40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1293: Greetings from the cultivator!

These words made Li Yao's hair terrifying, and even every nerve ending was faintly exploding.

The sweet and hopeful smile on Tang Qianhe's face made him feel vomiting.

How about completely decomposing his own flesh and blood body and soul to replenish energy for the Pangu tribe?

This, can this really be called "human" behavior?

However, for the Pangu civilization, this seems to be a common occurrence. Li Yao once saw in the memory of the Pangu people creating all things and multiplying their lives. At that time, the Pangu people themselves drank some extremely thick black liquid. , Decompose yourself, your genes will fall into the ocean, and everything will evolve!

It can even be broken down by itself, not to mention human beings as a tool. Perhaps in the concept of Pangu civilization, this is not death, but another form of immortality!

But for today's human beings, how ridiculous this kind of "immortality" is!

No wonder the foster father would say that the Holy League is ten thousand times more evil than the Empire!

No wonder!

"Stop her!"

Kou Ruhuo shouted hoarsely, "Once she absorbs her, the Pangu clan will become stronger. We are definitely not his opponent! If he restarts this planetary battleship, it will be over!"

Li Yao was shocked.

Indeed, the Pangu tribe is not a "god" in the true sense. They are also carbon-based beings, flesh and blood. No matter how brilliant their civilization is, a single Pangu tribe has its limits no matter how terrible it is!

However, once he was fully awake and found a way to activate the planetary battleship, the consequences would be disastrous!

The imperial homeland billions of light-years away may not be affected immediately, but for the three realms of Tianyuan, Feixing, and Blood Demon that are within easy reach, it is definitely a disaster!

In Li Yao’s mind, it appeared that all citizens of the Star Federation had surrendered to the brilliance of "The Way of the Most Good", with an almost idiotic smile on their faces, worshipping the Pangu tribe, and even breaking down themselves into the most basic energy. , Provide a picture of nutrition for the Pangu tribe.

That is a more unacceptable future than becoming a slave to a true human empire.

"This is not the future!"

Li Yao yelled violently, and the psionic claws slammed into the Pangu tribe who was still in a trance!

Father civilization?

You can't kill it!

However, Kou Ruhuo directed all the firepower at Tang Qianhe, trying to completely blow her up before she was swallowed by the Pangu tribe!

"The ruler has come, don't stubbornly resist any more, accepting purification is your only destiny!"

Tang Qianhe's voice seemed to be coming from the deep sea, both dull and muddy. After saying this, she dragged her almost melted, shiny body, with a relieved smile, and jumped towards the Pangu clan!

Seeing that Kou Ruhuo's thousands of light whips were about to tear her apart, and Li Yao's psychic claws had to slam the Pangu clan's face!

Pangu people's lips lightly opened, and a series of Huang Zhongda Lu's shocking ancient mantras were uttered!

Each word seems to overlap with hundreds of syllables, and it bursts into the depths of a person's brain, turning into a series of golden spiritual patterns, tightly winding, binding, and suppressing people's spirits!

His voice is getting louder and louder, and the infinite psychic energy is also condensed in front of him. With every syllable, a mysterious and complicated character appears in front of him!

This character is a hundred times more precise than the most complicated seal character Li Yao saw in the memory of the ancient repair era 40,000 years ago. At least it is composed of thousands of strokes, one by one, crisscrossing, and extremely square!

The golden light, octagonal and vertical mantra, immediately stretched and swelled after being spit out from the mouth of the Pangu tribe, as if it had expanded from “two-dimensional” to “three-dimensional”, and upgraded from a flat surface to an angular cube. The surface of the cube was densely covered. Mantra.


The "Mantra Cube" exploded, exploding a stream of thousands of particles, and violently penetrate the bodies of the three!

Li Yao only felt the pain of thousands of ants biting hearts from the depths of the bone marrow. The stringed light shield outside the crystal armor was crumbling like a candle in the wind. A large number of magic weapon units exploded in an instant, and the rock soldiers became mottled and riddled with holes!

What made him even more uncomfortable was that a weird sense of repression that gushed from the depths of his cells entangled every chain of his genes and made him involuntarily give birth to the impulse to worship and obey the Pangu tribe!

In a trance, the Pangu tribe seems to have become a real god, the heavens and the earth, the only self-respect, commanding the universe, don't dare not follow it!

The ancient mantra, the law follows the law, the law of the origin, calms the soul!


Li Yao's soul was like a thunderstorm, every blood vessel in his brain was bleeding, and he was blown away by the mantra storm for seven or eight kilometers, hitting countless pieces of debris along the way, his back was bloody, and his bones were about to split!

When he finally stabilized his figure, the "Rock Soldier" was left with only the last bits of fragments still hanging on his body, the blood turned into small drops of blood, rushing to flee his body!

His eyes were turned into the brightest red by blood beads, almost completely melting his pupils!

Kou Ruhuo and Su Changfa were also blown away by the mantra storm!

Among the hundreds of psionic puppets, the dozens closest to the Pangu tribe all gave out dazzling sparks, and completely lost control in a burst of "cracking" sound.

Either the power rune array has been stimulated to the limit, flying around the sky like a headless fly; or the limbs are twisted and all light is extinguished, and they are quietly suspended in the void like the wreckage of war hundreds of thousands of years ago!

Pangu took the opportunity to open his right hand and grabbed Tang Qianhe in his palm!

Tang Qianhe groaned contentedly, as if she had transformed into a sticky liquid, but also like a bunch of burning flames, completely integrated with the light inspired by the gray giant!

For a moment, the gray giant made a sound of rolling thunder, and the brilliance on the surface of the armor became more and more brilliant and more agile!

He stretched his waist and let out a long roar.

The entire escape center shivered in his roar!

He lowered his head and looked not far away. Li Yao, Kou Ruhuo and Su Changfa were three little people who looked very similar to him but were several times smaller.

As if he was still thinking about it, he stretched out the palm of the giant spirit to the three of them.

The flow of information contained in the Mantra Lingwen, coupled with his natural expression, made the three of them instantly understand what he meant.

This Pangu tribe made the three of Li Yao voluntarily jump into his palms, swallowed by him, and replenish energy for him.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

On the communication channel, Kou Ruhuo's deep and crazy laughter came.

Before Li Yao and Su Changfa could react, the bald cultivator flew towards the big gray giant's hand.


Kou Ruhuo’s crystal armor was placed in the sound transmission array, and he heard his extremely rough voice, "Please accept me, a real human being, sincere regards to the'Supreme and Merciful Lord'!"

His speed is getting faster and faster, just like a flying sword that accelerates into the final stage, and his voice has also turned into a sharp arrow, moving forward with him, making him create a " The huge momentum of "Thousand Arrows Piercing the Heart"!


Kou Ruhuo laughed and blasted three mantra barriers constructed by gray giants in a row. With his right arm swayed, a long and narrow war knife protruded from the back of his hand and slammed into the face of the Pangu tribe.

"Me! Fuck! You! Mom!"


Counting the crystal armor, Kou Ruhuo, who is at most three meters high, is an out-and-out dwarf in front of the Pangu tribe who is more than ten meters high!

However, this "dwarf" war knife, with a burning blade of more than 20 meters long, left a dazzling knife mark on the face of the Pangu clan!

The sword aura of the cultivator and the Pangu tribe’s psychic shield slammed into each other, and under the distortion of the force field, the two seemed to be in an illusory different time and space!

This knife condensed all the spirit and energy of an old Nascent Soul, even though it had not yet injured the flesh and blood of the Pangu tribe, it also shocked his newly awakened spirit.

A look of pain appeared on the face of the Pangu tribe, and he let out a low roar, and put his hands together in an attempt to slap Kou Ruhuo directly in his palm!

Perhaps Kou Ruhuo could have dodged.

However, he focused all his beliefs, will and soul on the unstoppable blow, and faced the coercion from the "god", he did not even bother to dodge!


Kou Ruhuo's string light shield was excited to its limit, but it was suddenly extinguished within half a second of resisting it, and his crystal armor was also full of cracks in an instant, and it completely shattered in the next instant!

"go to hell!"

Kou Ru shouted fiercely, but just before the crystal armor shattered, he got out of the crystal armor with the method of "escape the golden cicada"!

This is his tactic!

He sacrificed the crystal armor and string light shield, sacrificed all defenses, sacrificed the chance of escape, in exchange for a precious gap of 0.1 seconds, to be able to leave a trace of a human on the face of the "god"!

"Look at Lao Tzu's knife!"

"This is the immortal cultivator, this is the true human, this is the empire, my sincerest greetings to you bastards!"

The original tall and stalwart figure shrank to the limit, Kou Ruhuo seemed to have merged his life into this extremely splendid sword. The brightness of the blade suddenly increased by dozens of levels, eclipsing the mantras of the Pangu clan!

The gray giant's psychic shield was finally traded by Kou Ruhuo at the cost of half his life. It broke through like tofu!

The blade light pierced into the corner of the gray giant's left eye, the most vulnerable part of his body, suddenly bursting out a large piece of thick black plasma!

It turns out that the Pangu tribe, who are "gods", will bleed too.

The gray giant's roar became more acute, and he shook his head desperately, trying to shake Kou Ruhuo off.

Kou Ruhuo took the opportunity to grab the handle of the knife, struggling left and right, shaking violently, trying to enlarge the wound.

Pangu people almost bent down under the pain, stretched out their hands and grabbed them towards their left eye.

Kou Ruhuo just came out of his body and desperately hit the spherical barrier, which consumed too much psionic energy. At this moment, he gave up everything and cut the sword that shocked the world, and the oil well was already dry.

Facing the giant spirit palm of the Pangu tribe, he didn't hide, and made a strange smile, but he firmly grasped the eyelids of the Pangu tribe, opened the blood basin, and took a bite!

"Want to eat me? Dreaming!"

"Let Lao Tzu taste it first, the taste of God!"

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