40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1223: Fight Kunlun!

Including Li Yao, the pupils of all Yuan Ying's pupils all contracted into needle points.

They all knew what it meant to be discovered by the imperial cultivators first.

In the confrontation between the federation and the empire, the empire is vast, rich in resources, and profound. The federation is located in the corner of the star sea. Even if more worlds can be discovered in the future, it is estimated to be a poorly resourced and bitter land!

Territory, resources and background are not as good as people. If you want to turn defeat into victory, you must obtain technical advantages in certain fields!

Self-development is certainly a way, but this relic of Pangu civilization is indeed also a vital card of the new federation, and it is the key to achieving "curving overtaking"!

If this hole card is taken away by the Empire, then the New Federation really has no room to struggle!

On the other hand, the true human empire still doesn't know their details, at most they regard them as hillbillies and savages. The empire is here to pull the strong, and the quality of the expeditionary army may not be very high.

However, once the news of the discovery of the Pangu civilization relics is transmitted back to the empire's homeland, then maybe the empire's most elite "imperial forest army" will rush towards the Federation at all costs!

The thunder strike from the center of Xinghai is definitely not something that the Federation at this moment can resist!

"Never allow immortal cultivators to steal Kunlun!"

The iron **** Yanba has a strong character, he slapped the chair fiercely, and suddenly stood up and said, "Should we set off now, will it be too late to reach Kunlun in front of the immortal cultivator?"

Jiang Hailiu communicated with several astronomers for a while, nodded and said: "Theoretically, it is possible."

"Because the'Little Tribulation' itself cannot carry too much fuel. That ultra-long-range starry sky jump across thousands of star fields has consumed too much fuel. In addition to this adjustment of direction, its fuel location Not much left!"

"In addition, this ‘Little Heaven’s Tribulation’ doesn’t know the exact coordinates of Kunlun, it’s just searching the past. The Crab Nebula is full of dangers and the electromagnetic environment is super complicated. It will never travel too fast."

"Experts analyze that in the most smooth case, it will take about a week to reach Kunlun!"

"We have the Kunlun Star Map in our hands, and we have enough fuel. In theory, it is possible to get ahead of it!"

"Then gather all the elite and send it out immediately!"

The Iron God Yanba gritted his teeth and said, "At all costs, we must destroy this'Little Heavenly Tribulation' on the top of Kunlun. We can't let it unearth the relics of Pangu civilization, and we can't let it send news back to the empire!"

"In case the news comes back to the empire, and it uses Kunlun resources to build a super large-scale array of star torches to form the'Star Gate' to guide the direction of the empire's expeditionary force and let the expeditionary fleet jump over at once, then we It's over!"

All Yuan Ying and Demon Emperor nodded their heads together.

At the critical moment of life and death, no matter whether the human race is strong or the monster race is strong, they can no longer care about the friction between each other.

They all knew very well that once Xiaotianjie took root in Kunlun, formed a large-scale starry sky gate, and summoned an empire army, that would be the end of the Three Realms, and no one could escape.

At the "Natural Infant Conference" just now, everyone said so many grand plans with joy, they were all reduced to jokes!

"Fellow Dao Xingzi!"

Jiang Hailiu asked sternly, "What's the situation of Liaoyuan? When can I set off to Kunlun as soon as possible?"

At the very moment, Liaoyuan, the strongest battleship in the Three Realms, was their last hope!

Everyone focused their gazes on Falling Star, but the leader of the Flying Star monk was embarrassed and looked at each other with Si Koulie, a starship crafting expert in the Flying Star Realm. He hesitated and said, "Just let the Liaoyuan jump over. It is extremely difficult and almost unrealistic!"

Jiang Hailiu frowned: "Why is this? Kunlun and Tianyuan and Blood Demon are within easy reach, much closer than Flying Star Realm to Tianyuan Realm. Since Liaoyuan can jump from Flying Star Realm to Tianyuan Realm, why can't it be from Tianyuan Realm? Jump to Kunlun?"

"There are many prerequisites for the star-sea jumping technology to break through the four-dimensional space."

Starship expert Si Kou Lie explained to Luo Xingzi, "Especially for the super giant ship of the tonnage of the'Liaoyuan', it also needs to carry a large number of superpowers of the Yuan Ying and Jin Dan series, and it is not just that you can jump if you want to jump. of!"

"We jumped from the Flying Star Realm to the Tianyuan Realm more than half a year ago. There are three premises."

"First, the Flying Star Realm itself has a huge launch platform, which is a'cosmic slingshot' transformed from the star jumping amulet of the Xinghai Empire. It is the cosmic slingshot and the Liaoyuan’s star jumping system that work together to accomplish this. An incredible jump!"

"Secondly, the exchanges between the two realms of Tianyuan and Feixing were very frequent at that time. You have established a large-scale array of star torches on the synchronized orbit of Tianyuan star. A total of more than 800 star torches are shining together, like an extremely glorious one. The lighthouse, guides the direction of the Liaoyuan!"

"Third, the astronomical environment of the Celestial Realm is relatively stable, and there are no too complicated stellar storms and gravel star belts, and in the previous exchanges, you also provided a large number of astronomical parameters of the Celestial Realm, so that we know the environment here. !"

"That's the case. In order to carry out this starry sky jump, we consumed astronomical resources. It took more than a month before and after the launch of the Liaoyuan. After the launch of the Liaoyuan, the Universe Slingshot was overhauled for two weeks before it could be carried out for the second time. jump!"

"Now, none of these three conditions are met."

"First, both the Tianyuan Artillery and the Eye of the Blood Demon are undergoing major repairs and reconstructions, which are incomparable with the cosmic slingshots of the Flying Star Realm. If you want to generate enough impetus, you must work overtime to carry out emergency reinforcement and repairs. It is expected to take at least ten days and a half month!"

"Second, although we have the Kunlun star map, after 40,000 years, the environment there has completely changed. Without the star torch to guide the direction, how can we accurately jump above Kunlun?"

"Third, the Crab Nebula surrounding Kunlun is too complicated. We don’t know about its astronomical parameters. How many gravel star belts are there, how strong the stellar storms are, and whether pulsars will attack the stars. The ship is causing an impact? I don’t know how to jump?"

"It's like a giant sea ship with extremely deep draught. In the dark night, in an environment where you can't see your fingers, it sails into an unknown sea full of reefs and vortexes, and a storm is still waiting for it in front- This is not an adventure, but a suicide!"

Si Kou Lie has been in the starship realm all his life. He is an out-and-out old sea wolf. He is also very sincere. Many Nascent Souls with a little bit of astronomical knowledge can only nod helplessly.

"Leader Sikou, we all admit the difficulties you mentioned!"

Jiang Hailiu's face was so sinking that he could unscrew a waterfall, "But now the Three Realms are at stake, and no matter how great the difficulty is, we must find a way to solve it. You can't just watch the immortals monopolize Kunlun, right?"

Si Kou Lie pondered for a moment, and then frantically calculated with Luo Xingzi for a long time, and finally raised his head and said: "If the'Liaoyuan' has to jump to Kunlun, we can fight to the death, but there is a prerequisite!"

"There must be a starship with a smaller tonnage, carrying a very small number of elites, jump over it first!"

"The mission of this starship is to initially detect Kunlun's astronomical parameters, figure out the surrounding environment, and build a star torch near Kunlun."

"With the astronomical parameters and the star torch guidance, the probability of us jumping over smoothly is greatly improved. Otherwise, it is really not a question of not being desperate, but a question of jumping ten times and dying ten times!"

"Let me go!"

Before Si Koulie spoke, Li Yao suddenly got up, "I'll take the'Spark' over there, collect parameters for the Liaoyuan, and build the star torch!"

Li Yao had been in the Flying Star Realm for a long time, and he was the first group to jump from the Flying Star Realm back to the Tianyuan Realm. His starry sky jumping experience was much richer than that of ordinary cultivators, knowing that Si Kou Lie was right.

There is only an ancient star map, no star torch guidance, and unfamiliar destination environment, star jump is a dead end.

Moreover, the Spark was originally the "multifunctional expedition ship" of the Xinghai Empire, and its refining purposes included this one, opening the way for the super starship and acting as a "guide"!

Li Yao still has an identity, but he is the captain of the Spark. Now the Spark has been fully restored and has more powerful functions than before. He can't wait to be the first to explore the secrets of Kunlun with this old friend!

"I am going too!"

"And I!"

"Friend Li Dao, we are fighting together!"

Many Yuan Ying and Demon Emperor invited Ying.

Regardless of their positions, at this time, courage, courage and desire for the remains of Pangu civilization are the things they lack most.

The situation is urgent, and normal procedures are not taken care of. Anyway, the top super-class experts and experts of the Three Realms are here, and the Yuan Ying Conference has instantly turned into a strategic analysis meeting.

Several star jump experts and starship experts from the flying star world conducted a detailed analysis and accurately calculated the maximum load of the combination of the current situation of the Tianyuan Cannon and the star jump system inside the Spark.

Subtracting the maximum load from the star torch and other equipment that Spark must carry, the maximum number of people that can be transmitted at one time is obtained.

Roughly speaking, you can send three Nascent Souls, or twenty pill formations, or build a foundation ten times more, which is an order of magnitude.

"It's better to send three Yuan Ying over!"

Li Yao said, "The Kunlun area is full of complex spiritual magnetism environment, full of unknown dangers, and may even be in direct conflict with the imperial cultivators. If the strength is too weak, it will be cumbersome. If they are caught by the cultivators, they may dig from their minds. It would be bad if a large amount of federal intelligence was released!"

"Moreover, the more people there are, the more resources are consumed, which will greatly occupy Spark's load!"

Storing magic weapons, equipment and spars in the Universe Ring can indeed compress a lot of space and reduce weight, but the special space magic weapon, the Universe Ring, is still very "heavy" when jumping into the starry sky. Unleashing strange spatial fluctuations, interfering with jumping, and finally deviating from the course, breaking the halberd, sinking into the sand, and getting lost in the four-dimensional space!

Therefore, the experienced old sea wolf does not like to carry too many universe rings on the starship. The control of materials and fuel is still very important.

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