40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1411: Are all routines?

In the ancient world, it is not uncommon to accidentally discover the ancient cave mansion, inherited from the previous dynasty, and become a master of the world. At least, it is much easier to accept than the explanation of "I am an alien."

Among the diverse babies present, there are also quite a few people who have had adventures and have their own secret cave.

However, the opportunity to find the "Era of the Great Zhou Dynasty" close to the beginning of the history of the ancient sacred world, the ancient cave mansion eight to nine thousand years ago, is indeed amazing!

Even the skeptical Nascent Souls, at this moment, they are still standing still, patiently listening.

Li Yao said proudly: "Yan Zhu left hundreds of imperial sword techniques, as well as thirty-six volumes of ancient sword-making scores. I spent a whole seventy years immersing them all, assimilating them as much as possible, and I can barely be considered as a master. The inheritance of candles."

"Hundreds of imperial swordsmanship techniques were all obtained by Yan Zhu from the masters of other factions of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The good and the bad are mixed, and they are very complex."

"And the thirty-six scrolls of the ancient score for sword casting are the culmination of his own brainchild, a masterpiece that is not easy to do!"

"So, in terms of swordsmanship, I may not be as good as some of the world's heroes, but in terms of swordsmanship and sword-making skills, I have so little confidence. You sword, if even I can't recast it, There is no cure!"

The complexions of several swordsmiths of the Purple Pole Sword Sect became a little ugly, whispering and whispering.

I originally thought that this worship elder from Wunan was just a simple martial artist, but I didn't expect that he was still an unparalleled swordsmith in the world? real or fake!

Yan Liren's eyes flashed sharply, and he went further, "How do you help me recast this sword? Tell me about it!"

"it is good!"

Li Yao nodded, cleared his throat, and said calmly, "First of all, I want to be inseparable from you, go out and go in together, practice together every day, and even sleep on your feet, to understand your personality, thinking, Taoism, etc. Cultivation, become the closest person to you, and firmly grasp every detail of you!"


Yan Liren's eyes rolled randomly.

He has practiced in the Purple Pole Sword Sect for nearly a hundred years, and he has seen a lot of top swordsmiths, but he has never heard of such a weird sword casting technique.

However, this method and his sword practice have the same effect. After thinking about it carefully, there seems to be some truth!

"This process can be as short as three months, and as long as a year, because I have to count every small movement when you walk, breathe, and shoot, even the rhythm of your heartbeat and the shrinkage of pores, before you can recast it. A perfect sword!"

Li Yao said sternly, "This is also the primordial infant who I am willing to serve as the elder of the Purple Extreme Sword Sect for one year. Only this long time is enough for me to figure out everything about you!"

This sentence is of course half true.

Yan Liren is such a peerless hunk, how could Li Yao easily let it go?

If you can practice together with him and try to figure out all the details of him at close range, it will definitely be of great benefit to Li Yao's own combat effectiveness.

He can even take this opportunity to draw this person over in subtle ways!

Moreover, as long as he and Yan Liren are in and out of and inseparable, if there is a real human empire in this world, when you find Yan Liren, a peerless sword fairy, you will also find him, the "swordsmith", he All have considerable value to win, then you can take advantage of the trend to know the conspiracy of the empire!

"anything else?"

Yan Li said noncommittal, tilting his head, as if he was really considering this possibility.

"Also, in this year, I will use the best refining field of the Purple Extreme Sword Sect, and use all kinds of magic weapons to practice my hands, gradually blend my soul and the environment of the refining field, and adjust myself. At its peak!"

Li Yao said, "It is estimated that one and a half years will be enough for me to understand every detail of the refinery field here, and raise myself to the most perfect state!"

Yan Liren nodded thoughtfully.

"In addition, I want you to help me prepare a thousand kinds of the most famous fires in the ancient sacred world, and a thousand kinds of water collected from famous mountains, rivers, and caves. I want to taste them one by one and look for several kinds of fire and water that are most suitable for you. Refining!"

Yan Liren squinted his eyes and said: "The most famous source of fire and water in the ancient sacred world can be found in the Purple Pole Sword Sect, and its characteristics have been known to us for a long time. Reading through the dossier, you can know at a glance.

"What I want to know is not the characteristics of different fires and water sources, but the illusory artistic conception contained in its depths!"

Li Yao said indifferently, "The fire and water in the world are just like people in the world, each with different personalities and temperaments. The stream flowing down from the lofty mountains has an aura of loneliness and awe-inspiring; it has been burning in the depths of the desert for thousands of years. Ground fire, with a murderous aura that swept over 90,000 miles with a violent sand! What I am looking for is you and this sword, the most'like-minded' water and fire!"

A light gradually appeared on Yan Liren's bald brain, and he said solemnly, "So that's it, Yan has been taught!"

"Also, the most important point."

Li Yaodao, "What you practice is the sword of murder, so I still need to see how you really kill, kill the person who is worth killing! Only by witnessing the wonderful moment of the Changhong piercing the sun and the meteor piercing the moon can you refine it enough to carry it. The sword of all your life!"

Yan Liren pondered for a moment: "Those who are worth killing, Han Baling, Qi Changsheng, Wan Mingzhu, and Wang Xi, are masters of the'four evil' ranks, are they enough?"

Li Yao nodded: "Enough, as long as I can find any of them and fight against him, it will be enough for me to appreciate this wonderfulness and complete all the preparations before the sword is made!"

Three sages and four evils, one monk and one emperor, that is what Ling Lanyin said, the real super master group of the ancient sacred world, and the Yuan Ying behind, far apart.

With Li Yao now chatting and laughing with Yan Liren and becoming the worship elder of the Purple Pole Sword Sect, then the "Three Sages" and "One Monk and One Emperor" will all have the opportunity to meet.

But among the "four evils", except for Han Baling, who has been matched by Han Yuantai, the other "three evils" can't take the initiative to come out and meet him, right?

Li Yao deliberately said this in front of the world's heroes, so afterwards, with Yan Liren to find the "four evil spirits", it is also due to a reason, and it will not arouse people's suspicion!

After he had all met with the "three sages and four evils, one monk and one emperor", he naturally knew whether the scouts of the real human empire were lurking around them, and whether they were carrying out ulterior conspiracies.

When Yan Liren heard this, he finally bowed, sighed with relief, and bowed deeply to Li Yao: "Yan is ignorant, I didn't expect that there is such a wonderful sword-making skill in the world, I am afraid that the ancient gods and demons will create the most precious treasures. At that time, the magical methods were nothing more than that!"


He raised his head like a white steamed bun, and his eyes sharpened suddenly, "The Master is not afraid. After helping me recast this sword, it will make me more powerful and kill you, is it more refreshing?"

Jian Chi is Jian Chi. After determining that Li Yao is a worthy target, he never forgets. Li Yao and him have been around for such a long time, and he has not forgotten it.

Li Yao laughed dumbly, touched his neck, and said lightly: "The ancient swordsmiths have a tradition of sacrificing their swords with their bodies. If they really want to die, they can die under the sharp blade made by condensing all their hard work, isn't it? Is a swordsmith, the best destination?"

But she sneered in her heart again and again: "Dwarf melon, don't be so arrogant, don't look at your sword is a little faster, that's because you haven't seen the power of modern cultivation civilization!"

"My Master asked you to make you prestigious for a while. If not, if the Master really summons a super profound bone battle armor strengthened with'string theory', **** hell!"

"The Master Ben has already stimulated the power rune to the limit, and he ran away with a'shoo', where are you going to find me?"

Li Yao thought about it carefully just now, although Yan Liren's fourth sword is terrifying, it is by no means invincible!

If the two really want to fight each other, Li Yao's tactics will be like this—

The first step is to put on the crystal armor!

The second step is to excite the ultra-high compression psychic reaction furnace and the power rune to the limit, and escape!

The third step is to summon the Federal heavy ground attack ship docked in low-Earth orbit, with all main guns, to carry out a highly saturated carpet bombing of the area where Yan Liren is located, mixed with a large number of ground penetration bombs, which will cover 100 meters underground. The entire space inside is completely shattered!

After the bombing that lasted for an hour is over, bring one hundred and eighty Taixu war soldiers, and three to five hundred puppet war beasts into the battle zone to search, hehe, are you still dead?

Of course, if there is no support from the entire fleet, then...

Then don't fight Yanli life to death!

"it is good…"

How did Yan Liren know what Li Yao was muttering in his heart? He was deeply impressed by Li Yao's sword-making skills!

Dagan Jiansheng’s face showed a more gorgeous brilliance than Liuli, and he said seriously: “After Wang Xi, you are the second Taoist friend worthy of Yan Mou to waste time practicing swordsmanship. Please beg for Yan Mou this sword. Master!"

"For the invincible in the world, to cast the sword of invincibility in the world is a swordsmith, the greatest pleasure!"

Li Yao laughed, "For the first time in my life, I set foot in Middle-earth. Although I didn't have the power to make a big impact, but to be able to make friends with such an unparalleled person like Daoist Yan, it is a worthwhile trip, Daoist Yan, please!"

"Master, please!"

The two looked at each other with a smile, saluted each other, and swaggered towards the Ziji Sword Sect's battle flag with no one beside them.

Only the countless high-level monks who were dumbfounded and turned into mud idols were left behind.

The hearts of all high-ranking monks are broken.

This, this, this drama is wrong!

In the peak duel between Qi Zhongdao and Yan Liren, it was obviously Qi Zhongdao who had won, and even the three Secret Swords completely burst. This was not a slight victory, but a complete victory, and the opposite was defeated!

Shouldn't it be the five major factions headed by Taixuan Dao that are like a rainbow, and the Purple Extreme Sword Sect is sluggish?

How come such a mysterious descendant of the "Great Zhou Swordsman" suddenly appeared, and after a few inscrutable conversations with Yan Liren Yunshan Mist, the whole atmosphere suddenly turned around?

Looking at the two people's posture, it seems that everyone on the scene has been suppressed by them, and they have become a background for them to talk and laugh!

There are many more meticulous Yuan Ying, after looking at each other, they all thought of a possibility.

"These two... shouldn't they have set their words beforehand, are they all routines?"

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