40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1339: Goal, the extreme of Xinghai!

Before Li Yao set off, the last day.

Above the Great Wilderness and under the brilliant starry sky, he and Ding Lingdang held hands, leaving two tangled lines of footprints in the desert.

There is no town within hundreds of miles in this place, and the night sky is clear like a large piece of jelly, as if it can't support the weight of the stars, making all the stars fall towards them like raindrops.

Looking at the deep and boundless sea of ​​stars, the two hadn't spoken for a long time.

it is more than words.

"A lot of times, I have been thinking about—"

After a long silence, Li Yao finally said, "It would be a shame if a person can only live a lifetime and be bound by the heavy reality of life!"

"The universe is so big, one flower, one world, and one world is a new life. I wish I could spend a new life in the depths of the dark nebula, and then bring a brand new ‘I’ back to meet you."

"if that's the case."

Ding Lingdang said, "What you see must also be a brand new ‘me’, a me who has spent many wonderful lives in a different world!"

The two smiled at each other and sat down on the desert.

This moment seems to have become eternal.


"Dear audience friends in front of the light curtain and the crystal brain, this is the Federal National Launching Site'Tianyuan Cannon' in the center of the Great Wilderness. We are broadcasting live. Half an hour later, the much-anticipated'Sky Road Project' was launched for the first time The mission is about to be carried out here!"

"This launch is of epoch-making significance to the Federation, to the Three Realms, and to all of us!"

"The three realms of Tianyuan, Feixing, and Blood Demon finally broke free from the internal chaos and contradictions, and cast their eyes to the depths of the sea of ​​stars!"

"From today, there is only one opponent we have to conquer and fight, and that is the entire universe!"

"To march toward the sea, march toward the universe, march toward infinity, and leave the traces of our civilization at the edge of the star sea and at the end of the universe!"

In most places in the Three Realms, impassioned and almost crazy roars were transmitted to everyone with a pair of live broadcast light curtains.

Tianyuan, Feixing, Blood Demon, Human Race, Demon Race, Ordinary People, Yuan Ying, Demon Emperor, Teachers, Students, Workers, Farmers, Miners... everywhere, everyone puts down all their work and pays attention to this epoch-making emission.

In the center of the "Tianyuan Cannon" launch platform with a diameter of several tens of kilometers, the small "Martian" is really like a drop in the ocean, almost indistinct.

But it is not only a small dust, but also a bullet, representing the first roar of the nascent civilization of Xinghaihaibian to the entire universe!

Floating City Miner's Children Middle School.

All the students are sitting around the playground, clenching their fists, holding their breath, waiting for the biggest hero in their hearts to come on stage!

"Come, come, Li Yao has appeared!"

On the light curtain appeared a picture of Li Yao wearing a black slim-fit mustard protective suit, striding from the end of the tunnel.

Ying-teng's posture, powerful aura, and the scene of being held in the middle by many Yuanying and veteran stars, made the eyes of countless middle school students flashed with brilliance that could not be described with pen and ink.

It was like the light radiating from the bottom of his eyes when Li Yao first saw the gorgeous appearance of "Demon Knife Peng Hai" in the past.

"So handsome!"

"Powerful, overbearing, and invincible! His eyes seem to have electricity, and he shocked me a while ago! My heartbeat almost stopped!"

"How much money can a peerless powerhouse like'Vulture Li Yao' make in a year? Tens of millions? Isn't that what you want?"

"Tens of millions? What's a joke! At least a few hundred million to start! A set of training equipment around people may be tens of millions!"

"If I can become a peerless powerhouse like'Vulture Li Yao', even if it's only for one day or even one second, I'm willing to die!"

"Huh, I'm too ambitious. When Master Li Yao came back to school a few days ago to give us a lecture, didn't he say everything? Everyone is flesh and blood, with two arms carrying a head. There is nothing impossible. !"

"He can, and we definitely can, as long as it works hard enough, hard enough!"

"Catch up with him and surpass him, that is what he expects of us the most. It is that we can enjoy such good training conditions here for free, the best reward!"

Not far from Miner’s Children’s Middle School, the downtown area of ​​Floating City.

A group of neighbours also gathered in the hair salon of the best friend "Meng Jiang" in Li Yao's middle school era.

Everyone didn't even do business, they all gathered together, drinking old wine and watching the live broadcast.

When they saw Li Yao slowly entering the Mars through the vacuum channel, and the lens once again shot the panoramic view of the Mars and the Tianyuan Cannon, they all exclaimed.

The "flow of leading car sellers" among these markets may not have read many books, have no culture, and do not understand the significance of Li Yao's mission.

However, when the Nine-Star Rising Dragon Battle Flag of the Star Federation rose up in front of the magnificent Tianyuan Cannon, whether it was a beauty salon, a fritter biscuits, a Shuttle repairer... or a strange pride .

"I heard...Li Yao is going to a place far, far away this time, millions or tens of millions of light-years away, how far is that?"

"Such a big pot, I'm afraid it's dozens of miles long, it can hit people out of the sky in one shot? It's amazing!"

"Li Yao is also really, I don't know whether he is smart or stupid, so he is willing to let go of everything and go so far to find a world that doesn't exist? What if he dies? The ideas of these big people, we really are I can't figure it out even if I want to break my brain!"

"Hey, you said, how much does it cost to launch such a launch? I also visited the last magic weapon expo, and I saw a big guy called the'Giant Soldier'. That's really amazing. Go out in one shot. , A starship was completely broken!"

"If we don't launch such a launch, will we be able to build a few more'giant soldiers'? Wouldn't it be better?"

Numerous neighbours talked and talked.

Everyone scratched their scalp and couldn't figure out why.

Meng Jiang and his wife have been listening with a smile.

None of these neighbourhoods knew that Meng Jiang and Li Yao were best friends in high school. They are brothers and sisters, and their relationship is irresistible.

Meng Jiang kept this secret in his heart and prepared to keep it for a lifetime.

He took a sip of rice wine, tapped the plate with his chopsticks, and said slowly: "I don't understand what you guys are saying, but I think, the purpose of the'Tianlu Project' is not for us, but for they."

Everyone looked in the direction of his chopsticks.

I saw the children of six or seven neighbours in the neighborhood, playing around together to play the house, simulating the appearance of Li Yao or Mars or Tianyuan Cannon or the stars, moon and sun, and laughed like silver bells.

Flying Star Realm, Battle Star Alliance Headquarters, the largest starship refining center in the Three Realms.

On the ring-shaped dock, a super starship that is not inferior to the ‘Liaoyuan’ is being refined. The keel has been laid and is slowly revealing its embryonic form.

This is the sister ship of the "Liaoyuan".

The brand-new starship, which uses a large number of Pangu civilization inheritance and the magical powers of the real human empire, is destined to exert a more powerful combat power than the "Liaoyuan"!

At this moment, all the craftsmen and workers, as well as the technical officials sent by the "Liaoyuan Fleet" to supervise the construction of the starship, all gathered together to watch the launch of the Tianyuan Cannon.

As a starship refiner, and a flying star who will be born to cross the stars and the sea, this unprecedented and thrilling voyage has a very different meaning to them.

"Riding the fastest starship in the Three Realms, galloping in an unprecedented mysterious star field... Li Yao is really lucky!"

"Wait, in a few decades, he will definitely launch specific coordinates to us from the depths of the dark nebula!"

"We need to spend decades, frantically refining, to build a large-scale, well-equipped super fleet, as long as we wait for his coordinate information, we can jump over!"

"If we have ten'Liaoyuan-class' super starships, no matter what kind of enemies are hidden in the depths of the dark nebula, we will have the confidence to fight!"

"Ten? Where is ten?"

"Don't you know? In the Flying Star Realm alone, there are two large-scale starship refining centers that are larger than ours. They are under construction, the Tianyuan and the Blood Demon Realm, and there are three others!"

"And above Kunlun, there is a sophisticated starship refining center, which specializes in studying and imitating the wreckage of starships in the prehistoric era!"

"Decades later, a super battleship like the'Liaoyuan' will definitely become a'small sampan', let alone ten ships, fifty or one hundred ships may be refined! "

In the corner, there was a technical officer sent by the Liaoyuan fleet to supervise the construction. He whistled softly and squinted his eyes, listening to the conversation between the workers.

He has a roe-headed rat-eye that is so ugly that when he closes his eyes, it is simply disgusting.

However, once he opened his eyes, the brilliance that bloomed under his eyes suddenly changed his temperament. The original ugly to the extreme appearance seemed to have become the background to set off his eyes, filling him with a fascinating charm.

This is the second time that Bai Xingjian has seen Li Yao set off in the eyes of everyone.

The last time, it seemed to be when returning from the Flying Star Realm to the Heavenly Origin Realm.

When the mountain shook in the light curtain, a ball of light like a supernova burst out of the Tianyuan Cannon, and the "Mars" sank and floated in the center of the light ball, everyone couldn't help but screamed, hope Li Yao is able to pass through to success.

Only Bai Xingjian remained indifferent.

Because he knew that it was impossible for a guy like Li Yao with great luck to capsize in a gutter in such a place.

"The last time I was at the Spider's Nest, I was disturbed by Xiao Xuance's birdman, and failed to fight you heartily!"

Bai Xingjian rubbed his uneven face, smiled slightly, and said in a voice that only he could hear, "Then look forward to a hundred years from now, and fight with you again, my...good apprentice!"

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