40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1288: She is a humanoid!

Li Yao was horrified and understood everything in an instant.

The reason why he and Professor Mo Xuan and others came to "Kunlun" was guided by the "Little Heavenly Tribulation" of the true human empire.

And the reason why the "Little Heavenly Tribulation" of the true human empire changed course at the last moment was because the navigator Tang Qianhe received a pulse signal that ordinary people could not recognize!

This of course can be explained by Tang Qianhe's professional training and ability to distinguish effective information from billions of cosmic noises.

But there can be another explanation-

This single-person escape pod containing the hibernating Pangu tribe does not know that Pangu civilization has been dead for a long time. Since a long time ago, it has been loyal to its mission in accordance with pre-set divine ideas, and continuously sent out distress signals to the outside world. .

Tang Qianhe deliberately brought Su Changfa and Kou Ruhuo when he heard "Pangu's call", and even led Li Yao and others here!

Everything is under her guidance.

She knew her final destination from the very beginning, so along the way, she found so many well-preserved cities and relics so smoothly, and she was so "lucky" to discover the "living Pangu tribe"!

Watching Tang Qianhe's performance like a great **** in front of the Pangu Clan escape cabin, the corners of Li Yao's mouth continued to twitch, and he suddenly felt that the word "lucky" was really a great irony.

He didn't hesitate, picked up the Crystal Magneto, activated the Variable String Light Cannon, and joined the battle group!

The great dispute between the cultivator and the cultivator, put aside for the time being, let a Pangu tribe rebirth, the consequences would be disastrous!

With the addition of Li Yao, the firepower instantly doubled, and many of the psionic puppets manipulated by Tang Qianhe were suddenly battered and fragmented.

Tang Qianhe’s skills in controlling psychic puppets skyrocketed in an instant. More than a hundred psychic puppets under her control formed the strongest steel wall, blocking Li Yao, Kou Ruhuo and their psychic puppets, desperately. Resist their monstrous anger.

"Tang Qianhe! Tang Qianhe!"

Kou Ruhuo roared like a prehistoric beast, "You betray the empire! How dare you betray the empire!"

Tang Qianhe turned a deaf ear and used her hands and feet together. Her limbs were like the four fingers of the Pangu tribe, tapping on the three-dimensional rune control interface very regularly. Each tap would cause a ripple of light, as if she was there. In a pale golden ball, there was a wonderful dance.


Kou Ru's anger rushed into the crown, and it broke out completely. His hands quickly sealed, and the spiritual flames all over his body soared, turning into a ten-meter-high, indomitable giant of flames!

Between the eyebrows and eyes, they are somewhat similar to him, they are also bloody, and they are angered!

The luminous giant raised his fist and smashed at several psionic puppets controlled by Tang Qianhe. The psionic puppets couldn't even scream in time, so they were smashed and fell apart!

Kou Ruhuo is desperate!

He is burning his life desperately, releasing his soul, and presenting the Nascent Infant with infinite Taoism in the most splendid, extreme, and dazzling way!

Li Yao once met several fellow Taoists in the chaos of immortal cultivators in the Flying Star Realm, and bombarded with such extreme power!

According to the ancient world, this is called-Yuan Ying out of the Aperture!

Yuan Ying's anger is no small matter, dozens of psionic puppets can no longer resist, and they are torn to pieces like paper people.

Li Yao gritted his teeth "squeaking" and was thinking about whether he should also bombard the power of the Nascent Soul Realm, and interrupt Tang Qianhe's "waking ceremony" with Kou Ruhuo.

The firepower behind him was greatly increased, and all the remaining psionic puppets of Tang Qianhe were torn into pieces of steel in an instant!

Hundreds of psionic puppets who were at a loss in mid-air just now have been resurrected!

It's Su Changfa!

This sinister and cunning old fox didn't even die!

It seems that even if he didn't wake up to Tang Qianhe's plot in time, the extremely keen old fox made him escape!

However, his situation is extremely miserable!

Both the right arm and the right leg were amputated at the joints, and the wound was temporarily sealed by blobs of light blue gel; there was also a shocking transparent hole in the abdomen. Li Yao could pass the arm directly from his abdomen without any hindrance. past!

His crystal armor is like a hedgehog, and it is filled with colorful spar fragments.

These lethal fragments exploded from the spar bombs seem to have the weird ability to prevent the repair of the crystal armor and the self-healing of the human body. With Su Changfa’s cultivation of the Yuan Ying realm, it could have easily sealed blood vessels, muscles and skin, but now, every time In the most subtle movement, there will still be a lot of blood flowing from the cracks of the spar fragments, and in the weightless environment, it will turn into drops of round blood, lingering around him!

Even though he was seriously injured, Su Changfa stretched out his right hand, put his index finger and **** together, almost poking deep into his eyebrows, desperately stimulating spiritual thoughts and controlling the psychic puppet!

Li Yao, Kou Ruhuo and Su Changfa bombed together!

All the psionic puppets controlled by Tang Qianhe were all wiped out and turned into powder!

However, Tang Qianhe, who danced in the golden ball of light, also completed the last step!


The Pangu escape compartment trembled slightly. The bright crystal, which was originally slightly turbid and translucent, became more and more transparent and brighter!

A mysterious and mysterious power was released from the depths of the crystal, and instantly condensed into a perfect spherical barrier outside the escape cabin and Tang Qianhe!

Li Yao carefully observed that the spherical barrier is made up of hundreds of millions of runes, each rune is radiant with golden light, octagonal awning, and constantly blending and changing!


Kou Ruhuo roared, and drove his "Spirit Flame Nascent Infant" into the spherical barrier. After a loud noise, the hundreds of runes around the impact point instantly became bigger and changed into hundreds of kinds. Luster, releasing a circle of ripples, each ripple spreads out, the rune that is swept will also become larger, the destructive force is transmitted layer by layer, and it is borne by hundreds of millions of runes, and finally disappeared into the invisible!

The spherical barrier was unscathed!

On the contrary, it was Kou Ruhuo's Lingyan Nascent Soul, who was knocked out by the force of the counter shock, and his aura was much dimmer than before!

Kou Ruhuo also spewed out a mouthful of blood, and let out a low groan in the communication channel!

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

Regardless of the blood flow all over, Su Changfa manipulated hundreds of psionic puppets to pour firepower on the spherical barrier.

The spherical barrier in front of me was beaten up and down, rippling incessantly, teetering, just not collapsing!

But under the protection of thousands of runes, the light of the escape capsule is getting brighter and brighter.

Li Yao could vaguely perceive the extremely viscous blue liquid in the escape capsule, with thousands of bubbles appearing in the "gurgling", and it was gradually becoming thinner, as if all the energy and nutrients contained in it had been captured by the Pangu tribe. absorb!

"Sure enough, he is not dead, he is devouring energy frantically, recovering from the long hibernation!"

Li Yao was shocked!

Tang Qianhe completed all the operations. Just now, the series of lightning and stone fire movements seemed to exhaust all her psychic energy and even life. She opened her hands and brought her legs together, like a cross star, allowing herself to float in the weightless space.

If you use Fabor to measure it, you can find that between her arm and torso, there is the perfect 90-degree right angle. The law is strict and not bad!

"Huh! Huh!"

The crystal armor on her body disintegrated piece by piece, until the end, revealing a graceful body that was trembling slightly, not knowing whether it was fatigue or tension.

Until the end, Tang Qianhe's mysterious and unpredictable face appeared in front of the three of Li Yao.

Li Yao didn't know how to describe this face.

Generally speaking, when this kind of "conspiracy succeeds", even if you don't have a "sneer face" or a "strange smile", you should at least be flushed, excited, and triumphant, right?

Tang Qianhe didn't have these expressions on his face, just a smile that was immutable and mysterious.

It was as if there was some kind of weird power that emptied most of her emotions and desires, leaving only the last 1%!

She looked at the three people's eyes, not like a beast looking at the prey falling into a trap. She did not have the slightest pride, shame, gratefulness, or worry. Instead, she was full of compassion and holy light.

It's like looking at three lost lambs, living in a muddle and without knowing it, waiting to be saved and offending people.

Li Yao sniffed.

He doesn't like being looked at with such eyes, and he doesn't like it very much.

He would rather face an enemy like Yan Beibei, Xiao Xuance, Youquan ancestor, Lu Zui, who would yell, laugh strangely, have a hideous face, triumphantly, and be angry, he would not face such an enemy. ...Holy and ethereal face!

"Tang Qianhe, why should you betray us? Why!"

Kou Ruhuo hit the spherical barrier time and time again, but he bounced again and again, and the Lingyan Yuanying became bleak and weaker.

He was full of grief and anger, howling like a wounded beast.

"Save effort!"

Su Changfa gritted her teeth, "She has taken refuge in the Saint League, and she won't listen to anything you say!"

"Tang Qianhe is a Saint League member?"

Kou Ruhuo paused, and yelled in disbelief, "Impossible, absolutely impossible! Before we set off, we all had undergone the most rigorous'spiritual test', how could she be a holy ally?"

"That means that the empire's ‘seventh-generation spirit map test’ system has been cracked by the Holy League again!"

Su Changfa said bitterly, "These **** puppets are also constantly being upgraded. The latest generation of humanoids can perfectly simulate 99% of human emotions and ways of thinking. The'spiritual test' is our last line of defense. Inside us, it's easy!"

The facts are in front of them, and the situation is extremely critical. They can't care about bragging about "the true human empire is invincible" in front of Li Yao, and tell part of the truth.

Inside the spherical barrier, Tang Qianhe looked at them with compassionate eyes, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth was always extremely precise, without a slight change.

Hearing Kou Ruhuo's roar, she remained unmoved and smiled and said: "Betrayal? No, I am saving you."

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