40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1406: The fourth sword! (Sixth!)

Every word of Li Yao is like a thunder, exploding in everyone's hearts!

At first, they thought that Li Yao was the reinforcement of the Purple Pole Sword Sect who had invited back to help.

Unexpectedly, the relationship between Li Yao and the Purple Extreme Sword Sect was quite subtle, more like a solitary cultivator, and then released some shocking words that drew everyone's attention.

And now, he actually wants to challenge Yan Liren, known as the "Sword Saint" among the three great masters, to see his fourth sword that is stronger than the three prehistoric swords?

"Which side is he on?"

"What is his cultivation base? Is he really afraid of death?"

"Yan Liren really has reservations, and has a fourth sharper sword?"

Regardless of camp, sect, and cultivation base, all cultivators are making great waves in their hearts.

I originally thought that after Qi Zhongdao and Yan Liren decided the victory or defeat with such a result without casualties, the Longquan Conference could proceed on the scheduled track, but I did not expect such an inexplicable and unpredictable one from the diagonal stabbing. The guy is really amazing.

For a while, no matter the astonishment, the doubter, the hater or the bystander who has no interest at all, they have left an indelible impression on the name "Lingjiu Master"!

Yan Liren still stared at Li Yao's neck arteries with a somewhat appreciative look, and said: "With your cultivation level, you are indeed qualified to fight against me, but I want to see Lian Wang Xi and Qi The fourth sword that Zhongdao hasn't seen before, why?"

This sentence, which is to admit that he did have reservations just now, was deliberately arranging the middle way, which naturally provokes a burst of exclamation.

The monks on the side of Taixuan Dao were all surprised and inexplicable, and even the battle flag that was fluttering in the wind was a bit disorganized and shaken.

Qi Zhongdao swallowed half of the gourd's pill in one breath, and finally relieved his breath. Hearing Yan Liren's words, he couldn't help but "cough" again, coughing out half of his mouth with pale golden blood hidden in it. .

This is the most precious heart blood of a cultivator. Every drop is condensed from the blood of the whole body. It contains a strong spirit and is easily reluctant to stimulate.

Qi Zhongdao quickly wiped his blood away, and the black face became more severe, staring at Li Yao and Yan Li on the lonely mountain.

This movement was extremely small, and Qi Zhongdao deliberately covered it up. If he wanted to have reservations based on his cultivation, how could others notice it?

Above the lonely mountain, Li Yao pondered for a moment, and said: "If I can see the fourth sword of Taoist Yan, I would rather be the elder of the Ziji Sword Sect for one year!"

This was the first time that he had publicly disclosed his deal with the Purple Extreme Sword Sect, and several Yuan Ying sword repairmen of the Purple Extreme Sword Sect were all brightened, and Tai Xuan Dao's side was naturally more surprised.

Yan Liren smiled, shook his head and said, "Please be an elder. It is the idea of ​​the senior brother, and it has nothing to do with me."

"I don't care if you should worship the elders or not. Anyway, as long as there is me in the Purple Pole Sword Sect, with my sword here, in the sky and the earth, no one can touch it."

He spoke calmly, plain, and arrogant, but he seemed to be stating the most obvious fact.

"It's reasonable!"

Li Yao nodded and looked up and down at Yan Liren for a long time. Suddenly he changed his words, "When you just appeared on the stage, you kept looking up at the sky, muttering words, pinching fingers and calculating. You are calculating the clouds in the sky, right?"

This question made all the monks present at the scene puzzled by the second monk, but Yan Liren was slightly startled, and said with joy, "What am I doing with the cloud?"

"You are calculating the direction of the cloud, the law of gathering and scattering.",

Li Yao said, "Today's sunshine is very fierce, and you are fighting again at noon. The sun is very likely to interfere with your vision, while the sky full of colorful clouds may cover or refract the sun, causing many mysterious and mysterious changes in the angle and intensity of the sun. !"

"After you calculate the direction of the clouds and the law of gathering and dispersing, you can use this to constantly adjust the position and angle during the match, faintly mobilize the opponent, and at the most critical moment, the opponent is suddenly backlit and disturbed! "

"Naturally, for a peerless powerhouse who is close to the realm of transforming gods, the interference of sunlight is really minimal, almost negligible."

"However, for a kendo master like you, as long as there is such a'minimal' flaw, it is enough!"

This statement is really unheard of, and extremely exaggerated. All the cultivators were dumbfounded, looking at each other, not sure whether Li Yao was blowing up the air, or whether it was true.

Yan Liren's smile was even greater: "Anything else?"


Li Yao continued, "By observing the direction and gathering and dispersion of clouds, we can calculate today's wind speed, wind force and wind direction, and thus calculate the weak interference that the flying sword will receive when it is in mid-air. Every time it stabs, kills, and resists. At any time, you can take advantage of the weak wind to accumulate little and build a tower, and play the most perfect sword skill!"

"The way to fight against each other is the right time, the right place, and the right people. It is indispensable. I only talked about the'time of the sky.' Next, you will continue to observe the onlookers around you, but you treat us all as'obstacles'."

"Because you know that those who are qualified to watch this battle are at least high-ranking monks who are cultivated at or above the pill formation stage, and when we watch the battle, we will naturally release psychic energy fluctuations to resist the aftermath of your fight."

"Then, when countless psychic energy fluctuations are released, it will also form an invisible psychic turbulence, slowly spreading to you and Qi Zhongdao, causing an unpredictable change!"

"You hope that through the observation before the sword test, you can count the factors of ‘geographical advantage’ and ‘human harmony’, and convert them all into your probability of winning!"

"Before you fought the sword, you counted even the most subtle factors like this, but you turned a blind eye to a master like me, and your Dao heart was frozen to such a degree, that's why I asserted that you will definitely win!"

"Unexpectedly, the Master just broke through the mountain and smashed into the Central Plains when he met a peerless sword fairy who had cultivated to the realm of'cloud computing'. It is really worthy of a confession!"

Li Yao's words caused many monks to look up at the sky involuntarily.

The sky is full of colorful clouds, fluffy like cotton wool, and changes like light smoke. How can there be any angle of the sun, the wind and the direction of the wind!

Qi Zhongdao's face became darker and darker, his eye sockets sunk deeper and deeper, his chest bulged high, and then he whispered inwardly, slowly drying out.

Yan Liren's smile bloomed like a lotus flower.

This ugly dwarf has a nice smiling face on the long side, and his smile looks like two people in peacetime, and he can even be called a little "delicate"!

"Anything else?"

He asked softly.

"and also."

Li Yao continued, “You don’t even have hair or eyebrows on your face, but I believe that you are not born like this. You should be a person with thick hair, but you use potion to wash your hair, eyebrows and beards, even hard. It's uprooted to create such a weird look!"


Yan Liren's eyes slid from Li Yao's neck reluctantly to his heart, and his voice became softer and softer, "Why would I do this?"

"Because hair, beard and eyebrows affect speed."

Li Yao said, "When you push your speed to the limit, these three things will catch a little wind, reducing your speed and agility by a tiny bit."

"In order to pursue the most perfect kendo, you remove all the hair and apply all kinds of secret medicines to temper your skin. It is like a slippery loach that moves around in the air without any hindrance!"

When many cultivators heard the words, they all showed a weird look.

If what Li Yao said is true, then Yan Liren would be too...perverted!

They are all people who are obsessed with the great avenues, even madmen who don't ask about world affairs and only know how to practice, but in order to maximize their swordsmanship, they have to pull out all the hairs all over their bodies. Isn't this too horrible?

Yan Liren's gaze continued down, falling between Li Yao's chest and abdomen, in the position of his dantian, and said lightly: "Go on, I'm already thinking about it, let you see the fourth sword that has never been seen by a living person in the world. ."

"it is good!"

Li Yao said, "It's stronger than the three ancient secret swords. The fourth sword that has never been seen by a living person in the world is inserted in the jeweled, vulgar scabbard of your waist!"

Yan Liren's expression was not messy: "Why?"

"Two reasons."

Li Yao said, "First, you seemed to have been hit hard by Qi Zhongdao just now, blood was spraying wildly, and you were embarrassed, but the sword around your waist was not contaminated even with a drop of blood or a piece of mud. After the battle of Qi Zhongdao, not even the slightest scratches appeared."

"It can be seen that this sword is your most beloved thing. You would rather destroy the three invaluable prehistoric and secret swords once, rather than have this sword in the slightest damage!"

"Second, more importantly, I have been observing you for a long time, and I have released thousands of thoughts to perceive. I have clearly seen the existence of this sword, but I can't perceive it!"

"In the beginning, I thought this sword had a unique hidden supernatural power, but after a moment of careful discrimination, I understood where the problem was."

"It's not that I didn't feel this sword, but that this sword has merged with your flesh and blood and becomes a part of your life, just like your hands and feet. What I perceive is such a whole '!"

"So, this is your fourth sword, the strongest sword that can kill everything instantly!"

After Li Yao finished speaking, he fell silent, like a longbow ready to go, slowly pulling away.

Yan Liren's gaze finally returned to his face. This time, his gaze was mixed with a slightly different taste. He was no longer looking at a perfect sword pile, but at a living "person". Up.

There was a dead silence on the copper furnace peak, except for the hunting sound of the mountain peak sweeping the battle flag, not half of the cultivators dared to take a breath!

Yan Liren laughed suddenly and shook his head while smiling bitterly.


He said with great regret.


Sixth, brothers!

Lao Niu is really exhausted, the high-end conversation between Jianzhu and Vulture, let's continue tomorrow, everyone will count more votes, igniting the raging fire in Lao Niu's heart!

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