history of the two realms of Tianyuan and Blood Demon, passed under its translucent wings one by one.

If its intelligence is magnified billions of times and evolves for tens of thousands of years, perhaps it will realize the purpose of these buildings, and even more realize what an incredible miracle it is to make this building appear on this piece of land with nothing. !

On the outermost periphery of its leap, in the northwest of Dahuang City, it covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of acres. The super communication array composed of array-type psionic transceivers like more than 50,000 silver cauldrons can break through the limitations of three-dimensional space. The information flow is "broken into the void", and the sea of ​​stars jumps, realizing real-time communication between the three realms of Tianyuan, Feixing and Blood Demon.

Although the so-called "real-time" inevitably requires a delay of several minutes or even several hours, for two large worlds separated by countless light years, the delay of several hours is only a short moment.

Next to the Super Communication Array, there is a large pit with a diameter of several tens of kilometers. The black hole cannot be seen to the bottom at a glance. The sand and rocks excavated from the large pit are piled up next to the Great Desert City. The man-made mountain range, and the big pit itself has formed a unique microclimate, and there is even a suction that swallows inward, almost sucking the ice butterfly in.

This big pit is an upgraded version of the "Tianyuan Cannon" that is still under construction. It uses the most advanced star sea jumping technology in the flying star world. Its transmission capacity will be dozens of times that of the old generation of Tianyuan Cannon. Coordinates, precise delivery of a few Yuan Ying bosses is no problem!

The new generation of "Tianyuan Cannon", together with the "Blood Demon Eye" that is urgently repaired and strengthened in the Blood Demon Realm, and the Ice King "Universal Slingshot" of the Flying Star Realm, will become an important bridge between the three realms!


In another huge building below the ice butterfly, there was a long neigh suddenly, which shocked it and hurriedly dodged aside.

But seeing this silver dome-like building, the arc-shaped dome above suddenly split from the middle, shrinking to the two sides, a light spar battleship activated the anti-gravity rune array, and slowly floated from inside.

Above the ship's bow, the enhanced exoskeleton that faintly exudes a breath of life, and the two incompatible crystal magnetic cannons and acid liquid cannons, all show that it is not an ordinary spar battleship.

It is being tested. It combines the cutting-edge technologies of the three realms of Tianyuan, Feixing and Blood Demon, compatible with the dual system of biochemistry and psionic energy, while covering the laminated spall armor and strengthening the exoskeleton, adding the crystal magnetic cannon and the acid liquid cannon. A new generation of warships controlled with crystal cables and artificial neurons.

Or, according to the reporters of the Star Federation who like to add fuel to the vinegar-the battleship of the future!


This experimental ship representing the "future" just floated less than two hundred meters, perhaps due to the incompatibility of the dual system, there was a muffled noise from the rear, billowing black smoke, and fell again.

The craftsmen in the dock were prepared long ago. Hundreds of buffer arrays were activated at the same time, as if an invisible safety net had been condensed above the dock, holding the damaged warship firmly and bumping up and down. After a few rounds, he stayed still in the air.

Countless craftsmen were wearing engineering-specific crystal armor from the Flying Star Realm, and quickly swept toward the damaged parts of the battleship.

The ice butterfly felt deep awe of this behemoth. Although it has fallen now, the fallen behemoth is still a behemoth, and it cannot be approached.

The ice butterfly continued to fly towards the center of the city, passing through the new campus of the Great Wilderness War Academy that is under preparation. A joint crystal armor R&D center jointly funded by the three major crystal armor refining centers of the Flying Star Realm and Yaoshi Group, the Blood Demon Realm The Institute of Biodiversity even includes a spontaneously formed trading market that started operating before the construction of the core area of ​​Dahuang City, where the powers of the three realms can exchange technologies, exercises, magic weapons, and relic information.

The ice butterfly would not know that the chrysalis that he was dormant was brought to this trading market in the form of a potted plant from the blood demon world, hidden in the soil of an "ice marigold".

Even if he knew it, Bingdie wouldn't care.

At this moment, it is gazing at the colorful glass walls in mid-air with relish. In the glass walls, there are many huge creatures, like naked apes without hair, shaking the air, spreading something that it cannot understand. information.

The ice butterfly is not sure whether these high glass walls exist, or are they just like a rainbow after the rain, a phantom that can be seen and intangible?

Its guess is very close to the truth.

These three-dimensional light curtains floating in the sky over Dahuang City are repeatedly broadcasting two latest heavyweight news.

The first piece of news, the trial of the war court, finally came to fruition.

Since the Blood Demon Realm submitted the letter of surrender and Tian Yuan and the Blood Demon Realm signed a peace agreement, the war court against the blood demon Realm’s invasion of the Tian Yuan Realm immediately began to operate.

The conflicts that lasted for a hundred years were carried out in the form of "beast tide outbreak" in the first ninety years. In many cases, it is even unclear whether it was caused by the natural formation of wormholes. Demon-driven.

In fact, even ten years ago, even though the two sides regarded each other as their confidantes, they were strangely not officially declaring war.

Therefore, the war court heard mainly the crimes of the Ten Thousand Demons coalition sweeping the Great Wilderness in the "War of Dawn" three years ago; and the demons launched the "Red Tide Project" during the outbreak of the Tiandu Beast Tide more than half a year ago. offense.

The Battle of Dawn was the first military operation of the Ten Thousand Demons Coalition to invade the Federation. The planner and leader were the "Continentalist" factions in the Lion Slaughter Kingdom and the Youquan Kingdom.

It's a pity that almost all the leaders of this faction were killed by Li Yaokeng in the destruction of the Eye of the Blood Demon.

The only one remaining with great fruits is the old ancestor Youquan. His fate... can be regarded as God's eye, and evil is rewarded.

Then, there is only one person who can stand in the court of war and accept the trial and be responsible for the outbreak of the beast tide in Tiandu City—the commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, Jin Tuyi!

After months of trials, the nine special justices of the War Court unanimously ruled that Jin Tuyi's war crimes, massacres, and crimes against humanity were all established!

However, the nine justices had different opinions on how to sanction.

It stands to reason that, as the principal offenders of war crimes, slaughter crimes, and crimes against human beings, canon punishment is the only result.

But Jin Tuyi's situation is very special.

After testing by the Federal Meditation Masters Association and dozens of authoritative brain surgery experts, they all came to the unanimous conclusion that before the court of the war, Jin Tuyi suffered from gradual brain frost disease, and completely lost his intelligence, intellectual level and just recently. A baby born is no different.

In other words, as a "social man" Jin Tuyi is actually dead, and what is left is just a piece of meat that can breathe.

"As a murderer who committed war crimes, slaughter crimes, and *** crimes and other horrendous crimes, if Jin Tuyi was executed in this state of ignorance and ignorance, not only would it not bring him the slightest pain, It is also the greatest irony to countless federal citizens who have died tragically, and even the entire Union!"

"As a cultivator who has confronted Jin Tuyi face-to-face, I am very aware of his horror!"

"I even suspect that he used some kind of secret method to deliberately accelerate the onset of cold brain syndrome and turn himself into an idiot with feces and urine. He tried to use this method to escape the real sanctions and laugh at the federal law. Seriousness and fairness!"

"If Jin Tuyi, who is an idiot, is dragged onto the execution ground now, if the canonical punishment is made, we will not be punishing him, not the real war murderer, but just a piece of meat that looks exactly like Jin Tuyi!"

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