40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1195: Yuanying Conference!

The verdict of Jin Tuyi, commander of the Allied Demons, and the method of sanctioning him have aroused fierce discussion from all walks of life in the entire federal society.

From the members of parliament, ministers, and heads of major sects above the temple, down to the small people who lead cars and sell slurry, all federal citizens are thinking about how to fight this war between the human race and the monster race in their own way. Draw a full stop that will satisfy everyone.

The super federal hero Li Yao also expressed his views in forums and news media. After saying the above paragraph, he continued: "According to many brain experts, at the end of cerebrospinal disease, even Nerve endings will be frozen. Except for the basic reactions controlled by the brainstem such as heartbeat and breathing, even pain may not be sensed."

"That is to say, even if Jin Tuyi is smashed thousands of times now, he will not suffer a little bit of pain, but he can die and escape the real sanction forever!"

"So, I don't think Jin Tuyi should be sanctioned now, but his body and brain should be preserved in some way until the day when he can be sanctioned!"

"With the integration of the three realms of Tian Yuan, Fei Xing, and Blood Demon, various technologies, especially biochemical and psychic technologies involving brain nerves, are changing day by day, and new breakthroughs are made every day. I believe that in the near future, it is still regarded as It is an incurable brain gradual cold syndrome, and there must be a cure!"

"According to the news I just learned, we have made an explosive breakthrough in the field of'human hibernation'. We have theoretically mastered the ability of'ultra-low temperature human body freezing', which can keep a person intact in the long river of time. It’s not a problem for at least one or two hundred years."

"So, let Jin Tuyi, the commander of the Allied Forces of Demons, be the first person to hibernate the human body, let him hibernate until the era when the'cryogenic brain disease' can be cured, cure his disease, and restore him to the most awake state. After he realizes his consciousness, he will be given a true verdict, the death penalty is the death penalty, and the thousands of cuts are cuts to the thousands. All the pain, let him taste it without fail!"

"In my opinion, this is the real trial, this is the murderer of war like Jin Tuyi, who deserves the end of his crime!"

"Of course, the technology of'human hibernation' is not yet mature, and problems like this may occur, but the worst result is equivalent to the execution of Jin Tuyi."

"I don't see, there is nothing wrong with doing this!"

Li Yao's remarks caused an uproar in all walks of life, and after the initial astonishment, after thinking about it, everyone has to admit that he has a certain point.

Jin Tuyi now is equivalent to a vegetative person who can walk on his own and pull urine and bowels all over the floor.

Competing with a vegetative person, even if he was scolded bloody, tortured, and severely cut, he would not have the slightest pain-both physically and psychologically.

Because of the gradual coldness of the brain, Jin Tuyi’s soul has been deeply sealed at the bottom of his brain. With the current technology of the Federation, it is impossible to extract his soul with the "soul search" method. .

Basically, the Federation had nothing to do with him except to execute him directly.

In many cases, death is not punishment, but a kind of relief, as the saying goes!

Even the townspeople would often say "no good death" when they get angry.

In other words, as long as it can be "good death", sometimes it is a good choice.

If the unlucky Jin Tuyi were to die like this, it would indeed be regarded as a kind of "good death", it would be "one out of a hundred", not a real punishment.

This is obviously contrary to the original intention of setting up the war court.

After a month of lengthy discussions, nine special justices finally made a final verdict. All the crimes of Jin Tuyi, a super war criminal, were all convicted. However, given his special circumstances, the death penalty was not executed for the time being, but the'human body ultra-low temperature quick freezing' was used. Technology has put him in a'hibernation state', and after he is able to treat'gradual brain freezing', he will be thawed, treated, and executed.

The seemingly superfluous trial involves the dignity of the Federation and the seriousness of the law, which is a very necessary act.

All sectors of society are also quite satisfied with the result of such a judgment.

Especially after the general public saw the scene of Jin Tuyi dragging his nose, smirking like a second fool, and trying to pee at the bailiff in the live trial, everyone thought that the execution of such an idiot was definitely not this war. The best way to end it is a big joke.

The blood demon world has no objection to the judgment, and the senior leaders of the Pantheon Palace, including Jin Tuyi's daughter Jin Xinyue, unanimously support the "human hibernation" of Jin Tuyi and postpone the death penalty.

At this point, the war trial finally came to an end. Although it was not a full stop, it was a long enough rest.

In addition, the trial conducted earlier against all members of the "Patriot Organization" has also ended, and the two consecutive "Judgments of the Century" declared the Star Federation to bid farewell to the past.

From the Speaker of the Federation to ordinary workers, everyone in the Federation has got rid of the burdens of the old days, held their heads high, and made great strides toward the future!

And "Future", also ruthlessly, immediately gave these hillbillies on the edge of the star sea a terrible blow!

"What the Federation will face may not be a superpower'Empire' in the center of the Star Sea, but a'Holy League' that is more powerful and terrifying than the'Empire'!"

This news, like a thunderstorm, swept across the entire Federation, and spread to the three realms of Tianyuan, Feixing, and Blood Demon in an instant. Everyone was stunned and dizzy!

The new federation that was still gestating was like a small fish that had just grown fins and scales and had no hard bones. It was suddenly thrown into the turbulent ocean, and the entire world in front of me was suddenly enlarged by billions. The octopus with its teeth and dancing claws, the vicious giant whale... countless fierce beasts have appeared in the mysterious and unpredictable deep sea!

After all, it is still unknown at this moment whether this little fish can withstand the invasion of huge waves and the hunting of fierce beasts, step by step, and grow into an eight-clawed golden dragon that dominates the world and become a top player in the sea of ​​stars. Work together with the cultivator and fight together!

"The much-anticipated'Natural Infant Conference' will be held today in the unfinished Dahuang City'New Federal Conference Center'. This grand event is..."

The ice butterfly was attracted by the light curtain of clusters of flowers, thinking it was a real flower.

It dances in front of the light curtain, but it doesn't know how far-reaching changes the four words "Yuan Ying Conference" will bring to the world it is in.

The so-called "Natural Infant Conference", as the name suggests, is to convene all the super-first-class powerhouses of the Yuan Infant and Demon Emperor series in the three realms of Tian Yuan, Fei Xing and Blood Demon to look forward to and plan the future of the three realms, so that all the creatures of the three realms can be in danger A super party that survives in the sea of ​​stars.

This conference, which was pushed hard by the Federation to discuss the Yangtze River Current, was originally just a dreamlike existence.

Everyone knows that although the battle between Tianyuan and the blood demon is over, the distrust between the top powerhouses cannot be eliminated overnight. Most of the demon emperors are suspicious, thinking whether this is a cultivator preparing to kill them all at once. Conspiracy.

Although the Nascent Soul in the Flying Star Realm does not have a trust problem, if you jump all the way to the Celestial Realm, the resources consumed will be astronomical.

In the beginning, apart from the Federal Conference on the Yangtze River Current, almost no one thought that the "Yuan Ying Conference" could be held successfully.

However, with the smooth unfolding of the integration of the three realms, the technical exchanges between Tianyuan and the blood demon are also deepening. In particular, the Federal Army has carried a large number of "demon **** viruses" antidote to the front line of the epidemic area of ​​the blood demon world to help the demon race. Together against the plague, the situation slowly changed.

The existence of the "Holy League" is more like an invisible sharp blade, slashing all the old ideas of super-class powerhouses!

With the emergency deployment of the array-type starry sky communication system completed, some demon emperors and Yuan Ying who are unwilling to visit the scene can participate in the remote meeting, the last obstacle is also removed!

The three superpowers of the world can finally gather together to fight for each other's future!

Because the objective environment of the three realms is different, the influence and control of the super-powerful on society are also different. In addition, in the face of major issues such as "Empire" and "Holy League", the information they have may not be comprehensive and cannot be done immediately. To make the most correct choice, after careful consideration of the Yangtze River Ocean Current, the "Yuan Ying Conference" is defined as a non-governmental gathering.

All the Nascent Souls and Demon Sovereigns participating in the conference, no matter what position they hold in their own world, whether it is the head, the patriarch, or even the parliamentarians and speaker, when they arrive here, they do not represent their official status, but as a private person. The identity is present, only on behalf of oneself.

Even at the Nascent Soul Conference, any conclusions and resolutions passed will not have any legal effect, and cannot be used to restrain the foundation, formation, demon generals, and demon kings who did not participate in the conference, and it cannot be used to restrain the Three Realms. Of all ordinary people.

Even Yuan Ying who participated in the meeting can refuse to implement the decision of the meeting at any time if he is dissatisfied with the spirit of the meeting.

In theory, this is a relatively retreat theoretical seminar, a collision of the most cutting-edge thoughts, and a road route conference on the new federation.

There is no way, the strength has reached the Yuan Ying and Demon Emperor ranks, it is already difficult to restrain with ordinary means.

In the face of such powerful threats as the "Empire" and the "Holy League", it is even more impossible to choose to use coercive means to make the Three Realms fall into internal fighting again.

After all, what kind of road the new federation will choose, whether to rise up to fight back or kneel down to surrender, can only be determined by the heart of every Nascent Soul, every cultivator, and even every ordinary person!

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