40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1289: Infection and out of control

"Look at the real human empire, under the rule of immortal cultivators, what human civilization has become by you!"

Compared with just now, Tang Qianhe’s voice was ethereal, calm, and calm. It was like a trickle or a rolling thunder. It penetrated the spherical barrier and overwhelmed the firepower of Li Yao and the three people madly pouring on the spherical barrier. Deafening roar!

She seemed to be condescending, looking at the three persevering sinners, with a faint sorrow in her expression, "You are all deeply infected by the chaos, and you really think you are the most supreme beings in the sea of ​​stars! So you are qualified to act recklessly. Treat the entire universe!"

"You are destroying the environment unrestrainedly, squeezing resources and energy from the three thousand worlds, and pushing the world to the brink of destruction again and again!"

"The ancient war of 40,000 years ago did not teach you a lesson! The destruction of the Xinghai Empire 10,000 years ago also failed to awaken you! To this day, the decisive battle between the empire and the Holy League, you are still stubbornly resisting!"

"Even if you squeeze so many resources and energy, you still can't satisfy your endless appetite. You have conquered all the creatures in three thousand worlds, but you still want to extend your minions to your own kind!"

"You are obviously the same people, but you always have to separate various camps, Panlong people and Wuying people, cultivators and cultivators, primitive people and real people, men and women..."

"One hundred thousand years, one hundred thousand years, it has never changed! From the moment the fire of human civilization began to burn, you have been fighting each other, conquering each other, enslaving each other, and rushing together under various banners. The abyss of destruction!"

"Such a civilization is really evil. No, it is not qualified to be called a'civilization' at all. It is just a malignant tumor created by the chaos!"

"The real human empire is so evil to the extreme, it is an incurable tumor, it is the'cancer of the universe'!"

"Living in such an evil world, you who have been soaked in lies, violence, enslavement, killing, and betrayal since childhood, don't you still have no consciousness?"

"Fart! Fart! Fart!"

Kou Ruhuo couldn't control it for a long time, and was furious. "You puppet is just a puppet of Pangu. What qualifications do you have to criticize our true human empire!"

"If you really want to talk about puppets, everyone is a puppet."

Even when he made the most severe accusations, Tang Qianhe showed no signs of anger, and at the moment he was even more calm and unhappy.

Her entire face seemed to be infected with a virus called "smile".

Li Yao even doubted whether she had the ability to get angry.

"Yes, we are indeed the puppets of the Pangu Protoss, and we are deeply pleased with this, proud, and calm!"

"But what about you? Are you ‘true humans’ who pretend to have ‘self-will’, under the leadership of Nuwa, have betrayed the Pangu God Clan and turned into chaotic puppets?"

"Enlighten, my fellow citizens!"

Tang Qianhe opened his arms, his eyes condensed with a thin layer of mist, "Don't indulge in endless evil anymore, realize your true identity and mission!"

"Think about it, under the deception of the real human empire, what kind of life are we living on?"

"Once you are born, you have to accept the harshest cultivation. Before you learn to speak, you must learn to use daggers to kill all kinds of cute creatures! At just seven or eight years old, you may have to go to the cruel arena to compete with your peers. Throw it to the wild planet to fend for itself! In such a cruel fight, only the best in a million will have the opportunity to awaken the spiritual roots and obtain the status of a'real person'!"

"Even if you become a real person and can enslave hundreds of millions of primitive people, what about it? Isn't it going to be trapped in endless conspiracy, betrayal, sneak attack, and internal fighting? Isn't it a little careless, it is possible to fall from the peak into the abyss? Isn't it? Dozing off, is it possible to face a poisonous blade from behind?"

"Let's say that the three of us are all right. Are we falling into today's ending, being dispatched to the edge of the distant star sea to open up wasteland, and may face the swallowing of the Black Wind Fleet. Are all of this harmed by the Holy League?"

"No, it's not the Holy League, but the Empire, the poisonous blade from within our family!"

"We are all victims of conspiracy and internal fighting, victims of greed and evil, and the real human empire is the culmination of arrogance, jealousy, rage, greed... countless sins in the history of human civilization! Why have we reached this point? Are you still holding on to this evil empire that is about to collapse?"

"That's it, because you failed in the family struggle, you surrendered to the Holy League, you bitch!"

Kou Ruhuo cursed!

Tang Qianhe sighed faintly, and a faint bewilderment appeared in her eyes. She didn't seem to understand why her savage compatriot was still not conscious. She gently shook her head and said, "Friend Kou, you are wrong. Since ten years ago, she watched her father die tragically. After being in front of me, I suddenly repented, knowing how to go astray, and thoroughly recognized the dark truth of the true human empire!"

"From that moment, I realized what a ridiculous and evil deception I was living in, and how many sinful viruses I was filled with, and how much pain it caused me!"

"In the beginning, I thought that only the real human empire was like this, and maybe there are other, better human civilizations."

"But after studying all the human civilizations from ancient times to the present, including those cultivation civilizations that have been destroyed long ago, I discovered that self-destruction is a chronic disease that penetrates our bones and souls. Our'nature' is like this!"

"True Human Empire, Xinghai Empire, Cultivation Civilization, Immortal Cultivation Civilization, Demon Civilization, Ancient Cultivation Civilization...There is no difference at all. They were created for only one purpose-to completely disrupt the entire universe!"

"Could it be that after witnessing the'Human Manufacturing Center' with your own eyes, you still haven't been touched at all?"

"We are just puppets, just tools, we have no qualifications, no ability, and we shouldn't be the masters of the stars and the sea!"

"The tools of us infected with the virus and out of control have established the so-called'civilization' with an extremely clumsy posture and imitated the appearance of our masters. That is just parroting, we can never understand the true meaning of'civilization'!"

"Human civilization is like a tower built by a three-year-old child. No matter how brilliant it looks, it is also a castle in the sky. One day it will completely collapse! The higher the tower, the greater the damage caused when it collapses!"

"Even if human civilization has been destroyed 10,000 times in history, this time with our immortal cultivators, we will never let it be destroyed again!"

Kou Ruhuo roared like thunder, "The true human empire is the highest form of human civilization. We will definitely continue to advance and advance until the end of the sea of ​​stars!"

"That is impossible."

Tang Qianhe said lightly, "Human civilization has no hope and cannot save itself, just like a person cannot pull one's hair and lift oneself up!"

"Our civilization has been planted with a deadly virus since its birth. It was originally born with the purpose of'chaotic universe'. How can we get rid of this sad fate by ourselves, with our tools and puppets? What?"

"Only our creator, the great Pangu Protoss, and the true master of civilization can save us and save the entire universe!"

"Wake up, my compatriots, we have been out of control for too long. It's time to cleanse us from all the sins and return to the true laws, true tranquility, and true civilization!"

"Together with me, return to the protection of the'Way of Goodness', and let our masters return to this universe, and rebuild a glorious civilization! That is our supreme mission! We will achieve peace and tranquility in such a mission. Joy of eternal life!"


Kou Ruhuo roared, and the entire armor on his right arm stood up, like a spiny fish that suddenly exploded, expanding the visual effect of his right arm four or five times!

Colorful mysterious lights wrapped around the right arm for a moment, and suddenly burst out, transforming hundreds of light whips in mid-air, drawing a stern arc, almost in the same second, slamming against the spherical barrier. The same point!


The spherical barrier is finally distorted, dimmed, and shrunk!

Under the indiscriminate bombing by Li Yao, Kou Ruhuo and Su Changfa, it is finally about to decay, collapse, and annihilate!

A touch of anxiety flashed across Tang Qianhe's face.

Her pupils suddenly contracted, as if she was taboo to show such negative emotions, and received some kind of invisible warning deep in her brain, her panic and anxiety were instantly covered by empty calm.

"Friend Li Dao——"

This time, Tang Qianhe turned his eyes full of compassion and mission to Li Yao, smiled and said, "The two of them are deeply poisoned and there is no cure, they can only be destroyed."

"But you are different. You have just been deceived by the lies of the real human empire. You can be saved!"

Li Yao was taken aback for a moment: "No, I feel pretty good about myself, as if I don't need to be rescued by someone, thank you!"

"No, you're not good at all, you didn't realize how much evil is in your body, let alone how shameless the lies of the real human empire are!"

Tang Qianhe raised her voice slightly. For her, this may be the most intense emotional expression, “Don’t believe those things they brainwashed you in the past two days! Put aside the nonsense of the rise of the'Black Star Emperor', They didn't tell you the most crucial fact next!"

"The Holy League has not been wiped out by the empire, but has risen strongly under the ruthless blow of the evil empire!"

"Today's Holy League not only occupies half of the stars and the sea, but also pierced the tentacles deeply into the body of the corrupted and degenerated real human empire! Countless people in the empire, including me, have awakened their true mission and converted to the Supreme Good. Dao, from losing control to returning!"

"Today's empire has faded to the west, crumbling, and irretrievably ruined!"

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