40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1313: The ace of the ace!

"Stop flattering, I know I am not your opponent!"

Ding Lingdang pouted and glared at Li Yao, "The Great Flame Dragon Sparrow was the first giant soldier we found. When repairing it, all the most well-preserved and most powerful magic weapons were used. Unit, the proportion of the prehistoric magic weapon components on the machine body has reached more than 90%, which can be called a re-engraved version of the original giant soldiers of the prehistoric era, and the combat power is the strongest among all the giant soldiers!"

"The ghosts are actually unusable'leftovers' after we assembled the four giant soldiers, plus our giant psionic puppet technology, barely pieced together, its ancient magic components only accounted for 35%, less than half, and the final commissioning has not been completed. It is still in the test stage, the combat power is poor, and the performance is extremely unstable. It would be great to be able to barely fly without falling apart!"

"But, I control such a powerful Great Flame Dragon Sparrow, and you control such a vulnerable ghost, it took me a full minute to'shoot down' you!"

"What's more, you haven't tried your best..."

"If you exchange the giant soldiers, I'm afraid you can blow me up in three seconds, right?"

"That's you wrong, wife."

Li Yao said sternly, "Who said I didn't try my best? Under your flooding bombing, I really used all the strength to eat milk!"

"You treat me as blind!"

Ding Lingdang akimbo his hips, staring out Tongling's big eyes, and shouted, "You didn't even wear a mustard combat uniform, you don't even wear a t-shirt, you wear big pants, and you are on the stage with slippers. Do your best to be a ghost!"

"Huh, I know that you are the strongest'ace' in the Three Realms. There is still a gap of tens of thousands of miles between me and you, but I will be triumphant there, and I will catch up with you soon, being upright and upright under the same conditions. Beat you!"

"You really wronged me, how can I be proud? Hehehehe!"

Li Yao scratched his hair like a bird's nest innocently, and after having endured it for a long time, he finally couldn't hold it back, an evil smile appeared on his face.

Xiao Hei recovered into a round and fleshy dumpling, and two short and stupid wings appeared from both sides of his body. They swayed and flew over Li Yao's head.

It seemed to think that Li Yao's tousled and shaggy hair was quite comfortable, so he sat down.

It's a pity that it was too "fat", and it squashed Li Yao's hair all at once, as if Li Yao hit a ball.

In five years, the Three Realms turned upside down and rushed forward; Ding Lingdang practiced frantically and rushed to Yuan Ying; Li Yao naturally did not idle.

He has always been a leader in the Kunlun development team, mainly responsible for searching, researching, repairing and assembling magic weapons related to the giant gods.

The so-called giant soldier is the "Natural Infant's Crystal Armor", which has certain things in common with the crystal armor worn by the practitioner.

As a master of crystal armor modification, Li Yao is also proficient in ancient craftsmanship 40,000 years ago. He has an advantage over other craftsmen and archaeologists when researching the primordial spirit patterns and rune formations, and soon became the core of the team. .

After a series of giant soldiers came out one after another, he took up his old profession and became a "test driver" of the giant soldiers.

During the test phase, all the giant soldiers were first controlled by Li Yaolai. According to his feedback, a series of fine-tuning and improvements were made. Only after he nodded and passed the inspection, the giant soldiers were truly refined and could be delivered to others. Used by Yuan Ying bosses.

For five years, Li Yao has stayed in Kunlun, immersed in the world of giant soldiers and ancient talisman.

Therefore, his absolute combat effectiveness in the state of bare hands may not be able to make the top three in the hands of the super first-class masters of the Yuan Ying series.

But his experience in controlling and refitting giant soldiers is definitely the richest among all Nascent Souls, and he puts the second place far behind, even his tail flames can’t even eat, he is a well-deserved ace of the Federation!

If he were to control the strongest body, the Great Flame Dragon Sparrow, perhaps the remaining four giant soldiers would have to go together to suppress him reluctantly.

Ding Lingdang is self-aware, and naturally knows that her husband has a little suspicion of releasing water.

Of course, we must break the casserole and ask the end. Li Yao will wink very innocent little eyes, and draw a long tone: "No way, you have just learned to control the giant soldiers for half a year. It really can't arouse 100% of my fighting spirit. Well!"

"You still ‘hehehehe’ right, okay, let you know what is meant by ‘hehehehe’ in the evening!"

Ding Lingdang narrowed his eyes and sneered.

She is not Li Yao's opponent to control the giant soldiers; she can't even defeat Li Yao even if she puts on the crystal armor and engages in a dazzling magic weapon battle.

However, the two sides met with bare hands, frankly, and if they fought hand-to-hand, she, who was between the ‘body refiner’ and the ‘former warrior’, rushed to the realm of the Nascent Soul, and then overwhelmed Li Yao again.


Li Yaole was very sad, and his smile was frozen on his face.

I had known that I would not have played a training match with my wife in person.


On the lifting platform leading to the Hangar of the Titans, nearly a hundred students from the Refining Department of Feixing University were so excited that they blushed with thick necks, and many of them were crying!

Up to this moment, they are still dreamy and can't believe it is true.

"Oh my God, we, are we really going to meet the legendary Master Li Yao?"

"So nervous, I'm almost out of breath!"

"That's Master Li Yao. He once defeated Xiao Xuance, the'No. 1 Flying Star Master', saved the entire Flying Star Realm, destroyed the Eye of the Blood Demon, contributed to the alliance of Tianyuan, Flying Star, and Blood Demon, and discovered the Holy Land Kunlun. Master Li Yao!"

"Vulture! Monster star! Sand scorpion! Every nickname represents a legend, but so many legends are concentrated on one person!"

"Furthermore, he is well-deserved as the strongest driver of the Giant God Soldier in the Three Realms, the trump card among the trump cards! Even those primordial infant bosses who are one or two hundred years older than him must follow the "Manual of Giant God Soldier" written by him. Come to drive the giant soldiers!"

"Everyone is saying that as long as he has giant soldiers in his hands, his combat power is comparable to a whole Star Sea Fleet, and he can easily suppress an asteroid!"

"We are, we really can see Yao-master, and he can talk? Hum hum, I, I, I'm so excited, but how can not stop, how to do, how to do?"

"Sister An An, what kind of person is your teacher? Isn't it lonely and strict? Would he be impatient if he asked him to sign?"


Xie An'an bulged his cheeks and thought for a long time, and found that Master seems to be able to describe it anyway, but it absolutely has nothing to do with the word "gu Gao".

"Well, everyone, don't be too nervous, my master...should be different from what you think!"

Xie An’an pondered for a while, and said seriously: "In fact, many times, if I didn’t deliberately remind myself, I would forget that he was an old primordial elder, a crystal armor expert, a giant soldier, but it seemed, uh, like a Ordinary maintenance workers!"


The lifting platform slowly landed on a corner of the maintenance hangar of the Titans, and a white mist escaped from the gap below, which quickly dissipated into the air.

Under the leadership of Xie An'an, Long Yunxin and nearly a hundred college students filed out, with a kind of "pilgrimage" mood, tiptoeing, watching and studying with respect.

The first thing that catches the eye is not the majestic red giant soldier Great Flame Dragon Sparrow, but the shameless black giant soldier "Phantom Ghost", or the people surrounding the "Phantom Ghost".

Most of these people are old men with white beard and hair, and there are also a few middle-aged people with sharp eyes like eagles and falcons and delicate hands like jade. Powerful aura!

"They are all top masters in the circle of refiners!"

The college students from the Refining Department of Feixing University naturally treasure the academic authority of this major.

"That's Professor Zhao Yimian, an authority in the field of reactor tripods!"

"And Professor Sun Xiaolin, an expert in aerodynamics!"

"Look, there is also our super armor master Huangfubo from the Flying Star Realm, and our school's master Xue Yuanxin, the authority on the'God of War Set'!"

Every expert has been immersed in the world of craftsmanship for hundreds of years, and every name has made all craftsmen like a thunderbolt, and giving lectures at any university at random can create the effect of empty streets for thousands of people! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

However, at this moment, these experts and masters, like regular elementary school students, surrounded the "phantom ghosts" and watched them carefully.

Above the "phantom ghost", a young man climbed up and down like an ape, and from time to time he put his ears on the ghost's armor, his hands blooming like lotus flowers, calmly and freely waving dozens of handprints, gathering together Bunches of psionic energy knocked into the body!

The ghost is like being given life by his mysterious hands, making high and low neighs, and it seems that there is a whole band, playing in the depths of the ghost's chest!

"Dear fellow daoists, have you seen my technique clearly, right?"

He didn't seem to have any temperament, and smiled like an ordinary college student. "This is the'flicking and listening' technique in ancient art refining. It's the best way to detect flaws! There are a total of 85 basic handprints, all of them just now. I have demonstrated to you that I believe that everyone has their own unique secret skills, based on their own characteristics, can be integrated, create more mysterious and complicated, unpredictable handprints!"

"On the cardan shaft of this fantasy ghost's left ankle, there are two shaft beads with a gap of about 0.05 mm, which affects the flexibility of the left foot and even the entire left leg. I guess it is the material for refining the shaft beads. It has not been subjected to ultra-high temperature treatment, and it is necessary to find a way to improve the process flow, or even simply replace a shaft bead material to solve this problem!"

"Well, I can roughly see that there are only so many problems. The next detailed inspections, I ask all fellow daoists!"

The young man giggled, jumped down, and jumped in front of Xie Anan, Long Yunxin and nearly a hundred college students. The flip-flops made two crisp and sweet "pops" on the ground! ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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