40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1264: Black Star's Revenge (Part 2)

"Xinghai Republic?"

Li Yao listened calmly, chewing the name slowly.

This "world's first power" also calls itself "the orthodox successor of the Xinghai Empire"?

Things are getting more and more interesting.

"Wu Yingqi at this moment is no longer the innocent and childish young man in the past."

Su Changfa continued, "In Wu Yingming’s 30-year civil war, he has already honed his excellent tactical command ability. In the hundreds of years of wandering Xinghai, he has never encountered ordinary practitioners in his life. No matter the body, the will, or the soul, all of the adventures of God have been honed to be as steel as iron, unshakable!"

"When he arrived in Xinghai Republic, Wu Yingqi made a small test and showed a little bit of strength, and then he emerged, soaring to the sky, possessing his own power and even force, and slowly contacted the senior government of Xinghai Republic!"

"Don't forget, Wu Yingqi was once the youngest member of the All Mankind Equality Commission, and his father was even the chairman of the committee. He was born in a political family, and has undergone major changes. He has a more thorough view of human nature! "

"Wu Yingqi soon discovered that under the glorious coat of Xinghai Republic, there are many deadly hidden dangers!"

"It looks like the ‘first power in the universe’ with burning fire, flowers blooming, and all nations coming to Korea, but there is an undercurrent surging inside, germs breed, and the foundation is completely eroded!"

"Including high-quality population decline, over-medical treatment, insatiable trade unions frequently organizing strikes, never-ending benefits and salary increases, serious aging, uneven development among various worlds, and continuous influx of low-quality immigrants from remote worlds. Faith and even religious disputes are endless..."

"Also, the parliament has ruled the Xinghai Republic for nearly a thousand years, and different sects have long formed an indestructible camp. Under the absolute power of no checks and balances, the parliamentarians have gradually become corrupt and degenerate, and the elections have gradually become money and spars. In games, in order to win elections, every means is used. Everyone considers the short-term interests of his own denomination, but no one thinks about the long-term development of all mankind."

"In short, there are not many of the problems that caused the destruction of Panlong, Yaocha, and Wu Yingming in Xinghai Republic, and they all exist!"

"It's just that the Xinghai Republic is huge in size and has a deep heritage, like a strong giant. For a while, it hasn't been crushed by these deadly viruses!"

"However, once such a giant is defeated, the consequences must be catastrophic!"

"Wu Yingqi’s'first hometown' has been destroyed. He never wants to see the'second hometown' destroyed by the same reason. He wants to save the country and the people, and save human civilization, but he suffers from being alone. I don't know how to proceed!"

"This kind of feeling that everyone is drunk and I am alone, but I can only watch everyone walking towards the abyss, making Wu Yingqi extremely depressed!"

"At this time, something unexpected happened to Xinghai Republic."

"In the Xinghai Beach, a small country unexpectedly jumped out to challenge them. With a sudden attack, they were caught off guard, and they captured several of their vassal worlds in succession."

Hearing this, Li Yao suddenly thought of a possibility, his heart beating wildly, almost exclaiming!

"What's the name of this ‘Small Country’?"

He suppressed his excitement, and tried to pretend to be as if nothing had happened.

Su Changfa didn't realize Li Yao's abnormality. After thinking about it, he felt that it would be fine to tell him: "Let's call this small country of Seoul the ‘Holy League’."


Li Yao understood, and thoroughly understood what Su Changfa was going to say!

"Although Shengmeng is a small country, it has been meticulously prepared for a long time. It hit seven inches of Xinghai Republic and exposed all the problems just mentioned!"

"For a time, the Xinghai Republic has uneven people, rigid systems, numerous parliamentary factions, inefficiency, and greedy ordinary people...A lot of fatal injuries have all been exposed. Facing the aggressive offensive of the Holy League, they can't react for a while!"

"Wu Yingqi loves the Xinghai Republic and is unwilling to destroy his second hometown, so he destroys his home to relieve the trouble, and does everything he can to pull up a team to go to the border to resist the Holy League!"

"When the regular army was like a stupid dinosaur, it was unresponsive, defeated, retreated, and embarrassed by the holy ally's tactics, Wu Yingqi quickly analyzed the holy ally's tactical characteristics and confronted each other. It's played vigorously."

"After the first battle, Wu Yingqi's civic regiment's record was dazzling, and it was taken over by the regular army.

"Wu Yingqi has also become an officer of the regular army by virtue of his strong strength and superb commanding ability."

"He has been entangled with the holy allies in the border area for several years, born to death, and made countless contributions. He is regarded as a superhero by the majority of middle and lower-level young officers, because he is used to wearing black crystal armor and advocating the fighting style of ghosts and flying stars. The middle and lower-level officers and the grass-roots soldiers all call him the'Black Meteor', and the closer subordinates directly call him the'Black Star'!"

"In this way, Wu Yingqi used bit by bit of blood and sweat to build an upward ladder, and gradually became the highest commander of the Xinghai Republic on the front line in the war against the Holy League. Among the soldiers, a high personal prestige has been cultivated!"

"It's just that the battle didn't go as smoothly as he thought."

"The war is not going well. It's not that the Saint League is really strong to the point of invincibility, nor is it that Wu Yingqi's misdirection, it is really the people who are dragging him in the rear, too many!"

"The Xinghai Republic at that time was still immersed in the dream of'the first power in the universe', and did not pay attention to the small holy alliance, thinking that it was just the disease of scabies, the harassment of the barbarians on the border, and it was unwilling to give up Go all out to deal with the Holy League."

"Wu Yingqi has fought with the Saint Allies for many years, knowing that these enemies are insidious and terrifying. They are by no means ordinary barbarians or demons. They must exhaust the power of the entire country and suppress them severely to completely eradicate the roots and extinction!"

"He has repeatedly proposed to the capital, demanding that the country immediately enter the highest state of war, impose a special war tax, build the largest planetary warship at all costs, and increase the size of the army by more than ten times!"

"In short, this is a general war that may subjugate the country and species, not the border friction in popular imagination!"

"These suggestions, which were condensed only after he poured his countless blood and sweat, were all regarded as jokes by the Dagonglords in the parliament, and they were all rejected!"

"And among the people, because of the impact of the war, it has brought a lot of inconveniences to the daily life of the people. Many people and the ‘saints’ among the cultivators have complained and criticized their military actions on the front line!"

"To deal with a small Saint League, it will cause the Xinghai Republic to be greatly injured. There has been no progress for a whole year. What is the frontline commander doing?"

"It is strongly demanded to investigate the corruption and corruption of high-ranking officers on the frontline. We must thoroughly investigate the many materials we transported to the frontline where they are used, one by one!"

"Is it really reasonable for the newly recruited troops in the rear to practice so hard? I heard that this extremely cruel training method was devised by the commander of the Third Fleet, Lieutenant General Wu Yingqi. He must carefully explain this practice method. Reasonability and necessity!"

"Yesterday, in Fenglanxing, we were harassed by the Saint League guerrillas. There were three regular squads, and a full 150 soldiers died! Why is this happening? How did our soldiers practice, we How are the tactics arranged? Wu Yingqi must stand up and be responsible for it to the end!"

"Remarks like this are circulating in all newspapers, the Internet, and the streets and alleys of Xinghai Republic."

"In a word, these'sages' among the people and cultivators are not willing to raise tax rates, reduce welfare expenses, enter the war work system, and do their best to support the warriors fighting on the front line; and regardless of the objective situation on the front line, they demand the soldiers. We all become heavenly soldiers and generals, destroying the holy allies in the shortest time!"

"After all this, Wu Yingqi gave birth to a deep fear."

"He seems to see that the tragedy that once destroyed Wu Yingming in the past is slowly unfolding on a larger stage!"

"Xinghai Republic is the center of human civilization. Once it is destroyed, the hope of human civilization will be completely cut off!"

"Ordinary people are unreliable, and most of the respectable cultivators are also unreliable. If you want to save human civilization, you can only rely on yourself, and only rely on Wu Yingqi's own power!"

"Everyone regards Wu Yingqi as a strongman with well-developed limbs and simple mind, who only knows how to fight. They don't know that he was a qualified politician hundreds of years ago, and he has a deep insight into the heart and human nature!"

"In the face of reprimands from the rear, on the one hand, he made false claims and tried to be perfunctory, and on the other hand, he joined forces among many sects, quietly disintegrating each other's alliance, expanding his influence, and gaining the trust of some sects. "

"In the dark, he formed a new group called the'Salvation Organization'. The members consisted of middle and lower-level young military officers, as well as the backbone of the rear cultivators who were personally tested by him!"

"The purpose of the rescue organization is to save and purify human civilization at all costs, so that the aging Xinghai Republic will come back to life!"

"At this time, the discerning people actually know that the front line against the Saint League is a big quagmire. The military strength and high degree of organization demonstrated by the Saint League people can never be completely wiped out!"

"Without the mobilization of hundreds of great worlds, no matter who changes to the front-line commander, he will provoke a **** and ruin his reputation!"

"So, even though the frontline war is not going well, Wu Yingqi's position as the top commander on the frontline still sits securely. No one wants to replace him and jump into this fire pit!"

"And Wu Yingqi's mentality has also changed."

"The current situation is the same as in Wu Yingming's time. The Saints are like Shamans. They are not real enemies at all. The enemies that will truly destroy the entire civilization are hiding behind him!"

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