40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1269: Peep Leopard in the Tube (fourth!)

In the picture behind Su Changfa, Wu Yingqi's black crystal armor gradually escalated, becoming bigger and bigger, more gorgeous, and hideous.

The top of the helmet of the crystal armor is like a skull protruding, forming a crown of thorns!

The black arrow representing Wu Yingqi's powers expanded everywhere, rushing across the extreme heaven realm and the celestial star.

Countless starships collided in the star field near the Celestial Star, and thousands of monks fell like winter mosquitoes. For the first time, the cultivators felt the power of the cultivator, and this power was far beyond their imagination!

The former Xinghai Empire and the current capital of the Xinghai Republic, Tianji Star, and even the entire Extreme Heaven Realm fell into the hands of the cultivators!

Although Li Yao raised a high degree of vigilance in his heart, he was still deeply shocked by Wu Yingqi's Jedi counterattack.

From the execution ground to the parliament, from the death row in the prison to the first president of the Xinghai Republic, Wu Yingqi's life can be called "magnificent and thrilling"!


Li Yao thought for a while, and said suspiciously: "Wu Yingqi only controls the capital, I am afraid it is not enough. Xinghai Republic still has so many large worlds. Isn't anyone opposed to him? The most important thing is-the one who was originally responsible Where is the most elite Central Army guarding the capital?"

"Li Daoyou is really smart, he can see through the key at a glance!"

Su Changsheng triumphantly said, "It is of course not enough to control the capital alone. It is also necessary to use thunderous means to deter local forces that are ready to move. To achieve this, the most important thing is to eliminate the Central Army cleanly!"

"At this moment, the Central Army does not know that the capital has undergone tremendous changes, and it has fallen into the hands of Wu Yingqi. After a long journey, they finally came to the border star area where Wu Yingqi has worked hard for more than ten years."

"Although the Central Army has ample resources and righteousness in their hands, they are not familiar with the local starry environment. They don't know where there are nebula storms, where they are suitable for star jumps, and where their psychic positions are compatible with each other. It's different elsewhere, where stars have special psionic energy fluctuations that will interfere with the navigation of starships, and so on..."

"The star sea is vast and unpredictable. There are too many dangerous factors that can affect our navigation. Without a guide who is familiar with the local situation, no matter how large a starship is, it will inevitably be difficult to move."

"Also, they arrogantly underestimated the enemy to the extreme. They didn't regard this operation as a combat mission at all. They thought that as soon as the king's division arrived, the border guards and the local natives would surrender and kneel down to beg for mercy. They just came to collect! "

"More importantly, even the Central Army has been heavily infiltrated by the'rescue organization' and has many immortal cultivators, who continuously transmit precious information to the Wu Yingqi camp."

"The arrogant and arrogant Central Army underestimated both the combat effectiveness of the border guards and the resistance of the indigenous armies of the vassal world! You know, these powerful localities have just carried out a bloodbath on the original interest groups with the support of Wu Yingqi. To be able to get to the top is equivalent to saying that all of them have received the'voting certificate'. The blood on their swords has not dried up. Once the central faction wins, the old interest groups will absolutely fight back, and they will have no place to bury them!"

"Therefore, the vassal world that used to treat the capital with three swords and three swords, but it was loyal to Wu Yingqi, and lived and died together!"

"All this, the Central Army is ignorant and ignorant."

"All they know is the fake news sent back by the internal cultivators!"

"Under the interference of false news, the Central Army mistakenly believed that Wu Yingqi's remnant forces had fallen apart, the original frontier defense faction and the original vassal world faction were fighting each other, and the vassal world turned out of chaos one after another and fell back to the side of the capital!"

"The overjoyed Central Army accepted these'indigenous vassals of the world's vassals without any vigilance', and launched an offensive against the border guards with them. As expected, the border guards lost their helmets and armor, abandoned a large number of starships, and fled. !"

"Haha, these greedy dogs and stupid cultivators like pigs are really not a pity! Wu Yingqi's subordinates are just repeating the old tricks. They have used Karanxing's strategy again. They are unprepared and will Fooled!"

"Just as they went to receive the large number of starships left by the border guards, the spar bombs hidden in the depths of these starships, together with the starship's ammunition depot and power compartment, all exploded, turning the entire star field into burning. Ocean!"

"The fragmented wreckage filled the entire channel, blocking the elite of the Central Army immobile in it."

"This battlefield was originally carefully selected by the border guards and the indigenous army. At a certain time, due to the fusion and friction of the two nebulae, a large-scale and extremely intense stellar storm will occur. People call it the "Wings of Death", and you know how horrible it is to hear the name!"

"The elite of the Central Army were first attacked by a suicide bombing and then swept by the'Wings of Death'. The extent of the damage can be imagined."

"When the defeated soldier finally survived the attack of Deathwing, the border guards and indigenous troops that had fought inextricably, suddenly shot out from the two wings, flanking from the left and right, giving the Xinghai Empire the most advanced, powerful and glorious center. The fleet is fatal!"

"At this time, Wu Yingqi fought back in the capital, dissolving the parliament, arresting members, and announcing the appointment of a very large president. The news also reached the ears of the Central Army."

"Their last psychological pillar, their righteous reputation as a master king has also collapsed!"

"Now, the border guards and the local indigenous army are the ‘Masters’. They have become rebels and become rootless duckweed!"

"The Central Army, which had lost supplies, ran out of ammunition and food, and suffered heavy damage, finally collapsed and surrendered to Wu Yingqi's border guards. This elite force of Xinghai Republic fell into Wu Yingqi's hands!"

"Wu Yingqi controlled the capital and controlled several of the most elite troops of Xinghai Republic. It was almost a final word!"

"And among the local forces in various worlds, there are also many immortal cultivators from the'saving organization'. Under the combination of the inside and the outside, Wu Ying's power is like a broken bamboo, and the local forces fall in favor of the wind, and soon stabilize the situation. The hope is returned, and the'exceptional period' is removed. In four words, take office as the real President of the Xinghai Republic!"

In Li Yao's heart, once again, for Wu Yingqi's thunderous means, thumbing up.

The layman sees the excitement and the insider sees the doorway, Su Changfa's story, which I don't know how many times he has painted, contains very intriguing details that only people like Li Yao can see!

The whole thing, many doubts, repeated coincidences, is simply more exaggerated than historical romances!

However, the flaws exposed in the most critical places made Li Yao catch a glimpse of the leopard and piece together the truth of the day!

This flaw is-a peerless hero like Wu Yingqi, who has massacred nearly 10 million civilians, preached the imperial decree, purged the entire border area, and gathered power. How could it not be possible that the capital would kill him? Mean?

He is now the No. 1 warlord of Tianzi in the Xinghai Republic. As a warlord, don’t just go to the center of the site and wander around. Even if you go, you have to be trembling. You can bring as many people as you can. Isn’t it common sense? ?

How could he not think that as long as he returned to the capital, he would be arrested and sentenced to death?

Su Changfa described Wu Yingqi as a kind-hearted, unselfish white lotus, which was forced step by step. These nonsense can only deceive a three-year-old.

Li Yao dared to use his head to guarantee that Wu Yingqi's transformation into an immortal cultivator was definitely a long time before that!

Maybe it was the moment he was thrown into the crater, maybe it was the hundreds of years he wandered in the dark universe, in short, it is very likely that he was already a cultivator before he arrived in Xinghai Republic!

He did not "inadvertently" discover the Xinghai Republic. From the very beginning, he came to this most powerful country in human civilization!

Therefore, he was sent to the door deliberately and was caught and tried by the authorities!

"I understand!"

"From the beginning, Wu Yingqi's appetite was far from being satisfied by a dozen remote worlds. From beginning to end, he had only one goal, that is, the capital, the extremely heavenly realm, the heavenly stars, and the highest power of the Xinghai Republic!"

Li Yao almost screamed.

With Wu Yingqi's ambitiousness, it is meaningless to control more than a dozen remote vassal worlds and become a warlord.

Even if Wu Yingqi couldn't shrink back in the local area, as the emperor of the land, his strategic environment was extremely sinister.

In front of him, is the holy alliance that has returned with a crushing defeat and hates him.

Behind him is the hostile Central Government of Xinghai Republic.

Encountered by the enemy, such a site is definitely not suitable for long-term development, it will only be a Jedi that traps him to death!

After all, Xinghai Republic is an old and powerful country with a profound background. With his small scale, to fight against hundreds of big worlds, as long as the opponent gets serious, enters a state of emergency, and conducts general mobilization, he has no chance of winning!

Therefore, just like dealing with the Saint ally, this time, he can only make a quick fight, and the Qibing will win!

Going to the capital and becoming a prisoner is a terrifying bet that is more dangerous than the Battle of Karan, with three goals.

First, dispel the vigilance of the parliament and make the entire cultivation community think that he is nothing more than that, he is already a fish in the bottom of the tank and has nowhere to escape, thus preventing the country from entering a state of full mobilization. This is a "delayed strategy."

Second, since he is determined to lead the rise of immortal cultivators, besides the border lair, the most important thing is definitely the capital. There should have been countless immortal cultivators dormant in the extreme heaven realm and the celestial star. He came personally, that is Lead the immortal cultivator who ambush here!

Third, he wants to mislead the entire cultivation world and make the authorities think that the biggest threat now is his troops on the border.

By the way, he is very likely to leave a large number of captured Saint Alliance starships and magic weapons in the border star field, becoming a valuable "treasure", attracting the authorities to grab them!

Perhaps, the immortal cultivators in ambush are also fanning the flames, subtly controlling the decision of the authorities, and successfully making the parliament dispatch the most powerful central army to gather the border guards and receive the starships and magic weapons of the Holy League.

The three purposes are added together to complete the oldest and most deadly strategy.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain!

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