40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1340: Fireflies in the dark

At this moment, in the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon, and Fei Xing, there are countless friends, enemies, relatives, lovers, teachers, predecessors, competitors, admirers, jealous people and even haters, silently chanting Li Yao's name.

But Li Yao couldn't hear a word.

He has experienced countless star sea jumps in the shattered void, but this is undoubtedly the most intense, strong, and dangerous one!

Even though he was deeply dormant in the depths of the Mars and his whole body was soaked in the blue buffer nutrient solution, he still felt the turbulence of the mountain and the earth, and the earth and the earth were turning upside down.

All the runes on the Mars that can scream are screaming, and the screams are quickly covered by the friction of the Mars and the air, but the volcanic friction has not had time to raging for a few seconds. Suppressed by the interference, agitation, generation and annihilation of the psychic magnetic field!

The Martian hovered inside the huge ball of light stimulated by the Tianyuan Cannon, faster and faster, drawing a spiral trajectory, and gradually flying to the center of the huge ball of light.

Li Yao felt like a moth fighting a fire, but it plunged directly into the sun.


Even a fierce man like him who has experienced many battles can't help screaming when facing a hot and pure white light.

The deafening sound of the outside world made him completely unable to hear his own roar, and he could only continuously amplify the number of calls. It wasn't until the scratching pain of a steel knife came from his throat that he slightly eased the anxiety and tension in his heart.

At this moment, Mars has completely entered a huge ball of light with a diameter of tens of kilometers, at the most precise center point!

The instrument panel, which was spinning wildly, and the light curtain covered with ripples and snowflakes suddenly stood still.

Even the roar of the tsunami from the mountains outside turned into absolute silence within 0.01 second, and the silence made his heart feel hairy.

It was as if the concepts of time and space were all "frozen," and Li Yao became a little mosquito sealed in "space-time amber."

However, this strange feeling only lasted less than 0.01 seconds.

In the exclamation of the tens of billions of spectators in the Three Realms, the psychic field of tens of kilometers in diameter excited by the Tianyuan Cannon suddenly collapsed inward.

Just like a star at the end of its life, it collapsed into a black hole because its mass exceeded the critical mass. The light sphere, which originally covered nearly a hundred kilometers, collapsed to the order of a mustard seed in the blink of an eye. .

The resulting powerful force has tore open an invisible gap in the seamless space, an ultra-miniature, ultra-long-distance directional wormhole!

The wormhole produced an extremely powerful suction force, sucking in the Mars, which was close at hand, and then turned into a beam of brilliant light that sputtered around like fireworks in the daytime.

When the light dissipated, Mars and Li Yao completely disappeared in this world!

A new adventure begins here!


All magic weapons units on the Mars are sounding harsh alarms.


Every piece of metal component also heard a moan that was about to tear.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Li Yao's face was distorted to the extreme, and he couldn't tell whether he was yelling, or his bones, muscles, nerve endings, and even cells were groaning.

In front of him is the vast and boundless universe, and all the stars are rushing toward him like gravel, hitting the psychic shield of Mars like raindrops.

This is not an illusion, but a real fact.

Because he can hear the "crackling" sound of the psionic shield being beaten, and he can also see those stardust gravels blooming into bunches of magnificent flowers on the psionic shield. Fascinating and dangerous.

Dark universe, star sand like rain, a little bit of Mars, it is difficult to walk alone in this pouring rain that obscures the sky and the sun!

Li Yao didn't know how long this "rain of stars and sand" lasted.

In the process of traversing the wormhole, time has no meaning at all.

He was completely immersed in the splendor and beauty of the rain of stars and sand, and was deeply shocked by the majesty and magnificence of the universe.

An extremely strong desire to conquer came to life after the shock.

He did not expect to reveal all the mysteries of the entire universe.

But even if you only appreciate one percent, one thousandth, or even one ten thousandth, it is not in vain for this life, a cultivation!

Li Yao was in a daze, feeling that his body was being gradually stretched by an invisible force. When he looked down, he found that his toes had been stretched hundreds of kilometers away.

He is like a super high-speed crystal rail train, whizzing into a long tunnel.

The rain of stars and sand does not know when it will stop, and there is no more light spot around it, only a piece of absolute darkness is left.

In the darkness, there are some colors or energy bodies that are deeper than the concept of "black", like countless towering monsters, standing on both sides of the "tunnel", staring intently and coldly watching Li Yao's crossing.

Li Yao couldn't speak, he couldn't turn his eyes, his body was stiff, and he couldn't tell whether it was an illusion or a real existence, so he could only sprint forward with his scalp.

I don’t know how long it took, and it seemed that there were countless hands and countless tentacles extending from all directions to the Mars. It easily penetrated the Martian’s psychic shield and outer shell, and penetrated Li Yao’s skin, muscle layers, The skull and brains penetrated into his soul.

Li Yao felt that his soul was about to fall apart.

Can only silently recite the moving curse, recalling many fierce battle experiences in the past, recalling the "Vulture Project" waiting for his relatives and friends in his hometown, even hiding in the mist, waiting for him to complete!

"I still have a lot of battles to fight, a lot of important things to do, and a lot of places to see!"

"Ding Lingdang is waiting for me, three apprentices are waiting for me, the Star Federation is waiting for me, and even that...the mysterious place called ‘Earth’ is waiting for me!"

"How can I fall into this kind of place!"

Li Yao let out a low growl, and the depths of his brain radiated a lot of light. These dark matter tentacles made a piercing scream and then retreated. The Mars was getting faster and faster. Not far in front, the end of the "tunnel" was faint. About about to see a ball of crystal clear light!


The Mars trembled suddenly, and experienced a short-term stagnation state of time and space like falling into a wormhole, and then it was like being "vomited" by something!

The speed of Mars gradually slowed down, and the performance parameters on the instrument panel, symbol array, and light curtain all returned to normal.

The parameters show that they have come to a completely different world.


Li Yao took a long sigh of relief, feeling that every muscle in his body was sore to the extreme. The whole person was like a floating corpse that had been soaked in the river for three days and three nights.

"Did you arrive at your destination exactly?"

Li Yao struggled to activate the star-sea exploration magic weapon on Mars.

However, the parameters that mark the azimuth and coordinates of the stars have not changed at all.

This means that Mars did not find the existence of stars.

Looking around through the naked eye, you can't see anything. The universe is an absolutely pure and uniform darkness, with no half of the stars.

Without starlight, there would be no reference objects. The Mars is like being embedded in the "dark" itself, and there is no sign that they are still flying.

This is a fear that is a hundred times stronger than death.

As if the entire universe was destroyed, only Li Yao remained alone.

Taking a deep breath, Li Yao tried his best to calm his head, tapping quickly on the light curtain.

It seems that I have come to the right place.

Of course, it is impossible for this world to have all stars.

Even if there are really no stars, Mars should be able to receive light from stars billions of light-years and tens of billions of light-years away from all directions.

It's as if in the night of Tianyuanxing, you can see countless brilliant stars when you look up.

The only reasonable explanation is that he has jumped into the depths of the dark nebula.

And this dark nebula contains a very strange ingredient that can absorb light waves that travel freely in the universe, just like an omnipresent dark cloud, blocking all the stars.

This situation was as early as they expected.

Therefore, it is impossible to directly lock the coordinates here through the Assassin Observatory of the Assassin, and a starship must be sent to investigate on the spot.

No matter how dense the "dark clouds" are, as long as the distance is close enough, you can naturally see the reality behind the dark clouds.

It's like "you can't see your fingers", but you can still see clearly as long as you put your hand under your nose.

On Mars, it is now carrying a map of the Pangu civilization hundreds of thousands of years ago. Details about the depths of the dark nebula are all available.

Therefore, as long as he finds one or two stars and uses it as a reference to accurately locate it, he can roughly figure out where he is and the mystery that sends signals to them.

Li Yao quickly entered the search criteria and automatic navigation information with both hands.

For a long time to come, he will enter hibernation, and the Mars will automatically cruise at sub-light speed.

Li Yao set the awakening conditions for the master crystal brain of Mars. Every time a new star is discovered, he will be awakened from hibernation.

Of course, the worst situation must be considered.

The diameter of this dark nebula is very likely to be close to hundreds of light-years. In case he is really bad luck and has not found a star in a hundred years, the master crystal brain will also wake him up.

At that time, he would randomly find a place where the dark nebula is relatively thin, unfold the star torch, and send a coordinate to the Federation to take him home to deal with the upcoming expedition fleet of the true human empire.

"My luck, isn't it so bad?"

Li Yao took out a crystal inlaid with a photo of Ding Lingdang's grinning grin and held it in the palm of his hand, silently running the "Big Dream Turtle Sleeping Skill" taught to him by Gui Sushou, and at the same time activated the Martian hibernation system.

The faint blue liquid became more and more viscous, and the temperature became lower and lower, gradually turning into a form between liquid and solid, and Li Yao's expression gradually became relaxed, dazed and calm.

The little firefly, shining with insignificant light, keeps advancing in the vast darkness, looking for a trace of illusory light.

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