40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1270: Emperor Black Star!

After the Central Army was transferred from the extreme heaven realm and the celestial star, the star field, the capital of the Xinghai Republic, was the most empty moment in a thousand years!

And this "tiger" who traveled a long distance to the quagmire of the border has also become "the tiger fell to Pingyang and was bullied by a dog"!

With the strategy of killing two birds with one stone, Wu Yingqi personally created the most perfect conditions for a coup.

And he relied on the most elite force armed with the Saint League starship and the purple thunder crystal, and certainly did not set off after hearing the news of his imprisonment and trial.

But when he returned to the capital with a big fanfare, he turned into two powers, one bright and one dark. The power on the bright side was disarmed by the council and the cultivation world. The real power in the darkness was with the help of the cultivators of all worlds. Hidden away, at a critical moment, soaring into the sky, sealing the throat with a sword!

Just imagine, what if Wu Yingqi didn't take the initiative to send it to the door?

He was entrenched in a dozen vassal worlds on the border. When his native emperor and the capital increased his vigilance, he would definitely build a line of defense between the border and the capital, expand his armaments, and squeeze him strategically from all angles. Pressure.

This is a war between a viper and an elephant. There is no chance for a head-on confrontation, and it will only be trampled to death by the elephant.

Behind him, the Saint ally who had just returned from a big defeat must have gritted his teeth, and would never mind stabs him in the waist when he confronted the cultivation world!

In this way, even if he has the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth, don't even want to seek the highest throne in the sea of ​​stars!

Therefore, this poisonous snake must penetrate the elephant's nose and into its brain, and use the venom as its most vulnerable nerve!

Wu Yingqi had no choice but to take the initiative to send him to the capital to go to the capital and be jailed; and the Central Army in the capital must also be deployed to go to his territory to encircle and suppress his border guards.

How can this be done?

What kind of crime can make the parliament and the realm of comprehension make up their minds and do whatever it takes to put to death a general who has guarded the border for more than ten years and has worked hard, and his army?

Only-crimes against humanity and mass murder!

Therefore, if you don’t know anything about cultivators, and Dao Xin has young people who have not yet solidified, listening to Su Changsheng’s talk all the way, the rise of Wu Yingqi’s legend seems to be thrilling, interlocking, and full of coincidences. Every time, he was forced to a dead end, and he had no choice but to rise up to resist, fight back in the Jedi, and finally win!

Indeed, it is full of energy and excitement, and it makes people give birth to the great pride of "what a man should be"!

However, from the results all the way up, it is not difficult to find out that the killing of Karan Star and the 8.2 million innocent people living on it, and bloodbathing more than a dozen vassal worlds, becoming a warlord threatening the central government, these things It was definitely not Wu Yingqi's helpless choice, or even a strategy he came up with temporarily in this war, but a decision he made long before this war, when he decided to devour the entire Xinghai Republic!

At each step, he repeatedly deduced and calculated countless traps, and after a series of seemingly unrelated subtle movements, everything led to the result of the "perfect coup"!

The nearly ten million souls on Karan Star are sacrifices that Wu Yingqi had prepared to sacrifice in order to seize the highest power!


Li Yao further thought that those words just now were from Su Changsheng's side, why Wu Yingqi was fighting **** the front line with the Saint League, while the people, parliament and cultivation world in the rear were short-sighted, ungrateful, jealous and jealous!

Is it true?

Could it be that Wu Yingqi was actually playing the trick of "raising the bandits and respecting themselves", using the military threats of the Saint Allies to expand the strength of their border guards?

Could it be that the people, the parliament, and the cultivation world have already given him a lot of support, and all kinds of resources are sufficient. As a result, he "defies the enemy and develops with nine points" and uses most of the resources to grow the "saving organization "The forces, have cultivated countless immortal cultivators in secret?

Otherwise, how could the rescue organization infiltrate every world of Xinghai Republic in just a dozen years, so that when the incident suddenly broke out, it was so powerful that it would control the whole country at once?

Could it be that Wu Yingqi and the Saint Alliance had some kind of unseen deal, including the massive offensive of the Saint Alliance, all in Wu Yingqi's calculations, and even connivable by him?

Li Yao's mind is like a spring water floating with broken ice, so calm to the extreme, no longer affected by the slightest rhetoric.

On the surface, he pretended to be fascinated, clenched his fists, and asked excitedly: "What happens next?"

Su Changfa put on an expression of incomparable regret, but was filled with indignation, and sighed: "Wu Yingqi became the president of Xinghai Republic. It was originally expected by everyone. History is inevitable. Under his governance, Xinghai Republic is also a renewal of all things. Rise from the ashes!"

"It's just that Wu Yingqi's use of Xiuxian Avenue to transform society will inevitably arouse fierce resistance from the interest groups of cultivators!"

"The newly rising immortal cultivator group is like the rising sun, representing the development direction of human civilization, and it is unstoppable!"

"Despicable and shameless cultivators, as well as those ignorant ordinary people who are incited by them, are naturally not opponents!"

"These shameless bandits who wanted to be a car with a man's arm were all crushed by Wu Yingqi's rolling iron cavalry, and they were wiped out!"

"However, their shamelessness has broken through the limits of Wu Yingqi and the cultivator's imagination. In order to counterattack and restore the rule of the cultivator, they even colluded with the former enemy, the Holy League!"

"The Holy League has made a comeback and helped the cultivators rebuild the Xinghai Republic Parliament, claiming that they are the legitimate government of Xinghai Republic!"

"Huh, what a legal government, it's just a puppet of the Holy League!"

"The two enemies converge. At first glance, it seems that the momentum is huge. Many vassal worlds are shaken again and fall to the cultivator and the Holy League."

"Civil war broke out!"

"This is the second civil war that Wu Yingqi has experienced. Compared with the civil war that Wu Yingqi had experienced hundreds of years ago, the scale of this civil war has expanded a hundred times. The war has swept hundreds of worlds, in the center of Xinghai. No one is immune!"

"Human civilization has reached its most dangerous time again!"

"Wu Yingqi calmly dealt with the enemy, dealing with the cultivators and the Saint League, thinking about the real reason for the outbreak of the civil war, thinking about the most suitable state for the development and rise of human civilization in the sea of ​​stars."

"In the end, he came to a conclusion!"

"The biggest problem is the current implementation of the'Republican System'!"

"The sea of ​​stars is vast, the worlds are far apart, transportation and communication are inconvenient, and the environment and interests of each other are different. Naturally, there is a tendency to be independent and split!"

"If the so-called free and democratic republic system is used again, every big world, every star field and even every planet can make their own voices without restriction and without cost. They have their own selfish intentions and have their own ghosts. , Tit-for-tat, and put the interests of their own small world above the interests of the entire civilization. That split and civil war are inevitable!"

"Even if the Holy League and the cultivators can be eliminated this time, new unstable factors will still emerge next time. If things go on like this, human civilization will eventually be destroyed by internal friction!"

"This problem must be solved fundamentally!"

"The republican system is a backward system that human civilization is still in the planetary age and can only be adopted when the country is extremely small. It has long been unsuitable for the development of the era of the universe!"

"In the vast, dark and cold sea of ​​stars, human civilization must unite under one flag, one voice, and one leader, and move forward bravely and constantly!"

"Unity, unity, unity is strength, unity is everything!"

"In the age of the Xinghai Empire, human civilization was reborn from the ashes, defeated the 30,000-year-old monster civilization of the Xinghai Sea, and regained control of the stars and the sea. It was not without reason!"

"Monarchy! It is precisely because the Xinghai Empire adopted the monarchy, under the **** battle between the'Emperor' and countless best human elites, can we develop such a brilliant and glorious foundation!"

"The ridiculous Xinghai Republic still claims to be the ‘orthodox heir’ of the Xinghai Empire, but it only inherits an empty shell and has not even learned the most essential core system. It’s ridiculous!"

"When Wu Yingqi realized this, it was the most anxious moment of the war. Under the leadership of the shameless scum cultivator, the invading army commander of the Holy League drove straight in, rampaged, and the flames of war were about to burn to the front line of the capital!"

"It looks like a soldier is approaching the city and is in danger, but it is a turn of events, whether it will be very peaceful!"

"In the extreme heaven realm and the depths of the celestial star, there is a great omen!"

"In the past, the emperor once obtained three'Books of Conferred Gods', which is the civilization inheritance of the Pangu tribe, but they were lost when the Xinghai Empire collapsed!"

"And now, from the ancient ruins, the cultivator has found one of the volumes of the Heavenly Book of the Conferred God, which can parse out a large number of the supernatural powers and techniques of the Pangu civilization!"

"This is the destiny!"

"This is a sign of the unstoppable rise of human civilization!"

"The destiny is in hand, the hope is returned, the officials persuaded to advance, and the people are looking forward to it. In order to save the country and civilization, Wu Yingqi no longer hesitated, and acted decisively to change the country's political system from the republic to the monarchy and ascend the throne to become the emperor!"

"Xinghai Republic has evolved into a brand new empire!"

"In order to distinguish it from the Xinghai Empire in the past, and to draw a line from the so-called'Xinghai Republic's orthodox government', and to demonstrate the concept and Taoism of the new empire, Wu Yingqi established the name of the country as an empire of true mankind!"

"In this way, in the old days, the immature youth who were **** by ordinary people like piglets and thrown into the volcanic crater in the Wuying world, step by step have grown into the highest leader of human civilization, the guardian of the entire three thousand worlds, and the founding emperor of the true human empire And the eternal first citizen of the empire, known as the'Black Star Emperor'!"

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