40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1302: Old but not dead

"Return to the old—"

Li Yao personally killed a Pangu tribe. It would be impossible to say that he didn't have the slightest complacency in his heart. He deliberately said, "Do you still think that'the father wants to die, the son has to die"?"

Gui Shoushou smiled faintly: "Of course, I still think so. After hearing about the history of the rise of the true human empire and the truth about the'Way of the Most Good', this feeling has faintly strengthened!"

"I think that when the Pangu civilization was on the verge of extinction, perhaps they also implemented their own'tombstone plan', but they are not only spreading tombstones, but also seeds, to the sea of ​​stars."

"Now, after hundreds of thousands of years of gestation, these seeds have re-rooted and germinated, and they are blooming and bearing fruit."

"Little friend Li Yao was able to kill a member of the Pangu civilization, which is certainly gratifying, but this incident gives us a greater enlightenment-it is possible for the living Pangu tribe to survive hundreds of thousands through hibernation. Years and even longer!"

"The sea of ​​stars is vast and the world is endless. Wouldn't you think that there is only one member of the Pangu civilization in hibernation in the entire universe, and was found and killed by your chance?"

"If we say that in other places, there are members of the Pangu civilization who have recovered from hibernation, and there is no hero like Li Yao to kill him, or even worse, he is greeted by the holy alliance controlled by the way of perfection. What about people?"

In the turbid eyes of Gui Shoushou, there was a clear light like an ignorant child.

Li Yao's teeth were itchy with anger. This old tortoise is always like this. He likes to say something horrible, things that the radicals can't refute!

"Then Guilao, please go and study the Pangu ruins slowly, but what are you doing here?"

Li Yao said with a calm face.

"I made a special trip to wait for little friend Li Yao."

Guishoushou said calmly, "I don't know if we can talk more deeply after little friend Li Yao and the immortal cultivator have finished talking?"

Li Yao scratched his head: "Is it for the "Tombstone Project"? We will talk about it slowly in the future. Our Yaoshi Group's recent focus and most of the resources will still be placed on the development of Kunlun!"

"Yes or not."

Gui Shou said, "The Tombstone Project requires a lot of funds, but I am not in a hurry. I am just very curious about little friend Li Yao, and I want to collect your words and deeds as much as possible."

Now, Li Yao was really strange: "Why?"

"I am a historian, and I want to leave as much as possible the last glorious mark of our civilization. The so-called civilization is not just a variety of cities, cultural relics and relics, but more importantly, people!"

"City is not civilization, the magic weapon is not civilization, talent is civilization!"

"I think Little Friend Li Yao is a very interesting model in our civilization. Your life experience, every word and deed, should become a lifelike'tombstone', so that the new civilization after hundreds of millions of years can understand the so-called'cultivation.' "What the **** is going on."

"So, I am going to write a biographical biography for little friend Li Yao, which will be sealed in the'Tombstone' in the future, and it will be circulated for 10 million years, 50 million years, 100 million years, 500 million years!"

"In a sense, this can be regarded as the'immortality' of Little Friend Li Yao!"

Gui Shoushou said happily, with an expression of "I am so good to you, I am not happy and grateful".

Li Yao had goose bumps and his expression became very weird.

He never dreamed of letting his story spread for thousands of years, which is too... strange!

The brain circuit of this old tortoise is really different from ordinary people!

Li Yao instantly felt that he had become an unearthed cultural relic, a well-preserved mummy or something, being criticized by some green-skinned men with three heads and six arms, and sliced ​​and studied.

He shuddered coldly, and after a few words perfunctory by Gui Shoushou, he stepped into the cell.

"Senior Su!"

Only Su Changfa and Guo Chunfeng were in the cell, one sitting and the other lying down.

It is a cell, not gloomy. The milky white roof and apple-green walls are like a well-equipped ward. Except for the restrictions around the beds, there is no sense of detention and interrogation.

Su Changfa’s complexion is obviously much better than five days ago. It seems that he has quickly adapted to life in the cultivation of civilization. At this moment, he is sitting on the bed with his knees crossed, holding a crystal brain in his hands, and looking at a jade slip intently. .

In five days, it wasn't nothing. Su Changfa produced some precious information and exchanged an overview of the Crystal Brain and the Star Federation.

Now, both sides have a certain understanding of each other.

"Friend Li Dao, we meet again."

Seeing Li Yao coming in, the old immortal cultivator put down his brain and smiled calmly, "I really didn't expect Fellow Li Daoyou to have a big career at a young age. He is the mainstay of the Tianyuan cultivation world. The old man is really eyeless!"

Li Yao twitched the corner of his mouth.

For Su Changfa, it is difficult for him to feel too strong in hatred.

Maybe it's because the two sides fought side by side, or maybe it's because Su Changfa didn't do anything to exterminate humanity in front of him!

"Senior Su came to me to have something to say?"

Li Yao went straight ahead.

"Yes, I have used some intelligence to exchange several copies of Li Daoyou's materials these days. The more I look at it, the more I am surprised. Even in our empire, young heroes like Li Daoyou are rare!"

Su Changfa glanced at the spring breeze and sneered, "If I have to confess, I would rather communicate with a cultivator like Li Daoyou who is upright and abide by the Taoist heart. It is better to fall into the hands of some people who want to achieve their goals and do whatever they want!"

After the spring breeze, he touched his nose. Even if it was a bit embarrassing, it was not even a little bit obvious on the surface anyway.

Li Yao raised his eyebrows and said, "Senior Su has figured it out, are you ready to confess it thoroughly?"

"It's not impossible to want me to confess thoroughly, but I want to confirm it first."

Su Changfa smiled and said, "Friend Li Daoist, since you consider yourself to be a cultivator of the most standard, you will definitely stick to your upright Daoism, and you will definitely not waver easily, right?"

Li Yao nodded: "Of course!"

"I know that your Star Federation has a "Basic Law of Cultivation". The law is the lowest standard of Dao Xin, so you will definitely act in accordance with the law, right?"


"If you see other people breaking the law and discipline, a'real cultivator' like you will never sit idly by. You must draw your sword to help and punish the evil, right?"


"If you stand by and watch, your Dao Xin will also be tarnished, and you will not be able to pass your own level. If it is serious, Dao Xin will even collapse, and your realm will drop, right?"

"So what, what exactly does Senior Su want to say?"

Su Changfa nodded again and again: "Then I don't understand. I and Li Daoyou once fought side by side and went shopping. Both sides had a small good relationship. Why did Li Daoyou look at me in jail, but ignore it?"

"I would like to ask, which law of your country has I violated, so that your country's spy organization can imprison me indiscriminately, restrict my personal freedom, and try to torture me severely?"

"Such a serious violation of human rights is simply outrageous. Isn't Daoyou Li ready to stand up and uphold justice? Where is your Dao heart!"

Li Yao was taken aback, blurted out: "Aren't you a cultivator..."

"so what?"

Su Changfa was full of magnanimous expression, "Is it guilty to cultivate immortals in your country?"

Li Yao was stunned for a long time, then turned his head and asked Chunfeng: "Big brother, is Xiuxian guilty?"

Guo Chunfeng frowned: "Looks like...it seems...but there is no such thing as a crime of cultivating immortals."

"That's it. The law can do nothing without prohibition. Since you are not guilty of cultivating immortals in your country, why on earth are you arresting me?"

Su Changfa leaned on the hospital bed with a rogue expression on his face, "Even if the cultivator is really guilty, how can you be sure that I am a cultivator? Is there any distinctive physical characteristic of the cultivator, or is there a "immortal cultivator" engraved on my forehead 'Three words? Or do I just brag about myself?"

"Yes, I come from a true human empire, and I have said that I am a cultivator. Is this also evidence?"

"Tang Qianhe also came from the real human empire. She also claimed to be a cultivator. What happened?"

"It's not appropriate to convict me based on a few words and stories told by Daoyou Li and I?"

Li Yao blinked his eyes: "It doesn't seem appropriate."

"Senior Su misunderstood."

After the spring breeze, he said with a dry cough, "We didn't arrest you because Senior Su was a cultivator. It's just that Senior Su is suspected of endangering federal national security, so we restricted some of your freedom and conducted in-depth investigations."

"What a joke!"

Su Changfa disapproved, "Before I jumped to this area, I hadn't even heard the name of the'Xingyao Federation', and my final destination was not the Tianyuan realm at all, but was distributed by the fusion of the Tianyuan and the blood demon realms. Attracted by the volatility, I will use this as a springboard!"

"Since I haven't even heard the name of the Star Federation, how could it endanger your national security?"

Li Yao frowned: "But you are ready to launch aggression against us!"

Su Changfa was full of innocence: "As far as I know, the true human empire has not declared war on the Star Federation or any political entity in this star sea. Where does the word'aggression' begin?"

"Even if there is a war between countries, what does it have to do with a Xiaomin like me? I am just a traveler wandering in the stars, satisfied with the pleasure of discovering more of the world!"

Li Yao sneered: "Sheng Dou Xiaomin? There is such a big war base outside that anyone who is not blind can see it! What's more, aren't you an official of the empire's immigration bureau?"

Li Yao took out the "green card" that Su Chang had sent him and shook it.

"That's just an ordinary civil servant."

Su Changfa said nonsense, "I don't think how an official of the Imperial Immigration Bureau would endanger your country's national security. As for the war base... the star sea is vast and the crisis is everywhere. Whoever goes out without a magic weapon for self-defense? Isn’t your country’s transport ships armed at all?"

"The most important thing is that even if I was armed to the teeth, I did not land on your country's territory at all! Your country's territory is in the Tianyuan realm. Is this the Tianyuan realm? Your country has no jurisdiction here at all. And law enforcement, why should you arrest me?"

"Li Daoyou, you are a kind-hearted and noble cultivator, how can you sit back and ignore such absurd behavior? Is it because of the light and flamboyant "national security" that you can trample on the law at will and sacrifice innocent people like me Is there any benefit or even life? What's the difference between that and the cultivator!"

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