40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1410: Descendants of the Great Zhou! (Fourth!)

As soon as Li Yao spoke this sentence, he even stood on his side faintly, hoping that he could become the elders of the Ziji Sword Sect Yuan Ying, they all looked at each other, showing a mixture of surprise and suspicion.

The Ziji Sword Sect is the number one sword sect in the world, and the Ancient Sacred Realm does not have a sect that specializes in refining weapons. So the sword-making level of the Ziji Sword Sect is naturally super first. Within the sect, some are good swordsmen !

As the strongest sword repairman of the Purple Pole Sword Sect, Yan Liren, a figure known as a sword idiot and a sword master, can enjoy even more resources than the master!

What is his request, the Zi Ji Sword Sect must be responsive to all requests, and will have to complete it if he saves his life!

His saber was broken, so he naturally thought about it and went to find these long-established and experienced swordsmiths to repair it.

This common sword made of Ziying Copper and Hanshan Iron is not difficult to maintain. It is not difficult to maintain. It is based on the various treasures of the Ziji Sword Sect and the magical skills of the sword master. The strength is increased ten times, and it is no problem to attach various powerful magical powers.

However, Yan Liren made a request, hoping that the length, thickness, shape, outline, center of gravity of the short sword after recasting...every detail is exactly the same as in the past, no addition or reduction is allowed, even the original casting remains. Within the blade, the distribution of tiny holes that are invisible to the naked eye must be consistent!

This weird request is somewhat difficult for others. Many swordsmiths have created a magic weapon for a lifetime. They have never heard of such a ridiculous request. They have been discussing for a long time, and they are really helpless, and the matter has been delayed.

They only said that this sword was Yan Liren’s beloved thing, but it was just a memorial and often played with it. Yan Liren is usually a little idiot, and often does some weird, crazy things, no one knows. Why does he want to make such a request?

Yan Liren mentioned it twice, but after seeing that no one could repair it, he didn't mention it anymore. At this time, everyone was left behind.

Today I listened to Li Yao’s detailed explanation and realized that there is such a mysterious truth in it. They have cast a sword for a lifetime, but they don’t know that a hole in the sword body that is invisible to the naked eye may be fatal to the final sword move. Impact!

"How can it be!"

"We can't do it with so many swordsmiths together, he can do it?"

"There is no reason. Master Lingjiu is a witchman monk, and his strength is arrogant. Why is there such a deep research on the way of sword-making?"

"But, but the last time Elder Yan used to bring the blueprint, and also said that the length and weight of the sword to be reforged, he did say that the score was not bad!"

"This this!"

The many well-known swordsmiths of the Purple Pole Sword Sect were all at a loss.

Not to mention that the monks of the different sects who were confused by Monk Zhang Er, each of them was filled with more and more intense doubts!

Only Yan Liren stared at Li Yao intently.

His sword has never really been shown to others.

Even when I asked the master swordsmith in the sect to repair, I just drew the blueprints, wrote the data and my own requirements.

Because no swordsmith dared to take up this task, this sword has never been exposed.

However, this "Master Lingjiu" not only accurately stated the length, weight and center of gravity of the sword, but also the hidden wounds inside the sword body clearly, and even said the reason why Yan Liren was unwilling to recast it. concern!

And what he relied on was nothing more than a shadowless, ethereal sword intent!

There is such a terrible sword technique in the world!

Yan Liren's eyes instantly turned red.

He has been passionate about the sword all his life, and the sword is his life. In order to obtain the most perfect sword, he would rather give everything!

I originally thought that this sword would accompany myself for life in such a broken appearance, although it could be made up for with clever swordsmanship, it was a huge regret after all!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there is a turning point, how can he not let his mind sway and his souls scream in unison!

"You, you can really recast this sword!"

The dignified sword sage growled like a frizzy young man.

"Of course! If you talk about the magical powers of swordsmanship, I may not be your opponent with Qi Zhongdao, but if you talk about the skill of forging swords and refining weapons, looking at the entire ancient sage world, the master...the world is invincible!"

With a single word, like thunder rolling in, shocked the audience!

Before participating in the Longquan Conference, Li Yaolai conducted a detailed analysis of the identity of the "Master Lingjiu".

Just positioning as a brutal force is not enough.

He was born in a modern cultivation civilization, and he is used to wearing crystal armor to fight, and crystal armor is something that cannot be seen.

Without wearing a crystal armor or driving a giant soldier, with his strength, let alone a terrifying sword fairy like Shangyan Liren, even if he confronts the admiral's "Fan Tian Yin" to the limit of Qi Zhongdao. , I'm afraid they will all run away.

Even if he can be as famous as the "Three Sages and Four Evils" and ranks among the "Ten Masters in the World", it is estimated that he will be one of the relatively low rankings.

What's more, just relying on the value of force to establish an image of a peerless murderer who can fight may make people afraid of him, respect him, win him, and even have the opportunity to participate in some core secrets.

But he also plays the role of thankless "beater", and any hard work will definitely fall on him.

The refiner is different.

The profession of crafting master has existed since ancient times. At that time, it was called "swordsmith" and was very popular. It was easy to draw many masters by helping others to craft swords and refiners, forming an intricate network of relationships!

This is very beneficial to Li Yao who wants to form the "Stars and Yao Federation Overseas Nation Infant Mercenary Corps".

It's like right now, if he can really help Yan Liren successfully recast the magic sword, he will definitely gain the favor of the other party, and if he takes the opportunity to win over, it is very likely that he will be drawn to the side of the Federation!

Moreover, in some adventures to explore the ruins, the swordsmith is the key protection object, and the swordsmith will not let the swordsmith rush to the front desperately. After all, any strange organs and magic weapons will be solved by the swordsmith.

What's more, compared to his own strength value, Li Yao is still more confident in his method of forging swords and refining weapons.

The reason is simple.

He is now in the realm of Yuanying, so Ou Yezi's memory fragments have also been opened to the stage of Yuanying.

Now there is the Scarlet Heart Demon to help Li Yao devour and study Ou Yezi's memory fragments, and then share them with each other, and the efficiency of digestion and absorption is greatly improved!

The highest realm known in the ancient sacred world is the Nascent Soul. The two transforming gods who mysteriously disappeared a hundred years ago have not heard of any amazing accomplishments in the way of refining tools.

Therefore, Li Yao doesn't think there will be a "swordsmith" stronger than himself in this world!

The only trouble is that this kind of identity positioning will arouse people's doubts, and even one day, it will be associated with the "Vulture Li Yao" of the Star Federation.

However, Li Yao thought about it for a long time, thinking that this possibility is not very high.

When he was in his hometown of Star Federation, he had not told anyone that he possessed all the secrets of the ancient crafting master Ou Yezi's memory and inheritance!

Yes, at that time, he would often display some ancient refining methods, but most of the time they were auxiliary, mainly to "break the door" to understand the mystery of modern refining techniques.

At that time, he should have given people the impression that "a modern craftsman who is proficient in ancient craftsmanship and whose works are slightly archaic."

This is completely different from the authenticity and the 100% use of ancient refining tools!

As long as he slightly changes the style of refining, no one would have thought that a swordsmith from the ancient sacred world who uses the purest ancient methods, and a modern refining master with a slight antiquity in the Xingyao Federation, would actually be the same person!

What's more, before he left the Federation, he anticipated the danger of this trip, and he also made some targeted arrangements. If one day he returns to the Federation with a large number of "Natural Infant Mercenaries", these arrangements may still be available. Great use.

"My identity, Fellow Daoist Yan should know, a monk Wuman! It is only natural that you will doubt my sword-making skills!"

On the entire copper furnace peak, Li Yao's arrogant words were still shocked and silent.

Li Yao slowly glanced around, and continued to use a hoarse voice, with a little arrogance and grimness, "I didn't want to tell this secret, but Friends Yan Daoist's shocking sword really benefited me a lot!"

"I am a person with clear grievances and grievances. Since Fellow Daoist Yan gave me a bit of a face, he is willing to show me his most secret sword openly, so what is my little secret?"

"Yes, Wunan Fifth Road. Originally, there was no inheritance of sword-making and refining. Among the Wuman monks, there are very few masters who are good at swordsmanship!"

"I inherited from the line of Wuyin ancestors, originally I didn't know anything about the way of making swords!"

"However, perhaps many daoists present have heard about it. Seventy years ago, I was killed by my senior fellow Black Moon Venerable. I knocked down the cliff and poison pool. In my nine deaths, I recovered half my life, but it was corrupted to flesh. Broken bones, broken meridians, beyond recognition!"

"Fortunately, dozens of poisonous species collided with each other and barely saved a life. After that, they encountered another adventure and found a remnant ancient cave from the Great Zhou Dynasty era!"

"The Great Zhou Dynasty!"

Many monks exclaimed.

After "Great Zhou" was "Yunqin", the second unified dynasty of the ancient sacred world, it has a history of eighty to ninety thousand years. In the eyes of the cultivator who respects the ancients and degrades the present, the older the more powerful cultivators, it is naturally unpredictable , A wonderful existence!

"That was the cave house left by a sword-making and Xiangjian master named'Yan Zhu' of the Great Zhou Dynasty. In order to avoid the war in the Great Zhou cultivation world, he went into exile all the way to the south of the Wujiang River and was buried there. The cave has not been opened by anyone for tens of thousands of years, but it was found by the Master in the dark!"

The name Yan Zhu was naturally made up by Li Yao.

Along the way, he has carefully understood that this "Great Zhou" is a short-lived dynasty with frequent wars and endless struggles. There are very few ancient books and materials left, and a non-existent "Great Zhou Swordsman" is made up casually, and no one can look at it. A flaw!


Four changes are going to be made today, and the veteran has to go and figure out how to make it tomorrow!

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