40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1268: Kunpeng went straight to 90,000 li!

Su Changfa put on a hideous face, gritted his teeth, opened his teeth and danced his claws, and roared loudly, just like ordinary people who hated Wu Yingqi.

There have also been countless red-faced, crooked eyes and slanted eyes in the too illusory realm. They are somewhat similar to the "Chi You Taoist", ignorant, ignorant, and fanatical ordinary people. They are wearing black crystal armor, but the whole body is surrounded by white mysterious light, black and white. Wu Yingqi, who is like a saint, spurned and attacked.

It's like a group of hyenas besieging a male lion.

It's like a group of ants gnawing on a longicorn.

It makes people feel how wronged, helpless, and sad Wu Yingqi is, and how ignorant, ungrateful, and prone to incitement of these ordinary people.

"Wu Yingqi is a murderer, the incarnation of a demon!"

"Blood debts and blood, to pay for Karan Star's 8.2 million innocent victims, cut him thousands of times!"

"Wu Yingqi has tarnished the dignity of the soldiers of Xinghai Republic, tarnished the dignity of the cultivators, and tarnished the dignity of human beings. He must be tortured, frustrated and burnt, annihilated, and never transcended!"

"Wu Yingqi has destroyed the good-neighborly, friendly and peaceful coexistence relationship between Xinghai Republic and all the republics, making all the republics fearful, and everyone is in danger! Wu Yingqi's crime is unpardonable!"

"Such remarks, like a mountain whistling a tsunami, a gust of wind and showers, completely submerged Wu Yingqi!"

"The military court also used the efficiency of lightning and fire to make judgments more and more quickly."

"Wu Yingqi was convicted of crimes of anti-person* and mass murder. In addition, he was also convicted of'treason' for his'false preaching of the imperial decree' and unauthorized massacre of the leaders of the republic. He was also convicted of'treason'. Punishment, deprivation of military rank, sentence of death, immediate execution, and carelessness, not even giving him the opportunity to transform into a ghost!"

"It's very ironic that at that time, there were many officers from the Holy League invading army who were escorted to the capital together with Wu Yingqi, and the verdict on them was much lighter than that of Wu Yingqi."

"Hehe, until this moment, Wu Yingqi finally understood one thing."

"He! Was! Betrayed! Sold! It's!"

"He was betrayed again, just like in Wu Yingming, by the ordinary people he had fought for for 30 years, and betrayed by the people he did everything he could to protect!"

"In the past, those people personally threw him into the crater; now, these people have to personally send him to the guillotine, not even letting go of his soul!"

"Wu Yingqi understood everything instantly."

"After all, he is a groundless outsider, a new force that has emerged!"

"In the past ten years, he has been entangled with the Holy Alliance in the border area. The results are not particularly good, and occasionally he even suffered defeats. However, the capital has ‘magnanimous’ him and has never given substantive punishment."

"This is because the parliament needs him, a silly boy with no foundation, to jump into the quagmire to carry this scapegoat!"

"But now, after winning such a glorious battle, his strength has expanded dramatically. He is completely out of control. He has deeply threatened the interests of the Dagongong in the parliament and many old forces in the cultivation world!"

"Yes, he is guilty!"

"His sin is not to sacrifice 8.2 million ordinary people, nor to seize the military power of the vassal world without authorization, but--"

"He is too strong, too keen, too dazzling! He has the ability to threaten the Parliament, threaten the deep-rooted interest groups!"

"Regardless of whether he uses this ability or not, the ability lies in him. This is his inherent sin, the'powerful sin'!"

"This kind of crime is not something that can be cleaned up by spending a few years in jail or even depriving him of military power and property. As long as he lives for a day, he may make a comeback at any time!"

"Therefore, in the eyes of those morally cultivators and ignorant ordinary people, Wu Yingqi who has committed the'powerful crime' must die!"

The scene behind Su Changfa turned into a scene of Wu Yingqi being tried in a military court.

In the picture, Wu Yingqi stands proudly, resolute and unyielding. In the dark crystal armor like an abyss, invisible power is condensing, and there is a smell of "mountain rain is coming and wind is all over the building".

And in the auditorium and countless town squares, hundreds of millions of ordinary people with ignorant and cruel smiles are like a group of hungry hyenas, anxiously waiting for the outcome of the trial.

In the dark corners, some cultivators with feather fan towels and fairy wind bones were drawn with life-like brushstrokes.

I don’t know how the art masters among the immortal cultivators designed it. With just a few pens, the charm of "beautiful, male thieves and female prostitutes" came out!

Su Changsheng endured his excitement, every wrinkle seemed to turn into a **** saber, and roared: "Until now, Wu Yingqi finally abandoned all illusions about cultivators and ordinary people, and these ingratitudes. , The despicable and shameless base species have completely broken up!"

"Yes, he wants to save human civilization, but what is human civilization and what is human?"

"Humanity, the spirit of all things, the ruler of the universe!"

"Such a noble status, can you just be born casually and enjoy it?"

"Is it true that those who are obese, illiterate, impulsive, irritable, insatiable, parasites attached to cultivators, as well as cultivators with false benevolence, ghosts, and women's benevolence, are eligible to be called'human beings'?" "

"No, never!"

"Only those fighters who have a strong physique, healthy personality, noble sentiment, can clearly understand the essence of the universe, and are willing to invest everything to strengthen our civilization, are the real human beings, they are the'real people'!"

"The rest are just beasts in human skins, ‘primitives’ controlled purely by the instinct of wild beasts!"

"Wu Yingqi doesn't care about his own life and death, but he can no longer endure these despicable and shameless primitive people, and tarnish or even destroy the noble human civilization!"

"Only by replacing the original humans with real people can we eliminate the many drawbacks of human civilization and bring our civilization to a more glorious peak!"

"This is Wu Yingqi's consciousness!"

"He who was enlightened and the Dao heart bloomed, he did not hesitate to abandon his identity as a cultivator! The personal experience in the past hundreds of years has made him very sure that the three words'cultivator' are really contaminated with too much scum and ills. , Has long been extremely decayed and hopeless!"

"The new era needs a new guardian!"

"Wu Yingqi is no longer a cultivator, but stands at the pinnacle of the evolution of mankind over hundreds of thousands of years, representing the future and a new existence of hope-the cultivator!"

"In human history, the first immortal cultivator was born in three thousand worlds!"


Li Yao exclaimed very cooperatively, pretending to be "stunned, I didn't expect it."

His cooperation made Su Changfa very satisfied. The old man seemed to have taken a lot of excitement potions, his eyes flashed red, his brows danced, and he laughed strangely: "Until now, after the birth of the first immortal cultivator in the sea of ​​stars, those extremely stupid cultivators , I still didn’t realize what a terrible enemy they had provoked; they didn’t know how this enemy had been in the wandering Star Sea for hundreds of years; what mysterious ability they had mastered, let alone the “save organization” had developed into What a strong monster!"

"Wu Yingqi has been imprisoned in the most heavily guarded jail in the extremely celestial realm and the celestial star. He seems to be discouraged and there is no sign of resistance. His death sentence will be executed soon."

"And all the cronies he brought to the capital were also disarmed, detained and monitored."

"The princes of the council and the old seniors in the realm of comprehension, saving people with their own thoughts, thought that Wu Yingqi's minions were all removed, leaving only the lonely and widowed, and no more storms."

"The most threatening thing now is the border area, those border guards loyal to Wu Yingqi."

"These border guards have been joined by more than a dozen private soldiers from the vassal world, and they have a large number of Saint Alliance starships and magic weapons supplemented, and they have more than ten years of experience in **** battles. Their strength should not be underestimated."

"The Xinghai Republic has been in peace for a long time. Although most of the troops are well-equipped, they lack combat experience. They are incapable of dealing with Wu Yingqi's border guards in an unfamiliar environment with high mountains and rivers."

"In order to act vigorously and even to solve the problem without blood, the assembly dispatched the'Central Army' originally used to defend the extreme heavens and the celestial stars."

"The parliament requires the Central Army to travel to the border area at the speed of lightning, to take over the border guards loyal to Wu Yingqi, and to control the dozens of vassal worlds."

"From the perspective of the parliament, Wu Yingqi's border guards are no matter how powerful they are. After all, they have just gone through the war and suffered heavy losses. They have also mixed with a mob of more than a dozen vassal worlds. Besides, there is no personal command of Wu Yingqi.

"How can it be defeated by the Central Army, which has enough soldiers and food, the strong like rain, and the righteous name?"

"I'm afraid that as soon as the king's master arrives, these miscellaneous soldiers will be watching the wind!"

"The central army and the frontier defense forces are higher and lower, leaving aside, the big figures on the temple did not expect one thing-when the Central Army guarding the capital was all over the mountains and rivers to fight the rebellion in the border areas, Isn't the capital extremely empty of troops?"

"Oh, maybe they thought of it. It's just that Xinghai Republic is the dignified'top power in the universe'. For thousands of years, the dozen core worlds around the capital have not been attacked by war, even if the capital does not leave a single soldier. , Is there anyone who dares to find a dead end?"

"That's it, the show is on!"

"When Wu Yingqi was escorted to the execution ground and was about to be tortured in full view by the Ming Dynasty, a fleet painted in black, like a ghost, suddenly appeared in the extreme heavens and the heavens, and pierced fiercely. Has become the heart of the'No. 1 Power in the Universe'!"

"It is an elite force loyal to Wu Yingqi, composed of veterans who have survived a **** battle with the Holy League for more than ten years. It is also equipped with a large number of advanced starships from the Holy League, and has a large number of'purple thunder crystals' as fuel additives. I went straight to 90,000 li, circled dozens of great worlds, and launched a surprise attack on the capital!"

In the picture behind Su Changfa, starships with smooth lines, like black lightning, descend from the sky, like a heavenly soldier, releasing a billowing thunder, changing the colors of the world and the mountains and rivers!

On the ground, ordinary people and cultivators who describe wretchedness are horrified, clinging to their heads and falling apart!

"Wu Yingqi's fleet launched a thunderous offensive. The garrison that temporarily switched to the capital was not an opponent at all, and the capital area was originally dormant with a large number of rescue organization members. They were also extremely dissatisfied with the parliament's act of framed loyalty and hatred. One after another rose to respond!"

"Wu Yingqi had already been taken to the execution ground, but now, the execution ground is surrounded by people who support him, love him, and worship him. Before Wu Yingqi can untie his shackles, he was lifted by countless hands. On a spar chariot!"

"On the spar train, he pulled out the rejuvenating needles and soul-removing nails that pierced the bone marrow without changing his face, while giving a famous speech called "New Hope"!"

"This scene was filmed by countless media and transmitted to countless audiences in hundreds of thousands of worlds. They deeply felt Wu Yingqi's strength, determination, and wisdom!"

"After finishing the speech, Wu Yingqi was held high by the supporters and rushed directly from the execution ground into the Supreme Council!"

"Wu Yingqi announced that because of the parliament's corruption, perverse acts, collusion with enemy countries, etc., it has lost its legitimacy and cannot represent all citizens of Xinghai Republic!"

"He ordered the dissolution of the parliament, the dismissal of the speaker, the arrest of all deputies, the enactment of a new constitution, and the country's government from a'parliamentary republic' to a'presidential republic'!"

"Because of the emergency, the civil war was about to break out. He declared that the Xinghai Republic immediately entered a state of emergency. According to the "Emergency Response Law", he was ordered to become the first president of the Xinghai Republic in an extraordinary period!"

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