40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1240: Intrigue me!

Just when the two sides were bright and dark, the old man with a short stature suddenly stepped in at an angle and stood between Li Yao and the female immortal cultivator. With a light touch on his temple, he put his faceplate and helmet into the crystal. In the armor, a face covered with wrinkles was revealed!

Strangely speaking, when Li Yao observes from a distance, his first impression of the old man is scheming, even a little insidious and cunning.

But at this moment, every pore of the old man seemed to emit a soft light, making him look kind and kind, and people couldn't help but feel a sense of trust and closeness.

His eyes are almost transparent, and the expressions in his eyes are kind and kind, with a bit of joy when he meets his compatriots beyond thousands of mountains and rivers. The expressions in his two eyes seem to have turned into inextricable strands, following Li Yao's pupils, drilling in His brain area.

"This is a master of mental warfare!"

Li Yao's heart shuddered, and he instantly understood the identity of the old man. Not only did his eyes have a hint of hypnotic magical powers, they even smelled like a lie detector!

"This fellow Taoist is a flying star? Isn't this a flying star realm?"

The old man asked in surprise and joy.

Li Yao didn't answer, his muscles were still tight, half of his eyes were afraid, and half of his eyes were wary.

Just kidding, he has been in the stars for more than ten years, and he has never been afraid of anyone!

The old man rolled his eyes and waved to the two immortal cultivators and many Taixu soldiers behind him.

The two immortal cultivators snorted coldly, and stepped back a few steps. Even the Taixu warriors scattered around, putting away the chain saw sword and the crystal magnetic cannon one after another.

The old man pretended to help Li Yao up and accused him of guilt: "This fellow Taoist, sorry, we are in a foreign land for the first time, lest we encounter demons, evil creatures and alien beasts, we can't help but feel a little allergic. Friends spied on the side and made a heavier shot for a while, and I hope that fellow Daoists will not be offended!"

"Ahem, I, I don't know that you are humans. If you make such a big disturbance, of course you have to check it out!"

Li Yao spit out another mouthful of blood and sighed for a long time. The fear gradually faded and his face was full of curiosity. He probed his head towards the war base in the distance, looked up and down the three people, and slapped his tongue: "Your crystal armor is with us. The crystal armors are different. These puppets are somewhat similar to the Taixu warriors in the Flying Star Realm. Who are you?"

"Tai Xu war soldiers?"

The three cultivators exchanged meaningful glances. The old man’s smile became brighter and gentle, "But I don’t know the name of this fellow Taoist, where is this place in the Flying Star Realm, and it’s far from your home star." How far is it?"

"My name is Li Yao, a cultivator during the foundation-building period. As for where it is, I really don't know!"

Li Yao said with a sad face, "I am a starship wreck and I came here by accident!"


The three immortal cultivators looked at each other, and the old man was stunned, "This, this is really a'same sickness'. We also encountered a storm in the star sea. The fuel on the starship ran out. In desperation, we made a forced landing here, but unexpectedly met. A fellow Taoist from another great world!"

Seeing Li Yao's head probe towards the war base in the distance, the old man smiled and said, "You don't need to panic, that is that our starship is repairing itself and refueling. As long as the repair is completed, you can leave here. Of course, you can also send your fellow Taoists. Take it away together!"

In Li Yao's eyes, there was a light of ecstasy. He couldn't help but whispered and waved his fist vigorously.


The old man frowned and said, "This kind of emergency repair will not last forever. If you don't quickly find a large world for a comprehensive repair, I'm afraid it will disintegrate in the sea of ​​stars!"

"If you can return to the Flying Star Realm, everything will be easier!"

Li Yao blurted out, "We have a strong starship repair ability in the flying star world, and we will definitely be able to repair your starship!"

"Why did Fellow Li Dao fall here?"

The old man’s eyes were full of colorful lights, and the inextricable spiritual thoughts penetrated into Li Yao’s pupils again, and his voice also brought an irresistible amount of magical charm, "At the moment, we are all fallen into the world, and we should be in the same boat. It’s a genius to escape together! Li Daoyou’s experience in distress may help us locate the coordinates of the Flying Star Realm. Please elaborate, don’t miss a single detail!"

"At that time, we can repair the starship, and Li Daoyou can also go home!"

Li Yao felt that the old man's voice and eyes together turned into a strange force, gently stimulating his cerebral cortex, especially the brain cells and nerve clusters that control memory.

If he is really a foundation-building monk, he might be hypnotized by the other party in a few words and say everything.

However, after Li Yao's brain area was impacted by many weird forces such as Ou Yezi, Scarlet Heart Demon, his brain cells were more developed than ordinary Yuan Ying old monsters, and his little skills were naturally unable to trap him.

"My father is an elder of the Aquila faction. According to the rules of our Aquila faction, the children in the denomination must conceal their identities when they reach adulthood. After they are released for three or five years or even longer, I will go incognito. I went to the Thousand Sails Star Territory and found a short-distance cargo ship, the Skylark, and became an armed guard!"

Li Yao pretended that his eyes were stagnant, and said, "The Skylark is a small and medium-sized transport ship that travels between seven or eight star regions. It was originally the most prosperous route in the flying star realm. No major incident has ever happened. ."

"However, in the past few years, the star thief in the Flying Star Realm has become more and more rampant. It is said that some terrible guys called'immortal cultivators' have appeared..."

Li Yao clearly felt that the three words "Cultivator" caused a violent earthquake on the other side.

It is meaningless to conceal the existence of the "immortal cultivator" in the flying star realm.

Because the star child was cut off after transmitting half of the coordinates of the flying star realm, then in the eyes of the immortal cultivators of the true human empire, the star child must have been exposed, and the existence of the immortal cultivator may not be a secret.

If you deliberately pretend not to know what the "immortal cultivator" is, it will arouse the suspicion of the three immortal cultivators, it is better to actively release some valuable information to win their trust.

What's more, Li Yao also wanted to use these three words to "knock the mountain and shake the tiger" to further test the reaction of the three immortal cultivators and collect more information about the real human empire.

"Our transport team encountered a star thief attack during the voyage. The other starships were captured by the star thief. Only we panicked and activated the short-distance star jump system. After jumping aimlessly, we got rid of the star. Pirates were involved in the most terrifying gravel star belt'Kinugawa' in the flying star world!"

"In order to get rid of the'Kinugawa', our captain desperately performed an ultra-long-distance starry sky jump. With this jump, our transport ship almost disintegrated, and the people on board died seven or eighty eight!"

"We don't know how long we have been drifting in the sea of ​​stars, until the fuel is almost exhausted, and finally received a weak signal from this planet, with the idea of ​​desperately desperate, we flew here."

The old man rolled his eyes: "So, does Li Daoyou still have a companion?"


Li Yao shook his head, pretending to be heart palpitating, and said in a trembled voice, "Where do we know that this is such a terrible planet, the whole half of the planet was broken and split into a very dangerous meteorite. The sea!"

"Our transport ship was originally riddled with holes and crumbling. It couldn't help but hit the meteorite sea several times, and it was quickly torn to pieces!"

"Everyone wanted to grab the escape capsule, but a meteorite hit the area where the escape capsule was located. They were all dead, dead!"

"Only I summoned the crystal armor in time, relying on the weak power of the crystal armor, barely flew here, was caught by the planet's gravitational circle, and escaped a life anyway!"

"However, over the past year or so, I have been relying on the food in the Universe Ring to maintain my vitality. I have to sit and eat in the mountains and starve to death here, but I didn't expect to come to life from desperation and wait until the fellow daoists appear!"

"But I don't know where the three predecessors' surnames come from?"

Li Yaobi asked respectfully.

The old man smiled slightly and motioned for the two companions to remove their helmets and visors.

"Old and old Su Changfa is the captain of the Qingyang; this is Kou Ruhuo, the weapon captain of the Qingyang; this is Tang Qianhe, the navigator of the Qingyang!"

Li Yao slapped his tongue with an unbearable expression: "It seems that the Star Sea Storm you are encountering must be very violent. Are there only three of you left on such a large starship?"

In his heart, he coldly passed the duties of the three immortal cultivators.

Since the bald and scared man "Kou Ruhuo" is the "weapon leader" of the three, he should be the strongest individual soldier. If he really wants to do it, the first one must deal with him!

However, it is not ruled out that the bad old man "Su Changfa" is playing mystery. People can't look at themselves. Maybe the navigator "Tang Qianhe", or even the old man himself, is the strongest one!

Everything is possible, and continue to explore.

Su Changfa laughed and waved his hand: "Daoyou Li is really kind, and he is in a desperate situation. Is he still so concerned about the dao friends I don't know before? Li Daoyou can rest assured that we did not compromise any manpower. When the Qingyang set off, There are only three of us!"

"We are different from you. We are not from the world close at hand, but from the center of the sea of ​​stars that spanned billions of light years, running through the sea of ​​stars, shattering the void, so dangerous, and naturally we can't carry too many hands."

"not to mention--"

Su Changfa stroked the long beards of the five willows, smiled more kindly, with a kind eyebrow to the extreme, "We are here for peace, for friendship, unity and development, and not for war. What do we need so many people to do?"

"The center of Xinghai?"

Li Yao was completely shocked and stammered, "Then, isn't that the capital of the Xinghai Empire in the past?"

Su Changfa's eyes flashed with a sharp light: "Oh, does Fellow Daoist Li know about the Xinghai Empire? In this way, your historical heritage has not been completely cut off? Or is Daoyou Li ever seen fellow Daoists from other great worlds?"

Li Yao nodded first, then shook his head, and honestly said: "Of course we know about the Xinghai Empire. It has been written in history books. Other Daoists in the world have never seen or heard of it before! "


He suddenly thought of something and swallowed excitedly. His eyes were full of greedy rays, and he trembled, "If I can bring you fellow Daoists to the Flying Star Realm, I will be very famous, and I will be very famous. Fortune!"

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