40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1231: The mining vehicle in the Xinghai!

They did not choose to enter the planetary battleship directly from the fragmented side of Kunlun.

Because the huge damage that is bottomless is still throwing hundreds of millions of tons of material outward.

Many internal components of battleships contain extremely powerful psychic energy. When they collide in a vacuum, a series of psychic and magnetic fusion-like reactions erupt, just like small artificial suns. Numerous small artificial suns envelop the mass and speed. The high material rushed out, forming a mighty river of burning steel!

Directly hitting inside is like rushing into a volcanic crater that is erupting. It is definitely a self-seeking behavior.

Moreover, Kunlun's scale is larger than that of ordinary satellites, and its internal structure is extremely complicated. Without map guidance, once it gets stuck in it, it may not be possible to get out of it for a year or a half.

Therefore, they decided to land on the surface of Kunlun first.

Since there is an atmosphere and a stable crust, there should be something on the ground.

They chose the side that was opposite to the huge fragmented hole, and located the strongest point of metal reaction and psychic energy fluctuations, adjusted the spiritual flame jet port of the low-Earth orbit assault cabin, like three meteors, and fell heavily to the ground. !

"Boom! Boom!"

Tens of kilometers apart, three assault capsules landed and landed one after another, exploding a huge crater, bringing up three light blue plumes of smoke, condensing in mid-air, and staying for a long time.

Li Yao raised his alertness to the limit, first released a large amount of spiritual thoughts, and explored outwards like an octopus, without noticing any abnormality, only then uncovered the hatch of the assault cabin and crawled out of it.

This is a "turbulent" planet.

Looking around, the earth is covered with waves-like folds. There is almost no plain. Suddenly it rises several thousand meters high. Suddenly, it tears through the bottomless gaps without warning. A stream of colorful heat spews out, like a bunch of strange-shaped flower buds, blooming in mid-air.

The sky is full of lavender clouds, and the speed of the clouds rolling is a hundred times faster than that of Tian Yuan Star and Blood Demon Star, giving people a sense of depression that the mountains and rain are about to come and blow all over the building.

Among the lavender clouds, huge light spots appeared from time to time, one after another, providing Kunlun with the most basic light.

However, the visual effect is still quite dim, and the overall feeling is like the sky above Tianyuan Star, in the summer afternoon, when the rain is approaching.

"It's so heavy!"

Climbing out of the assault cabin, Li Yao staggered and almost fell to his knees.

His breathing is very difficult, his hands and feet are like lead blocks, he must run his psychic energy to resist in order to move normally.

Kunlun's gravity is more than ten times that of Tianyuan Star!

"It's unbelievable. Kunlun is about the same size as a normal satellite. The gravity should be one-third of that of Tianyuan Star. How could it be so heavy?"

Li Yao's mind turned around and quickly reacted.

Kunlun is a man-made planet, filled with a large number of ultra-high-density and mass alloys. Even though it is only a small planet, its quality may be higher than that of the Tianyuan Star, plus some artificial symbolic arrays and force fields. It is not surprising to have ten times the gravity of Tianyuan Star.

Ten times the gravity is not a problem for today's Li Yao. He bounced around and stabbed a few hundred punches. He quickly adapted and released the "Fierce Dragon" for high-altitude exploration, analyzing atmospheric pressure and air composition.

Unexpectedly, although the air here contains several components that Li Yao cannot distinguish, the dual analysis of crystal brain and biochemical brain shows that it is not threatening, and there are no ancient bacteria and parasites. It is more than blood. The air on the demon star is just a little harsher.

Ordinary people may not be able to breathe this kind of air directly, and it can only be used after being filtered, but for the cultivator of Yuan Ying level, there is no such problem at all.

Moreover, Li Yao felt that the psychic energy fluctuations here are more active than the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon, and Flying Star. The strength of the psychic magnetic field surrounding the planet is at least five times that of the Three Realms. Just after landing, every cell in his body Just about to move, between the internal organs, there is a feeling of spring and all things growing.

"This is an out-and-out blessed place!"

Li Yao's eyes lit up, he muttered to himself, and then he burst into laughter—the legendary "Kunlun", the place where the immortals lived, isn't it a heaven and a blessing!

The physiological structure of humans and the Pangu tribe is not too different. The two are in the same line. Since it is a planetary battleship of the Pangu tribe and has an atmosphere, the air can be directly breathed by humans, which is also a matter of course!

Li Yao lightly pressed the symbolic array on the left side of the helmet. At the center of the pure black visor that was as smooth as a mirror, a small round red dot appeared first, and then eighteen slender red lines extended in all directions. A disintegrated and slipped into the back of the helmet silently.

Li Yao took a deep breath of Kunlun air, only to feel a wisp of mysterious and mysterious coolness running down the lungs and flowing through the body, every nerve ending was so refreshing that he couldn't help but groan.

"The Pangu tribe’s magical powers are really incredible. Cultivating in such a blessed place is three to five times more efficient than cultivating on Tianyuan Star!"

Li Yao exclaimed and couldn't help but think about it. If Kunlun could be opened up as a training place exclusively for the Federation, how many strong people could be cultivated in that hundred years?

Xiaolong took him as the center of the circle and searched for dozens of miles, and soon found Professor Mo Xuan and the Fire Ant King.

The two of them were also attracted by the incredible scenery above Kunlun, and they did not care about finding a companion, so they started the most basic research.

In addition, Xiaolong was still on several abrupt mountain peaks and found patches of colorful moss, which seemed to be some kind of low-level creatures.

Since there is an atmosphere here and there are things like "clouds", it means that the ecological cycle is still operating normally. Of course, some lives will be left behind for hundreds of thousands of years.

In addition to moss, there may be more advanced life, and even have a certain threat, this must be noted.

"Beep Beep! Beep Beep Beep Beep!"

Li Yao quickly established Lingbo communication connections with Professor Mo Xuan and Fire Ant King, and the communication with Spark was also connected.

However, because the atmosphere here is quite special and there is serious interference, the crystal armor's built-in spiritual wave transmitting antenna alone cannot achieve a clear call effect, and the transmission of spiritual thoughts is also intermittent.

It seems that it is still necessary to find a place to set up a fixed base station for divine consciousness transmission.

In a short while, the three of them all completed the most basic exploration and gathered together.

"What an incredible planet!"

Professor Mo Xuan waved his metal tentacles and said excitedly, "Obviously it is torn in half, leaving only a semicircle, but it can guarantee the most basic structure and even the atmosphere, and even the ecological cycle system!"

"Obviously it is only one-seventh the size of Tian Yuan Star, but it has ten times the gravity of Tian Yuan Star, and it has such a strong spiritual magnetic force field!"

"Obviously it's very far away from the star, but it's full of light, and the temperature stays between the freezing point and the boiling point. It's really amazing!"

"And there are creatures here."

The Fire Ant King added that he is an expert in botany, cytology, and genetics, and he is particularly interested in life. "I just explored more than 30 kinds of fungi and spores in just ten minutes. From the perspective of their distribution trend, there may be more advanced life, some kind of animal, in the depths of the bottomless folds of the earth!"

"The air composition here is very mysterious!"

Li Yao also stated his own detection results, “The air contains a large amount of inert gas components, which have strong anti-oxidation and anti-corrosion effects. In addition to delaying cell decay in organisms, it can also greatly delay metal Rust and aging are equivalent to a huge'fresh-keeping box'."

"I guess if there are some Pangu corpses that can be kept here, they will not be as fragile as the corpses in the sea of ​​stars, at least, they will never be broken by the touch!"

This discovery made the three people very excited.

It doesn't matter if the corpse of the Pangu tribe can't be preserved, as long as you can get a few weapons of the Pangu tribe, it is a priceless treasure!

"But, how could this be?"

Li Yao looked at the undulating folds in the distance, as well as the shining light spots in the sky full of purple clouds, and was puzzled. "Even if the Pangu tribe can really create an artificial atmosphere on the surface of this planetary battleship, what? Can it last for hundreds of millions of years, even after suffering such a heavy blow, nearly half of the hull was torn apart, and the atmosphere and ecological circulation system are still intact?"

"Where does the energy to maintain this system come from?"

Professor Mo Xuan pondered for a moment, and said: "I have an immature conjecture. Perhaps the pulsar that is close at hand provides an endless source of energy!"

"Pulse neutron star?"

Li Yao and the fire ant king shined at the same time.

"That's right, this rapidly rotating neutron star emits super-strong radiation all the time. It is the best source of energy!"

"Kunlun is not far or near. It just stays at the pulsar's swallowing critical point. If it gets closer, it will be attracted by the pulsar and swallowed up in one bite. If it is farther away, it will not be able to absorb its large amount of energy-this is no coincidence! "

"So, I suspect that'Kunlun' is a kind of'workstation' built by the Pangu tribe to develop pulsars. There must be some super magic weapon in the depths of Kunlun that we cannot understand!"

"This super magic weapon can absorb a large amount of psychromagnetic radiation emitted by pulsars as an inexhaustible and inexhaustible energy source!"

"These energy sources, through heavy transformations, on the one hand maintained the Kunlun battleship's own operation, on the other hand, an artificial atmosphere and ecological circulation system were formed on the surface of Kunlun, and even these spots in the sky that replaced the sun!"

"Above Kunlun, the aura is so rich, it is a superblessed place, needless to say, the nature of its energy also comes from pulsars!"

"In other words, this is a workstation that can extract a lot of aura from the pulsar, and it is a'mining vehicle' in the star sea. Through Kunlun, the Pangu tribe can draw the energy of the pulsar neutron star for cultivation!"

"Use pulsed neutron stars to practice!"

Li Yao and Fire Ant King were dumbfounded, and they were shocked by Professor Mo Xuan's magnificent ideas!

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