40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1314: civilization


Seeing the young man's extremely casual look, coupled with the face that often appears on the publicity posters in the streets and alleys, all the college students were stunned!

This, this, this is the legendary Master Li Yao?

He wore a loose and loose cultural shirt that was half a size larger. In the middle of the shirt was the big "250" three numbers. There was also a badge with an iron fist on his chest, surrounded by a circle of small characters, "Warmly celebrate the establishment of the Great Wilderness War Yuan 200 Fiftieth anniversary"!

This is obviously a promotional shirt given out for free during school celebrations!

From the slightly dim figures and emblems, as well as the folds that can’t be washed away, it can be seen that this cultural shirt has been worn for many years, quite ordinary fabrics are worn out as thin as cicada wings, silk-like. The texture!

Crumpled t-shirts, plus bulky checkered beach pants, and a pair of "tap" slippers. By the way, there is also a belt hung from the waist, but it is stained by oil and crystal powder. The colorful tool skins form the basic look of Master Li Yao!

Master Li Yao has just completed the preliminary overhaul of the "phantom ghost" of the giant soldier. Not only his hands are stained with oil and various suspicious liquids, he emits a pungent smell, and even his face is black and white, just like a one. The giant panda that just woke up.

This honour caused the idol tower in the eyes of college students to collapse in an instant.

It turns out...the handsome, powerful, and domineering photos on the promotional posters are all deceptive, and they are all rendered after an unknown amount of soft light, refinement and special effects!

He, he, he really looks so ugly!

"Teacher Long!"

Li Yao didn't know what these watery-eyed female college students were thinking.

He was also very happy to be able to meet his deceased in the Flying Star Realm, showing his white teeth and greeted Long Yunxin.

Long Yun was full of emotions, and was a little silly for a while.

Unlike ordinary female college students, she only pays attention to the things that float on the surface, but the powerful vitality that escapes through every pore of Li Yao, as well as the stars and dots hidden in the deepest part of his eyes, she perceives Existence as vast as the sea!

Long Yunxin sighed secretly.

Up to this moment, she finally reluctantly admitted that the little ruthless affection she had for Li Yao back then would not bear fruit even if she was not rejected on the spot.

They are people from different worlds, and the realm gap between the two is too great.

Her world is the Flying Star University, the Flying Star Realm, and at most the New Federation including the Three Realms—this is the limit of her cognition and struggle.

However, under Li Yao's seemingly inattentive posture and slightly sloppy shape, there is an almost endless world hidden, a world that is enough to encompass the entire universe!

His world is too vast, too mysterious, too wonderful, so wonderful that he is deeply addicted to it, and he doesn't care what kind of image he presents in the mundane world.

It's as if a Kunpeng wouldn't take the time to take care of each of his feathers for others to appreciate.

Because it still has a higher sky to break through, and a farther sea of ​​clouds to conquer!

Take care of the colorful feathers and make a clear and sweet call, this is what sparrows and oriole can do.

Long Yunxin felt that he was just a little sparrow, and Li Yao was a Kunpeng flying above the sea of ​​stars. Even though they had flew together for a period of time, they were going to part ways.

Only the other Kunpeng who is qualified to fly to the end of the universe with one Kunpeng flapping its wings!

Thinking of this, Long Yunxin suddenly felt a tremor in his heart, and an invisible bond was instantly loosened. The knot that had troubled her for many years was gone. She could face Li Yao quite calmly!

Long Yunxin took a deep breath, smiled slightly, and replied to Li Yao as an old friend, explaining his intentions.

"Dear students, want to have an in-depth exchange of the way of refining tools with me? Welcome, of course a warm welcome!

Li Yao was overjoyed, blinking his eyes and said, "After all, I have been a visiting scholar at Feixing University for more than half a year, and I have also developed a God of War suit with Master Xue Yuanxin of your school! I am still very fond of Feixing University. Emotional, you can learn the art of refinement, of course it’s okay!"

"But that's the case. I have just returned to the Tianyuan Realm from Kunlun. There are still many old friends who want to see. The daytime schedule is full. Can it be done at night?"

"Tonight, I will talk with all the classmates by candlelight. Let's have an in-depth exchange and discussion. We have been discussing it until dawn. Can you say it?

Many college students did not expect that the legendary Master Li Yao was so enthusiastic and so talkative that he would cheer for a while and be overjoyed!


Li Yao smiled and said, "I also hope that everyone can do me a favor. It is estimated that it will consume everyone a whole day. Don't worry, you will not be wasted in vain. In fact, I ask you to help test a new magic weapon and collect some experimental data. !"

For college students in the refining department, acting as an assistant to the refining master and conducting magic weapons tests is one of their daily homework.

What's more, the test invitation proposed by the legendary Master Li Yao, presumably will not be a common magic weapon, and there is no reason to refuse!

At the moment, all the students squeezed Long Yunxin and agreed.

Long Yunxin originally took his classmates out to study and travel, and had the opportunity to get advice from a master like Li Yao. The opportunity is rare in a lifetime, and she agreed all the time, only that the level of the classmates she brought is high and low, and some are only freshmen and sophomores , If it is too sophisticated a magic weapon, I am afraid that the test will not be able to make a ugly show.

"Don't worry, everyone, there is no difficulty in this test. Not to mention that you are college students, even middle school students can easily get started."

Li Yao smiled, "In fact, it's not a test, it's just asking everyone to play a game."


Long Yun was puzzled.

"Yes, the game, a very special game."

Li Yao smiled and said mysteriously.

Twenty minutes later, they appeared in the closed park at the southeast corner of the Magic Expo.

This area displays the most cutting-edge, cutting-edge, and even super magic weapons that are still in the development and testing stage. They are not open to the public. Only VIPs and experts with special invitation cards can enter.

Li Yao took nearly a hundred college students into an arc-shaped translucent glass room.

This is like a virtual game center that can be seen everywhere, surrounded by metal worm-like game warehouses. Through neural connection technology, players can enter the deepest illusion and start lifelike, exciting and exciting games.

There was a peculiar "buzzing" sound when the crystal brain was running at high speed, and the air was filled with a smell of incense.

There are already a large number of participants in the game warehouse for testing.

Long Yunxin glanced at him. There were men, women and children, and even gray-haired elders accounted for the majority.

"This game requires testers to have a certain foundation in sociology, politics, game science, and military science. Therefore, among ordinary people, the majority of testers are older."

Li Yao explained, “At present, the game is still in the closed beta stage. We have selected citizens from all walks of life and different classes of Tianyuan Realm for testing, and accumulated a lot of data; Astral, players from different cultural backgrounds have tested it!"

"Flying Star Realm is a starship civilization. When you play this game, some strategic choices are definitely different from the Tianyuan people who belong to the planetary civilization."

"It just so happened. I heard that you took a hundred students on a school trip. Since they can be admitted to Feixing University, they must be outstanding elites. There should be no difficulty in playing this game."

Li Yao took the college students to the basement level, and immediately many staff members stepped forward and took them to their respective game warehouses.

Long Yunxin noticed that these staff members were wearing the school badge of the Great Wilderness War College on their chests, and they should be a volunteer team composed of students of the Great Wilderness War College.

It seems that the development of this game is also inextricably linked to Li Yao, who was born in the Dahuang Zhanyuan.

Li Yao adjusted a game warehouse to the "half-step too illusory" mode, and personally guided Long Yunxin to play the game.

Because the game has not yet been completed, the picture presented in the three-dimensional light curtain is slightly crude. Under the background of a burst of majestic music, two large characters that have not been rendered, appearing rough and simple, come from the depths of the star sea.


This is the name of the game.

Look carefully, the two words "Civilization" are actually made up of countless bright stars. When the player's gaze condenses on these two words, the bright stars suddenly burst, turning into a series of stars and waterfalls, and finally enlarged into A piece of rotating galaxy.

Next to each galaxy is a line of small print:

Panlong civilization!

Medicine fork civilization!

Wu Yingming!

Shaman civilization!

There are dozens of names of different civilizations. Focusing on them will show detailed information of that civilization, such as population, resource distribution, social form, number of strong people, and so on.

""Civilization" is a cosmic simulation business game. The player will choose a cultivation civilization and play the role of the highest decision maker to grasp the progress of civilization!"

Li Yao said, "Each cultivation civilization has unique skills and resources. Some have rich crystal mines, and some have a large number of relics of the Xinghai Empire, but they also face various problems, such as lack of resources and population explosion. , Asteroid impact, even the invasion of the monster race, the arrival of the demon, etc., as the highest decision maker, you must choose the most suitable strategy to solve these problems one by one!"

"We have provided millions of strategies to choose from, which can almost be regarded as infinitely free, and will not be bound by all rules including morality, law, and ethics. As long as you can bear the consequences of a certain strategy, you can do anything. !"

"This game has hundreds of different victory criteria. The highest difficulty is to allow a cultivation civilization to last for 30,000 years and radiate to at least a hundred worlds around it."

"It's a pity that in the closed beta stage, no player has been able to achieve the goal, so Teacher Long may wish to play the game with'Let my civilization survive as long as possible' as the goal."

"After the game is over, you can know from the leaderboard how high your ability to control civilization is."

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