40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1338: See you in a hundred years!


Xie Anan's eyes were in tears, and Apple's face was flushed.

Among the three disciples, she had the worst aptitude and the lowest cultivation base. At the beginning, Li Yao only took her as a disciple because of her perseverance.

Now that she can barely participate in some high-end magic weapon research projects, Li Yao is already very satisfied, but she did not expect her to become a dragon and a phoenix.

Indulge in your favorite field for a lifetime, discover and surpass your limits, that’s great.

As a craftsman, Xie Anan has spent the most time with Li Yao in the past five years.

She was at the lowest level, and her emotions were the most exposed. With reluctance to give up, she pulled Li Yao's sleeves and sobbed: "Master, did you really leave like this?"

"Don't worry, I will come back one day!"

Li Yao was also melancholy in his heart, but he still pretended to be cheerful, "It can take a few decades, and at most a hundred years, I will definitely return gorgeously. By then, you will only be 120 and 30 years old. As far as the monks are concerned, it is just the beginning of the golden years, and it will not be too late for us to meet again at that time!"

"An'an, during the period of Master's absence, you have to cultivate the magical powers that Master left behind. You must not be thrown too far by the two of them, you know?"

"Master, rest assured, I will work hard!"

Xie An'an bit her teeth lightly and smashed her powder fist hard.

A face had just been "resolute" for half a second, then collapsed again, "Woo, Master, the disciple can't bear you, the disciple really doesn't understand why you made such a choice! In the Star Federation, you have already Once you are successful, you have everything. No matter what you want to pursue, status, power, money and power can be easily obtained. Are these things not enough to attract you to stay?"

"These things you said are the reason why I want to leave."

Li Yao pondered for a moment, staring at the three disciples with shining eyes, and said seriously, "An'an, have you ever played'Play House' when you were a child, or a chess game that simulates business among your friends, such as "The Rich Man" or something?"

Xie Anan was taken aback and nodded: "Of course I have played."

Li Yao smiled slightly and continued: "When playing Jiajia, of course you have played various roles, even princesses, right? And when playing "Monopoly", you must be in it. Earned a lot of money, became a billionaire, a winner in life, right?"

Xie An'an nodded blankly again.

Li Yao looked at her and said, "Then why don't you continue to play now?"

Xie An'an frowned and blurted out: "Well, what's the reason for this...because I grew up, these games are of course not interesting."

Li Yao nodded and said: "If I tell you, for me, the title of'Super Federal Hero' is like being called the'Princess' when you played Jiajia when you were a child; while Yaoshi Group and Shuangjiao The meeting and Skyfire organization bring wealth and assets of an enemy country, just like the billions of fortunes you earn when you play games like "Monopoly". If this is the case, can you understand my decision?"

Xie Anan was startled, and fell into deep thought with Jin Xinyue and Wu Mayan.

"People in the world often say that a cultivator is pure-hearted and has no desires and desires, and does not know how to enjoy the temptations of the world, but they have to seek the illusory, mysterious and mysterious way and truth!"

Li Yao sighed and said leisurely, "When I didn't reach the realm before, I also had such doubts, thinking that anything'extraordinarily refined' is bullshit. If you don't even know how to enjoy the world of flowers and flowers, you will be rich and prosperous. You can abandon the sensuality, the dog and the horse, what is the difference between such a cultivator and the eunuch?"

"When I have reached this stage, I understand that the so-called cultivator is not a'clear heart, few desires, no desires and no desires' at all. On the contrary, our desires are a hundred, thousand, and ten thousand times stronger than ordinary people. It's simply'hungry','hungry as thirsty', and I want to pursue, burn and swallow it all in the extreme!"

"It's just that our desires can no longer be satisfied by the world's money, wine, and power."

"It's like An An, your desires cannot be satisfied by the title of'Princess' when you are in the house, and you cannot be satisfied by the wealth of wealth in the "Monopoly" game!"

"If there are a group of three or five-year-old children who invite you to play the house together, they are willing to put the princess, empress, fairies...all the most beautiful titles on you, and play "Monopoly" with you, and put all Both the banknotes and the real estate are given to you, I'm afraid you will be boring and lack of interest, right?"

"In the eyes of these children, you naturally think that you are'pure-hearted and indifferent to fame and fortune.' They regard it as a treasure, and they are desperately looking for something, but you are sincerely dismissive."

"Only you know that you have already surpassed the realm of these children. Of course you have desires, pursuits, and dreams, but what you want is a play house and "Monopoly", which can never be given to you. of."

"No matter how greedy a bandit is, wouldn't he **** a toy banknote from "Monopoly" with a child? It's a truth!"

"How can it be the same?"

Xie An anxiously said, "Play house and "Monopoly" are fake, but our world is real! Becoming a'Queen' when playing house, and becoming a real life...For example, the Federal Speaker is better. ! How could it be the same?"

"The same, neither can satisfy my appetite and desire."

Li Yao smiled, a greedy light came out from the depths of his eyes, and he muttered, "What about the Federal Speaker?"

"Five hundred years after the federation was established, there have been sixty or seventy speakers. In the next five hundred years, there will be at least sixty or seventy speakers."

"Even if you become the Federal Speaker, you are only one of more than a hundred people."

"And the Star Federation is just a small country on the shore of the Star Beach. In the three thousand worlds, for tens of thousands of years, how many speakers, prime ministers, presidents, and even emperors of the same rank are there?"

"Thousands? Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands?"

"Being one of the hundreds of thousands of people, repeating the'great achievements' that hundreds of thousands of people have achieved, can such a life satisfy me? It's a joke!"

Xie An'an, Wuma Yan, and Jin Xinyue were all moved.

They never expected that Master's heart would be so big!

"Then Master, what exactly are you looking for?"

The three asked in unison.

Li Yao first showed a trace of confusion, and then turned into intense excitement. He smiled and said: "I don't know how vast the star sea is, and the universe is extremely magnificent. I don't know how wonderful it will be at the end of the star sea, the end of the universe. And interesting existence! So, I can’t say what I am after, I can only broaden my horizons step by step, recognize myself, and confirm that what I am after is'not what', that's all."

After a pause, Li Yao held the back of his head with his hands, the stool was tilted backwards, and he smiled: "And this, maybe it is the ‘cultivation’ thing, the most interesting part!"

It was the last three days before Li Yao set off.

He held a grand party in Floating City and gathered all his closest friends together to say goodbye to everyone.

Professor Mo Xuan of the Star Federation, Peng Hai the demon sword, "Eclipse" Jiang Shaoyang, high school buddy Meng Jiang, the fire ant king of the blood demon world, Xiong Wuji, Lei Dalu, and Bai Kaixin from the flying star world all came to the banquet. .

"Li Yao, you still didn't leave the opportunity to me!"

Professor Mo Xuan smiled bitterly, "I knew you would make such a choice!"

"I'm sorry, teacher!"

Li Yao laughed, "Everything can be allowed, only in front of the main road, no one will let me!"

"Li Yao, now I will take advantage of you a lot!"

"Solar Eclipse" Jiang Shaoyang said with piercing eyes, "You are in a state of hibernation, and your cultivation progress is extremely slow and almost stagnant, but I will advance by leaps and bounds in a hundred years. After a hundred years, you will definitely not be my opponent!"

"Then the best!"

Li Yao licked his lips, grinned and said, "Let you practice hard for a hundred years, and then we will have a showdown!"

"Li Yao, leave the matters in the Flying Star Realm to us, don't worry!"

Lei Dalu and Bai Kaixin patted their chests.

Since Li Yao soared into the sky in the Flying Star Realm, the Great Horn Armored Division also began to rush forward.

They first cooperated with Yaoshi Group and contracted most of the commerce and transportation business between Tieyuanxing and the outside world, and then used this as an opportunity to open up trade routes between Tianyuan, Feixing and Blood Demon.

In the end, the Great Horn Armored Division and the Yaoshi Group simply merged, and Lei Dalu and Bai Xinxing also became the core management of the Yaoshi Group.

Now, Lei Dalu is responsible for the original armed transportation business of the Great Horn Armor Division, and Bai Xinxing is slowly taking over the core business operations of the Yaoshi Group.

It’s not that Li Yao didn’t trust the members of the Wuma family who originally ran the Yaoshi Group, but that Bai Xinghe inherited all the scheming and resourcefulness of the "king of star thieves" Bai Xinghe. He has rare management and operation talents and a small big horn. The armored division is simply not enough to display all his ambitions. Once entering the Yaoshi Group, it is like a dragon and tiger who has broken free from the shackles, and immediately emerges!

Li Yao, Lei Dalu, and Bai Xinxing are all fateful friendships. It is indispensable to hand over the Yaoshi Group to Bai Xinxing to be responsible.


Li Yao raised his wine glass and looked at familiar faces in front of him.

The buddies who stole with him, the teachers who taught him, and the predecessors who took him to appreciate the mystery of the world of cultivation for the first time, the comrades who have fought side by side and lived and died together, and even the rivals in the past made him feel full of emotion thousand.

"We... see you in a hundred years!"

Li Yao raised his head and drank it all!

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