40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1360: Alternative strategic partners

Thinking of this, Li Yao let out a sigh of foul breath, a sense of helplessness in his heart.

I didn't expect the situation in the Ancient Sacred World to be so chaotic.

Without an absolutely controlling government, it is difficult to talk about long-term alliances or cooperation. Even if he really touched the emperor of the Dagan Dynasty, the Dagan Dynasty will be rebelled by Bailian Rebellion or Huntianwang or Youyun in a few days. Ghost Qin has been destroyed, then who can you cash it out?

What's more, prosperous, the people suffer and die, the people are more bitter, the more the world of great controversy, the more the people at dawn, the more life-saving, a long-lasting change of dynasty, I don’t know how many innocent ordinary people have died, are dying, and are about to die. !

Li Yao couldn't talk about how compassionate he was. The ancient sacred world was more than thousands of light years away from his motherland, the Star Federation, and they were originally two unrelated worlds.

But this doesn't mean that he can just watch the same kind of people who are exactly the same as himself, those gray-haired old men, babbled babies, young girls with cardamom age, and young men who are magnificent... But indifferent.

But it is not only the swordsman who can kill people. In the Great Famine, the tragedies of changing children and eating are also commonplace.

Under the environment where thousands of ghosts sing, all kinds of moral depravity and tragic things can happen. It is not only the person itself that is trampled into the dust, but the entire dignity of human civilization.

If possible, Li Yao did not want such a tragedy to continue.

Regardless of starting from his Dao heart, from the spirit of the Federation, or from the national interests of the Xingyao Federation, do everything possible to interfere in the internal affairs of this world, help the ancient sacred world to quickly calm the chaos, and even support a "pro-federal" regime , Are all very good things.

However, this does not mean that Li Yao has to stand on the side of the Dagan Dynasty.

Li Yao received the basic history education of the Star Federation, and he was familiar with ancient books and classics, and he knew the stories of the rise and fall of at least a few hundred dynasties in the three thousand worlds.

Peasant uprisings such as "White Lotus Sacred Religion" and "Huntian King" are not necessarily the incarnation of justice.

Youyun Ghost Qin from the northern grasslands is more likely to be a brutal barbarian.

But this does not mean that the princes, nobles, and scholar-bureaucrats of the Dagan Dynasty are just good things.

When it comes to the end of the dynasty, it is often not the external troubles that defeated the dynasty, but the internal corruption. At this time, the princes and nobles and most of the bureaucrats are called "scum", which is regarded as a kind of praise.

Judging from the embarrassment and disregard of the Dagan dynasty right now, Li Yao doubts whether the Federation has really invested a lot of resources to support them and whether it can turn the tide.

After all, the Federation is too far away from this realm, and the words "whip beyond reach" are not meant to be mentioned. If a big job is really a piece of mud that can't support the wall, then Li Yao has nothing to do.

What's more, those who claim to be the Central State may not believe in the "goodwill" of the Federation!

From this point of view, Dagan is not the only candidate partner for the Federation.

The ascendant White Lotus Sacred Sect in the southeast of Dagan, and the Huntian King who moved to the northwest and crossed thousands of miles in the northwest, these two rebel forces are worthy of investigation.

In the final analysis, the peasants of the Middle Ages were the most honest and patient obedient people. If they don't drive them to a dead end, who wants to put their heads on their trouser belts and fight with the armed kings?

It's nothing more than being really hungry, and the bark and grass roots are all eaten, starving to death is death, rebellion is also death, and this is just a happy battle.

And when it comes to solving the famine problem...

It happens to be the strength of modern cultivation civilization.

If we say that in the purely military field, ancient civilization and modern civilization have their own strengths, and can be longer or shorter in some individual items, then in the field of civilian cultivation technology, ancient civilization is a pure mess and a complete failure.

The essence of modern comprehension civilization is not a chain saw sword, not a crystal magnetic gun, nor a spar battleship.

Instead, it integrates cultivation techniques and magic weapons into thousands of households, and refines various pesticides that increase the yield of crops and kill pests. Automatic harvesting equipment such as "wooden cows and horses" surrounds the sky and can predict the weather and even travel. The magic weapon of cloud and rain.

With the help of these folk magical treasures and elixir, the famine problem that has plagued human civilization for tens of thousands of years has been completely solved, and it is mouth-watering explosive development!

When the population exceeds the threshold of hundreds of billions, there will be infinite possibilities for the advancement of civilization!

In the modern demons, the situation is the same. The fire ant king is a typical expert in the preparation of demonized plants in the blood demon world. The original preparations were not all kinds of vicious carnivorous plants, but hybrid rice with cold and drought resistance and extremely high yield per unit. , Wheat, barley, cassava, green banana, etc.

How did the overwhelming animal tide come from? It is fed by these hybrid rice, wheat, barley, cassava, alfalfa... countless demonized plants!

The development of any civilization is in the shape of a pyramid. No matter how brave the strong at the tip of the pyramid is, it must be supported by the huge tower base at the lower level.

The more stable the base of the lower tower, the stronger the strong on the spire can hit the limits of civilization!

The modern human race understands this truth, and the modern demonic race understands this, but Gu Xiu may not understand it.

Therefore, in many ancient repair worlds, when the secular world was hungry and smashed to the ground, and became a purgatory in the world, the world of cultivation was often indifferent, ignored, and at ease!

Supporting rebel forces such as Bailian Shengjiao or Huntianwang seems to be less difficult than supporting the Dagan Dynasty.

Li Yao didn't know how far the Star Sea Navigation Technology of the Star Federation has been developed after a hundred years of development.

However, once he set up the Stargate and dispatched several transport ships from the Federation with high-yield, genetically modified, drought-resistant and cold-resistant crops, plus a large amount of humanitarian relief supplies, there should be no problem.

With food, you can stabilize the hearts of the people, exert federal influence on the rebels, and even transport the population that the ancient sacred world cannot accommodate temporarily to the Federation. On the one hand, it can relieve the population pressure here, and on the other hand, it can enrich the power of the Federation , The best of both worlds, isn't it wonderful?

If Dagan, Bailian Shengjiao, and Huntianwang are all muddy and unable to support the wall, even the Northern Alien Youyun Guiqi is a potential strategic partner.

As far as this world is concerned, Li Yao is an alien and has no concept of "Zhongyuan Zhengshuo" at all.

For him, there are only two things that are important. The first is the right to survival and development of the people here at Liming, and the second is the long-term cooperation between the government and the Federation here, and the possibility of even being directly incorporated into the Federation.

Generally speaking, "foreign races" entering the "Central Plains" are often accompanied by barbaric killings and **** suppression.

But when the "Iron Cavalier" riding a dragon wolf and holding a strong bow and a hard crossbow, with hundreds of spar battleships hanging high above his head, that is not necessarily the case.

The Northern Alien "Youyun Ghost Qin" is Li Yao's last option when no one can choose. Anyway, it doesn't matter who can "Aspire to the Central Plains", as long as the speed is fast enough, it will be better than the one that lasts for a hundred years. Fighting in chaos is better.

Of course, there are two prerequisites for the Federation to intervene in the political situation of this sector.

First, Li Yao wanted to thoroughly understand what was going on with the mysterious signal sent to the two realms of Tianyuan and Feixing a hundred years ago. Judging from the current level of civilization in the ancient sacred world, it is impossible!

Secondly, Li Yao had to figure out whether the ancient sacred world had any real human empire pioneers carrying similar tasks to him, and whether the opponent had already begun to make trouble.

Many of Li Yao's routines were learned from Su Changfa, a professor at Takushoku University of the Real Human Empire.

It is conceivable that the pioneer of the empire really sneaked into the ancient sacred world, and will definitely support the local forces to achieve their goals.

Maybe the current Northern Alien Youyun Ghost Cavalry already has a six-barreled rotating Vulcan cannon!

Thinking of their images of dragons and wolves under their hips and artillery in their palms, Li Yao felt a chill in his heart.

Without clarifying these two things, it would be impossible for Li Yao to build a star gate and expose the federal coordinates.

Something is far away.

Li Yao sorted out his chaotic thoughts and continued to compose the observation report.

"As for the military power of the ancient sacred world, I am currently in the southwest corner. What I see is only the tip of the iceberg. It is difficult to estimate the specific army numbers of the various forces."

"It can only be said that a single state of the Dagan Dynasty seems to be able to mobilize hundreds of thousands of troops, and there are 18 such states in Dagan."

"Although the weapons they use are quite crude, but because of their ample aura, the soldiers are slightly better physical than the Federal Army, and they are quite fierce melee fighters."

"In terms of high-end combat power, I have not yet probed the existence of the **** of transformation, but from the mouth of Wuman in the southwest, I learned that there are as many as a thousand cultivating sects in the ancient sacred world. Among the top 100, almost all Yuan Ying sits , And the top ten major sects have more than one Yuan Ying."

"The number of Yuan Ying in this realm may exceed the number of three to five hundred, and its quality is horribly high. The high-end Yuan Ying period and even the peak of the Yuan Ying period are endless!"

"As of now, there are three most noteworthy'super masters'."

"The first one is the leader of the'White Lotus Sacred Church' who stirred the southeastern half of Dagan, the Wan Mingzhu known as the'White Lotus Mother'."

"The old mother Bailian Wan Mingzhu is a powerful ghost repairer without a physical body. She is known as the'mother of the world's ghosts'. She is illusory in her whereabouts and has quirky methods. She should be a super master who is good at pure energy attacks. I have never encountered this type before. His opponent must fight with 120,000 points of energy."

"The second one is Qi Changsheng, the'Huntian King' who ruled the millions of refugees in the northwest and survived dozens of times after being killed by Master Wang."

"According to the Northwest Wuman, this monarch trains the immortal and indestructible dry mandrill body, wherever he goes, he is a thousand miles away from the ground, killing people, not leaving chickens and dogs, he is the most feared murderer in the Dagan Dynasty."

"This argument, of course, has elements of the imperial court deliberately vilifying and slandering, but the power of this monarch is also evident."

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