40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1230: Fragmented!

The Fire Ant King looked at the crystal eyes sent back, and the scene of the war remains denser in front of the Spark, with a ugly expression on his face, said: "In this way, it is really possible that Pangu civilization embraces us like Senior Gui Shoushou said. It must be hostile! It seems that this trip to Kunlun might be dangerous!"

"No matter how great the danger is, we must go."

Li Yao said seriously, "The distance between Tianyuan and Blood Demon is very close. It is simply a time bomb placed next to our couch. The more dangerous it is, the more we must figure out the truth about it. 'Detonate', we don't even know how to die!"

"Moreover, the cultivators of the true human empire have already marched toward Kunlun. We can't just watch them and take away a large number of Pangu civilization relics in Kunlun, right?"

"The corpse of this Pangu warrior has been exposed to the universe for too long, and it has only become so fragile after hundreds of thousands of years of radiation from the pulsar, and it will turn into dust with the touch of it."

"But above Kunlun, there may be more well-preserved Pangu clan corpses, and Pangu clan's powerful weapons. When they fall into our hands, they can greatly enhance the ability to fight the empire and fall into the hands of immortal cultivators. Then we are done!"

Professor Mo Xuan nodded with the Fire Ant King.

"Yes, no matter how thrilling wars have occurred in the prehistoric times, the result is that we have dominated three thousand worlds for at least a hundred thousand years, and even a Pangu tribe hasn't seen it!"

Professor Mo Xuan's metallic voice sounded unspeakably powerful, "That means that we are the final victor and beneficiary of this war!"

"Furthermore, the predecessor of Bayan, 40,000 years ago, also explored Kunlun. Not only did he retreat all over, he also brought a corpse of the Pangu tribe back to the Blood Demon Star for research!"

"Friends of Fire Ants were right before they set off. Whether Pangu or Nuwa, they are not illusory gods and demons, but flesh and blood like human beings. Everyone is a carbon-based life. What's so terrible!"

"Toward Kunlun, go ahead!"

Behind them is the expectations of the Star Federation and the entire three compatriots in the world. No matter how difficult and dangerous the road ahead is, they cannot stop their determination to open up a new world!

Li Yao, Professor Mo Xuan and the four Protoss worked together, and finally completed the overhaul of the psychic shield and the power rune array within three hours.

Taking advantage of this period of time, the Spark also dragged in a large amount of star dust debris from the sea of ​​stars. After careful inspection and analysis, it was found that a large number of artificially refined alloys were relatively consistent in composition.

From this, it can be inferred that most of the fragments were peeled off from a large and innocent whole.

After three hours, the Spark continued to advance.

This time they slowed down slightly, paying great attention to scanning the surrounding starry sky with mysterious light, especially the human-shaped star sea debris.

As a result, like the Pangu tribe's corpse just now, I have never seen it again, but I have encountered some oddly shaped stumps and severed arms. It was shocking to see the scalp numb.

What impressed Li Yao most was a cylindrical shape with a diameter of more than half a meter and a length of nearly three meters.

Analyzing through mysterious light scanning, it is not like metal, but rather like a certain part of a flesh and blood body.

At first, Li Yao thought it was a torso with severed hands and feet, and it looked like a relatively strong arm or thigh.

But after they studied carefully for a long time and discovered the rings of threads like annual rings, they suddenly realized that it was a finger.

A finger more than three meters long and half a meter thick, stronger than Li Yao.

Everyone stayed in front of this finger for a long time, and after collecting enough shape data, they crossed over without hesitation.

"In the star field ahead, the stardust debris has gradually decreased, and the pulse storm has slowly stabilized! Strangely, the relative distance between here and the pulsar has not lengthened, but has been shortened. According to astronomical parameters, it should be a pulse. Why is this the place where the storm is strongest?"

"This is not a real storm. Where does the so-called'eye of the wind' come from?"

"An extremely powerful psychic energy fluctuation and metal reaction came from the front, and the mysterious light we emitted returned a very huge celestial body!"

"The 51 features marked on the Kunlun Star Map all match one by one, and we are about to reach our destination!"

The four Protoss kept reporting the latest voyage news.

The speed of the Xuanguang drill bit soared to its limit, and countless wreckage and stardust debris on the wild battlefield were drilled into powder, and the spark number went out to sea like a dragon, and finally drilled this annoying sea of ​​meteorites!

The cosmic celestial bodies that appeared in front of the Spark made all seven of them dumbfounded, their hearts surging, and they couldn't calm down for a long time.

It was a planet larger than the moon. The whole body was pale golden. It seemed to have been hit hard by an asteroid not long ago. A super giant scar almost covered half of the surface, and a large amount of material was torn apart and flung into the stars. , Became the sea of ​​meteorites they had just passed through.

Even now, there are still countless substances spewing out from the inside of the stars and flying towards the sea of ​​stars, like a magnificent fountain, or like this planet with a weird tail that connects to the sea of ​​meteorites.

Change to an ordinary planet, after suffering this kind of blow, the remaining half of the incomplete star will surely collapse inward under the action of its rotation, slowly turning into a relatively small sphere.

But this pale golden planet maintained an incomplete semicircular shape, like a golden apple that was bitten and decayed.

Looking inside from the "wound", you can see an internal metal structure that is more intricate than a maze, and a core that is absolutely not naturally formed, and is surrounded by mysterious light!

Its interior is actually hollow, full of various structures similar to underground cities, with strong man-made traces!

Although it is covered with heavy rocks and forms a very stable crust, it is an out-and-out man-made celestial body!

"Is this the Pangu tribe’s super battleship'Kunlun'?"

Professor Mo Xuan muttered to himself, his voice trembling slightly, unspeakable excitement.

Like Li Yao, he is a super magic weapon fan. Although refining starships is not their expertise, seeing this kind of genuine "planetary warship" still makes every soul of them jump.

In particular, this planetary battleship suffered a fatal attack, the outer shell was completely torn, and the mysterious and complicated internal structure was clearly presented before their eyes.

This incredible sight really feasted their eyes on them, almost reluctant to pull out their sights.

"Crack, click!"

The sparkle's crystal eyes immediately started shooting frantically.

"When we set up the array-type Xinghai communication system and send these photos back to Tianyuanxing, the leader of Sikou will definitely have to dance with excitement.

Li Yao joked.

The leader of the "Ice God Project", Si Kou Lie, the leader of the Battle Star Alliance, is the leading starship refining expert in the Three Realms. He dreams of refining a "planetary warship."

If you can get the information about the Pangu clan super battleship "Kunlun", even the simplest appearance information, it will definitely be inspiring for his plan.

"The psychic energy fluctuations in this star field are very stable, and the pulse interference is also very small. It is very suitable for deploying star torches and array-type star sea communication equipment."

Professor Mo Xuan quickly calculated for a while, and continued, "It's just that we didn't expect'Kunlun' to be so broken. Every second, a large amount of matter is ejected outward. These matter form star sea fragments, which are driven by the impulse storm. Under the circumstances, it is very likely to pose a threat to Star Torch and communication equipment."

"To guide a super battleship like Liaoyuan, carrying dozens of Yuan Ying and Jin Dan to jump over, the star torch and communication equipment must be deployed to the limit, so how to prevent the invasion of the star sea debris is a very troublesome problem!"

"If you first lay out a large number of defensive arrays to form a huge psychic and magnetic distortion field, and then deploy the star torch and the communication magic weapon, it will take at least 72 hours to complete the work."

Li Yao nodded: "Then according to the original plan, the four seniors will operate the Spark to complete the erection of the star torch and the magic weapon of communication, send all the astronomical parameters back to the Tianyuan realm, and clear a star field for the Liaoyuan to jump over. ."

"The three of us, first land on the'Kunlun' to investigate. If the immortal cultivator arrives in advance, we can also make preparations early!

This is a plan made before the departure, and counting the time, they haven't been too far behind.

The three of them checked the Universe Rings and Magic Weapons they carried. Li Yao summoned the Xuangu? Dark Flame Gold, and embedded several Universe Rings. The Fire Ant King also put on the plant biochemical armor. Professor Mo Xuan He got into the psychic prosthesis that looked like a metal octopus.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Three single-person low-Earth orbit assault capsules that looked like capsules were spit out by the Spark, like three meteors, flying towards Kunlun.


Li Yao curled up in the orbital assault cabin, heard the metal twisting sound from the orbital cabin, and watched the flames soaring beyond the porthole, he couldn't help but secretly startled.

This is the reaction that occurs when the assault cabin and the atmosphere are violently friction.

But how is it possible?

Kunlun has already been torn apart in half, even if it originally had an atmosphere, under such a tragic and heavy injury, the atmosphere should have been torn apart and escaped?

How did the Pangu tribe manage to cover a "planetary warship" with an artificial atmosphere, and even with such severe damage, the atmosphere will remain condensed?

Where does the energy that make up the atmosphere come from?

You know, here is the depths of the Crab Nebula, there is no sun at all!

Li Yao once again left a deep impression on the level of Pangu civilization, but this did not mean fear, but instead inspired his belief in exploration and learning.

In a short while, all three assault capsules plunged into Kunlun's artificial atmosphere and came to the surface of this planetary warship!

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