40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1407: Sword infatuation!

"What a pity?"

Li Yao frowned and asked.

"In the last ten years, I have encountered three people who are worth killing. Unfortunately, I can't let go and kill them happily!"

Yan Liren sighed, "Wang Xi was the first person worth killing, but at that time he was so powerful that the head brother only asked me to learn from him, but he didn't let me kill him, saying the benefits of not killing him. More than killing him!"

"When you can kill him, this guy who is better than a ghost has already escaped."

"Qi Zhongdao is naturally the second one, but the senior brother also said that he is the top cultivator in the world and the great pillar of the world of cultivation. I can win him or lose him, but it is better not to kill him. "

"Now, within a day, let me meet you again."

"You, like Wang Xi and Qi Zhongdao, are people who are worthy of my all-out effort and kill to the fullest. It is a pity that the senior brother wants to recruit you to serve as an elder, so naturally you can't be killed. You said, Isn’t it a pity? It’s a pity!"

When Yan Liren said this, his eyes suddenly froze, his head tilted, and his bald brows wrinkled, as if thinking about a very tangled question.

Li Yao frowned and said, "What are you thinking about again?"

"I'm wondering whether I should rebel against the Purple Pole Sword Sect. No matter how many messy instructions and rules, I can just kill you and Qi Zhongdao."

Yan Liren answered casually, and then continued to meditate.

He looked at Li Yao, then at Qi Zhongdao not far away, as well as the Yuan Ying masters around Qi Zhongdao. He once again muttered some words, pinched his fingers and calculated, not knowing what it was.

All the Nascent Soul masters who were swept by his gaze all felt shuddering and thorns on their backs!

Even some first-rate masters in the elementary stage of the Nascent Soul Stage have subconsciously stepped back half a step.

"Forget it!"

Yan Liren thought about the time of Xiaobanzhuxiang, suddenly stretched out the thumb and index finger of his right hand, made a gesture of "hair strands", and said with a smile, "If your strength is so strong, it really only takes a little bit, then It's worth my betrayal of the Purple Pole Sword Sect and enjoy the fun of killing you! Now you, after all, are not worth leaving the Purple Pole Sword Sect where I can comfortably practice swords!"

All the cultivators around, no matter the Purple Extreme Sword Sect camp or the side of Taixuan Dao, were all dumbfounded, and they didn't know how to respond to Yan Liren's words!

The corners of Li Yao's eyes twitched violently.

My heart screamed crazily: "Asshole, this should be a gorgeous time for the Master to come on stage, and his fame is great. Do you want to be so exaggerated? You'll steal all the **** limelight!"

"Swallow Dao——"

Li Yao calmed his face, prolonged the tone, thinking about it, thinking hard about how to get the limelight back.


Li Yao's pupils, nostrils, pores, heart, stomach, and that!

All the organs in the body that can be contracted have all been contracted to the limit!

He did not hear any sound, nor did he see the slightest light, he just felt that he had suddenly fallen into a weird world!

In this world, the concept of time has been stretched to almost infinity. Every dust in the air seems to be slowly drifting in super slow motion, but the pictures of his life are spinning in front of him like a revolving lantern!

From the dark purple and rust-colored sewage in the tomb of the magic weapon, to the restless days and nights in the training grounds in middle school, to the flash of teeth when Ding Lingdang and Ding Lingdang laughed for the first time, to the magic dragon. Island, Great Desolate War Court, Bone Dragon Star, Flying Star Realm, Spider Nest Star, Blood Demon Realm, Return to Tianyuan Realm, Kunlun Ruins, Dark Nebula!

His life has been broken down into tens of thousands of pictures, arranged from top to bottom, like a large parallel web.

And his consciousness fell from above, smashed through the big nets, falling, falling, falling into the eternal darkness of nothing!

"call out!"

There was a very strange sound in Li Yao's head, and even the Scarlet Inner Demon didn't react, just holding a fragment of Ou Yezi's memory in his mouth, and raised his head foolishly.

Yan Liren has a sword!

The fourth sword above the three giant swords used by the giant soldiers, without warning, caught off guard, unpredictable and unpredictable, passed Li Yao's throat in this way!

But this scream that hovered in the depths of Li Yao's brain was not the sound of Yan Liren's sword.

Rather, Li Yao's life, the sound of crazy passing!


The strange revolving lantern suddenly burst, Li Yao shuddered and returned to the real world again. He found that Yan Liren was still expressionless, standing calmly on the lonely mountain opposite.

His hands are still placed on both sides of his body properly, and the jewel-like "fourth sword" is also honestly inserted around his waist, from the point of view of the sword and the belt, it has not moved too much.

Looking over Yan Liren's shoulders, Li Yao observed the clouds in the sky. Judging from the degree of gathering and dispersion of the clouds, time has passed by at most 0.1 second.

But he seems to be in a state of dying and has spent a long life!

"Gluck, cluck!"

Li Yao's pupils couldn't help but dilate, a strange sound like rusty gears spinning deep in his throat, his hands trembled violently, and he slowly and slowly covered his neck.

It was as if his entire neck, including the neck arteries, cervical vertebrae and central nerves, was severed by Yan Liren's fourth sword, and he had to hold it with his hands to ensure that his head would not fall down.

The crevices of the fingers were wet, and there was liquid constantly leaking out.

Not blood, but cold sweat thicker than blood.

Li Yao's face was ashen ashes, and slowly fell to his knees on one knee, retching, almost vomiting out all his internal organs.

"This is my fourth sword."

Yan Liren stuck out his white and fat head and asked seriously, "Does it look good, is there anything that needs improvement?"

"You killed me!"

Li Yao's voice was extremely hoarse, stern and shocking, "You used sword intent to kill me once in the illusion! How could it be possible! How could there be such a terrible swordsman in the world!"

For a time, everyone was in an uproar!

Everyone only saw the two talking on the two lonely peaks. Suddenly the "Master Lingjiu" had a strange expression, clutching his neck tightly, and slowly fell to the ground on one knee.

Until Li Yao uttered the words "You killed me", everyone suddenly realized that Yan Liren's fourth sword had already been used "sword intent"!


Everyone was shocked, at a loss, and horrified to the extreme!

And Li Yao's shock is more than the sum total of them!

He is different from these ancient cultivators. He has seen big scenes in modern cultivation civilization, not to mention the generations of Xiao Xuance and Zhou Hengdao, even the legendary Pangu tribe has personally beheaded and killed!

But he has never seen such a terrifying sword!

I didn't even think that relying on the ancient cultivation system, one could condense such a shocking, colorless, tasteless, invisible sword!

Can't stop it!

Even if you put on crystal armor, you can't stop it!

Even if you hide in the spar battleship, you can't stop it!

Even if you wear the strongest form of profound bone battle armor, or drive a giant soldier... it may not be able to stop it!

For the first time, Li Yao felt that in the world of "cultivation", there may be some things that cannot be calculated, measured, or analyzed!

Yan Liren's sword is one of them!


He dumbed his throat, and every word he uttered, it was like a bone-scraping steel knife was vigorously stirring in the throat, "Your realm will never be too much higher than mine, why is your sword so fast!"

Yan Liren looked at Li Yao with a look of "you will never understand", and smiled faintly: "You don't understand, you and I are not the same type of person, so even if your realm is higher than mine. , You will never wield such a sword!"


Li Yao shouted, "I don't understand!"

"You, Wang Xi, and Qi Zhongdao, you are the same kind of people, and I am a completely different person from you."

Yan Liren said, "You, Wang Xi and Qi Zhongdao, your realm may be high enough, mana may be strong enough, magic weapon may be strong enough, but in your eyes, I have seen many things besides swords. ."

"In addition to the sword in your hand, you also have a lot to rely on, wisdom, power, power, or other messy things."

"And what you are pursuing is far from a sword. A fight can be brought."

"This sword test field is not your battlefield, at least not all of your battlefields."

Li Yao was silent.

Yan Li was right.

Wang Xi is a monstrous **** of Quan Yan, who single-handedly formed a special agent and assassination organization "Ghost Painting Talisman", which has stirred up the entire world of comprehension.

Qi Zhongdao can become a recognized leader of the cultivation world, obviously not enough strength, he is a very good at formulating rules, let everyone abide by his rules.

Li Yao himself, not to mention, he has never regarded himself as a pure warrior. What he can rely on is not only the sword in his hand, but also the powerful support of the entire three great worlds!

Whether Wang Xi, Qi Zhongdao or Li Yao, they are not pure fighters. They want too many things, and they are indeed not available in a small test court.

"You are not true, insincere, and impure to your sword."

Yan Li humanity, "That’s not to say that you don’t believe in your own swords, but that you can’t bet everything on your own swords. There are many other things on your path of cultivation. It can be obtained by other means."

"But I am different from you."

"I only have swords. I only believe in swords. I am sure that this sword can solve all the problems between heaven and earth. If it can't be solved, it's just that this sword is not fast enough and not profitable enough!"

"This is the difference between you, Wang Xi, Qi Zhongdao and me. The difference is indifferent, but it makes you never able to wield a sword like me, because in your bones, you don't want to wield a sword like this at all. I don’t believe that such a sword will exist in the world, and it is worth all your lives to pursue!"

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