40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1303: The thorn in the heart of Tao

Li Yao and Guo Chunfeng were dumbfounded.

It wasn't because Su Changfa's brazenness exceeded their imagination, nor was it because they really couldn't refute it.

But he was shocked that Su Changfa would be so naive—does he think he would let go of others if he tried a few words?

The corner of Li Yao's eyes twitched.

He never believed that Su Changfa would be such a boring person, this old guy is the soul of the three immortal cultivators!

His thoughts turned, Li Yao instantly understood Su Changfa's intentions, and he also sensed the thorn looming in his heart.

"Brother Guo, take a step to speak."

Li Yao called the spring breeze out of the cell.

"Is this immortal cultivator something wrong with his brain?"

After the spring breeze, he felt incredible, "Should he not think that our cultivators are really ‘innocent’ to such an extent, and if we just talk nonsense, we will let him go?"

"He didn't mean that."

Li Yao smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid he has already put his life and death out of control. He doesn't expect to talk a few nonsense and let him escape. These words are specifically for me."

"Tell you?"

After the spring breeze, I don’t understand, "Why, what's the point?"

"He wants to plant a thorn in my heart, a seed that may grow into the'Road of Xiuxian'."

Li Yao seriously said, "I guess there are two reasons."

"First, I broke his good deeds and played him thoroughly. He estimated that he was extremely upset in his heart. I hope to use this method to break my heart."

"Even if there is a gap in my Dao Heart, falling from the Nascent Soul Realm to the Pill Formation Realm, it is considered revenge!"

"Second, perhaps despite the extreme hatred, he didn't give up hope. He wants to try one last thing to see if he can transform me into an immortal cultivator."

After the spring breeze, he laughed dumbly: "Just rely on these light and fluttering words?"


Li Yao looked at the spring breeze very seriously, "To be honest, I have been thinking about the difference between a cultivator and a cultivator these days. If there is a clear boundary between the two, where is the boundary? What? Or in other words, there is no clear boundary at all, there is only an ambiguous gray area?"

"As a cultivator, Su Changfa, what crime did he commit? Does the Xingyao Federation have the power to interrogate and punish him? Even if he is suspected of'endangering national security' and must be detained, the duration of such detention How long is it? If he keeps refusing to explain honestly, can we torture him and tortured him in every possible way?"

"The answers to these questions are indeed what I want to know."

After the spring breeze, he sneered: "You are the benevolence of a woman!"

"Perhaps, but a part of my Dao Xin is composed of such ‘women’s benevolence.’ If this part collapses, my Dao Xin will also be broken, and my realm will definitely plummet!"

Li Yao pondered, "Moreover, in this way, I can't answer one of my own questions--if there is no such ‘woman’s benevolence’, what is the difference between a cultivator and a cultivator?"

"Hehe, maybe in this way, I will drill deeper and deeper into the horns of the horns.

"Think about the examples of Lu Zui and Zhou Hengdao. Sometimes, it is very fast to change from a cultivator to a cultivator, maybe it only takes a second."

After the spring breeze tilted his head and thought for a long time, he said: "I understand, this old guy is not struggling to survive, but just wants to use these words, plus his own'miserable end', to plant a seed in your heart. One day, you will be transformed into an immortal cultivator who'to achieve the goal, do whatever it takes'!"

"Yes it is."

Li Yao nodded, "Therefore, I really want to know if we imprison him in this way, and even wait for a few days to be tortured and squeeze his soul, is there any legal basis?"

"After all, he did not act hostile to the Starlight Federation from start to finish. Even when the Fire Ant King and Professor Mo Xuan invaded his medical cabin, they disarmed and surrendered. The whole process was quite cooperative!"

"If not, would you stop our interrogation?"

After the spring breeze frowned and asked.

"Of course it's impossible. After all, the value of this immortal cultivator and his war base is too great, and I cannot stop you."

Li Yao thought for a while and said, "However, I will have a thorn in my heart, and I will be a little confused. From now on, I will not be so right and confident. It will have a serious impact on cultivation and fighting, and even in the future. One day, I suddenly "figured it out", as long as it is for the benefit of the Federation, anything can be done without it!"

"As a result, I became a cultivator like Lu Zui, Zhou Hengdao, and Su Changfa."

"To understanding."

After the spring breeze, he took a sip of the glass tea cup and chewed the tea powder hard, "So, in order to prevent you, the'super federation hero', the future star of the Star Federation, if the Dao Heart is shattered, we will use it completely. The legal way, to find conclusive evidence, to deal with the whole thing?"

"Almost, is it difficult?"

"Normally, give me five minutes, I think about it."

five minutes later.

Li Yao returned to the cell with a face full of spring breeze.

Su Changfa drooped his eyelids and looked at him suspiciously.

"The problem is solved, Senior Su."

Li Yao said briskly, "We really don't have any evidence to support all the accusations against you. It is estimated that you will be free soon."

Su Changfa was stunned, and a bewildering gleam came out of his eyes. He didn't understand what Li Yao was up to, did he really let him go like this?

"But one thing, I hope Senior Su knows."

Li Yao gave a dry cough, and said in a very serious way, "Long before your true human empire’s starships boarded the Pangu civilization relics, our Star Federation delegation had already discovered this place first. Therefore, we have very good reasons to announce that it’s here early. It has become the territory of the Star Federation!"

Su Changfa's eyes were almost fixed, and it froze for a long time before turning again, and said dumbly, "So what?"

"So, Senior Su actually violated the'illegal entry crime' in the federal law. Of course, we understand Senior Su did not know this, so we are not going to file a formal lawsuit against you, just confiscate your illegal entry transportation. And declare that you are an "unwelcome person" in our country and just expel you from the country."

This time it was Su Changfa’s turn for a long time to speak, and stared at Li Yao for a long time before sneering: "The meaning of expulsion is to confiscate all my magic weapons and launch me outside the atmosphere to wait. dead?"

"Absolutely not!"

Li Yao solemnly shook his head, "We will indeed launch you out of the atmosphere, but we will definitely let you carry enough food and water, and we will also give you a set of airtight suits that can survive in the stars for several days. !"

"We will launch you into a fixed channel, where several transport ships from the Flying Star Realm will pass by every day, you will be saved!"

Su Changfa's throat seemed to be stuffed with ice: "Flying Star Realm?"

"Yes, Flying Star Realm."

Li Yao added, "It's the Flying Star Realm where countless ordinary people died a few years ago by the cultivators."

Su Changfa stared at Li Yao fiercely.

"I have carefully thought about every detail for Senior Su. This is absolutely in line with the law and humanitarian spirit in my home country, and I can't fault it!"

Li Yao clutched his chest and said, "I am also very pleased to be able to help Senior Su get this kind of treatment. I feel that the Dao heart in my chest is more vivid!"

Su Changfa stared at Li Yao intently, and said every word: "I have never seen a brazen cultivator like you."

Li Yao scratched his chin: "Perhaps the less shameless cultivator has long been eliminated by the cruel universe, right?"

Su Changfa said: "That is to say, as long as I don't give a lot of information about the true human empire, and all the secrets of the war base, you will hand me over to the Flying Stars-the Flying Stars who have a deep hatred with the Immortal Cultivator?"

"Technically speaking, we are just expelling Senior Su out of the country. What's more, you came from afar this time, originally to conquer the Flying Star Realm. I hand you over to the Flying Stars. My Dao Heart is not at all uneasy."

Li Yao said, "Besides, I don't understand. Since Mr. Su has chosen to surrender, why don't he want to confess it all at once?"

"How is that the same?"

Su Changfa insisted, "Surrendering is only my personal business. If I fail to fight, I will surrender. I will retain my vitality. I may still have a chance to make a comeback. This is a tactical choice and it is not shameful!"

"But the key information I confessed is extremely likely to harm the overall interests of human civilization!"

"After all, I am a horrible old man of more than two hundred years old. Even if I am afraid of death, I am not afraid to betray all mankind to steal my life!"

Li Yaoqi said: "What does this have to do with the overall interests of human civilization?"

"Of course it is."

Su Changfa said, "After several days of understanding, I can see that although your Star Federation is located in the corner of the Xinghai Sea, it is weak in power, but it is the rising sun, ambitious, and has a taste of the past Saint League! "

"Now you have integrated the power of the three major worlds, and you have discovered a relic of Pangu civilization on such a large scale. If you get a lot of information about the empire, it will be even more powerful!"

"Once the federation rises, the empire will suffer from enemies, and if you consume too much resources and power on you, there will be no spare capacity to fight the Holy League!"

"If the empire is defeated by the Holy League, human civilization will be completely suppressed by the ‘way of the best’, and will never be transcended! Do you think this is detrimental to the overall interests of human civilization?"

"Hey, Kou Ruhuo's reckless man burned his life out to let the Pangu tribe see the courage and courage of our human beings! If I, a bad old man, want to live for a few more decades, I will betray everything, and in the future I will fall into the Nine Nether Yellow Springs. How do you have the face to meet Kou Ruhuo?"

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