40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1234: The special forces of the prehistoric era! (Fourth!)

The three of Li Yao searched all the way in the counterclockwise direction of the concentric circles, and found countless corpses and puppets embedded in the folds of the rock along the way.

From the fact that the two sides are entangled to death together, the shattered corpses can vaguely imagine the intensity and horror of the prehistoric battle thousands of years ago.

The armor and magic weapons of the two sides are not very different in refining styles, and in many cases they can't distinguish each other's camp.

However, after Li Yao scanned hundreds of corpses, he could faintly distinguish the spirit patterns engraved on the dual method treasure, and there was a slight difference in style.

The spirit pattern on one of them is square and rigorous, giving people a sense of impeccable and impeccable majesty, but a little less angry and a bit dull.

The spirit pattern on the other side is a pen-going dragon and snake, using waves and moiré patterns, spreading radially like a supernova explosion, giving people a feeling of vitality and vitality, but it is unavoidable to be a little chaotic or even excited.

The races of the two sides of this prehistoric battle are also very distinct and completely different.

The spirit patterns are square and square, and the side with strict laws are all strangely shaped prehistoric races, some with blue-faced fangs, some with three heads and six arms, and some with snake heads.

The vast majority of the prehistoric races are not as exaggerated as the "Kwafu clan" who was nearly 100 meters high, but on average, they are more than ten or twenty meters high and three or four storeys high. They are all towering giants.

On the side full of vitality and chaos, most of the fighters are standard humans, controlling various war puppets, and contending with the gods and demons that are far bigger than them!

Li Yao was worried about that kind of super giant war puppet with a height of twenty stories, and wanted to find a better-preserved one.

However, after searching for dozens of miles all the way, Xuanguang scanned hundreds of war puppets, and most of the puppets were about 20 meters in height, and there was no bigger one.

It seems that the super giant war puppet that is 60 or 70 meters high is a rare treasure even in the ancient times when this great battle took place.

Think about it, this kind of super giant war puppet is refined for the purpose of slaughtering the gods and destroying the demons, and giants with a height of 100 meters like the "Kwafu clan" are after all very few!

Since most of the Pangu tribe's stature is ten to twenty meters, ordinary war puppets are refined to ten to twenty meters, which is barely enough.

In fact, the difficulty of refining this kind of war puppet is definitely not small, because there are not many war puppets that are 20 meters high.

The vast majority of human warriors are still wearing thin armor similar to crystal armor, relying on their flesh and blood to contend with the gods and demons!

Li Yao carefully observed these warriors and armors that were about to become fossils.

In the design of many armors, there is a sense of primitive and advanced coexistence, just like immature experimental products, not even fully enclosed.

Although a lot of magical powers that Li Yao was not familiar with were used, from the overall structure, the combat effectiveness was not much stronger.

Li Yao faintly felt that some of the armors were a bit familiar, and his thoughts turned to understand where the problem was.

The armor worn by these Terran warriors is basically exactly the same as the armor worn by Pangu warriors, except that the opponent's "reduced and weakened version" is a "counterfeit magic weapon"!

The problem is that the Pangu clan has a strange shape, and it contains great magical powers. Of course, their armor is also refined with these magical powers.

Pure imitation, after simple modification at most, is of course not in harmony with the human body.

The picture engraved on a cliff, like a relief, left an extremely deep impression on Li Yao.

The protagonist is a Pangu tribe with a stature of more than 30 meters, with a bronze head and iron forehead, ribs and wings, sharp bones and blades protruding from the hands and feet, and a heavy armor made of countless scales. , Is simply a mobile fortress of war.

It was not twenty or thirty meters high war puppets who were right with him, but dozens of very small human warriors wearing thin armor.

Even with the shoddy "cottage armor", the height of these human warriors is no more than two meters, which is a huge gap with the Pangu tribe.

To the Pangu tribe, the flying swords in their hands are more ridiculous like embroidery needles.

However, they relied on the flying swords like embroidery needles to nail them to the Pangu tribe. Even if the Pangu tribe opened his big hand and smashed the bones of several clan warriors to pieces, none of them flinched until they died together. , Until they are annihilated in the dust of history together!

For some reason, Li Yao suddenly felt that these human warriors in simple armor were taller, stalwart, and unshakable than the super-giant war puppet that was 60 or 70 meters high!

However, not every battle, the human race suffers so much.

Li Yao also found a human corpse buried deep in the rock. There was clearly no enemy beside him, but he showed an extremely distorted expression. He even stabbed himself with a flying sword, as if he was about to commit suicide by laparotomy.

Li Yao scanned carefully, and finally found several corpses the size of a finger on his body.

Although the sparrow is small and well-equipped, although it is a small person with short fingers, it still wears very delicate armor and wields a small sword. After a long period of erosion, it gradually turns into a grayish-white rock, which is like a child playing. Dolls.

"This is also the Pangu tribe?"

Li Yao was a little bit ridiculous, the universe of the prehistoric age was really mysterious and mysterious, incredible!

At this moment, he heard the excited cry of the Fire Ant King.

The Fire Ant King found a very strange corpse.

In the center is a figure of ten meters tall. The upper body is in the shape of a human, but the lower body is in the shape of a snake. It should be a Pangu tribe.

But the armor draped on his body can vaguely see the application of a large number of waves and moiré patterns. Even under the erosion of thousands of years, it still reveals a taste of vitality.

And around him, there are also more than a dozen clan fighters, it seems that they are not fighting each other, but are leaning against each other and fighting side by side!

Li Yao's heart moved: "Could it be that this is the Nuwa clan?"

"Then the two parties involved in the great war that took place on Kunlun are very clear. One of them is the Pangu Civilization Alliance, including Zhu Rong, Gonggong, Kuafu and other races; the other is the Nuwa tribe who betrayed the Pangu Civilization Alliance. , And the human race created by the Nuwa tribe."

This makes sense. After all, did Nuwa create humans? The Nuwa clan is equivalent to the birth mother of the human race. If they really want to break with the Pangu Civilization Alliance, the human race must be on the side of the Nuwa race!

"I don't want you to look at this, but this, look at this corpse!"

The fire ant king danced with brows and directed the eyes of Professor Li Yao and Professor Mo Xuan to one of the human warriors.

Li Yao took a closer look and found something strange.

Although this warrior is only about two meters tall and wears a vigorous spirit pattern armor, he is fighting side by side with many human races and Nuwa races, but his shape is different from ordinary people!

The flesh and blood had long been eroded and peeled off, but the bones remained roughly intact after being saturated with a large amount of minerals.

It can be clearly seen that his arm bones are much longer than ordinary people, and on his five fingers, there are scimitar-sharp claws.

The more obvious feature is that his jaws are particularly protruding forward, and the front is constantly shrinking, forming a sharp triangle, like a bird's beak; and his leg joints are curved forward, just like many birds. !

There are two clusters of bifurcations on both sides of his spine, but the bones there are too fragile and have long been annihilated, and it is impossible to tell if it is an organ such as wings.

In short, this is like a fusion of humans and birds, and it is not a normal person anyway.

However, judging from the attitude of the surrounding human warriors side by side with him, supporting each other, and not being separated until death, the two sides are also close comrades in arms, without the slightest bit of grudge.

Li Yao cast a suspicious look at the Fire Ant King.

"Don't understand yet?"

The Fire Ant King literally burst into tears, "This is a monster, a monster warrior!"

Li Yao suddenly realized that from the perspective of bone structure, this is indeed an out-and-out monster race, much like the ancestor of the modern "Feather race"!

"So that's it, I understand."

Professor Mo Xuan groaned, "The predecessors of Bayan Zhishang 40 thousand years ago received a batch of "Kunlun Divine Water" and created the first batch of monster races we know."

"But in fact, Kunlun Shenshui has been passed down all the way from the prehistoric era, so in the prehistoric era, there must have been demon races long ago!"

"Perhaps, it was the Nuwa clan who made the Kunlun Shenshui, with the goal of obtaining fighters of different arms."

"Think about it, cultivators are better at directly using psionic energy to conduct long-range attacks; while monster races like to use psychic energy to temper their physique first, and engage in close hand-to-hand combat! Does it look like two different units?"

"On the battlefield, the emphasis is on the coordination of different arms. The Nuwa tribe first created the human race, but found that the warriors of the human race had some defects and were not suitable for the more extreme battlefield, so they formulated the Kunlun Shenshui. Some human warriors have transformed into close hand-to-hand masters, and'special forces' who adapt to the tough battlefield, that is the earliest source of the monster race!"

This speculation is quite reasonable, and in the context of the integration of the three realms of Tianyuan, Feixing, and Blood Demon, it can be even more hyped as the theoretical basis for the establishment of a new federation—since each other has fought side by side as early as the Primordial Era, It is only natural to unite again now!

"Crack, click!"

From all angles, Li Yao photographed the relics of the "preliminary human race and the demon race side by side".

It is conceivable that once these photos are transmitted back to the Three Realms, they will definitely cause a huge sensation.

"Hey, there are more words here!"

Li Yao discovered that the armor of this monster warrior was engraved on the left chest and heart position with three small characters, not spirit patterns, but ancient characters.

The inheritance of writing is much stronger than that of language.

Each world has different dialects and native dialects, as the so-called ten li different sounds, and a hundred li different customs.

But things like words, once engraved on rock and metal, are extremely difficult to change and obliterate.

Li Yao immediately recognized that this is an extremely ancient seal character called "guiwen", which was used for sacrifice and divination in the ancient repair era 40,000 years ago.

The three characters are: "Lei, Zhen, Zi!"

"Lei Zhenzi?"

Li Yao repeated it twice, and it was engraved on such an arrogant position on the chest of the armor. It didn't look like a person's name. It was most likely the name of the unit to which he belonged.

Other Terran warriors have little engraved characters on their chests. Generally speaking, this is the treatment of elite troops.

It seems that Professor Mo Xuan's guess is correct. The birdman with Lei Gong's beak indeed came from a special force called "Lei Zhenzi" in the great era!


The fourth one is sent, roar, brothers and sisters take your time!

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