40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1232: Giant!

But think about it carefully, this possibility is really great, otherwise Kunlun's presence next to a pulsar would be unnecessary.

"The surface of Kunlun was definitely not as rugged as we see now. It should be very flat and suitable for life and cultivation."

"It wasn't until tens of thousands of years ago that Kunlun was hit by a huge impact.

Professor Mo Xuan continued, "This impact caused a big tear in Kunlun. Almost all of the impact point was thrown into the sea of ​​stars, turning into a sea of ​​star debris surrounding Kunlun, even if it was far away from the impact point. On the other side, layers of folds were also knocked out, forming the mountains and abyss we saw."

"However, as a planetary warship, Kunlun obviously has a very good damage management system. Even if it is fragmented to such a degree, it still maintains a minimal operation, in a kind of'sleeping state', rather than completely'death'. ."

"Even the atmosphere and ecological circulation system on the planet's surface can be maintained, maybe in Kunlun, there are more well-preserved parts for us to discover!"

"About 700 kilometers to the west of us is the metal reaction and psychic fluctuation center on the Kunlun surface. There must be something there. Go and take a look!"

The three of them flew to the west with the crystal armor, psychic prosthesis, and plant armor. After flying for about 400 kilometers, they landed between a moss-covered fold.

They set up a very concealed attack position here.

Li Yao planted a lot of spar bombs between the folds of the earth, as well as the attack talisman array that could burst out suddenly with the movement of his mind.

The fire ant king found soil in the abyss and sowed a lot of seeds.

These demonized plant seeds, which have been genetically optimized and prepared countless times from generation to generation, take root and sprout instantly, and the root system penetrates deeply into the ground. Within a few hours, vines full of poisonous spines can grow.

Even Professor Mo Xuan has set up several very concealed crystal magnetic cannons between the cracks of the rock formations.

They must consider the worst situation. In case it is possible to meet the immortal cultivator in Kunlun, then this is the battlefield for their last fight!

After setting up everything, Li Yao carefully selected it through Xiaolong, and found a cave in a hill with a low slope.

He extracted a large number of items prepared for the spring breeze from Qiankun Ring, and arranged them in the same cave, and quickly arranged the cave into a messy temporary residence.

He even found a downwind vent outside the cave, dug a small or small ditch, and dumped some of the sealed feces into it.

The Fire Ant King and Professor Mo Xuan both frowned, watching him set the trap suspiciously.

Li Yao grinned at them. After finishing all the arrangements, he took back the packaging box and wooden box, making sure not to leave any flaws, and then he clapped his hands with satisfaction.

Now, this cave is like being lived in for a year and a half, or even longer.

After finishing everything, the three of them moved on.

The metal in front of him reacted more and more intensely. In Li Yao's crystal brain detection system, there were waves of buzzing, which seemed to have discovered a high-quality open-pit metal deposit.

"Climbing the cliff in front is where the metal reaction and psychic energy fluctuate the most. Be careful, everyone!"

The flight in mid-air was too glaring, and Li Yao, Professor Mo Xuan, and the Fire Ant King all landed and advanced in the form of jet-jumping.

The terrain in this area is even more sinister. It's like having encountered dozens of unprecedented earthquakes in a row. The cliffs appear straight up and down, and the height difference can reach thousands of meters in minutes. The highest point of the mountain is completely hidden in the purple clouds. , Giving people a feeling of going straight into the depths of the sea of ​​stars.

Surrounded by this fragmented fold, Li Yao felt that he was like an ant, rushing right and left in the maze built by the gods and demons.

The cliff that rises high from the depths of the earth is a smooth mirror-like wall, leaving traces of thousands of years of historical invasion. Many stone walls have different colors from top to bottom, and they are clearly distinguished from different ages. level.

The three of them are like three mountaineers, climbing through the folds with difficulty, getting closer and closer to the destination.

There is only the last fold in the front, which runs for tens of thousands of kilometers, and can't see the end at a glance. The height difference is more than 7,000 meters, which can be called a shelter from the sky.

Li Yao was adjusting the action mode of the crystal armor and preparing to increase the output of the spirit flame of the power rune array, but Professor Mo Xuan exclaimed: "Look, there!"

Li Yao squinted his eyes and looked in the direction pointed by Professor Mo Xuan, and found that a few kilometers away from them, deep in the folds, it seemed like a person was squatting, staring at them silently.


Li Yao was so violent that the bones all over his body were about to shrink together, Yuan Ying almost jumped out of his eyebrows, lightning bolted blood and chasing the dragon knife, adjusted the resolution of the crystal eyes to the limit, and watched intently!

It is indeed a human figure, but it is deeply embedded in the stone wall, and it seems that it has been dead for a long time.

Li Yao's spirit was flying, and he didn't feel the breath of living creatures. He breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at the Fire Ant King. Both of them clenched their weapons, protected Professor Mo Xuan, and approached cautiously.

It seemed to be close at hand, but it took a full ten minutes to arrive before jumping.

The initial position of the two parties was tens of kilometers apart. The reason why they looked "close at hand" was because the figure of this figure was so huge!

This is a giant with a stature of more than one hundred meters.

Most of his body is deeply embedded in the rock formations, like a person submerged in magma, the part exposed to the air, either incomplete or highly dehydrated, turned into a dry corpse.

However, from the bones that are stronger than the crystal rail train, and the head full of holes and horns, like a super-heavy spar chariot, you can imagine the prestige of this giant!

On his bones, there is a layer of majestic armor. The refining style is similar to the armor of the ancient repair era, but Li Yao carefully studied the place where the armor was torn, and found that there is something in it, at least Dozens of layers of different metal substances are superimposed, and each layer is covered with capillary-like psychic energy pipelines, which can easily increase the speed of psychic energy circulation by hundreds of times! There are also some structures similar to nerve endings, so I don’t know what they are useful for!

"The seemingly antique armor, but using a lot of technology far beyond the modern crystal armor, the psionic and spiritual transmission pipelines have been built into a system similar to blood vessels and neural networks, covering the entire body of the armor!"

"The huge armor is like a wild beast, but its perception is extremely keen, and the most subtle changes on any surface can be instantly fed back to the giant's brain!"

"It's a magical refining method!"

Li Yao secretly sighed.

"The hands of this giant race are very big, and their fingers are two or three meters long. They are similar to the ‘super finger’ that we scanned in the sea of ​​stars. They should be of the same race!"

Professor Mo Xuan also sighed, "In myths and legends, there are indeed many indomitable giant races. For example, in the legend of Kuafu chasing the sun, the giant'Kuafu' can drink a big lake in one breath, and even drink so that the rivers and rivers are dry ."

"If you say that this giant over a hundred meters tall is just exaggerating the father's clan, then this kind of legend is not too exaggerated!"

After saying this, the three of them fell into a weird silence, quietly looking at the giant who was suspected of "Kuafu Family".

Although knowing that the other party is also flesh and blood, they are all made up of cells, and they are essentially no different from them.

And too large body size may not be a good thing, especially on a high-gravity planet, it is more likely to be a very heavy burden.

However, standing under the corpse of this hundreds-meter-high giant, standing in front of his toes, the three of them still involuntarily gave birth to the impulse to worship.

This is the instinct engraved in the depths of their cells, and the gene chain must be countered with the most tenacious willpower.


The Xuanguang pierced into the depths of the rock wall gave back more information, and there were a large number of human and beast-shaped objects inlaid in the earth.

A long time ago, there must have been a large-scale fierce battle here. After the war, all the remains were buried in the ground, sinking deeper and deeper.

It was not until recently that Kunlun suffered a violent impact, the earth was torn, the crust was distorted, and part of the battlefield was raised to the ground again with the movement of the crust, and it evolved into this huge "war mural" inlaid with countless debris!

The three of them were very surprised to find that the corpse of another giant was inlaid in the rock formation behind this giant!

The two sides seemed to be opposing camps, because the giant behind, holding a drill-like weapon in his hand, slammed into the chest and abdomen of the previous giant, causing complete fragmentation of the internal organs!

With the passage of time, the internal organs certainly do not exist, but through the shocking cracks scattered on the bones, the power of this blow can still be imagined!

"Could it be that one is a Pangu warrior, and the other is a'betrayal' Nuwa warrior?"

This thought made the hearts of the three people beat faster, and Li Yao personally operated the sword to continuously smash the rock formations surrounding the two giants, gradually clearing their full picture.

In fact, the two giants hugged each other tightly and died together.

It's just that the giant at the back is slightly smaller, about sixty to seventy meters, and completely embedded in the rock formation, so it was not discovered just now.

The "little giant" is also wrapped in antique armor. It seems that the refining styles of the two armors are almost the same, but the "little giant"'s armor is more precise, covering the whole world without any traces of the corpse.

"its not right!"

Under the heavy strangulation of the "big giant" hundreds of meters high, the "little giant" has long been fragmented and distorted.

But in the shocking hole, Li Yao never found the shadow of the corpse. As far as he could see, there were only metal components and psychic energy pipelines that were integrated with the rock.

Even in the section of the right arm where the "little giant" was cut shoulder-to-shoulder, no bones could be seen at all, instead it was filled with magical artifacts.

"This, this is not armor!"

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