40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1247: Eight Conferred Gods!

Li Yao was fascinated. The eight "Book of Gods" containing the essence of Pangu civilization are similar to the "Tombstone Project" proposed by Gui Shoushou. They all want to let his civilization decline and fall in another way. The form continues.

It's just that the "Tombstone Project" of the Pangu tribe is obviously much more magnificent and more mysterious.

Maybe there are many variables hidden, and even a big conspiracy.

How did the true human empire know the existence of the "Fengshen Bang"? Could it be that among the eight "Books of the Gods", how many tribes were in the hands of immortals?

Li Yao was so curious that he felt as if ten thousand ants were crawling in his heart, and couldn't help but want to ask.

But in the depths of the brain, bursts of vigilance were faintly exploded, and his thoughts turned, and suddenly he was scared into a cold sweat!

The old ghost is so treacherous!

Up to this moment, Su Changfa still did not completely believe in Li Yao, deliberately throwing out these extremely tempting topics to test him!

According to the identity played by Li Yao, even if they know the existence of "Pangu" and "Nuwa", they should be regarded as legendary mythical figures. Li Yao didn't show the slightest expression of surprise, he just asked the whereabouts of the "Feng Shen Bang", that would be weird!

That proves that Li Yao already knew part of the truth about the "Preliminary War", which contradicted his identity!

Wanting to understand this, Li Yao applauded for Su Changfa's insidious cunning in his heart, once again put on a stunned expression, stammered: "Pan, Pangu? Isn't that our ancestor in the ancient legend? Is it the so-called' The Battle of Conferred Gods' is to seal Pan Gu? This, this, this—"

Su Changfa squinted his eyes and looked at Li Yao's expression carefully. He didn't let go of every facial nerve, and he never found the slightest flaw. Then he smiled and said contemptuously: "What is the right of the Pangu people to be called our ancestors? We humans. There is only one ancestor, and that is the Nuwa!"

After a pause, he resumed the topic just now, "The eight celestial books of the Conferred Gods are divided into the upper four and the lower four. The reason for the weird name'Fengshen Bang' is said to be hidden in this civilization treasure. They are the names of peerless powerhouses in the Pangu civilization, just like eight lists."

"Being branded on the list of conferred gods, of course, is not as simple as a name! Behind every name, there are all the genes, memories, magical powers, techniques, and research results of this strong man. Countless strong people in various fields have added Together, it represents the highest level of the entire civilization!"

"Eight books, the upper four are'Thunder, Fire, Plague, Fighting', and the lower four are'Stars, Three Rivers and Five Sacred Mountains, Buyu Xingyun, Good Deterioration God'"

"Among them, the two parts of'Thunder and Fire' are all about the magical use of psychic powers, the magical powers that freely transform between the yin and yang, the five elements, and the two qi of wind and thunder. !"

"The Plague Department talks about the mysteries of genes, viruses, and biochemistry. All the research results of the Pangu civilization on the fields of biochemistry and viruses are contained in this book."

"Doubu, sealed the Pangu tribe’s most powerful warrior and the best commander, all the blood, genes, experience and memories, including all the military theories and battlefield killing methods of the Pangu civilization! Who can seal them off? God's Book? Doubu' completely swallowed and integrated, you can become the best military strategist in the sea of ​​stars!"

"The constellation of stars is all the research results of the Pangu civilization on astronomy, including their deep understanding of the stars and the sea, the navigation star chart of the infinite star field, how to absorb the psychic energy from the stars, how to build the star torch, etc., etc.! "

"Three Rivers and Five Sacred Mountains and Buyu Xingyun, these two parts are about how to transform the planet, build an artificial atmosphere, produce an artificial ocean, and even a self-circulating ecosystem! Coupled with the biochemical and genetic technology in the Plague, it was originally cold A dark planet can be transformed into a world full of vitality, continuously absorbing psychic energy and stellar radiation from the outside world, producing countless creatures!"

"Goodness degenerates God, this is the most mysterious and mysterious book of heaven. It is said that it contains all the Pangu civilization's knowledge of gods and souls. But what is good and evil, and what is gods and souls, who can really say clearly?"

Li Yao's heart was surging when he heard it, and his soul was shaking, his thoughts almost flew to the prehistoric era millions of years ago!

Thunder, fire, plague, fighting!

The stars are standing there, the three rivers and the five mountains, the rain and the clouds, the gods of goodness and deterioration!

The Pangu civilization has left such a huge treasure house. I really want to get a volume of Fengshen Tianshu to see what mysterious knowledge and magical powers it contains!

Su Changfa said this, scanning the expressions of everyone, and then sneered a few times: "The Book of the Conferred Gods, is the treasure of the stars, the former'Emperor', but after getting three of them, Zhongxing Humanity has established a prosperous state. The'Star Sea Empire' for a while!"

"Such a treasure, how can we find it casually? Even if we find it, it will not be something we can crack and endure. It will definitely set off a **** storm and cause death!"

"Don't think so much, as long as you can unearth a few ordinary ancient treasures, or the cultivation techniques of the Pangu and Nuwa tribes, you can stop!"

Li Yao, Tang Qianhe and Kou Ruhuo nodded again and again.

In the bottom of Li Yao's heart, a great uproar has been set off.

The former founder of the Xinghai Empire and the greatest hero of the human rejuvenation, the "Emperor", has actually obtained three volumes of the Heavenly Book!

Really shocking news.

But think about it carefully, this makes sense.

Before Li Yao had read about the history of the revival of humanity and the rise of the Xinghai Empire 10,000 years ago, there was always a weird feeling, and he felt a little bit unreasonable.

That's right, that was the end of the Monster Beast Dynasty, and the Monster Race was fighting endlessly and tumbling with each other, and it had already revealed a very obvious decline.

However, the Hundred-legged Worm is dead but not stiff. After all, the monster race is an absolutely powerful civilization that has ruled the Xinghai for 30,000 years. For 30,000 years, it has ravaged and ruthlessly squeezed ordinary people, but it has cut grass and roots, severely suppressed, and tried everything Weakened the power of the human race, and used the "four-pillar system" to establish a very strict and stable system, paralyzing the lower demons and controlling the huge demonic army!

At that time, the human race had no regular army at all, and the power of cultivators was far from being powerful.

The emperor was able to lead the human race to rise at the speed of light in just a hundred years, and conquered countless star regions like a dash of bamboo. He had hardly encountered a strong opponent. It was an incredible miracle!

In all history books and textbooks, all this is attributed to the decay and decline of the monster dynasty itself, as well as the dedication and sacrifice of the emperor’s talents and human powers, and even to the illusory "Qi Luck" theory. The decline and fall of Taoism and the revival of humanity are the "destiny of heaven."

After Li Yao ascended to the realm of Yuan Ying, his mind was much clearer than before. When he looked at this period of history, he had a new judgment and thought that this matter was quite strange!

Not to mention anything else, just say that the Human Race has been suppressed for 30,000 years. How can it develop supernatural powers and techniques while lingering and struggling for survival?

The Xinghai Empire is like a big bang. In the hundreds of years, it has developed such as crystal brains, crystal armors, planetary battleships, array-type super large-scale star torches... countless super magic weapons, and incredible supernatural powers!

The level of many magic weapons and supernatural powers far surpasses that of today, 10,000 years later.

For example, things like the "planetary battleship" cannot be refined in the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon and Flying Star today, but the Xinghai Empire can!

Supernatural powers and technology both need to be accumulated slowly. How could the Xinghai Empire establish an extremely mature magic weapon and supernatural power system in just a few hundred years, and become a new peak in the development of human civilization?

In the past, 10,000 Li Yao couldn’t figure it out. Is it true that today’s cultivators are so much stupid than the cultivators of the Xinghai Empire era, something that people can develop in hundreds of years, and today’s cultivators have struggled for nearly a thousand Can touch the fur!

If everything Su Changfa said is true, then the rise of the Star Sea Empire at the speed of light would make sense!

Most of the magical powers, magic weapons and technologies used by the Xinghai Empire were not created from scratch by themselves, but obtained from the "Book of Conferred Gods"!

No wonder, the strength can swell like a big bang, killing the demon race to the bottom of the water, without leaving a piece of armor! "

"If the Xingyao Federation can also get a'Book of Conferred Gods'..."

Li Yao once again thought about wrongs and swallowed wildly.

"Su Lao, don't worry, we know the severity."

Kou Ruhuo said in a deep voice, "The Book of the Conferred Gods is a misfortune or a blessing. The Pangu civilization left it, and it was originally a conspiracy! Although the former Xinghai Empire could rise by relying on the Book of the Gods, it was still in a spiral of extinction and could not escape defeat. Fate, even on the corpse of the Xinghai Empire, a monster like Saint... was born!"

"We will be careful and will never act rashly. Even if we really discover something, we will not repeat the same mistakes!"

Li Yao's heart beats wildly.

What do you mean?

The word that Kou Ruhuo concealed not to say was obviously "Alliance". He seemed to mean that the Pangu civilization left eight books of the Heavenly Book of Gods, which was in the next big game, and the establishment and defeat of the Xinghai Empire, and even the Holy League Is there an infinite secret behind the birth of?

"It seems that this trip to the depths of Kunlun is a must!"

Li Yao was originally curious about Kunlun, but he didn't dare to take any risk before the large army arrived.

However, Su Changfa and the other three immortal cultivators clearly far beyond him in their knowledge of the Pangu civilization relics. With such three "guides" leading the way, it would be nice to go down and take a look.

In his heart, Li Yao silently calculated the strength of the enemy and ourselves.

Judging from the fact that Kou Ruhuo kicked his chest with ease just now, and dispelled the violent psychic power of the pill formation stage in his body, his strength must be at least a realm higher than the pill formation stage, that is, a man who focuses on fighting. Brother Yuanying!

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