40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1405: High-end dialogue! (Fifth more!)

"Asshole, I was almost deceived by this guy's serious appearance, thinking that Zhengyi really lost, and unfortunately he has fallen!"

"This guy is pretending to be serious, even I was convinced just now, I thought he was somewhat dependent, but I didn't expect it to be pure rhetoric!"

"Well, isn't this guy wanting to use this method to get his reputation? He doesn't understand anything at all. He is just betting on a shop. If Zhengyi really loses unfortunately, it will become his boasting capital! "

"Shameless, it is shameless, the head of the dignified monk, the prestige of the supreme master of the Supreme Profound Dao, let the Xiao Xiaoxiao be so insulted?"

"Where are the Taixuan Taoists, where are the Dagan monks, and where is the Longquan Conference? How can you tolerate such unrestrained barbarians!"

Regardless of the many high-ranking monks standing on the Taixuan Dao's position, or the Purple Extreme Sword Sect please come back to help the fist, those casual cultivators who don't know the truth, all hate their teeth.

It's really that Li Yao's appearance just now was too confusing. He really thought he was a worldly expert who has been working hard for a hundred years and once shocked the world!

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be such a product, so it seems that the series of actions he just watched in the inner circle was also very likely to be a mistake, and he was lucky?

Suddenly, countless high-ranking monks who were inextricably related to Taixuan Dao stared at Li Yao sharply, and there was a strong murderous intent!

The Yuan Ying Jianxiu on the side of the Ziji Sword Sect was also somewhat at a loss.

In all fairness, they really wanted to recruit Li Yao and believed that he was truly amazing.

However, Li Yao said these two sentences too out of place. They wanted to help persuade them, and they didn't know where to start!

Li Yao was dumbfounded, immersed in his own world, unable to figure out ten thousand people, and did not absorb the gossips around him into his ears at all.

"There is no reason, my judgment is absolutely correct, how could this be!"

"Qizhong Dao obviously **** it, Yan Liren's sword, that sword..."

Suddenly, Li Yao felt aroused, as if waking up from a dream, his eyes suddenly sharpened, and he strode towards the center of the sword test field.

"What does this guy want to do?"

"Do you still want to pretend to be a ghost!"

The cultivators around were shocked and angry, especially the high-ranking cultivators of the Taixuan Dao family, each gearing up, glaring at each other, wishing to kill this nonsense, I don't know the so-called guy!

Soon, two cultivators came out more and more, stopped in front of Li Yao, and said with an unkind expression: "Friends of the Taoist Lingjiu..."

It was the Lingshan Dao elder Xie Xinghuo who had just clashed with Li Yao, and the "Liao Shishu" who also belonged to the Taixuan Dao subordinate and Qishan Dao.

The two of them sneered from left to right, like a red iron tongs, and squeezed towards Li Yao.

"Nothing to do with you, climb away!"

Li Yao stared at the folds in the center of the sword test field without even looking at the two of them. Ten fingers spread out like eagle claws. Lightning clasped the shoulders of the two. The two seemed to be pierced through the bones of a pipa, and they couldn't move in an instant. Li Yao shook his arms again, shaking the joints of his body, and flinging it lightly, he flew hundreds of meters away.

"not good!"

Several monks flew out from the crowd, trying to catch the two, but the two of them seemed to be wrapped in a mysterious electric shell, and all the helping hands were bounced back.

With a "click", the two fell to the ground, screaming like a pig!

"He unexpectedly!"

The audience was shocked and silent, everyone couldn't believe what they saw with their eyes!

Just when they thought that "Master Lingjiu" was just a despicable and shameless night, Li Yao grabbed two masters of alchemy like eagles catching chickens, threw them, and smashed them down. Others couldn't even rescue them. !

Under the banner of Taixuan Dao, the heads and elders of Taixuan Dao and other five major factions stared at Li Yao in amazement. After watching for a long time, they slowly turned their heads, looking at Qi Zhongdao with some flickering eyes.

Qi Zhongdao was expressionless, but his black face was being replaced by a trace of paleness. His lips quivered for a long time, and finally he didn't speak. He just kept taking out the pill with fragrant smell from a pale green gourd, and swallowed it in a big mouth. , Thunder in the belly agitated!

Li Yao threw away the two core formations and sprinted, like a strange bird condensed by thunder and lightning, and fell on a lonely mountain in the center of the sword test field!

The defeated general, Jian Chiyan, was leaving, twisting his slightly clumsy body, climbing up a lonely mountain again, preparing to retreat to his camp.

Li Yao just cut off his path.

Li Yao and Yan Liren, two equally blood-stained and embarrassed people, stood quietly facing each other on the two huge waves of the earth.

One wave is not settled, another wave rises again, and the aura and killing intent that the two of them exudes when they confront each other seems to be sharper, more intense, and agitated than when Yan Liren and Qi Zhongdao confronted just now!

Regardless of the Taixuan Dao side or the Purple Extreme Sword Sect side, all cultivators were taken aback. No one knew what this mysterious "Master Spirit Eagle" was going to do.

Li Yao didn't say a word, staring at Yan Liren for a long time, especially looking at the dagger he had been sticking around his waist for a long time.

Yan Liren seemed to stab him obliquely, not surprisingly, until this moment, the "sword idiot" finally got his eyes straight, and carefully and conscientiously observed Li Yao.

That look is like observing a very interesting sword pile!

The two observed each other for a long time, and when they were about to murmur around, Li Yao suddenly said, "Why are you losing?"

This is really an extremely savage problem.

The Iron Sage Qi Zhongdao, who was against the "head of the great monks", was suppressed by the world's most treasured Fantian Seal. Isn't it normal to lose?

Being able to retreat all over, leaving a small life, is already worth snickering!

The monks all around finally couldn't bear it, and there were noises one after another.

Yan Liren tilted his head and really thought about this problem seriously. After thinking for a long time, he wiped the blood stains on his face with his sleeves, and said: "Qi Zhongdao's cultivation base is higher than mine, if If I want to win, I have to kill him!"

In Li Yao's pure black eyes, the green fire was about to move, and the green dots on the center of his eyebrows also released thorny stripes, spreading to his eyes: "You don't want to kill him?"

"Senior brother head won't let me kill him."

Yan Liren is like a child in a school. He said honestly," Senior Brother Qi Zhongdao said, although Qi Zhongdao is standing opposite us, he is a very disciplined person. He can only preside over the overall situation. Only the Longquan Conference can go on!"

"If I cut Qi Zhongdao with a single sword, of course, I can reap the immediate benefits, but in that case, maybe some unruly people will come on stage."

"The senior brother said that the world of comprehension is chaotic right now, and it is all about Qizhong Dao to preside over the overall situation, and try to maintain it. If there is no Dinghai Shenzhen like Qizhong Dao, it will only add chaos, and it will really fall apart, and it will not benefit anyone !"

"So, the senior brother instructed me in advance that I shouldn't kill Qi Zhongdao until I have a last resort. It doesn't matter if I lose a little bit."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar!

What do you mean, Yan Liren's remarks are too exaggerated, it seems that he is the head of the dignified monk, he can kill it at will!

Could it be that he still had some reservations in the previous battle?

How can it be!

Many high-ranking monks whispered in their hearts, and couldn't help but cast suspicious glances at Qi Zhongdao.

Qi Zhongdao was still expressionless, as if he had a metal shell on his face. He couldn't see whether Yan Liren's mixed words of praise and criticism had any impact on him.

Li Yao narrowed his eyes: "If you don't kill him, you are not afraid that he will kill you?"

Yan Liren smiled: "He can't kill me."

Li Yao's eyes narrowed and narrowed, like two Xueliang sabers: "You mean, you fully grasp the rhythm of this sword test, you can control Qi Zhongdao's life and death, but Qi Zhongdao can't control yours. Survival?"

Yan Liren tilted his head for a while and nodded, "Yes."

Watching the monks all around, there was nothing to say.

Li Yao continued to ask: "You just said that Qi Zhongdao's cultivation base is a line higher than yours, but you can still kill him?"


Yan Liren said, "It's as if your cultivation level may be comparable to mine, or even a line higher than mine, but if you don't run away, I can kill you."


This sentence caused the voices of the surrounding monks who had just rested for a while to explode again.

Regardless of the victory or defeat in the previous battle, Yan Liren is an unparalleled super sword repairer, and can definitely be among the ranks of the "ten masters in the ancient sacred world"!

He, he actually said that the cultivation base of the Master Lingjiu was comparable to him, even, maybe even slightly out of his line?

"The two of them...what are they talking about!"

Quite a few well-informed high-ranking monks, their brains are completely blank, and what is happening before them is really the most outrageous scene in their hundreds of years of cultivation!

Yan Liren's words made Li Yao's fighting spirit intensify. His eyes fell from Yan Liren's big pie face to the jeweled dagger around his waist, and said: "There is one thing, I don't think about it."

"Before you and Qi Zhongdao played against each other, I sensed that you have a greater chance of winning."

"When you were in a confrontation, your black giantsword burst and released iron sand and black mist to interfere with Fantian Seal, I even felt an unstoppable sword intent that even gods and demons could kill!"

"That's why I mistakenly thought that Qi Zhongdao had been killed by you!"

"But, afterwards, I thought about it carefully. Although these three prehistoric swords are powerful, you have just finished their sacrifices. They have not yet reached the level of integration and integration of human swords. You cannot control these three swords and kill them. Qi Zhongdao!"

"This is contradictory to my original prediction!"

"So, I boldly speculate that you still have a fourth sword, and that is the strongest sword that is superior to the three prehistoric swords, Dagan Swordmaster!"


Many monks of different factions have been shocked and completely unable to respond.

Even most of the true followers of the Purple Extreme Sword Sect had never heard of this, and they were all dumbfounded, looking at Li Yao and Yan Liren in disbelief!

Yan Liren was silent, observing Li Yao's neck intently. The sharp eyes of a scalpel seemed to penetrate the skin and fat, stripping out Li Yao's neck arteries, nerves and cervical vertebrae.

Li Yao stared at Yan Liren's waist, paused every word, and slowly said: "Brochang Mountain, Feileidong, Master Lingjiu is brave, want to see the fourth sword of Jianlun!"


Ho Ho Ho Ho, the fifth update, it's really exhausted!

September has begun, and it's a new journey. Do you have any monthly pass subscription recommendations, etc., throw it all over!

Today, the old cow is in a brave state, and we will come to another chapter later!

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