40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1248: Parasitic wasps and incubators!

Su Changfa's strength is unknown, but he is proficient in the mystery of the soul and is good at hypnotizing and bewitching people's hearts.

What's more, he is still the captain of the Qingyang. Even Kou Ruhuo of the Yuan Ying period treats him respectfully, and he is honored as "Lao Su". His cultivation level is definitely not low, and it is conservatively estimated that he is also in the middle of the Yuan Ying period.

The mid-level of the Yuan Ying stage, who is also proficient in the secrets of the soul, once they fight, it is quite difficult!

Only Tang Qianhe's strength looks a little weaker, but it is not lower than the mid-level of the pill formation stage, and he is very likely to be a golden core expert!

Two yuan infants and a golden core, such a strength to form an "advanced team", it is just right.

That war base can be regarded as a treasure of the real human empire. It contains countless empire’s advanced magical powers and technologies. If a few three-legged cats are sent to control, they are very likely to be taken away by the enemy. "It has become a "transportation brigade"!

At this moment, above Kunlun, the strength comparison between the two sides is as follows:

In the empire, two Yuan Ying and one Jin Dan.

On the federal side, a battle naruto, a research naruto, and a battle demon king also occupy the intelligence advantage and are in the dark, ready to launch raids at any time.

On paper data, the federation is more dominant.

However, Li Yao had carefully observed the crystal armors of the three immortal cultivators, leaving aside the imperial armor refining technology, but the psychic shield technology shrouded in the crystal armor was at least two or three times ahead of the Federation.

From the comprehensive analysis of the thickness of the psychic shield, the changing color of the mysterious light, and the frequency of the flame throughput, the defensive power provided by these crystal armor special psychic shields is equivalent to the psychic shields of many crystal warships in the Federation. Very solid, extremely difficult to break!

Counting the increase in psychic shields, the paper data of the two sides are not the same, and even slightly higher than the empire.

Although the Federation squad has the first-hand advantage and can launch raids at any time, the Empire also has countless Taixu soldiers and war bases blessings. The real fires are combined, and who will be the winner is especially unknown!

Li Yao secretly calculated for a long time, but decided that it would be safer to wait for the Liaoyuan to appear before proceeding.

If all goes well, the Star Torch can unfold perfectly in the starry sky, and the Liaoyuan, carrying dozens of Jin Dan and Yuan Ying, will arrive within a few days!

Anyway, judging from the information overheard just now, the three immortal cultivators were not going to summon a large army, but they wanted to get rid of their arms and do it themselves!

Within a few days, it was obviously impossible for them to refine too many Taixu soldiers.

And they didn't expect that a monster like the "Xingyao Federation" was approaching. They thought they had enough time, but they focused their energy on exploring the remains of the Pangu civilization.

Li Yao naturally pushed the boat along the way and gave them a ride!

After Su Changfa briefly introduced the contents of the Fengshen Tianshu, he seemed to feel a little sensitive to continue, so he kept silent and hurried away silently.

Li Yao also wanted to squeeze out more secrets of the immortal cultivators and the real human empire from these "authentic" immortal cultivators, and found Tang Qianhe brazenly.

This female immortal cultivator is the youngest and weakest. She is neither as old and cunning as Su Changfa nor as taciturn as Kou Ruhuo. Although she tried her best to put on a cruel look, in Li Yao's eyes, she looked like a grinning little girl. The white rabbit is just as ridiculous.

"Senior Tang..."

Li Yao smiled all over his face, rubbing his hands and said, "I don't know something about the younger generation, I hope that the older generation will give me advice!"

Tang Qianhe pursed his mouth, revealing a look of contempt and vigilance, and looked at him silently.

"Um, uh, the younger generation was confused for a while and forced to do... something like that, as a cultivator, do you really mind, can you really be forgiven?"

Li Yao scratched his head and asked pitifully.

Tang Qianhe wrinkled the tip of his nose slightly, took two steps back calmly, and kept a distance from Li Yao: "Mind, of course it is a bit mindful. It has nothing to do with good and evil morals, it is purely a psychological instinct."

"For us, what you have done is like trying to survive by eating **** in a compelling situation. It's not a heinous thing, it's just quite disgusting!"

"So, don't worry, as long as you stay away from me, don't use your big stinking mouth to face me. In addition, you are obedient and obedient. If you help us complete the task, we won't bother to control you!"

"Besides, our empire is very big. There are hundreds of big worlds and nearly a thousand star regions, each with different customs, and there are many places. Not only does it not exclude people like you, but it also welcomes it!"

"I heard that in many harsh and extremely harsh worlds, the realm masters there will gather people like you and organize them into an army, known as the'Ghoul Troop', also known as the'Hungry Ghost Road'. It is said that it is an elite force that has broken through all the bottom lines and used to perform the most cruel tasks!"

"If you are interested, I'll take you there when the time comes. I'm sure you have a lot of common language with those'ghouls' and'hungry ghosts', hahahaha!"

Li Yao shuddered coldly, shaking his head like a rattle, after thinking for a while, he asked, "Empire, what empire?"

"True human empire!"

Every pore on Tang Qianhe’s face was glowing, his chest was raised high, and he said with great pride, "The orthodox heir of the Xinghai Empire, the only guardian of human civilization, in the sea of ​​stars, the most powerful human country in history-the real Human country!"

Li Yao didn't understand why she emphasized that it is a "real human country."

After thinking for a moment, I understand.

It seems that in the official propaganda caliber of the true human empire, the "covenant alliance" is not regarded as a "real human country", but a "monster" as Kou Ruhuo said!

After thinking about it, Li Yao continued to pretend to be frightened and cowered: "The younger generation is desperately trying to defect to the empire, but the younger generation finally committed a heinous crime. Does the empire law ignore the actions of the younger generation? "


Tang Qianhe had obviously never experienced this kind of thing. He didn't know how to answer, but he was unwilling to lose face in front of Li Yao, the "new immortal cultivator" who had just surrendered. He frowned for a long time and sneered, "The law also requires evidence. , Who would do things like yours, will it still leave evidence?"

"Yes, yes, Senior Tang said it was right, and the younger generation was also in a state of confusion, thinking about it!"

Li Yao said embarrassedly, "The juniors also want to use this matter to learn more about the rules and laws of our true human empire, and to learn more about the profound and profound way of true immortals!"

"What if the same thing really happened in the empire, leaving unwashable evidence?"

Tang Qianhe thought about it seriously, and said, "Then it depends on who you eat, an ordinary person or a cultivator."

Li Yao was stunned: "Ordinary people and cultivators, are they different?"

"Of course it's different."

Tang Qianhe said naturally, "If it is an ordinary person, it depends on whether he has a master. If it is a slave of a certain immortal cultivator, then depending on the status and cultivation level of the immortal cultivator, he must pay a large amount of compensation. Even very rare materials or magic weapons can give up; if it is an unowned free man, the amount of compensation will be much reduced."

Li Yao slapped his tongue: "Is it enough to lose money?"

"if not?"

Tang Qianhe snorted, "Ordinary people are not humans at all, but they are slightly more advanced than cattle and sheep!"

"In an emergency, you are really hungry. Killing a few cattle and sheep to satisfy your hunger, what's the big deal? Isn't it enough to make compensation?"

"What's more, most immortal cultivators will provide high insurance for their slaves. If a few slaves die, there will naturally be insurance companies that will compensate for economic losses. What you actually have to compensate is only the loss of reputation. That's it!"

"Cattle and sheep..."

Li Yao murmured, revealing an expression of an instant collapse of outlook on life, world outlook and values.

Tang Qianhe looked at him coldly, and a strong sarcasm gradually emerged in his eyes, and sneered: "Listen, boy, since you have abandoned the dark to the Ming and set foot on the real road of immortality, the first thing to do is to be thorough. Get rid of the stale concepts established in the cultivation world in the past, and put away the self-righteous and hypocritical things!"

"Say it again, you listened carefully to me-ordinary people are not people at all, just like snails are not cows and whales are not fish!"

"Ordinary people and us who have awakened spiritual roots are two creatures with similar appearances, but the similarity in appearance does not explain any problems!"

"Genetic technology is extremely advanced today. We can transform a gorilla into a human appearance at any time through genetic screening and surgical operations. What about it? Does it look like a human, but is it really a human?"

Li Yao was stunned and stammered: "I, I still don't quite understand, how are ordinary people and gorillas the same? In the Flying Star Realm, many cultivators are born from ordinary people, and before the spiritual roots are awakened, All ordinary people..."

"Have you heard of the'parasitic wasp'?"

Tang Qianhe smiled slightly and said as if he was reciting a textbook, "A parasitic wasp is a very special insect. After catching some large prey, it uses special venom and enzymes to paralyze each other, and implants its own eggs into the prey. Relying on the nutrients of the prey to nourish the eggs and larvae, until the larvae mature, they break out of the prey!

"During this process, the larvae of the parasitic wasp will even swallow the host's genes, showing part of the host's characteristics, giving the parasitic wasp a strange shape and forming a kaleidoscope of groups!

"Many parasitic wasps look very similar to some kind of host."

"The observer in the unknown place looks like these parasitic wasps were born by the host!"

"But can you say that these hosts are the parents of parasitic wasps? Of course not, they are just some'incubators'!"

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