40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1341: Lone Star

Li Yao's logbook, the ninth year.

"This is the first time Mars has found signs of a star deep in the dark nebula, and it is also the first time I have been awakened from hibernation."

"In a state of sublight speed, my perception of time is different from the outside world. What's more, during hibernation, my brain enters a deep silent state, I can't even dream, and I can't perceive the passage of time."

"For me, it’s like saying goodbye to my best friends a few days ago with Professor Mo Xuan, Fire Ant King, Demon Blade Peng Hai, Lei Dalu, Bai Xinxing, etc., and I was walking hand in hand with Ding Lingdang in the depths of the wilderness yesterday. This morning, he drove the Mars to leave his hometown under the spotlight, and just yawned."

"The experts of the Federation installed a special super static timer on Mars, which can accurately calculate the impact of Mars' speed on time, and then deduce the flow of time in the'real world'."

"Through this special clock, I know that at the time of this yawn, nine years have passed."

"However, in the vast expanse of the universe, especially deep in the dark nebula filled with weird metal dust, I was lucky to be able to find the first star in'just nine years'."

"Although this star is a typical'lone star', it exists alone in the universe and does not have its own planet and star system, so it cannot be used by us."

"But its existence means that my guess is correct-I did jump to the depths of the dark nebula. Within hundreds of light years around, it was actually full of various stars and celestial bodies, but they were all obscured by the dark nebula. That's it."

"As long as the distance is close enough, you can discover the existence of these celestial bodies!"

"I input the magnitude and trajectory of this star into the master crystal brain, and compare it with the navigation chart of the Pangu civilization."

"Now only one star has been found, and there are still some difficulties in precise positioning. I believe that after finding more stars, this navigation chart will definitely come in handy."

Li Yao's logbook, fifteenth year.

"It was a surprise to find the second star so soon!"

"This is a standard hybrid star. While orbiting the most massive celestial body in the center of the dark nebula, it also has seven planets of its own, forming a small star system, and each of the seven planets has dozens of them. The satellite can be regarded as a world very similar to the Tianyuan realm."

"I spent a month investigating this stellar system, but unfortunately the mass and brightness of this star are not enough. Its planets are all cold and desolate pebbles and small air masses. I did not find water on it. There is no sign of life or ever."

"In the field developed by Xinghai, such a large world is usually called a "waste world". It does not mean that there is not even a trace of psionic power here, nor that these planets cannot be transformed into habitable planets. They just collect resources and The investment in transforming the planet is too great, the cost far exceeds the benefits, and there is no value in development and immigration.

"Nevertheless, I am still very happy."

"In just fifteen years, I have found two stars in a row. After inputting their astronomical parameters and relative relationship into the crystal brain, and then comparing the navigation chart of the Pangu civilization, I have a little bit of my specific position in the dark nebula. There is some spectrum."

"It seems that this time, I am no longer in trouble. Even God is caring for the Federation. Maybe in 20 or 30 years, I will be able to discover that mysterious world!"

Li Yao's logbook, forty-first year.

"What a crow's mouth!"

"So, people really shouldn't just talk gibberish when they are overwhelmed, because many things will not work!"

"I did find the third star, and even overfulfilled the mission, and also found the fourth-this is a binary star system, two stars surround each other, forming a very stable companion star structure."

"The problem is that I didn't know this beforehand."

"The other star of the binary star system is hidden deep in the dark nebula. The master brain of Mars did not detect it immediately, which made me mistakenly thought it was another lone star."

"Because it is in a very stable main sequence, I originally wanted to cut into its orbit and use its gravity field to make a'stellar slingshot', so that the Mars could accelerate and shorten again without consuming a little fuel. Time to explore."

"But I did not expect that the gravitational field of the binary star system is extremely complicated, like a deadly vortex area. Mars was involved in it and was hit hard by a'gravitational wave'. It almost fell directly into the center of this star, causing me It burned so much that not even half of the hair was left."

"Despite a fluke escape, Mars was scarred and worn out. Not only did it exhaust all the spare parts, I even disassembled some parts from the star torch to barely maintain the sublight speed."

"It's a bit tricky now."

Li Yao's logbook, the seventy-seventh year.

"It is thirty-six years since the catastrophic accident in the binary star system in the real world."

"In the past thirty-six years, the Mars has been making short-distance space jumps half of the time, crashing in the depths of the dark nebula like a headless fly; in the other half of the time, it has carried out subluminal flying stars to remove all the'mist' on the star chart. Disperse a little bit."

"I found five more stars, four of which have their own galaxies, but none of them show signs of life or development value."

"This is the normal state of the stars and seas-life itself is the greatest miracle in the universe, and it is not so easy to find."

"This is the first time I have discovered a red giant star in the twilight of my life."

"After it burns out at the core, and the last brilliance of life begins to spread to the periphery, the star will greatly expand and its brightness will greatly increase."

"From a visual point of view, the red giant that occupies almost the entire universe is definitely the most magnificent spectacle I have ever seen."

"The little Mars is in front of it, and it's not even a drop in the ocean. It's just a tiny bacterium in the ocean."

"Looking at the red giant star, I suddenly felt extremely lonely."

"Since I started the voyage of the stars, I have been in a awake state, and the time spent on investigating several star systems and repairing the Mars will add up to about one and a half years, which is not particularly difficult.

"But in real life... Seventy-seven years have passed!"

"In seventy-seven years, there is enough for a baby who can learn to speak, and grow into a man who stands upright; it can also turn a powerful man into a tombstone, a scoop of loess, and a sound of wind."

"Ding Lingdang once agreed with me that after I set off, she would also join the second wave of the ‘Sky Road Plan’ mission to explore the world closer to the Three Realms."

"Did she arrive in the new world safely, and what kind of bizarre and thrilling stories happened there?"

"Can she persuade the civilization of the new world to integrate into the Federation?"

"What is she doing now, is she still as energetic and radiant as she used to be?"

"And my three disciples, Jin Xinyue, Wumayan, Xie An'an, how are they?"

"Has Jin Xinyue made her mark in the federal political arena? Has Wu Mayan broke through the realm of the'one thousand refining period' that he dreams of? Does Xie An'an still like to cry like before? She is in the circle of refiners. , Have you achieved something?"

"What is the current Star Federation, what is it like?"

"Before I left, there was a saying that the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon, and Fei Xing were to be thoroughly integrated, to establish a'new federation' and implement the'federal calendar'. However, the conditions were not yet mature at that time, and this matter was still being planned. In."

"Seventy-seven years have passed. The brand-new Xingyao Federation should have risen in the Star Beach? With the integration of the Three Realms and the development of Kunlun, the level of comprehension of the new Federation must be advancing by leaps and bounds, and all kinds of powerhouses and masters have sprung up. Come out like, ha, maybe when I return to the Federation, it's like a hillbilly entering the city, I don't understand anything!"

"For a period of time, I have been thinking that if we could make some improvements when designing the Mars at that time, it would be better to design it as a two-man driver. If Ding Lingdang could be with me, it would seem like a five-hundred-year-old. Thousands of years don’t matter."

"But thinking about it, it seems that it's better now."

"On the one hand, this kind of Xinghai shuttle is too dangerous. I don't want Ding Lingdang to take risks with me."

"On the other hand, knowing that there is still someone in my hometown waiting for me to go back, it seems that no matter how difficult, no matter how dangerous, no matter how treacherous the situation is, it is nothing!"

"As time goes by, it seems a little bit of a negative meaning, and the good news gradually increases."

"First of all, after determining the astronomical parameters and relative positions of nearly ten stars, I finally matched them with the planets on the Pangu star map, and thus determined my coordinates in the dark nebula."

"Secondly, I feel that in the last few decades, the dark nebula itself has gradually become thinner, the'visibility' has become higher and higher, and the transmission of information outward has become smoother."

"This red giant star is a good reference. I can choose to deploy the star torch on its orbit, absorb the psionic energy it emits, and send the coordinates here to my hometown."

"However, the red giant is not the target we are really looking for. It doesn't make much sense for the Federation's large forces to jump here."

"And I still don't know the situation in that mysterious world. If they have some magical power to catch signals, follow the vine and find the specific location of the Federation, that would be terrible!"

"To be on the safe side, it's better to find this mysterious world first, figure out the other party's level of civilization and standpoint of good and evil, and then it will not be too late to send a signal to your hometown."

"I have a faint hunch that I am already very close to this mysterious world!"

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