40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1271: Spur and educate

Su Changfa's voice became more and more excited, and his expression became more and more excited. At the end of the four words "Black Star Great", he almost roared with red ears, like the starship's main gun bombarded four times in a row, the smoke filled the sky, and the earth was shaking!

In conjunction with the roar, in the too illusory realm behind him, a giant psionic puppet with a height of tens of meters also slowly crawled out from the depths of the endless sea of ​​stars!

The pure black psionic puppet is very similar to the black crystal armor that Wu Yingqi has been wearing. The aura that surrounds the body is hundreds of times stronger. It is like an eternal and immortal star sea storm, condensed around him, becoming Got his cloak and flag!

The black giant opened his hands and enveloped the entire universe, almost occupying the entire illusory realm. The suffocating pressure was slowly released from the illusory realm to the real world, making Li Yao perceive a tens offold increase in gravity. !


Although Li Yao knew the answer in his heart, he exclaimed very cooperatively.

If you simply want to refute the concept of "guarding ordinary people" by the cultivator, the first three examples are enough, and there is no need to superfluous.

The fourth story told in the last long story is the "prime ancestor Benji" of the true human empire. Through the history of the "miracle rise" of the Black Star Emperor, in the subtlety, continue to black cultivators and exaggerate the true human empire. Powerful, enhance the sense of identification of the brainwashed with the real human empire, the immortal cultivator and the Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi!

Through Su Changfa’s hypnotic supernatural powers, the immersive experience of the illusory realm, the original painting settings and cutscene videos drawn by the masters of so many immortals... In the bizarre story, he could not help but substitute himself in the role of "Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi".

Once accepted this setting, when Wu Yingqi finally stood up and became the emperor, and merged with the real human empire, it would be difficult for ordinary people to get out of it anymore!

Li Yao pretended to be inextricable, short of breath, trembling lips, bloodshot eyes full of broken lights of worship.

Su Changfa laughed, and said triumphantly: "Yes, this is the way to the rise of our real human empire, and this is the immortal legend of the'first citizen of the empire'!"

"Under the suppression of the Black Star Emperor's thunderous power, the Holy League and the Xinghai Republic's orthodox government are all vulnerable demons and sprites, and they have been wiped out with the momentum of destruction!"

"Xinghai Central, once again integrated together!"

"This is true unity! It's no longer the same bed with different dreams and different appearances as in the past, but different kinds of metals and minerals, which have been smelted at extremely high temperatures, and have been thoroughly integrated, and turned into our human civilization, the most unpredictable alloy chariot. !"

"Today's real human empire includes hundreds of the most prosperous and fertile worlds in the center of the star sea. The super masters of the Nascent Soul and the God of Transformation are like the crucian carp. There are countless super heavyweights that can easily suppress a planet. The battleship, like the sky full of stars, cannot be estimated!"

"Comprehensive national strength is more than ten times higher than that of Xinghai Republic!"

"More importantly, this is a fair, clean, vibrant, and hopeful country, abandoning the old rules and red tapes of human civilization, and directly pointing to the core issue of the development of civilization. Every imperial citizen burns. Life, go all out, and make unremitting efforts for the development of human civilization!"

"The hero does not ask for the origin. Any immortal cultivator, as long as he is strong enough, no matter what his background is, and whether he has committed anything in the past...heinous sins, can shine in the real human empire and rise to a high position. !"

"Even if he was the lowest slave yesterday, as long as he can awaken his spiritual roots, make some military exploits, and exchange the corresponding citizenship, he can climb up step by step, enter the phase, seal the king, and even rule a whole one. Big Thousand World!"

"This kind of example from slaves to generals, from minions to realm masters, in the real human empire, is really common and numerous!"

"Friend Li Dao, think about it carefully. Even our founding emperor, Wu Yingqi, the eternal first citizen of the empire, was not born in the center of the Xinghai Sea, but a foreigner!"

"So, why can a cultivator from the Flying Star Realm not create a career in the real human empire, spread all over the stars, and dominate the situation?"

"If you don't die in a catastrophe, you will have a blessing. You survived many hardships and finally survived and met us again. Perhaps this is the will of God in the dark. The opportunity given to you is to make you a great fortune! "

Li Yao's Adam's apple rolled up and down, as if he had swallowed seventeen or eight duck eggs in one go, his saliva was about to burst.


As he rolled his eyes, he asked cautiously, "What kind of life do ordinary people, the so-called primitive people, live in the real human empire? They account for at least 99%, right? Is it a slave?"

"of course not!"

Su Changfa laughed blankly, "Although the true human empire retains slavery, it is also clear about the shortcomings of this system. From the perspective of stimulating production efficiency, improving labor enthusiasm, and even stability and sustainable development, a single slave The system is not the best choice!"

"In the empire, a large part of the primitive people are not slaves, but free people, burning, struggling, and working hard for the advancement of human civilization with pride!"

"We only kept slavery in a small area. Even in these fields, our sociologists, psychologists and zoologists have painstakingly studied for hundreds of years, and they are still dealing with traditional slavery. Continuous improvement and optimization!"

"In short, the attitude of real people towards primitive people is not enslavement, but spurring and enlightenment!"

"Spurring and enlightenment?"

Li Yao puzzled.

"Yes, in fact, such a policy is also for the good of the original people!"

Su Changfa nodded and said seriously, "You know, these primitive humans are all humanoid beasts driven by instinct. They have no spirits, and their empty brains are filled with arrogance, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, gluttony and eroticism.* want!"

"If they are left unchecked and let themselves go, they will let their desires infinitely magnify, indulge in virtual games, psychedelic potions, sexual promiscuity and all kinds of meaningless entertainment, and waste their lives!"

"Even if they realize that there is something wrong with this kind of life and want to think, they don't have the ability to think independently. They will only be repeatedly brainwashed by various media and conspirators!"

"They think that they are very powerful, and they have made a certain choice under the control of their independent will, and have obtained deformed satisfaction!"

"In fact, it is just a dandelion in the squally wind. It seems to be free, but it is involuntary. It is not flying on its own strength at all!"

"After all, these animals need to be disciplined!"

"They are like raging wildfires. If they leave it alone, they are very likely to burn the entire world. However, if they are used wisely, they can also provide a powerful impetus for the advancement of human civilization!"

"After all, they are our close relatives and incubators, they are the most advanced animals closest to us!"

"Just spur and educate them so that they can get rid of those disgusting low-level tastes, understand the meaning of honor, responsibility and mission, and use clever ways to stimulate the power of envy, greed, and rage in their brains to the limit. They can also become the best workers, peasants and fighters, and become small components on the huge machine of human civilization!"

"It's like a mangy dog ​​that is delicious and lazy, after careful training, it can become the best army dog ​​and launch a suicide attack like death!"

"Perhaps, most primitive humans cannot awaken their spiritual roots and become real humans no matter how they are trained, but we will try our best to cultivate them into '99% humans', so that their bodies and spirits can be maximized. Purification and sublimation!"

"For these muddle-headed primitive people, having such a destiny is really a blessing for the cultivation of the three lives!"

Li Yao coughed hard.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough cough, cough cough cough cough cough, sounded very good, but these primitive people... are not dissatisfied with this?

Su Changfa raised his eyebrows and was very surprised: "Why should we be dissatisfied? We let them get rid of the decadence and depravity of the past, and they don't know the so-called life, and they plunge into a new and positive life full of meaning. The mud on the wall looks like a person somehow!"

"They thank us for being too late, so how can they be dissatisfied?"

"Li Daoyou, put aside the last bit of prejudice. Don’t compare the slave system in the early ancient times tens of thousands of years ago with our advanced, civilized and modern slave system. In fact, after Our spurs and enlightenment, even the lowest slaves of the empire, are far better physically and mentally than many free people in the wild star regions!"

"We conquered those wild star regions and captured the natives there to enlighten them, so as to help them, enlighten them, save them, and make them realize how proud and proud they are in human civilization!"

"After spurring and enlightenment, the primitive people who became '99% humans' are the strongest cornerstones of the empire, the sharpest butcher knife, and the strongest iron fist. How can there be any dissatisfaction?"

Li Yao was speechless, and for a while, he was unsure whether Su Changfa's words were true or false.

Su Changfa saw the suspicion in his heart and smiled faintly: "Friend Li Daoist, if you still don't understand, let me explain it with the most vulgar slang?"

Li Yao said, "Senior Su, please tell me."

Su Changfa cleared his throat and said calmly, "A dutiful son is born under the stick!"

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