40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1294: Spell out real fire!

Kou Ruhuo's canine teeth pierced deeply into the corner of the Pangu tribe's eyes, and his head was slammed, and it was actually a large piece of flesh and blood with his belt!

He chewed heavily, swallowing the black blood "grumbling" into his abdomen, with a contemptuous expression on his face, spitting out half a mouthful of minced meat, and contemptuously said: "Smelly!"

The Pangu tribe was in pain, every muscle on his face was twitching, but it was unable to freeze into an expression of "furious", as if there was a certain "restriction" in the depths of his soul, which contained his negative emotions. Every time the negative emotions skyrocketed, this prohibition would produce something similar to "electric current", suppressing his nerves!

The anger was rolled up again and again, but he was suppressed again and again, which made his expression particularly distorted, revealing an inhuman sense of ruggedness!

Kou Ruhuo swallowed a large piece of Pangu flesh and blood, and the powerful psychic energy contained in it made his abdomen bulge high like a balloon, cracks appeared all over his body, and flames and gunpowder smoke crazily gush out from the cracks!

He laughed in the flames, letting out his emotions and infinite emotions!

Joy, fury, viciousness, refreshment, contempt, pride, affection... positive, negative, bright, dark, all emotions erupt like mountain torrents, gushing out!

Kou Ruhuo's performance made the Pangu tribe more and more angry.

It's like a person who has lost his sense of smell, taste, and fullness, looking at others and chewing.

Li Yao could see a trace of intense jealousy from the depths of the Pangu clan's eyes.

But in the next second, this "jealous" negative emotion was severely shattered by the lightning from the depths of the soul, making his eyes reshaped into two deep black gems without waves.

It seems that he has no ability to be jealous and angry at all!

The Pangu tribe spread their fingers apart and patted the corner of their eyes, trying to slap Kou Ruhuo!

Kou Ruhuo swallowed a large amount of Pangu flesh and blood, and his figure gradually decomposed like Tang Qianhe just now. However, the fire of his life was a hundred times more violent than Tang Qianhe. The tall and majestic Yuan Ying rose up in the flames, no matter how the Pangu tribe suppressed it. , Couldn't suppress it, but it spewed from the fingers of the Pangu tribe. It burned and became more and more prosperous, as if a newly born star melted on the face of the Pangu tribe!

"Want to absorb me? Come on! Lao Tzu's soul is here, take it yourself!"

Kou Ruhuo let out the final roar, the spiritual flames surged, the Nascent Soul soared, and his life and will turned into the brightest brilliance, exploding fiercely on the face of the Pangu clan!

This immortal cultivator with a staunch personality chose to explode the Nascent Soul, and his long life bloomed in an instant!

The face of the gray giant looked like a volcanic eruption, and a large amount of black and red flames burst out from the fingers of his left eye, and he couldn't stop it!

Red is Kou Ruhuo's last bit of brilliance.

Black is the blood mist that the Pangu tribe's flesh and blood have evaporated!


The Pangu clan let out a dull scream, staggered in the void, and could no longer maintain the majestic and invincible posture of Baoxiang just now!

"Senior Kou..."

Li Yao never thought that he would be stunned by the heroism and bravery of a cultivator, and his fighting spirit would be wild!

He didn't know whether it was the Kou Ruhuo's fighting style that greatly weakened the Pangu clan's coercion; or his own maddening war intent to tear all the restraints entangled in the gene chain!

In short, the Pangu tribe at this moment is no longer as terrifying as it was when they first awakened. Those mantras of "speaking with the law" and "speaking of the truth" have also become illusory and vanishing, and will not cause any impact!

"Friend Li Dao, go!"

Su Changfa yelled, "Kou Ruhuo is dead, and I was seriously injured. You only have the cultivation base during the formation period, and the crystal armor is shattered. We are definitely not his opponents! While his soul is shaking, quickly return to the ground and launch the war base. All of his supernatural powers, mobilize more psionic puppets to deal with him!"


Li Yao grinned, the scarlet war intent in his eyes almost overflowed, turning into **** war patterns, covering the entire face!


Li Yao's spiritual flames soared, **** streamers gushing from thousands of pores, shaking away the few remaining fragments of the "Rock Soldier Engineering Armor"!

Su Changfa was dumbfounded by the indomitable momentum, and the violent war hymn that was urged to the limit along with the **** fighting spirit, and pointed at Li Yao and yelled: "You--"

"Xuan Gu? Dark Flame Gold!"

Li Yao's right index finger and **** were brought together, and he lightly touched the center of his eyebrows, the spirit entwined with psychic energy, like the Yangtze River, rushing from the depths of the spiritual roots!

The Universe Ring that was still hung on his chest just now seemed to linger around him like flying stars!

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!"

A magic weapon unit whizzed out from the ring of the universe, dragged by the psychic magnetic field, attached to him, and gradually showed the full picture of the black crystal armor!

At this moment, the profound bone battle armor has been activated to the "super-heavy firepower form". The entire crystal armor is nearly three meters long. A crystal magnet cannon that looks like thousands of stars is floating on the thick chest. The left arm is like It is formed by the winding and condensing of seven dragons, which is stronger than the right arm for a round!


Profound bone? Dark flame gold? Overweight firepower form, colonization is complete!

After Li Yao's psychic power was increased by the spar, he formed a huge position. All the war debris within a radius of 100 meters was shaken into metal powder, which was constantly rubbed in the rapid rotation, and heated into a stream of high-heat particles similar to magma. !

Under the control of his divine mind, this stream of high-heat particles gradually turned into two wings, forming an overwhelming war eagle, fluttering its wings!

"Will you kill you while you are sick!"

Li Yao urged the flame wings, and the two wings merged behind Xuan Gu? Dark Yanjin, forming a huge ring. The flames of several kilometers gushing out from the ring, making Li Yao's speed soar in an instant. To the limit!

Under Su Changfa's horrified eyes, Li Yao rushed to the Pangu tribe who was crying!

The Pangu tribe has just awakened from hundreds of thousands of years of hibernation, and has not fully recovered by itself, even though it has supplemented all Tang Qianhe's psychic powers, it is only a drop in the bucket!

Coupled with Kou Ruhuo's style of exploding the Nascent Soul and dying together, it completely penetrated his psychic shield and exploded him to his head!

Under the severe pain, the Pangu tribe’s magical powers of drawing talisman in the void and uttering the law are also greatly weakened!

He covered his left eye with one hand, and quickly drew a few magical charms in the void with the other hand, once again pulled up from the plane to three-dimensional, thousands of mantras exploded, turning into a wall of fire, but was directly by the profound bones? Dark flame gold penetrate!

The moment it penetrated the wall of fire, Xuan Gu? Dark Yanjin changed from black to orange.

It can be seen that the temperature of the flames excited by the Pangu tribe is astonishingly high!

Li Yao's speed is unabated, driving the profound bone? Dark Flame Gold that is about to melt, and directly rushing to the front door of the Pangu clan!

The huge physique of the Pangu tribe has turned into a cumbersome. Once it is cut into the body by a smaller human, it will be difficult to catch the human!

This has nothing to do with strength, it is a restriction of innate size, just as it is difficult for human beings to catch the fly above their head with their bare hands.

In order to catch the "fly" of Li Yao, the Pangu tribe had to use both hands together and spread their fingers apart, like ten Optimus pillars, to compress Li Yao's range of activities!

Li Yao was waiting for this opportunity, his left arm was like a gun, and he stretched straight to the **** left eye of the Pangu tribe. The seven dragons wrapped around the left arm suddenly dispersed, opening the mouth of the blood basin, and gushing out **** brilliance!

"Super enhanced! One trillion times! Cell annihilation cannon!"

The blood-colored light beam directly penetrated the gray giant's left eyeball, piercing deeply into the brain!

The left eye, left ear, and left nostril of the Pangu tribe all spewed out a large cloud of blood mist, and half of their head was burning in the blood flame.

However, his momentum did not fall but rose instead, a little star burst into the depths of his right eye, his mouth opened, and circular arcs spurted out!

Li Yao was suppressed by the arc light, just like falling into the deep sea, his figure instantly stagnated to the extreme, even though the giant spirit of the Pangu tribe stretched out in front of him, he couldn't move!

On the palms of the Pangu tribe, a mysterious and complicated ancient rune appeared. The rune composed of tens of thousands of strokes was like a perfect formula for psychic restraint and excitation, which could urge the power of psychic energy to limit!


The ancient runes are severely printed on Li Yao!

Xuan Gu? Dark Flame Gold's outermost armor instantly turned off-white, losing all activity, and falling like gravel!

The high-energy particle beam penetrated Li Yao's body and flew him out more than ten kilometers!

It was as if he had been exposed to super-strong nuclear radiation. A large number of cells shrank instantly, and the gene chains in the remaining cells were also broken.

Replaced by the ordinary Nascent Soul boss, this is definitely a serious injury that instantly loses combat effectiveness!

If it is a strong pill formation, it may be dissolved on the spot, and will be wiped out in smoke, and will never be overlived!

The Scarlet Heart Demon made a strange scream, and immediately activated the supernatural powers inherited from the "Bloodstripe Clan" to proliferate cells and create the "Heavenly Tribulation Battle Body", frantically repairing Li Yao's damaged cell and gene chain!

"It won't die like this? Has your strength become stronger? It's a monster!"

Li Yao's scalp was numb, and he kept groaning strangely.

As everyone knows, in Su Changfa's eyes, he, who was still alive and kicking after a full blow from the Pangu tribe, has also become an out-and-out monster!

"He should have'overdrawn his life and burned his soul' too!"

Su Changfa swallowed a mouthful of blood and exclaimed, "He just woke up and is in need of recuperation. The damage to him is immeasurable! He would never choose to do this as a last resort. !"


Li Yao licked his cracked lips and grinned, "That is to say, he did his best with us too, right? Very good, then—"


Halfway through the conversation, the severely injured Pangu clan let out an earth-shattering roar, and half of the escape center was enveloped by his soaring spiritual flames!

He was originally sixteen or seven meters tall, and the light blue spiritual flames continued to expand, and he actually formed a giant nearly fifty meters high behind him!


The Spirit Flame Giant crossed several kilometers in one step, sucking all the war debris along the way into his body and condensing it into an entity!

There are still dozens of kilometers between the two sides, and Li Yao felt a strong wind rushing toward his face. The originally fragmented profound bones? Dark Flame Gold, once again made a "squeak" sound of metal fatigue, and several more power talisman arrays were declared scrapped. !

"Then do as Senior Su said!"

Li Yaofei quickly turned to Su Changfa and said, "I think what Senior Su said is that we should make a strategic adjustment, return to the ground, and use the war base to deal with him!"

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