40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1361: Twelve gold people!

"The third one is'Han Baling', the regent of the northern alien ghost Qin."

"This monarch's military and combat methods can be seen from last year when the commander of Youyun Ghost Cavalry wiped out 300,000 iron armored heavy knights in one fell swoop."

"What's even more frightening is that this gentleman also has considerable political and cultural attainments."

"Youyun Ghost Qin was originally hundreds of scattered tribes scattered on the northern grasslands, but he integrated them with an iron fist, and became a one-piece unparalleled force. He also absorbed a large number of Confucian scholars and scribes who had no ambitions. The culture was edified and transformed, and even his surname was changed from "Poliuhan" to "Han", and from "Poliuhan Baling" to "Han Baling", indicating that he was not an alien invasion, but fighting for the Central Plains. The meaning of Zhengshuo."

"Using the words of our modern cultivation civilization, this man is a standard ‘compound cultivator’ who has amazing talents in combat and management!"

"Although it is hearsay, it is not clear what the specific strengths of these three super masters are, but a rough estimate is that it is certain between the advanced stage and the peak of the Yuan Ying stage."

"By the way, last year, the commander-in-chief of Han Baling arrived in Gyeonggi, and it happened at the time when the emperor died suddenly. The situation is extremely critical. It is all due to the young emperor who broke the crowd and turned the tide."

"It is said that this young emperor has gathered a thousand-year reign of the Dagan dynasty and came into being. Since he became the throne, he has done several major events vigorously and resolutely."

"Whether it is really ZTE's great work, or a return to the light, the strength of this young emperor should not be underestimated. With the nourishment of a thousand-year blood and the blessing of infinite secret treasures, it is also possible to reach the high-level or above of the Yuan Ying stage!"

The above four are the candidates Li Yao has inquired about that it is possible to reach a "strategic partnership" with the Star Federation.

Although he had just killed a Yuanying easily more than half a month ago, he did not dare to underestimate the four Yuanyings.

Yuanying and Yuanying are different.

Li Yao now understands that the Southwest Wuman Land was originally the most remote and poor place for Da Gan. The number of Nascent Infants here is the least, the quality is the worst, and the secret techniques that can be practiced and the magic weapons that can be inherited are the fewest.

In ancient Xiu's terminology, it is about "passing the door on the left", and you can't get on the table.

The gathering of wind and clouds in the ancient sage comprehension world, where dragons and tigers lie in all directions, is still in the land of Central Plains and Youyun.

There is plenty of spiritual energy and a rich collection of humanities. The major sects have a history of more than a thousand years, and there are more than a hundred thousand years of relics and treasures of dozens of dynasties, the Yuan Ying cultivated in that environment, and the "Lingjiu Master". It's totally different to be a Barbarian Nascent Soul who is ecstatic when he gets a cave mansion on his own.

Such as the ghost Qin regent Han Baling and the emperor of the Dang Dynasty, the high-ranking ones who have thousands of secrets and infinite resources will not talk about it.

Even the Mother of White Lotus Wan Mingzhu and King Huntian Qi Changsheng, who were born in the rebel army, broke through the gates of many cultivating sects in the process of raging all the way.

Every time a cultivating sect is breached, the magic weapon will be looted and swallowed up the secret code of exercises, like a snowball that grows bigger and bigger.

Today, the supernatural powers and magic weapons in the hands of the leaders of the two military forces are more than those of many famous clans!

If Li Yao treats such "super infants" as Han Baling, Dang Chao Tianzi, Bai Lian Sheng, and Hun Tian Wang as "third-rate infants" like Master Lingjiu, he will not be able to cry.

"Slowly observe, and consider the long-term plan. I really can't interfere with the local situation. Then I have to find a way to recruit more local Yuan Ying to become mercenaries."

"When the time comes to change the dynasty, there will definitely be a lot of Yuan Ying from the previous dynasty who have nowhere to go and become Xinghailang people. If they are given the citizenship of the Xingyao Federation, they will probably not refuse."

"By the way, if the Dagan dynasty really comes to pieces, take a royal bloodline and a large number of cultivators who are loyal to the royal family back to the Xingyao Federation, and set up a'Dagan Dynasty Exile Government', will it? Is it beneficial to recruit more cultivators? The big deal is to negotiate conditions with them. We will fight against the real human empire first, and then we will spend money and guns to provide food to help them restore their country!"

Li Yao thought about it all in a daze.

These things are not in a hurry. When the two sides are really connected, there will naturally be countless think tank experts on the federal side that will solve them, without him having to make bad ideas.

"While eavesdropping on monk Wuman's chat, I also heard a very interesting thing."

"The most serious foreign troubles of the Dagan Dynasty were the'Ghost Qin People' on the northern Youyun prairie."

"But the word'Ghost Qin' is actually a contemptuous term for them by Da Gan. They claim to be'Yunqin People'."

"The so-called'Yun Qin' refers to the'Yun Qin Dynasty', the first central empire that unified the ancient sacred world 100,000 years ago. The northern aliens under the command of Han Baling regarded themselves as the descendants of the oldest dynasty. , Put gold on their faces to enhance their legitimacy to seize the world."

"This is not the point."

"The point is that this world has been passed down from old to old. One hundred thousand years ago, the ancient sacred world was full of turmoil, countless tribes and small countries were conquered endlessly, and they were in the midst of thousands of years of warfare with swordsmen and soldiers."

"The Yunqin dynasty came into being, but it was a magic weapon to condense the world and cast twelve ‘Yunqin Jinren’s," with which the ‘Twelve Cloud Qin Jinren’ set the world!"

"It is said that these'Twelve Clouds Qin Jinren' are all 100 feet tall, cast in steel, and infinite strength. They can summon the invincible existence of lightning and thunder with every gesture!"

"Even now, on many ancient battlefields, huge footprints or claw marks of the'Yunqin Jinren' have been left."

"Hundreds of feet tall, cast in steel and cast iron, summoning lightning and thunder? Isn't this a ‘giant soldier’!"

"It seems that in the ancient times, the human race of the ancient sacred world had discovered twelve intact giant soldiers and knew how to control their methods. Only with these twelve giant soldiers can the whole world be unified."

"Several dynasties after the Yunqin dynasty, there were traces of the Yunqin Jinren, and even became a symbol of hegemony. Which power can get a Yunqin Jinren can win the world!"

"However, the Yunqin dynasty has been 100,000 years old, and even if it takes three thousand years as a dynasty, it would have changed dynasties thirty or fifty times."

"The battle turns to the stars, the vicissitudes of life, the twelve cloud Qin Jinren finally annihilated in the vast river of history."

"The last time they appeared in the historical annals of this world was about 10,000 years ago. A group of hard labor to open up river channels dug out a golden man from the silt at the bottom of the river, leaving behind'Mo Dao Jin'. One eye, provoking the rhetoric of Luohe Tianxia."

"Just the appearance of this **** eye giant soldier led to the destruction of a dynasty, but this giant soldier also disappeared in the war, perhaps it was severely damaged, its psychic energy and ammunition were exhausted, and No one can repair it, after all, it will be overwhelmed again!"

The rumors of the Twelve Cloud Qin Jinren made Li Yao even more afraid to underestimate the heritage of the ancient sacred world. There is too little information collected at the moment, so let's take a look!

The first draft of the observation report was completed, and he stretched out comfortably.

Divine Sense spread to the surrounding area again, and immediately heard the laughter of many Wuman monks.

The monk in front of him who was covered with poisonous snakes and painted all kinds of colorful oil paints on his face, bit the ear of another monk who was as thin as a wood and looked like a living dead. The two of them winked and snickered.

The monk witch man covered with poisonous snakes laughed in a low voice: "Ancient priest, haven't you been the closest to Huo's second child? Why didn't you help him, instead you went to the court army, hehe!"

The living-dead monk witchman screamed: "The imperial army, there are so many people, how can the few people in our Tongzi fight? They have an old saying from the Central Plains, "A good man does not suffer from immediate losses." Besides, there are so many rewards for soliciting envoys, what's wrong with joining the army of the court?"


After a pause, the living-dead monk'Ancient Priest' smiled slyly, "When we are in the Walled City of Huolu, let's hide behind and watch the two gangs of Yankees have a good fight. If the court wins Now, let's go up and help the battle again; if that charming little girl is cut off, then naturally we will help the hot second, Meng Duo, don't you think that's the way it is!"

The snake-dancing monk named Meng Duo laughed and nodded again and again, "Yes, that's right, that's it. Then we two Tongzi's men and horses might as well get together and take care of each other, etc." They'll just use their brains to talk more!

The ancient priest squeezed his eyes, and said with a chuckle, "I usually walk very close to Huo Er, so I planned it like this. Are you and Huo brothers deadly brothers? How can you be like this... Don't talk about it. Righteousness?"

Meng Duo blinked his eyes and said: "Everyone knows that my Wuyundong Meng Duo is the most loyal and loyal to the court. It is absolutely impossible for me to rebel against the court!"

"It's just that the court is too much this time. Not only is it necessary for us to surrender so much food and cows and horses in one place, but also to transfer 50,000 witches to the north to fight the ghosts!"

"We witch men are in the mountains and forests, just like fish in the water. Once we leave the mountains and go to the north, they are the fish out of the water. Before Youyun Guiqi, where can we find a way to survive?" "

"Isn't it clear that we are going to die!"

"Meng Duo talked about loyalty to the court, but the court didn't talk about loyalty to Meng Duo. Then I had to put aside loyalty first, and let's take a look at the trend. What's wrong with this?

"Yes, yes, very right!"

The ancient priest nodded repeatedly and said contemptuously, "The envoy is treating us all as stones in the mountains, foolish fools. He thought that two or three hundred years ago, we would recruit 50,000 horses in one sentence? Haha , Let us first see if the court still has such a big fist!"

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