40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1409: Steal the limelight!

"How did he see it?"

"Impossible, I don't even know if Yan Liren is infested with swords. What's more, according to Yan Liren's statement, it just inspires a'sword intent'. Is it possible that he can perceive the sword body through the sword intent? Material?"

"Are there any mistakes, is it amazing?"

The minds of the surrounding monks had been crushed countless times by Yan Liren overturned and crushed them for countless times. At this moment, he took a breath and was crushed severely by Li Yao's exaggerated statement. I'm almost out of human form!

Yan Liren retracted a foot that had just stepped out, turned around, looked at Li Yao again, and said every word: "How do you know?"

"You just'killed' me once with the sword intent of this sword."

Li Yao touched his neck, "My throat can still recall the wind and frost above your sword light at this moment. If I can't tell what exactly killed me, wouldn't it be ridiculous?"

"I just didn't expect that the Purple Pole Sword Sect had magic weapons made by various heavenly materials and earth treasures, and even ancient secret swords handed down from the prehistoric times, including the three-handed ancient swords you just used to confront the'Fan Tian Yin'. The swords are all treasures that the cultivators all over the world want to see through, but you dismiss these divine swords, and you prefer a short sword that is nearly cast by ordinary iron and is unremarkable!"

"This is my first sword."

Yan Liren pondered for a moment, as if he felt that Li Yao was a person worth explaining, and slowly said, "I got it when I was nine years old, and I never separated from it one day. Over the years, I don't know how many times I have touched it. How many times I have waved it, I am not only familiar with the weight, shape, softness and hardness of every part of it, including the speed and power that it can stimulate when it cuts into the wind at a slight angle, and even the shield, armor, and psionic energy it pierces. The different feelings behind the shield, flesh and bones, everything, I have figured it out to the extreme!"

"As you said, it has truly become an extension of my body and a part of my life!"

"And those three prehistoric secret swords, although they have been refined for decades, they are not specially made for me after all. They are also used by ancient gods and demons. The power is too strong, and the psychic energy and spirituality that need to be consumed are too strong. There are too many, it is very difficult to control!"

"It's like, it's not that I'm driving the three prehistoric secret swords, but after they swallowed my spirit, they searched and attacked by themselves!"

"Waving such a sword is like a three-year-old child wielding a Qinglong Yanyue knife, no matter how destructive it is, how can it be called the'strongest sword'?"

Li Yao moved!

Yan Liren's remarks have already faintly broken the ancient Xiu's myth about the precious treasures, and slowly developed signs of modern cultivation concept!

Yes, no matter how good the things of the Pangu people in the ancient times are, they were created specifically for the Pangu people, not humans' own things. They blindly worshipped them and used them directly. It might be able to achieve a momentary power, but absolutely It's a dead end!

There is no magic weapon, only suitable for yourself, is the strongest magic weapon!

It's a simple truth. Maybe everyone can understand it. But when a "very powerful" ancient treasure is really in front of your eyes, how many cultivators can resist the temptation and not become its slaves? ?

"You have actually cultivated to this level..." Li Yao muttered.

"I just learned it recently."

Yan Liren smiled and said, "In the past few decades, I have actually been shocked by the power of three prehistoric swords just like others. I tried my best to conquer them, sacrifice them, and control them. I almost paid for it. The price of life!"

"In recent years, I have competed with Wang Xi every year. Until the last time, he saw that I became obsessed, impetuous, and frantic every year. He couldn’t help but say something to me. Sentence, just now made me suddenly wake up from the abyss of ten thousand feet, and realize it!"

"It turns out that the strongest sword is by my side for a long time. Why should I stay near and far away, and put this sharp blade that is exclusive to me without using it, but picking up scraps of copper and iron that others don't want?"

Scrap copper and rotten iron...

Li Yao was deeply shocked.

The super weapons used by the Pangu tribe and the giant soldiers in the ancient times are called "scrap copper and rotten iron". I am afraid that only "sword idiots" can have such boldness!

"My cultivation base is actually slightly worse than Qi Zhongdao."

Yan Liren continued, "It's just that I have abandoned these waste coppers and irons of the prehistoric era and found my strongest sword, but Qi Zhongdao clung to the so-called'Fan Tian Yin'. Too much coveting the power of this ancient treasure, but being restrained by it, unable to exert one's highest realm!"

"Perhaps, without the ‘Fan Tian Seal’, there might be a stronger ‘Iron Saint Qi Middle Way’, right?"

"It's a pity that he was so tired of his fame that he was unwilling, daring, and unable to make such an attempt!"

Li Yao was silent.

He didn't know whether Yan Liren's remarks made sense.

However, the main body of "Fan Tianyin" is a gravity generator, which is not actually a weapon. The operation method and the mode of psychic energy supply are not suitable for individual soldiers. This is true!

In order to use his own power to blast the exaggerated power of "Fan Tianyin", Qi Zhongdao must have paid a price that no one could imagine.

Is this price worth it?

The conversation between the two made all the cultivators fall into contemplation, especially Qi Zhongdao under the banner of Taixuan Dao. On the black charcoal-like skinny face, he could see a green and a white one. This is the peak of the Yuan Ying period. The monk's breathing is very rare and hastily!

"I understand."

Li Yao sighed and said sincerely, "It's really a good sword!"

Yan Liren did not deny that, rubbing the hilt of the sword very gently, "In my hand, it is indeed a good sword."

"It's a pity that this good sword has been'seriously injured'."

Li Yao's conversation turned, and suddenly he said, "Although it is a peerless soldier that you have cultivated from childhood to adulthood with your hard work and soul sacrifices, and integrated with you, it is ultimately made of low-level materials such as Ziying Copper and Hanshan Iron. It’s not a good foundation."

"When you practice your sword, your speed and strength have reached the extreme, and the damage to the sword's body is extremely great. With the accumulation of time, the inside of this sword is covered with extremely fine dark lines!"

"What's more terrible is that this sword has been severely wounded four inches and two cents below the tip of the sword, and there is a crack the size of a grain of rice on the left."

"Although it looks like a small and insignificant crack, there is actually a very serious crack across the blade. If you are not careful, you will use this crack as a starting point to completely break the tip of the sword!"

"From my perception, you should have thought of a way to repair or even recast this sword, but you were not successful. You just applied a few reinforced spirit patterns on the surface and barely maintained it. I'm not mistaken!"

For a long time, on Yan Liren's big white steamed bun-like face, there was no too strong expression, as if the whole world other than the "sword" was not worthy of his interest.

Until Li Yao said something like this, the face of this peerless sword immortal finally showed a "stunned" expression like an ordinary person!

Even the Yuan Ying Jianxiu and the senior swordsmith of the Purple Pole Sword Sect in the distance stood up from their seats, looking at each other, incredible!

"You, how do you know!"

Yan Liren stuttered!

Li Yao smiled and said lightly: "I also know the reason why you are unwilling to recast this sword."

"Because you have been with this sword day and night, you know its outline, weight, center of gravity, and feel. All your sword moves, mental methods, formulas, and magical powers are all around the current form and shape of this sword. Those who practice with weight have reached the most perfect state!"

"Once the sword is recast and the more precious materials are used to make up the gap, repair the collapse, and strengthen the blade, it will inevitably result in extremely subtle differences in the length, thickness, and weight of the sword."

"For a'swordsman' like you, even if the sword after recasting is only half a strand of hair longer than before, or a little heavier by the weight of a cow's hair, even if the center of gravity moves up or down by half a minute, It is absolutely, absolutely unbearable, because then it will break the'perfection' that you have worked so hard to cultivate for a lifetime!"

"Oh, I was wrong."

"Your sword is not only made of ordinary materials, but the method of casting is rough. The weight on both sides of the spine of the sword is unevenly distributed, and the left side is slightly heavier!"

"This is not a perfect sword."

"But you have spent your whole life getting used to this kind of imperfection, adjusting your body to the same imperfect form, negative to positive, to match this sword!"

"If you recast this and'correct' this left-right imbalance, it will be counterproductive. On the contrary, it will make a seamless relationship between it and you, with a trace of'blemishes'!"

"This is why you know that this sword has many internal injuries, but you are not willing to repair and recast it, right?"

The situation is completely reversed!

Just now, it was Yan Liren who had been suppressing Li Yao and guiding the rhythm of the dialogue between the two. No matter how hard Li Yao struggled, it was like a fish swimming in the bottom of a cauldron!

But now, when it comes to the flaws of this sword, the two of them have come up against the world, Li Yao fights back, and instead put Yan Liren completely under his control!

Of course, to the onlookers who don’t know the truth, the conversation between the two is almost like telling a story—not even the sword is pulled out, just feel the "sword intent" with the neck, and you can feel so many ways. ?

Who believes it!

Moreover, isn't this master Lingjiu a monk witch? Isn't the witch monk the best at playing snakes, raising ghosts, and playing with the smoky and poisonous mist? Where did he learn so much about flying swords?

Yan Liren didn't deny it, took a step forward and said excitedly: "Yes, so what!"

"Not so."

Li Yao calmly said, "If I say, I can help you recast this sword, strengthen it with the strongest and most sophisticated materials in the world, but make its length, weight, outline, center of gravity, and even the original casting. The unique touch brought by those blemishes at that time is perfectly preserved, absolutely the same as before the recasting, fellow Taoist Yan, believe it or not?"

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