40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1224: Profound bone, dark flame gold!

Li Yao's opinions were supported by the vast majority of Yuan Ying.

Now the enemy's situation is unknown. If too many foundation-building and alchemy cultivators are put in the past, if they are caught by the cultivators, they use "soul search Dafa" and other torture methods to force out the Federation's details, it would be terrible.

"Friends of Taoism!"

Jiang Hailiu’s eyes were shining, and the sound was like Hongzhong, "Undoubtedly, this is the most critical moment in the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon, and Fei Xing! After passing this level, we will be able to obtain the superb power in the remains of Pangu civilization. A large number of magical powers were analyzed from the small tribulations of the true human empire, which instantly increased our comprehensive strength for 50, 100, or even three to five hundred years, and for future development, we will strive for a golden buffer period of one or two hundred years. !"

"If you can't pass this level, then the army of the true human empire will most likely appear in front of us with a thunderous force within three to five years!"

"That is the common disaster of the three realms, we will become fish on the chopping board, and our destiny and future are controlled by others!"

"Regardless of whether we were enemies or friends in the past, or have any differences and concerns on the road of future development, at least at this moment, our goal is the same, that is, survival!"

"Dear friends, fight for survival, Kunlun belongs to us and must not be taken away by immortal cultivators!"


Three days later, in the depths of the Great Wilderness, the Tianyuan Cannon was being rebuilt urgently. On the giant spherical concave surface with a diameter of more than tens of kilometers, countless refiners and workers were busy like ants and worker bees.

The Spark is ready to go in the deepest part of the Tianyuan Cannon.

In the preparation room below the Tianyuan Artillery, with the help of Ding Lingdang, Li Yao put on the most advanced mustard combat uniform of the Federation.

This combat suit incorporates the biochemical technology of the Blood Demon Realm, and has implanted strands of super strong synthetic spider silk in key parts, thin as a cicada's wings, almost weightless material, but can provide stronger than the ceramic plate Defensive power, even after being damaged, synthetic spider silk will release a special sticky substance to automatically block the breach.


Li Yao didn't even need to change his breath. He stabbed hundreds of punches with extreme ease. The air was rubbed by his fist and turned into a twisted orange-red color. The ductility and flexibility of the mustard combat uniform were not reduced at all.

Perceiving the psychic energy flowing in and out of the microfiber holes in the mustard combat uniform, Li Yao mentally calculated for a moment, smiled, and was very satisfied with this new material.

Sure enough, this mustard seed battle suit has unique psychic lock and stable magical powers, which can automatically adjust the size of the fiber holes, help the practitioner find the best mode of psychic energy dissipation, reduce the loss of psychic energy, and enhance the fighter's endurance and combat effectiveness.

Li Yao estimates that this combat suit can at least extend his continuous combat time by 10%. Coupled with the mustard grade air circulation and temperature adjustment functions, it is most suitable for use in outer space environments with extreme temperature differences. Crystal armor also has an expensive super battle suit!

For this "decisive battle against Kunlun", the entire cultivation world has worked hard. Needless to say, the first three Yuanying people who set off to Kunlun, other Yuanying bosses also generously donated their bags and took out the magic weapon at the bottom of the box. Let them bring it, this mustard combat suit is just the most common.

Li Yao re-checked the various magic weapons he carried, and he really had a sense of local tyrants armed to his legs!

He is the captain of the Spark and possesses the dual talents of combat and refining. He can repair starships and star torches in an emergency. He is naturally the first group of explorers to do his part.

Apart from him, the second member is Fire Ant King.

The Fire Ant King himself is a demon king, with good combat effectiveness, but more importantly, he is the leading expert in modulation and demonization of plants in the blood demon world. During the decades as the leader of Chaos Blade, he has studied cells and genetics. There is also in-depth research.

In addition, he has secretly developed countless "Chaos Relics" in the past few decades, and is an outstanding combat archaeologist-referred to as the Tomb Rogue!

Coupled with the inextricable relationship between Bayanzhi and Pangu civilization, there is a remains of the Pangu clan in the tomb of the Chaos God of Bayanzhi, which has also fallen into the hands of the Fire Ant King and is being studied.

The Fire Ant King’s understanding of Bayanzhi and Pangu civilization surpasses that of most Yuan Ying, and perhaps even Li Yao is inferior to him. It is only natural that he became the second explorer.

The third member is Professor Mo Xuan.

Compared with Li Yao and Fire Ant King, Professor Mo Xuan's combat effectiveness is slightly weaker, but his special liquid metal body gives him a very good self-protection ability, and he can run if he can't fight!

The biggest reason for choosing him has nothing to do with the relics of Pangu civilization, but with the real human empire.

In the battle to suppress the chaos of the cultivators, Professor Mo Xuan and the other four Protoss once broke into Xiao Xuance’s flagship, swallowing a large amount of computing power of the "Star Child", and had a certain degree of influence on the crystal brain and soul system of the real human empire. Understand, and in the following years, developed several magical powers similar to "crystal brain virus"!

Once you meet the cultivators of the true human empire in Kunlun, perhaps Professor Mo Xuan's crystal brain virus will have a miraculous effect!

Besides, Professor Mo Xuan is a very special ghost cultivator. He has no weight. If you take him, you can also bring the other four star spirits, that is, the four seniors of Li Yao, and the "Four Majors" of the Refining Department of the Great Wilderness War Academy. "The King of Heaven" bring them together!

When the four of them were in the Flying Star Realm, they were integrated with the Spark, and they were able to control them freely. After so many years of training, the skills to control the starship are even more proficient and exquisite. They can use the Spark without more crew. Performance squeezed to the limit!

In this way, the four Protoss used the Spark to collect astronomical parameters near Kunlun, clearing the channel and jumping points, and three Yuanying including Li Yao could go deep into Kunlun to investigate, killing two birds with one stone and saving time.

The three main expedition team members on this list all possess a variety of abilities and have cooperated several times. They have a very high understanding of each other, and they soon have been unanimously recognized by all Yuanying.

"Sorry, I've only been at home for a few months, and I'm going out again!"

Li Yao couldn't hide his eagerness in his eyes. Suddenly he thought of his wife, scratched his head, and said to Ding Lingdang with some embarrassment, "You won't blame me?"

Ding Lingdang sneered and punched him hard in the chest: "Okay, don't pretend, I don't know you yet, right? We didn't like to stay at home honestly. Man, what can I blame you for?"

Li Yao was greatly moved, holding Ding Lingdang's hand, and said seriously: "I will definitely be back!"

"Of course, if you don't come back, I will go to Kunlun to pull you back!"

Li Yao and others are just the vanguard, they are going to set up star torches for the main force, clear the channel, and detect the enemy's situation.

The real main force will take the Liaoyuan to Kunlun, and Ding Lingdang, a militant, is naturally one of them.

She also geared up, wishing to have two wings, and now flying to Kunlun, so she understood Li Yao's feelings very well.

Both of them are fanatical cultivators, and there are not so many children who have a lot of miscellaneous affections. They talked and laughed and left the preparation room and went to the magic weapon inspection room next to them.

The most important magic weapon of this battle, after a comprehensive upgrade, or simply said to be the profound bone battle armor rebuilt with the strongest technical power of the Three Realms, is undergoing final inspection!

Including the best armor masters in the two realms of Tianyuan and Feixing, all gathered around the profound bone battle armor to adjust each of the most subtle performance parameters, and strive to adjust to the level of perfection and impeccable.

Li Yao inspired the monitoring light screen to have a panoramic view of all performance parameters. Facing the substantial improvement of one parameter, he couldn’t help but exclaim. The world of refining tools is really endless. In the past, he thought that the performance of the profound bone battle armor was already Squeezed to the limit, I didn't expect there to be so much room for improvement.

The brand-new profound bone battle armor still uses translucent black as the main tone, but the black armor is inlaid with strands of dark gold flow patterns, full of domineering like tiger patterns.

Therefore, this crystal armor was named-Profound Bone? Dark Flame Gold!

From the outside, Xuan Bone? Dark Flame Gold has not changed much from the past. Its biggest feature is that on the shoulder pads, chest, back and legs, each is inlaid with a universe ring, which contains a large number of crystal armor components. .

As long as Li Yao's mind moves, he can extract a large number of components from the Universe Ring at any time, constrain them together through the field of spiritual power, and change different forms.

From the streamlined body, the fastest and high mobility, to the melee form full of shock blades and fighting stabs, to the heavy fire form composed of more than 108 triple-mounted six-barreled rotating bombers... ? Dark Flame Gold can be freely converted between five different forms, and the battlefield adaptability is extremely strong. It is an out-and-out omnipotent crystal armor!

Li Yao was very satisfied with this set of crystal armor. The only flaw in it was that the flying sword that wrapped Xiao Hei was shattered, and there was no place for Xiao Hei on the brand new profound bone battle armor.

This made him a little uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Li Yao summoned Xiao Hei from Universe Ring.

This group of little guys like meatballs has been sullen and sleepy for the past few months. They have swallowed a lot of spar every day. After eating enough, they will either go back to the universe and go to sleep, or float in mid-air in a daze. .

The black wing sword of the past could still be swiftly fast, but after the seal was lifted, it would not be able to do anything. It even flew lazily, as if squirming in mid-air.

Li Yao had no choice but to let it go. Anyway, he didn't worry about eating and drinking, and it was nothing to raise this little guy by his side.

"Xiao Hei, do you still remember the Profound Bone Battle Armor? In the past, you were the favorite to blend into the Profound Bone Battle Armor, fighting alongside me! Look, there is still a way to integrate into it?"

Li Yao asked expectantly.

Unexpectedly, this group of black meatballs first stretched out a few tentacles to feel it, and then each tentacled shook and retracted lazily.

Look at the meaning of the answer, this super crystal armor that condenses the strongest technical power of the Federation, is not in its eyes!

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