40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1233: Tushen!

Li Yao and Professor Mo Xuan glanced at each other and came to a conclusion at the same time.

Both of them are experts in refining crystal armor, but this obvious conclusion is not an expert at all, as long as ordinary people with normal eyesight can see it.

The armor is worn on the body, which is equivalent to a piece of clothing made of metal. Of course, it is empty in the middle. Otherwise, where should the body be stuffed?

Even if it is a relatively thick super-heavy armor, for example, the "God of War suit" that a cultivator hangs on the outside of the crystal armor, no matter how thick it is, the middle is empty!

The limbs and body of this "little giant" were completely filled with various magical components, and there was absolutely no gap to accommodate the body.

This structure is definitely not armor, but some kind of super giant metal golem or psychic prosthesis.

"No way, such a big war puppet?"

Li Yao tut exclaimed, if one floor is three to four meters tall, a war puppet that is sixty to seventy meters tall would be a full twenty storeys tall.

This is completely beyond the imagination of the two refiners, and it is not a dazzling phantom, should you be so exaggerated!

"How on earth is such a big war puppet manipulated?"

Professor Li Yao and Professor Mo Xuan became more and more curious and worked hard to dig deeper into the rock formations. Fortunately, after the violent impact tens of thousands of years ago, Kunlun’s crust was severely distorted. The structure of these rock formations was not solid. The little giant's torso was completely cut out from the rock.

It was only at this moment that they could clearly see the fight between the two "giants".

The little giant’s left arm resembled a drill bit and a fighting stab weapon, although it penetrated the giant’s chest, but the giant’s backhand claws deep into the little giant’s chest and pulled it inside. A fragmented one.

Large pieces of broken metal components were exposed from the twisted gaps, and the psionic pipeline was like torn blood vessels and meridians, a mess.

"Hey, it seems to be empty here, there is a small space!"

Li Yao found a very regular gap in the little giant's chest. It was not torn open forcibly, but like a "hatch cover" structure, which was slightly opened because of the distortion of the surrounding structure.

Li Yao tried it. The little giant has been integrated with the rock formation and has completely lost its mobility. If you apply more force, it is very likely to destroy its integrity.

Li Yao didn't dare to venture into the gap, so he let Xiaolong fly in instead of him to investigate, and put everything the crystal eye shot into the air through the crystal armor.


The Xiaolong evoked a faint mysterious light, protruding from left to right in the chest cavity of the little giant, and quickly entered the secret room. The mysterious light swept past the three people, but a semi-wrapped oval seat was presented in front of the three people. The knife sitting inside is a...



Li Yao, Fire Ant King, and Professor Mo Xuan exclaimed at the same time!

Yes, it must be a human!

Although he has been buried in the rock formations for many years, he has slowly mineralized like this "little giant" under the circumstances of psychic energy fluctuations and the continuous invasion of minerals.

But his skeletal characteristics, skull, spine, ribs and pelvis, are almost exactly the same as modern humans!

Including clothes, all things that can prove his identity are turned into powder, and apart from the oval seat, there are no controllers or joysticks in this secret room.

He just sat cross-legged, with five hearts facing the sky, posing a very weird posture.

From the extremely twisted jaws, he can vaguely see his majestic roar and roar in anger!

This scene was like a flash of lightning, completely stupefied Li Yao and the three people. For three full minutes, not only could they not speak half a word, but even breathing became extremely difficult!

"A human being less than two meters tall, a true compatriot exactly like us, drove a super giant war puppet over sixty meters high, and killed a nearly one hundred meters tall, wearing a heavy armor, like a **** or a monster. Giant of the first generation!"

This fact makes their eye sockets red, their heartbeat speeds up, and blood rushes like a flood in their blood vessels, almost going out of every pore!

Pangu! The legendary gods and demons! Possess the power to move mountains and seas!

It fell into the hands of a tiny human!


This is the real God of Slaughter!

For an instant, in the depths of Li Yao's brain, he remembered the decisive and deafening rhetoric.

"We humans are the strongest fighting race in the sea of ​​stars!"

Suddenly, Li Yao felt extremely proud of the fact that he was a member of human civilization. His eyes were filled with hot liquid involuntarily, and he didn't know what it was.

"We are human beings, we are crazy, a race that even gods and demons can kill!"

In Li Yao's heart, a crazy cry echoed!

"I never knew that one day I would see such an incredible scene!"

It was not until three minutes later that Professor Mo Xuan reluctantly recovered, staring at this super giant war puppet nearly twenty stories high, and muttered, "I used to think that crystal armor is the most perfect single on the battlefield. A magic weapon, and a war puppet over ten meters is meaningless!"

"Once a war puppet is more than ten meters high, it will face its own structural fragility, the problem of being discovered by the enemy and gathering fire, the problem of power transmission, the transmission of spiritual thoughts and feedback... In short, there are a lot of problems in the forest. It's a pile of super-giant scrap copper and rotten iron, the bigger it is, the more **** it is!"

"So, except in glare phantoms and virtual games, we have never developed a war puppet over ten meters high, and have always regarded crystal armor as the'king of magic weapons'!"

"But now..."

"Hehe, seeing this big guy, I think I was really wrong in the first half of my life, and I was completely in vain!"

"Where can crystal armor be regarded as the'king of magic weapons'? This kind of super giant war puppet that can be manipulated by a human but can be killed by gods and demons can be regarded as the real magic king who dominates the Xinghai. !"

Li Yao didn't know what to say.

The material science, psionics, and structural theories involved in this super-giant war puppet completely surpassed the Star Federation and even the former Star Sea Empire, and were definitely not the same as the war puppets they had developed.

However, he also understood what Professor Mo Xuan's phrase "lived in vain" really meant.

Because, when he discovered that this twenty-story building that could bombard and kill gods and demons was actually manipulated by a "tiny" human, Li Yao himself could not contain the deepest desire in his heart and began to fantasize. If you can become its master, incarnate as the king of destruction with a 20-story building, fighting the heavens and the earth, slaying the gods and demons, and smashing the stars, what a scene!

Compared with this kind of war puppet, the crystal armor is too...thin!

"I must control it!"

Li Yao's eyes blushed, as if looking at the hungry wolf smelling big chicken thighs through a barbed wire fence, he howled in his heart, "One day, I must control this true king of magic weapons!"

As if excited by his mind, an unbearable feeling came from Qiankun Ring, and it was Xiao Hei who was calling him.

Li Yao was taken aback and released Xiao Hei from the ring of the universe.

This lazy little fat man was uncharacteristically today. First, he wandered around in mid-air. When he saw the "little giant", he "swish", and a layer of brilliance appeared on the surface, as if the whole person was energetic. stand up!

It eagerly flew to the little giant's side, sticking out a few sticky tentacles from the chubby body, poking left, bumping right, and even got into the control compartment in the little giant's chest and turned around.

Just when Li Yao was puzzled, it looked disappointed and flew back slowly.

"Xiao Hei, you haven't seen this thing before, have you?"

Li Yao asked incredulously.

Xiao Hei was noncommittal, waving his tentacles, as if saying to him: "Can't play, it's boring!"

Afterwards, this guy arched his butt, and Gu Zi went into the ring to sleep.

Li Yao blinked his eyes vigorously. This super-giant war puppet had been completely destroyed in a fierce battle. It had been buried deep in the rock for an unknown number of years. It had long been rusted and mineralized, and of course it could not be activated.

But, is there a brand new super giant war puppet, Xiao Hei knows how to play it?

"Time is running out, let's continue to explore forward!"

Professor Mo Xuan finally controlled his mind, and his voice trembled, "This is just the outermost part of the strong metal reaction. After all, we can figure out what is inside, and then it will not be too late to come out and study it slowly!"

Anyway, this suspected Kua father clan giant and super giant war puppet have been embedded in the rock formations for millions of years, and it is impossible for them to erode anywhere for a while. After the three of them determined the coordinates here, they went all the way to the stone wall. Fly above.

Soon, they flew to an altitude of five or six kilometers, over the fold of the earth.

Looking around, the sea of ​​clouds was tumbling around, and a fluffy mist was like a shining giant beast, tearing and swallowing each other, and there was a dull thunder faintly. ,

Climbing the last barrier, in front is a rare plain above Kunlun, the circles of "ripples" are not much different in height, but they are arranged in the shape of concentric circles.

At the center of the "concentric circles" hundreds of kilometers in diameter is a deep black well.

"A lot of metal reactions were found ahead, and Xuanguang initially scanned the rock formations to be scattered with countless human-like objects!"

"From that deep well, a lot of spiritual energy gushes out, and the source is endless, it is simply a spring of spiritual energy, no, it is a spiritual energy volcano!"

"Look, those weird peaks on the horizon don't seem to be peaks, but warships! They are the wreckage of warships that fell on Kunlun!"

The voices of the three became more and more excited. They knew that they had picked up the treasure. Judging from such a strong metal reaction and the distribution of many wrecks, this place should be the remains of the main battlefield of the Pangu and Nuwa clan above Kunlun. !

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