40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1241: Come for peace!

Disgust and sarcasm flashed across the faces of the three cultivators Su Changfa, Kou Ruhuo, and Tang Qianhe.

Su Changfa slowly stretched out his hand and patted Li Yao on the shoulder.

His hands were soggy and soft, like a large piece of warm foam, and Li Yao's whole body was numb and unbearable.

He pretended not to hear Li Yao’s last sentence, and his smile was still very sincere: "Since Li Daoyou knows the Xinghai Empire, it saves us a lot of effort to explain. Yes, we are from the most glorious human civilization in the past. Old soil, the capital star field of the Xinghai Empire!"

"On this old land where human civilization was once prosperous and developed, a brand new country has risen slowly, inheriting the legacy of the Xinghai Empire, guarding our civilization, constantly evolving, evolving, evolving, and exploring the two characters of'humanity'. The true meaning!"

"Our civilization has developed to a very high level. It has defeated countless demons and ghosts who coveted this fertile soil, and firmly controlled the hearts of the sea of ​​stars!"

"We know that there must be countless human brothers struggling in darkness and ignorance at the edge of the star sea!"

"Therefore, some of our volunteers took the starship that symbolizes peace and light to explore the four directions of the Xinghai Sea, hoping to find more great worlds, and share our knowledge, wisdom, technology and magical powers with you. To promote the progress and development of the entire human civilization!"

"This is our purpose."

"A few years ago, in the ancient star chart of the Xinghai Empire, we found a great world called'Flying Star Realm'. It is said that in the Xinghai Empire era 10,000 years ago, this was the core world on the frontier of the empire. Maybe today, ten thousand years later, there are still countless compatriots and brothers!"

"That's why we will embark on a journey, not far away, want to find you!"

"It's a pity that the vast sea of ​​stars is too vast and too dangerous. With the incomplete ancient star map, we can't accurately lock the coordinates, but we lose our direction in the ultra-long distance star sea jump, and get involved in the star sea storm. Most of the fuel was dropped, and I had to make a forced landing here!"

"Who knows, just when the mountains and rivers were exhausted, it was Liu Yinghuaming who happened to meet Li Daoyou from the Flying Star Realm! It seems that the opportunity between us and the Flying Star Realm is really the star sea storm!"

While talking, Su Changfa patted Li Yao's shoulder softly.

With the most subtle movements, his five fingers bounced thousands of times every second, sending strands of strange power into Li Yao's body.

"Hey, this old boy is stimulating your nerves!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon emerged from the depths of Li Yao’s brain and commented on Su Changfa’s hypnotic techniques, "Yes, yes, he didn’t know it, and sent a wisp of psychic energy into your body by stimulating your nerves. The technique allows you to accurately secrete various hormones in your body, which in turn affects your central nervous system and brain cells. Not only can you involuntarily believe his words, but also at a certain level, you can control your emotions, such as joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. Interesting technique!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon was originally a great expert who manipulated people's hearts. Li Yao's brain was something he wanted to control. This external force had just sneaked into the vicinity of Li Yao's soul, and it was clearly seen by the Scarlet Heart Demon. Chu.

Li Yao sneered several times in his heart. After countless impacts and mutations, his spirit was several times stronger than the ordinary Nascent Soul monk!

Moreover, in the Flying Star Realm, he once obtained the secret method of a primordial soul "Nether Blade" Zhuang Ziyou, which is a kind of spirit attack method. Since then, he has cultivated assiduously and he is also a master of spirit attack!

In a sense, he was in the depths of his brain every day, using the method of "mental attack" with the Scarlet Heart Demon to attack and defend each other for hundreds of rounds. The demons were suppressed.

Want to hypnotize him? Really reckless!

Even without the Scarlet Inner Demon's reminder, Li Yao was very aware of all the abnormal changes that occurred in his body, and the level of hormone secretion was under his precise control.

It's just that he didn't want to startle the snake and let Su Da "hypnotize" it.

Li Yao’s expression was ecstatic at first, then extremely excited, and then distorted, greedy enough to drool, saluting deeply, and his tone was almost flattering respectfully: "Origin, it turned out to be the three seniors from the center of Xinghai. Really, too, too, too—"

He pretended to be incoherent and didn't know what to say well.

His reaction was as early as the expectation of Su Changfa and other immortal cultivators. In Su Changfa's almost transparent eyes, a faint ink color gushed out, turning his eyes into two bottomless springs, and said softly: " I don’t dare to use the word “senior”. We came out to communicate on an equal footing. It’s good for everyone to be regarded as a'dao friend'.

"Li Daoyou, the purpose of our trip is to spread the culture of Xinghai Central and get in touch with brothers and compatriots in many worlds on the edge of Xinghai. It is for peace and exchanges. We did not carry excessive weapons and equipment, except for this Kou Ruhuo. In addition to being a little self-protective, Taoist Tang Qianhe and I have no power to bind chickens!"

"Listen to what Li Daoyou said just now, the environment in your Flying Star Realm is quite sinister, full of star thieves and immortal cultivators? I don't know if we go to the Flying Star Realm, will it be dangerous?"

"This star thief, I know it, it's nothing more than a robber who robs and robs and kills people among the stars, but I don't know... what is a cultivator?"

Li Yao sneered in his heart: "I don't have the power to bind chickens." Maybe, the most dangerous of the three immortal cultivators is you, an old fox who is proficient in hypnosis and mental attacks!

On the surface, he pretends to be thoroughly hypnotized, knows everything, and speaks endlessly: "The immortal cultivator is a ruthless character that has only emerged in recent years. He also created an organization called the'Eternal Life Palace', and Star Pirates. Frozen!"

"These cultivators are very different from our cultivators!"

"We cultivators pay attention to killing demons, fighting evil spirits, fighting justice, and protecting ordinary people. We want to burn ourselves and illuminate the whole world!"

"But these immortal cultivators treat ordinary people as ants. In order to achieve their goals, they can use any means to sacrifice tens of thousands of ordinary people without blinking their eyelids!"

"In our Flying Star Realm, immortal cultivators have launched countless terrorist attacks and killed countless ordinary people. This is our confidant!"

Su Changfa lost his voice: "Unexpectedly, there are such despicable monks in the world! Then fellow daoists in the Flying Star Realm, can't find a way to eradicate them? Didn't your God Transformation and Nascent Soul powerhouse show up?"

Li Yao said blankly: "Transformation? There has never been a transformation of gods in the Fei Xing world! Even the Nascent Soul strong people, there seem to be only three or five, only one is a combat type! The Fei Xing world is so big, just rely on it. How can a battle infant be enough?"

Su Changfa, Kou Ruhuo and Tang Qianhe exchanged glances, almost unable to conceal their contempt and joy.

The "Weapon Chief" Kou Ruhuo took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "Friend Li Dao, but I don't know how many people you have in the Flying Star Realm, how many warships, and how many cultivators can be worthy of World War I?"

This is a very sensitive issue.

However, Li Yao appeared very dull. He did not hear the murderous intention in this sentence. He tilted his head and thought for a while, shook his head and said: "The population...about seven or eight billion, or nearly ten billion, I I really can't tell!"

"Our flying star realm is a starship civilization. Most people live on starships, drifting between star regions, and there is no unified government. There has never been a large-scale census, so the exact number of people is, No one can tell!"

"Don't even have a unified government?"

The bald-headed knife-scar male stunned, "Then how do you organize an army to fight the star thief and...the immortal cultivator?"

Li Yao frowned and said: "That's the problem! We encountered a cataclysm in the Flying Star Realm five thousand years ago. The environment of the whole world has undergone earth-shaking changes. Since then, it has been a dish of scattered sand, and several starships are a sect. Each sect fights on its own, and there is no unified army, so the star thief and the immortal cultivator will be raging, out of control!"

"However, after the immortal cultivator appeared, all our sects finally united and refined a magic weapon called the "Tai Xu Zhanbing", hoping to stifle the immortal cultivator!"

The only female immortal cultivator, "Navigator" Tang Qianhe smiled and asked, "Tai Xu warrior, what is that?"

In the sky of Li Yao, the Taixu warriors of the True Human Empire made their mouths: "It is somewhat similar to your metal puppets. They are magic weapons that can be killed by themselves without the control of a cultivator! All Taixu warriors are owned by one. The super crystal brain'Star Brain' control, it is said that as long as tens of millions of units are refined, it can completely kill the star thief and the immortal cultivator!"

"That's it!"

Su Changfa's dark and ink-like eyes rolled round and round, "But I don't know, when did Fellow Daoist Li live here? At that time, the decisive battle between you and the immortal cultivator hadn't started yet, right?"

Li Yao nodded and said: "We were robbed by star thief five years ago, and then we have been drifting in the vast sea of ​​stars for two or three years before we found this place, and it has been two years since I crashed down here!"

Kou Ruhuo said coldly: "Since Li Daoyou was forced to land in a crystal armor, there should be no starship. In the past two years, where did Li Daoyou live?"

Li Yao pointed to the east and said, "I live in a cave several hundred kilometers to the east!"

Tang Qianhe's eyes flashed brilliantly: "Since I live a few hundred kilometers to the east, why come here?"

Li Yao said with a bitter face: "I was curled up around the cave and didn't dare to come out. I was afraid that there would be some dangerous alien beasts on this planet. However, the food I carried with me was almost exhausted. I couldn't use moss all day long. Fill your hunger?"

"Furthermore, my crystal armor hasn't been repaired for two years, and many of the magic weapon components are sparse!"

"I detected that there was a large-scale metal reaction in this direction, so I took the risk to take a look. Even if I can't find food, I can at least find some fuel and metal components to barely repair the crystal armor or go hunting in the abyss! "

"I came out and explored for a little bit of a month, and I have never found anything. Until today, when I met fellow daoists and landed, I couldn't tell whether it was an enemy or a friend, a man or a demon, so I was hiding in secret!"

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