40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1342: Black box

In the depths of the sea of ​​stars, there is a shining giant dragon, meandering, stretching its teeth and claws, and rushing endlessly.

Upon closer inspection, he discovered that it was a bizarre and wild battlefield wreckage. After hundreds of thousands of years, it still exudes colorful radiation, engulfed by storms and undercurrents between the stars, and gathered into an ultra-small "galaxy" that runs through it. Between this magnificent star system.


From the forefront of the "Dragon Head", a stream of light was spit out, hovering three or four times around the river of wreckage, the whole body spewed out a lot of flames, and the speed gradually dropped, it was a super-miniature starship riddled with holes and dust!

On one side of the starship, the Starry Federation's Nine-Star Rising Dragon battle emblem is clearly visible, and on the other side, there is a star pattern with a hippie smiling face.

There was also the word "Mars" on the bow of the ship, but it was scratched and eroded so mottled during the journey that lasted nearly a hundred years, and it was almost unrecognizable.

Inside the Mars, waking up again from the decade-long hibernation, Li Yao, who looked at the magnificent world in front of him, almost burst into tears and roared up into the sky!

He was instantly awakened after an ultra-short jump.

It is not that a new star has been discovered, but that Mars has been involved in a dangerous band of gravel stars, and there is a risk of breaking down and sinking into the sand at any time.

But this, instead of making Li Yao overwhelmed, it made him ecstatic!

Because he discovered that the "river of broken stars" is composed of the desolate remains that have been seen in the periphery of Kunlun, including the corpses of the Pangu tribe, the battle armor of the Nuwa tribe, and the great treasure of the human race-driven "Giant Soldiers" "!

Although these wrecks are all rotten and shattered at the touch of a touch.

But finding these wrecks means that he is not far from his real destination!

Li Yao switched the Mars to the manual driving mode. With his amazing skills of manipulating the "super shuttle", he smashed the waves in the river of wreckage, traveled for several days, and finally discovered this vast world with extremely abundant psionic power!

This is a very stable star system. The stars in the center of the galaxy are in the most stable mature stage just like the stars in the Celestial Realm. They are extremely generous and continuously releasing light and heat to the outside world.

Moreover, the material that composes this star seems to be different from ordinary stars. It also contains some precious ingredients that Li Yao doesn't know. From the naked eye, its color is more bright red, with a faint ray of color, which contains The psychic energy of, not only is more abundant than ordinary stars, but also more suitable for being directly absorbed and utilized by the human body.

In other words, if there are any creatures on the planets around this red star, there is no need to practice cultivation, just frequent exposure to the sun, and a certain degree of psychic energy can be accumulated in the body.

When the psychic energy is abundant, it will stimulate the development and evolution of the neural network, and even produce higher levels of intelligence, passed down from generation to generation, and after thousands of generations, it can evolve incomparably powerful spirit beasts and treasures of heaven and earth.

If there were humans living here, it would be more convenient and faster to cultivate than the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon, and Fei Xing.

The so-called "Sun Jing Yue Hua" means this.

Just by looking at this star, you can know that this vast world is an out-and-out "Blessed World"!

"Finally found!"

Input the astronomical parameters and relative coordinates of this star into the master crystal brain. The most crucial missing piece in the navigation map of Pangu civilization has finally been completed!

This is the economic, political and navigational center of the Pangu civilization on this star-sea spiral arm hundreds of thousands of years ago!

If Pangu civilization also has the concept of "province", then this star field should be regarded as the "provincial city" of the entire star sea spiral arm!

Li Yao really wanted to dance his arms and legs to celebrate his great discovery.

In front of him, the Super Quiet Lingzi clock showed that it was ninety-nine years, one hundred and twenty-two days, thirty-seven hours and fifty-four minutes that had passed since he set off from the Xingyao Federation. !

This is really "a day in the sky, a thousand years underground"!

As early as ten years ago, Li Yao was a little desperate and prepared to return without success after he came back from a bad star system again.

Unexpectedly, just when he was about to find a space-stable star field, unfold the star torch, and call for rescue from his hometown, the mysterious destination suddenly jumped in front of him!

"Don't be excited, calm, calm!"

"From this second, the fate of the Federation and I have really been walking on the wire rope at the gate of Jiuyou Huangquan. A little carelessness will result in a dead end!"

When he really reached the door of the mysterious world, after a little indulgence, Li Yao became more nervous and nervous.

The heaven and earth here are so abundant that even the Sun Jing Yue Hua is a hundred times more abundant than the Tian Yuan Realm, which is not necessarily a good thing.

This means that it is extremely likely that there will be a huge force with a civilization level far exceeding that of the Star Federation.

Reminiscing about the messages sent to Tianyuan and Fei Xing, Li Yao felt a deep fear of this mysterious world.

"What does the weird civilization of this world want to do?"

"Also, there is no reason!"

"Judging from the magnetic fluctuations received by Mars, the artificial fluctuations in this mysterious world are very silent. It seems that there are only fluctuations from the cosmic celestial bodies themselves, but there are not too many signs of artificial celestial bodies!"

"It stands to reason that with such abundance of aura, coupled with a large number of Pangu civilization relics, if there is a civilization here, it should have developed into a giant that spans hundreds of galaxies."

"How does it seem that the starry sky here is empty, there is no trade route between planets, and there is no half of a starship?"

Li Yao was puzzled.

He didn't want to directly enter the planets in the mysterious world to spy on the other side's reality. The risk of doing so was too great and there were too many variables.

His idea is that since this civilization can send information to another world, it should at least develop its entire star system at a high level, with transport ships spreading between the planets.

Then he used his best "starship breakthrough" tactics to sneak into one of the opponent's starships, through the small world on the starship, first observe the opponent's social form and civilized structure, and then decide the next move. .

If the opponent is really malicious, a starship is relatively easy to deal with.

Unexpectedly, the entire starry sky was empty, except for the remains of the battlefield hundreds of thousands of years ago, there were no traces of man-made celestial bodies, which made Li Yao a little embarrassed.

"Could it be that the world has not developed star sea navigation technology?"

Li Yao's expression was unavoidable.

The ultra-long-distance star-sea jumping technology spanning tens of thousands of light-years is certainly a super-complex, high-precision field.

But just exploring the star system you are in is not too difficult technology to be honest.

Even in Li Yao's memory, a place without psychic power like the "earth" in the previous life can be done to a certain extent. How can this world not have this ability?

Could it be--

Li Yao's thoughts turn, if he has a sense of it.

During the hundred years of traveling through the Xinghai Sea, he had a faint feeling that the dark nebula that enveloped hundreds of light-years in a radius was not like a natural formation, but was somewhat man-made.

This "fog of war" is like the most bright barrier, which properly protects the entire world inside. Outsiders can neither detect their information nor see their stars, so naturally they don't know their existence. .

No matter what the ups and downs are happening outside, the world inside remains motionless and feels at ease.

However, in this way, the inside cannot be seen from the outside, but it is also difficult to see the outside from the inside.

Human beings live in the universe, although they are just tiny bacteria on the tiny pill, but every night when people are quiet, you can see the vast sea of ​​stars when you look up, even if you use the most sophisticated telescopes, you can enjoy them. Many mysteries in the sea of ​​stars, a splendid world.

As a result, mankind can give birth to the ambition of galloping across the stars and the universe, and can continuously explore the outside world!

And here...

Li Yao didn't know whether people in this world could appreciate the brilliant and colorful starry sky and perceive the vastness of the universe, or their night sky was pitch black with only two or three stars twinkling gleams?

Imagine that the signals they send out can hardly penetrate the "impermeable" dark nebula. If they develop basic star-sea navigation technology, simple starships can hardly move in absolute darkness.

Over time, even if there is a wider world beyond the dark nebula, who will give birth to the mind of traveling in the stars?

This world is like growing in a "black box"!

"Things are getting more and more interesting."

Li Yao pondered for a moment, feeling that the whole thing seemed to deviate from the original expected track.

However, it is better to be cautious. In the mysterious universe, everything can happen, even if an octopus with green juice is suddenly rushing out in front of you at this moment, it is not worth the fuss.

Li Yao now has two options.

First, deploy the Star Torch on the spot and send the specific coordinates here to the Star Federation.

However, during the arduous voyage that lasted for a hundred years, the Mars was severely wounded several times. The spare magic weapon components were exhausted. In order to ensure the speed, Li Yao had to use a large number of magic weapons on the star torch to replace it.

It is not impossible to return these components again, but in this way, the performance of Mars will be greatly reduced, and the speed will not be increased at all.

In the face of an unknown civilization, the speed cannot be achieved, which means that there is no way to escape!

Moreover, until this moment, Li Yao still couldn't rule out the possibility of the other party setting up a trap.

Maybe as soon as he unfolds the star torch and transmits the coordinates to the Tianyuan realm, he will be locked and tracked by the other party, and finally find the precise coordinates of the Tianyuan realm.

In the space war, the precise coordinates of one's side are even more ugly than the pattern on the wife's underwear.

Even with the strength of the real human empire, when opening up a new world, it still insists on this principle. It is necessary to thoroughly understand the level of civilization and the standpoint of good and evil in the new world before sending a message to the parent planet.

Li Yao can despise the spirit of the real human empire, but he will never ignore their experience.

Therefore, he decided to venture into the planets of unknown civilizations first, and after spying on their fictitiousness and reality, he decided to make the next step.

It happens that the star torch carried by Mars has a large number of magic weapons units that are severely worn, and the launch effect of assembly and deployment may not be very good now.

It is best to get some resources on the planet of unknown civilization, and let him re-refine a batch of magic weapon components to ensure that the coordinate information of this place is transmitted back to the Federation with the smallest fluctuation and the most concealed way.

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